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56 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

All the women from Awakening are apparently attracted to me this month because this was my free summon off the Close Def skill banner today.


Now she has two merges on her.


i'm jealous, I hate you. LOL
(in a friend kind of way 🙂 )


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Lol. I was hoping for a green for a shot at Rhajat, whom I don't have, but there were no greens. So I picked red for Leo since QR is never bad.

And then he showed up. That said, my +atk -spd one is better, and he actually doesn't want -def anyway.

Too bad Elincia and Leanne day hated me.

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Savage Blow banner honestly blows.

3 Green, 2 Colourless

3* Rath (Maybe a better nature? +HP/-Atk, ugh.)

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Oh yeah, yesterdays Link Skills banner gave me a free Neutral Gerik.
I got +Spd -Res already, so I really don't even need to merge, but... Firesweep Axe+, Darting Blow 4, Sudden Panic... that's too much good skill fodder for 1 unit to have. What to do...

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4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Pulled free winter Sothis. Sure, I guess? Wont complain with that result!

Welcome to the club! I'm not complaining either.

Hoping for green on the Savage Blow banner for obvious reasons.

  1. 4* Hinata: Fury fodder.

Not a single green...

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4 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

Welcome to the club! I'm not complaining either.

Glad to be a part of the club!

I've honestly had amazing luck with pulls, lately, which is nice.

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Bonfire banner, free red 5*?

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (Of course)

3* Soren (This isn't Ike's pad, stop crashing here. +Def/-Atk)

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Time for Weekly Revival 14. Linde and Sonya are already +2, so red for Saber.

  1. 4* Olivia: Feathers.

And now the daily Null banner. Green since I don't have Hilda yet.

  1. 4* Cain: Meh.

Only reds and greys in that circle.

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I have done 30 summons. However this session granted me with an amazing gift. A +Atk -Hp Ophelia. I am very happy about this +Atk nature. I also have a  -Atk +Hp Igrene that isn't the best around so I will definitely fodder her to Ophelia Dusk. 

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This weekly revival is nice and all, but I'm wondering how many of these units should get out of the pool.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Efiie (And here I was concerned I'd get another 5*. +Res/-Def)

This Null banner on the other hand I don't see any of them demoting.

3 Colourless, 2 Red

4* M!Corrin (Disappointment and Corrin. Name me a more iconic duo. +Atk/-Def)

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Got a free Linde (neutral) from the weekly revival! Not one of my most-wanted revival units, but still, nice to make a bit more progress on that. Only 13 left now: Lucina, Leo, Minerva, Eldigan, Sanaki, Olwen, Karel, Alm, Mist, Innes, Dierdre, Mia, and Lute.

Writing it out like that makes me notice there's only three more launch units. Lucina and Leo would certainly be nice, but Minerva would be pretty hard to care about since her younger version is the same unit type.

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Saw that there was a banner with FH!Mareeta on it today so I figured I would spend the one hundred some orbs I managed to get this week. Only spent 60 orbs and got Shannan (he's becoming a common pitybreaker for me these days but at least he's one I welcome), Hilda (finally someone from Three Houses who is not a Black Eagles pitybreaker) and FH!Mareeta. Finally got that Flashing Blade 4 fodder I have been wanting for NY!Anna and she will get Null Follow Up as a bonus (Wary Fighter won't protect those armored units from Glacies now).

And with that I'm back to saving up my orb stash unless we somehow get a fourth Anna this year or any of Nyna, Luthier, Tine or really any New Heroes banners with Mystery of the Emblem or Sacred Stones characters I might be interested in show up.

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Since there is a potential Grima banner on the way I've decided to save...though we also have archer Chrom coming this month and a shot at getting a +Atk nature....hmmm.......decisions, decisions...

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50 orbs in the Duo Banner got me a neutral NY!Selkie. None of the blue orbs netted me a NY!Alfonse or even Xmas Nino.

Edited by Karimlan
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