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Ike merge hoping. That's what this weekly revival is.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (Screw it, maybe I'll finally pull Chad?)

4* Priscilla (I never want to see her or her brother in this game. +Def/-Res)

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One Tsubasa and Lysithea each from the moonbow banner for 170 orbs.

Not a bad deal, considering not getting a pitybreaker.

Though Tsuabsa is -atk and still no +atk Lysithea, so I will try at least for one more Tsubasa.

With today's quests orbs I will try my luck again later.


Edit: Got a second Tsubasa twelve orbs later - awesome!

Also freepulled a 4* Lena from the Archanea banner, so 40 more dragonflowers.

Will try to pull my namesake with the forging bond tickets then, but I will not spend any orbs in this banner, so very low chance to pull him here.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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Got a +Res -Def Lena off the free summon (and the only pull I'm going to do, not having played New Mystery), which is cool. Then I did the new story quests (the final map is kinda nuts) and sniped w/~30 orbs for blues and colorless on the TH summer banner and got pity-broken at 4.25% by neutral Selkie.

Which, Selkie's cool and I didn't have her before. But it's weird how I've spent like at least 150-200 orbs on the TH summer banner, up til just now doing full circle pulls, and I've got Duo Byleth twice and none of the others. 

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Well, uh. Apparently I got a Lena. At 5-star. I wasn't pulling seriously on this banner, so whatever. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for fodder though.

What is Lena's 4-star unlock skill even

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Getting it over and done with. Blue with some red depending on gut feel.

4* Est
4* Ares
3* Eliwood

3* Kaze

4* Valbar

5* Anna +HP -Def
3* Ogma

4* Clair
3* Eirika

Uhh, okay. A recent fast lance infantry is a recent fast lance infantry. Not bad for 9 pulls total, 100% done with this banner since Anna and F Kris are pretty much interchangable for my purposes, and M Kris would have just been a random bonus. Now to look up what Anna actually does because remembering what all new units do these days is beyond my brain capacity.


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I'm not gonna lie, Lena and Julian is the entire reason I want to pull this banner.

IS knew, the bastards.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Sure, when I want a colourless.....)

3* Saizo (At least be a not launch unit and not waste our time Saizo. +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Jakob (Units I wish to never see again and Jakob make a perfect circle on a Venn diagram. +Spd/-Res), 3* Gordin (Still no Chad. Compensation Chads when IS? +Atk/-Def)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Gaius (Same as Jakob. +HP/-Res)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Lena (Best Archanean. Fight me. +Def/-HP, not the best nature.)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Norne (See this? More of this please. +Def/-Spd), 4* Rebecca (See this? Less of this please. +Atk/-HP)

So, I'm going to see how much the mythic banner will break me. Anankos will be acceptable if it means saving for August thank you.

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All that orb dumping to get guaranteed infantry lance units. Back to back forging bonds are awful. On the bright side, the Heroes, Light and Shadows banner was nice in giving me another Echidna merge, two Mustafa copies (+Atk, -Res and +Def, -Spd), and a surprise: my first Velouria. Also, I believe it has broken the record for the most amount of already a 4* unit in a new heroes banner with three Lenas. I don't know how to feel about that when Julian didn't show up. Well, eventually he will like Phina did for Navarre.

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Time for Weekly Revival 19. Everyone here has at least one merge already, so I'll try to get lucky for Lucina's sake.

  1. 5* B!Lucina: Lucky indeed! Now she's +5, which is a healthy boost to her stats. +Atk-Spd for the record.

On that high note, time to spend the tickets. Grey just to maximize my chance of getting a focus unit.

  1. 4* Saizo: Feathers.
  2. 3* Virion: More feathers.
  3. 4* Lena: Yay. She's nothing special, but a new unit's never unwelcome. +HP/-Spd, not that it means much for a healer.
  4. 4* Legault: Meh.
  5. 4* Lachesis: Bleh.

No Julian, but that free merge for B!Lucina means this was still an above-average session.

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I decided Fury 4 fodder is tempting, especially since the spark is a thing anyway... And I get pitybroken by a Micaiah. 😕 I wish I could send her home, but she's +Atk. I can use that against armors in AA on occasion.

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Yep, I knew I used up all my good luck last month. I used all 400 of my orbs and didn't get any of the focus units at five stars. Wow, Kris really is a forgotten Hero huh. Instead I got Karla twice (I wanted Spurn fodder not Wrath fodder dangit), Fallen Male Corrin, Kiria, Perceval and Tibarn which I guess isn't too bad since all of them provide great fodder. I decided to spark Julian since I wanted him the most and at least I still managed to summon Norne and Klein twice each for merges as well as Lena five times as a four star unit. Looks like I'm passing on CYL4 since I'm probably going to be spending the next two weeks saving up orbs and keep trying to summon at least either gender of Kris.

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No luck for me with my tickets, I'll have to get the Krises another time~

10 hours ago, silverserpent said:


Okay...guess I'm glad I was only doing the free pulls for this banner. If only I had such an easy time with Byleth on the summer banner.

Ayye nice, congrats!

5 hours ago, ruruo said:

Managed to get 2xF!Kris, M!Kris, 4* Lena and sparked Julian. I may have screwed my orbs over for CYL, but I'm super happy to finally have F!Kris ❤️ 

Congrats on all those pulls! Now will you do your legal obligation and marry Jeorge and F!Kris?

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7 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

No luck for me with my tickets, I'll have to get the Krises another time~

Yeah, same for me except I just wanted Lena at least and couldn't even get her with my freebies (probably because I only got colorless in two out of the five sets).

Oh yeah, and no Ingrid from the chapter orbs either but I expected that part.

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I have some number of orbs.

Another circle.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Lena (That's alright. +Spd/-HP, wait is that actually good?)

Alright, another, that was only one.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Jeorge (I could stand to not see him again. +Spd/-Def), 4* Gaius (Please go away. +Def/-HP)


Now I wait on the legendary banner to disappoint.

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34 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, same for me except I just wanted Lena at least and couldn't even get her with my freebies (probably because I only got colorless in two out of the five sets).

Oh yeah, and no Ingrid from the chapter orbs either but I expected that part.

Well the good news is, Lena will probably show up soon after she demotes~ Sucks no Ingrid, though~

27 minutes ago, Lightningdawn said:

After 700 orbs, I pulled F!Kris 11 times and now have a +10, +Speed. Still have 600+ orbs...maybe I should go for the male one, too.

Congrats! That's pretty good luck for 700 Orbs!

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"Well, the unit I want the most is Julian. Time to free pull! Cool, got 1 colorless node. *tap* ...I got Julian. XD Guess I don't need the rest of this banner! Time to keep trying to pull another copy of Sylvain and maybe an Ingrid! (And then trying for Wolt again.)" That said, all tickets will still be used on colorless nodes. The Julian I got is -spd +res.

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5 hours ago, Lightningdawn said:

After 700 orbs, I pulled F!Kris 11 times and now have a +10, +Speed. Still have 600+ orbs...maybe I should go for the male one, too

Summoning the same unit eleven times with 700 orbs sounds pretty lucky. Congrats!

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Welp, all the free pulls were a waste of time. Not even a 4* Lena or Norne copies...nothing but Serras and Lucius (and a Nowi when there were no colorless orbs). 

I'm also at 3.75% on the Moonbow banner, let's see if I can get at least 1 Spy Tsubasa/Lysithea before it's gone.

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I got a +Spd, -Res female Kris. I wanted to fodder her to Sylvain for Fury 4, but those IVs are too good not to keep. I'll just have to eventually use the spark and fodder one from that.

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All these circles are in shadow.

Hence why we can't pull Kris.

4* Sothe (Acceptable. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Lucius (Nucius. +Def/-Res)

Edit: Still got more than a few orbs, let's try another.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Norne (Nice. +HP/-Atk), 4* Lissa (Not as nice. +Spd/-Res)

Edited by Dayni
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