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I leave the game for months, and I come back to continue my quite nonsense luck. Pull up the banner featuring Sothis and spend a free summon ticket to, what do you know, get Sothis.



Because of that, I still had a bunch of free orbs, so I thought I'd try my hand in the Summer rerun banner, and on my second summon, right after the free one, look who decides to show up 



So yeah, still havent felt the reason to spend any money. I think I'll just keep on riding out my good luck.

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Another mediocre Daily BHB banner today.

  1. 3* Soren: Feathers.

And now the Tempest Trials banner. I'll try red for the better odds of a free 5*.

  1. 4* Raigh: Not even close.
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So there's quite a bit to report since the free Sothis:

Free summons: Nothing, as always. 

Hero Fest: Laegjarn from 9 orbs. Yeah, I was banking on getting a Sothis merge from the bugged stuff but instead I got Red Duel Flying fodder. I'll keep it around until the day I decide to start working on either Caeda or Palla. 

Summer Banner trying to get a Byleth merge or Ingrid: Larcei (+Hp -Res) after getting up to 4.50%. Same nature as her mother, that's one hell of a coincidence and it's funny because that makes her 100% Ayra+ kiddie edition. I like her well enough so I'm going to build her up despite me having more than enough sword infantries in my barracks.

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Was pulling for either Summer Linde or Summer Takumi on that banner, got summer Takumi. Unfortunately not really better than the previous one, they're both kind of the same, so I'll keep the one that's built up.

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Cherche and Virion's banner has no units I'd be crying for.

Cherche merge would be neat, that's all.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Beruka (I haven't seen her in ages. +Atk/-Def)

Meanwhile this TT banner is nice as I have all three. I'll go read as there's more chance.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Lilina (I should have seen this coming. +Res/-Atk)

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Caved in and took one last shot on the Archanean banner before it leaves. Spent 20 orbs and got Male Kris so I finally have Spurn fodder now and I know exactly who I'm giving it too once I get the feathers and flowers off of him. Can finally leave the banner satisfied now. Hopefully the CYL4 banner won't have anything interesting so I can build up my orb stash again.

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Karla's already +2, but another merge never hurt anybody.

  1. 5* Kiria: Well, damn! Rather than one K I got another. She's +Def/-HP, which at least isn't actively bad.

I've been supremely lucky on these recent banners, almost too lucky. 3 free 5*s in 4 days makes me worry that my pulls on the pirate banner are going to be atrocious.

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I've made a huge mistake. After determining that I had no upcoming orb expenditure other than sparking for CYL, I decided to just drop everything I had on the Hero Fest. Seven full circles later (140 orbs), all I have to show for it is another +Spd -Def Nagi (yes, two with identical natures on this very banner). I didn't even have an obvious use for the first one, and now there's two of them. Hell, even if I ignore trying to be efficient and just forget about passing the Special Fighter on, I have no real DC candidates ready. Now I'm sitting on exactly zero orbs and a 10% pity rate with two days to break it.

Oh well, win some lose some I guess. I had a very lucky July overall and now I've crashed and burned. I'm Even Stephen. And I suppose there's a tiny bit of consolation that the random riff-raff included one Tethys and one Reyson, leaving me just one copy short of having enough of each of them to get to +10. With that in mind I'm now a bit hesitant to spend any of my 410k feathers, knowing I might need to spend 360k of them (both are +1 right now) at the drop of the hat. Then again, this could be another Ares situation where I need to wait another six months for the final copy, so....


No joy from the daily banners so far either.


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the last Tailtiu i needed to make her +10 finally (i wanted to pull red for Karla, but the game said no)

also, my rate was stupidly high in 3H's summer banner (5%), but today i managed to break it with a Fallen Ike, and honestly i'm completely fine with this


now let's see how high my pity rate will get while trying to get Pirate Tibarn

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Hey look a Karla banner. I always get lucky on these by pulling a Karla merge on the free pull. Maybe I’ll pull another one-OH MY GOD


I’ve been wanting her for so long and she finally came home aaaaahhhhh.



Edited by Jave
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Man this banner is a pass.

2 each Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Lilina (For some reason I keep getting her lately. +HP/-Def)

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Finally get Bernadetta after too many orbs. Between her and Edelgard both being shy my orbs are gone. But I do have a question. I have two extra Hels, one extra Sothis, one extra Nagi and one extra Thrasir. What should I do with them? Merge? Any skills I should give to someone else? (This isn’t bragging...I spent a lot of orbs and honestly don’t know the best way to use my extra 5*s.)

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200 orbs extremely well spent!!

Free -Atk+HP B Camilla dupe. Lol who gets her fodder—Rhys?

Then a 5* Geese shortly after: +Atk-HP!

100 orbs later: Duo Xander, +Res-HP, so all good~

100 orbs after that, Pirate Tibarn!! +Atk-Res!!

Yay! Done so quickly.

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Got Geese (+Spd/-Res) in 33 orbs, then finally headed back to the Hero Fest banner and got Bernie (+HP/-Def) on my first non-free pull! All in all, worked out very nicely.

8 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Finally get Bernadetta after too many orbs. Between her and Edelgard both being shy my orbs are gone. But I do have a question. I have two extra Hels, one extra Sothis, one extra Nagi and one extra Thrasir. What should I do with them? Merge? Any skills I should give to someone else? (This isn’t bragging...I spent a lot of orbs and honestly don’t know the best way to use my extra 5*s.)

Hold onto them for now. Personally I have a special Favorite tag I use for duplicate 5*s I've pulled and haven't come up with a use for yet.

Hel can pass someone Distant Counter and Guard Bearing 3 to a melee flier, Nagi can pass Distant Counter and Special Fighter 3 to a melee armor, Sothis can pass Time's Pulse 3 to an infantry unit, and Thrasir can pass Flashing Blade 4 and Panic Smoke 3 to an infantry unit that already has Flashing Blade 3. It'll take time to figure out what units would really be likely to benefit from those, though. It's no fun to burn rare fodder on a unit and then stop really using them.

Personally I've gotten two extra Nagis and used them to give DC+SF to my Gwendolyn and Sheena, but only after merging them up. Because I was putting merges, dragonflowers, and other resources into them, I knew I could count on them to get good long-term use out of the skills. I suggest waiting until you find similar project units. A given 5* that seems powerful at the time can get powercrept by a later one in a similar role, but a merge project tends to be a lot more reliably resilient. I've pretty much stopped giving rare fodder to units other than merge projects entirely, although I might make exceptions for offense mythics.

Edited by Othin
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Behold, as I dump about 84 orbs and fail to get Tibarn, a 4* Geese, or even a single Forrest:


Free Pull: 3* Oboro [+Spd/-Def]

84 -> 79: 4* Azama [+HP/-Spd]

79 -> 74: 4* Gaius [+Res/-Spd]
74 -> 70: 4* Lucius [+Res/-HP]

70 -> 65: 4* Lachesis [+Atk/-Def]
65 -> 61: 3* Emmeryn [+HP/-Spd], first summoned Emmeryn
61 -> 57: 4* Sakura [+Spd/-Res]

57 -> 52: 4* Mercedes [+Def/-Res]
52 -> 48: 4* Norne [+Atk/-Res]

48 -> 43: 4* Est [+Res/-Spd]

43 -> 38: 4* Ferdinand [+Res/-Spd]

38 -> 33: 3* Niles [neutral]

33 -> 28: 3* Felicia [neutral]

28 -> 23: 4* Altena [+Res/-Def]

23 -> 18: 3* Virion [+Def/-Spd]

18 -> 13: 4* L'Arachel [+Atk/-Res]

13 -> 8: 4* Effie [+Res/-Def]

8 -> 3: 3* Sakura [+HP/-Res]
6 -> 2: 4* Lena [+Res/-Spd] 

I expected nothing going in, yet I'm still pissed nonetheless.

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Let's see: 

The revival banner gave me Aether fodder (a -Spd Ike). 

The pirate banner free summon: 4* Athena...ugh. 

Buggy Hero Fest: +Atk Idunn. I swear I'm getting nothing but Gen 3 and beyond stuff on this banner, the game really doesn't want to give me those Sothis merges it seems. Not that I'm complaining that much, I'm getting pretty strong units and I like Idunn so another merge for her is always welcome.

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I've been on fire the past week.

2 copies of Thrasir off my free summon session for this mythic banner. One came up +speed as well. Yay

1 duo Ephraim from HF, and 1 Hardin (which means another duo Ephraim), also 1 Bernie and 2 Sothis all within 40 orbs.

Free summoned my first brave Veronica off the TT banner.

And a random fallen Mareeta free summon from the pirate banner.

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You know what, I never see anyone reference these pirates.

But before trying the pirates, a word from a bad banner.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* HInata (Free Fury. Neat. +Atk/-Def)

And now it's pirate time. Brigged and Veronica are definitely personal interests.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (And just when I say it....)

4* Camilla (Wrong Fates royal! +HP/-Def)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Ferdinand (You're not a group of goose. +Def/-HP), 4* Ares (Also good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* Merric (I need no launch units this bad. +Res/-Def), 5* Edelgard (Winds of Fodlan tell me to go for CYL 4- Oh come on! +HP/-Def, you're not a horse.), 4* Jeorge (What do you get when you pull colourless? A lotta launch units. +Def/-HP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Chrom (What would happen if you google Google Chrom in Google Chrome? +HP/-Atk), 4* Mathilda (Nahthilda. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Caeda (Naeda. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Sylvia (You're yet another one. +Spd/-Def)


2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Nino (Ninogoaway +Spd/-Atk), 4* Lilina (Stop, you're like the new Caeda. Or Raigh. +Def/-Spd), 4* Chrom (It's a unit alright. Yet another Chrom. +HP/-Def), 4* Geese (Good, out of the way. Neutral. 4* Infantry Pulse too? I wouldn't say no to another copy.)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Frederick (It's the big knight. I know Awakening armour gets a lot of flak, but is Great Knight's that bad? +HP/-Def), 3* Fae (Renewal! ARRRRRR! +Spd/-Def)


2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Ares (Point me to more good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 4* HInata (See? It's a small chest of fodder gold! +Res/-Spd)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (Why?)

4* FIr (While I was trying to get better units she studied the blade. +Res/-Def)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

5* Veronider (AHOY THERE! They've done well to make it this farrrrrrr! +Spd/-Atk Keelhaul it all!), 4* Eirika (No, no, just go away. +Spd/-HP), 4* Mordecai (Can we just remove him? +Res/-HP), 3* Wrys (No Wrys, there's pirates here! +Res/-HP), 4* Tanya (+Atk? Neutral, ah well.)

One down, 2 to go because she had to have her worst nature.

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Daily BHB banner first. Mist would like a merge.

  1. 4* Niles: Iceberg fodder.

And now to splurge on the Pirate banner. Aiming for Xander and Veronica, although I wouldn't mind Geese either. Sniping greens, with blue as a fallback. 369 orbs to start, and spoilers because I know this is going to be a lengthy one.


Free pull first...

  1. 4* Sheena: Feathers.

I suppose I wasn't going to be that lucky.

  1. 4* Echidna: SI fodder.

Hopefully this doesn't take too long. 364 orbs left.

  1. 3* Barst: Reposition fodder.

That was nice. 359 orbs left.

  1. 4* Libra: Meh.

354 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: Meh.

I'd appreciate more than one green at a time, Feh. 349 orbs left.

  1. 5* Annette: Okay? +Res/-Def isn't too bad, and for 25 orbs she's a steal.

I'm not going to say Annette's bad, but I really have other priorities. 344 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: Bleh.

339 orbs left.

  1. 3* Clair: Feathers.

334 orbs left.

  1. 3* Echidna: Eh.

329 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lukas: Wrong lance infantry.

324 orbs left.

  1. 4: Subkai: Eh.

Greens, please. 319 orbs left.

  1. 4* Pirate!Geese: Hello there. +Spd/-Def is pretty good, although a merge to fix that flaw wouldn't go amiss.

Well, there's one objective complete. 314 orbs left.

  1. 3* Cordelia: No.

What the heck is this no-green nonsense? 309 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: Feathers.
  2. 3* Libra: Go away.
  3. 4* Barst: More Reposition fodder.

That was disappointing. 296 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fae: Eh.
  2. 3* Cecilia: Feathers.

So much garbage. 287 orbs left.

  1. 4* Beruka: Ugh.

282 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Veronica: There we go! +Def/-Spd also means they actually have a good asset and flaw for once.

I could stop right now, but I want to get Xander and Veronica a merge. Hopefully I don't regret this. 277 orbs left.

  1. 3* Camilla: Bleh.

272 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: Feathers.

267 orbs left.

  1. 3* Frederick: More feathers.

262 orbs left.

  1. 4* Subaki: No thanks.

257 orbs left.

  1. 4* Abel: Swordbreaker fodder.

252 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: No.

247 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reinhardt: No.

242 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sheena: Ugh.

237 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: Go away.

232 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mustafa: +Atk/-Def, so I think I'll merge into the +Res/-Atk he's sporting right now.

227 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: Meh.
  2. 3* Boey: No.

218 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: 3 times in less than 40 orbs...

213 orbs left.

  1. 4* Peri: No.

208 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wendy: No.

203 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.

198 orbs left. I was hoping I wouldn't have to dip this deeply into my stockpile.

  1. 4* Cecilia: Feathers.

193 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mordecai: No.

This ridiculous dearth of green orbs is getting on my nerves. 188 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fae: Feathers.

183 orbs left.

  1. 3* Arthur: Go away, for Naga's sake.

178 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wendy: At least be creative with the garbage, Feh.

173 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fae: Eh.
  2. 5* Fallen!Lyon: Well, at least you're a useful unit. +Res/-Def is decent enough.

Damn pitybreakers. I could have been done 100 orbs ago if it weren't for them. 164 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mustafa: Once was enough.
  2. 3* Ross: No.

155 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nino: Meh.
  2. 4* Gunter: Ugh.
  3. 4* Rath: Nope.

Disappointing. 142 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: No.

137 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cherche: Meh.
  2. 3* Cherche: FFS.

I think Feh is making fun of me. 128 orbs left.

  1. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.

123 orbs left.

  1. 4* Pirate!Geese: +HP/-Spd, so merge fodder it is.

118 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mustafa: Go away, seriously.

113 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reyson: No.

108 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: Stop.
  2. 4* Mustafa: Seriously?
  3. 3* Nino: No.

Surely the pool of 3-4* greens isn't this small? 95 orbs left.

  1. 5* Lilith: Not who I was looking for at all, but you are very useful. +Atk/-Spd as usual for my fast units. I'm not even surprised at this point.

Screw it. I've dumped 3/4 of my stockpile into this banner already, might as well use up the rest. L!Julia's +3 already, she'll be fine. 90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reyson: Again?

This clumping of identical units is getting unbelievably irritating. 85 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sheena: At least you're different.
  2. 3* Nino: And back to form.

76 orbs left.

  1. 4* Rath: Feathers.

71 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Meh.

I'm going to make red my fallback now. Maybe I'll get Brigid. 66 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Veronica: Finally a merge! Full neutral, so easy merge fodder. Might as well take the rest of the circle now.
  2. 3* Cecilia: Feathers.
  3. 4* Hana: More feathers.
  4. 4* Raigh: Garbage.
  5. 3* Lachesis: An appropriately worthless capstone to this session.

To sum things up, for 323 orbs I managed to pull:

  • +Def Harmonic!Veronica+1
  • +Res/-Def Annette
  • +Res/-Def Fallen!Lyon
  • +Atk/-Spd Lilith
  • 2 copies of 4* Pirate!Geese

Taken in a vacuum this was decently efficient spending, but honestly I would gladly have given up one or two of the pitybreakers to save orbs considering I went in hoping to spend no more than 200. Well, at least the pitybreakers are actually good units this time. Now to level everyone.

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Continuing at 10% on Hero Fest.

4* Marth
4* Python
4* Lilina
3* Bartre
3* Leon

*sigh* Time to dig out some rainy day orbs. Book 3 CCs are done, so I'm going all the way back to Christmas 2018 Paralogue CCs.


3* Arthur
4* Frederick
3* Gordin
5* Sothis +Def -HP
3* Kagero

Glad that's over, don't care who broke the rate and this is acceptable as far as things go since she's new despite being someone I'm not likely to use. Mostly I just feel bad for getting sucked in, even if it was mathematically the optimal choice. I'm now at 0 orbs once more so I'll have to wait for the TT orbs to come in before being able to do a full circle on the Pirate banner, but that's probably just as well as doing it now would probably tilt me more.

P.S. Daily banner is a 3* Matthew. Next.

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