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Now people are making me want Spring Chrom...I think I'll give it one more shot to get him, before I completely run out of orbs.  After 293482398472389 tries, I finally got a Spring Camilla lol.  Along with her, the new units I got include 4* versions of Selena and Merric, along with several 3* dupes of previous characters.

I've never played the game that the next focus banner is based on, so I'm going to sit that one out.  Will do like 2 more pulls with my remaining orbs and update this post with the results lol.

UPDATE: Spring Chrom magically obtained with my last set of 5 orbs lol.  Reminds me of how I pulled Ephraim :O And now, all my luck has been used up for at least 100 more orbs worth.

Edited by mewyeon
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4 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

I've never played the game that the next focus banner is based on, so I'm going to sit that one out.  Will do like 2 more pulls with my remaining orbs and update this post with the results lol.

Congratulations! :)

I've never played the next one either, but if the spear users are good, I'll pull for them and other blue units like Neowi.


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So I had 30 orbs and a mission to Make Navarre Great Again, and decided to do a few selective red-only pulls to try and hunt for Karel because why not.

I allowed myself to spend 20 orbs to account for the upcoming paralogue and the resumed income of daily orbs.

As I only pulled red, I was safe from ever getting any bunny, which pleased me greatly.

Pull 1: 3 blue, 1 red, 1 green (3⋆ Eliwood) ← absolutely meh.
Pull 2: 2 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 grey (5⋆ Caeda) ← woah, but then I looked at her flaw and was confused.
Pull 33 red, 2 blue (4⋆ Hana, 3⋆ Lon'qu, 4⋆ Cain) ← even more woah! Hana had the audacity to show up right after I promoted her alt-twin to 4⋆. Oh well, you can never have too much L&D on hand. Cain is nice too, especially with his asset. Overpulled a bit this time, down to 7 orbs, but it's fine: I will surely be up to 20 again in time for the Alm banner. Worth it anyway.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Caeda F +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hana   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Lon'qu   +Spd −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cain C +Atk −Def

So yeah, my silly summary as a master tactician:
this Eliwood is trash;
this Caeda is questionable (my current 4⋆ Caeda is +Def, −Res, which does hurt her Glaciesstill Chilling Wind damage output a bit) but she's already very fast so maybe −Spd isn't so harmful for her;
this Hana is made even more lopsided and glassy with those stats (my other 4⋆ Hana is neutral and future L&D fodder and my other other Hana is 3⋆ and +Spd, −Res);
this Lon'qu is nothing special (and I already have the exact same one; oh well, Vantage is nice, I guess);
this Cain should be good as a brave user with that delicious +Atk, while −Def does maybe bring him a bit closer to the glassier side.


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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

So I had 30 orbs and a mission to Make Navarre Great Again, and decided to do a few selective red-only pulls to try and hunt for Karel because why not.

I allowed myself to spend 20 orbs to account for the upcoming paralogue and the resumed income of daily orbs.

As I only pulled red, I was safe from ever getting any bunny, which pleased me greatly.

Pull 1: 3 blue, 1 red, 1 green (3⋆ Eliwood) ← absolutely meh.
Pull 2: 2 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 grey (5⋆ Caeda) ← woah, but then I looked at her flaw and was confused.
Pull 33 red, 2 blue (4⋆ Hana, 3⋆ Lon'qu, 4⋆ Cain) ← even more woah! Hana had the audacity to show up right after I promoted her alt-twin to 4⋆. Oh well, you can never have too much L&D on hand. Cain is nice too, especially with his asset. Overpulled a bit this time, down to 7 orbs, but it's fine: I will surely be up to 20 again in time for the Alm banner. Worth it anyway.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Caeda F +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hana   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Lon'qu   +Spd −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cain C +Atk −Def

So yeah, my silly summary as a master tactician:
this Eliwood is trash;
this Caeda is questionable (my current 4⋆ Caeda is +Def, −Res, which does hurt her Glaciesstill Chilling Wind damage output a bit) but she's already very fast so maybe −Spd isn't so harmful for her;
this Hana is made even more lopsided and glassy with those stats (my other 4⋆ Hana is neutral and future L&D fodder and my other other Hana is 3⋆ and +Spd, −Res);
this Lon'qu is nothing special (and I already have the exact same one; oh well, Vantage is nice, I guess);
this Cain should be good as a brave user with that delicious +Atk, while −Def does maybe bring him a bit closer to the glassier side.


My opinion?

Not to be mean but:


Lol jk

You could've waited until Alm came so at least you also had a chance at getting something else good besides what you're looking for!

Lon'puke: good candidate for desp+Life and death or vantage fodder

Hana: Good candidate for desp+Life and death

Everything else: not bothering to sift through trash though Cain is wings of Mercy food

I'm a little disappointed, Vax.............

Oh well, you smell :P

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You could've waited until Alm came so at least you also had a chance at getting something else good besides what you're looking for!

Like I even care about Alm. He could be a staff bot and I wouldn't be that upset (I would but not that much).
I mostly aimed for a Lyn to replace my wisely chosen −Atk one and one or, preferably, two Karels for the Scarlet Sword to grab that scarlet sword.

Not to say I will have enough orbs when Alm comes anyway.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Like I even care about Alm.

I mean, I don't care about Alm either, but if I was going red hunting, I'd still wait until a red is in the focus so at the very least I'll get something.

Well you got Caeda so at least that's somehow a plus, somehow. Maybe. Possibly.

Congrats! :)

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Decided to blow some last minute orbs on the Spring Focus, with good results. Of note was Spring Camilla, meaning I finally have the whole set aside from Xander, who I wasn't overly concerned about. she's -Hp/+Speed, which could be better, but could also be much worse. Between getting her, and pulling a Hinoka recently, I'm actually starting to get on my way to flier emblem shenanigans. After pulling her, I grabbed some reds from the summoning session...

Also of note was my first Lilina, whom is the first I've gotten of the red mage trio that interests me(Sanaki, Tharja, and Lilina herself), I will feed her a spare Henry and play around. A 3* Hinata will be a source of Fury 3 for a mere 2k feathers, and is greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

So I had 30 orbs and a mission to Make Navarre Great Again, and decided to do a few selective red-only pulls to try and hunt for Karel because why not.

I allowed myself to spend 20 orbs to account for the upcoming paralogue and the resumed income of daily orbs.

As I only pulled red, I was safe from ever getting any bunny, which pleased me greatly.

Pull 1: 3 blue, 1 red, 1 green (3⋆ Eliwood) ← absolutely meh.
Pull 2: 2 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 grey (5⋆ Caeda) ← woah, but then I looked at her flaw and was confused.
Pull 33 red, 2 blue (4⋆ Hana, 3⋆ Lon'qu, 4⋆ Cain) ← even more woah! Hana had the audacity to show up right after I promoted her alt-twin to 4⋆. Oh well, you can never have too much L&D on hand. Cain is nice too, especially with his asset. Overpulled a bit this time, down to 7 orbs, but it's fine: I will surely be up to 20 again in time for the Alm banner. Worth it anyway.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Caeda F +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hana   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Lon'qu   +Spd −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cain C +Atk −Def

So yeah, my silly summary as a master tactician:
this Eliwood is trash;
this Caeda is questionable (my current 4⋆ Caeda is +Def, −Res, which does hurt her Glaciesstill Chilling Wind damage output a bit) but she's already very fast so maybe −Spd isn't so harmful for her;
this Hana is made even more lopsided and glassy with those stats (my other 4⋆ Hana is neutral and future L&D fodder and my other other Hana is 3⋆ and +Spd, −Res);
this Lon'qu is nothing special (and I already have the exact same one; oh well, Vantage is nice, I guess);
this Cain should be good as a brave user with that delicious +Atk, while −Def does maybe bring him a bit closer to the glassier side.


Cain and Lon'qu are good fodders. I'd honestly take more Wings fodder over nothing.

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I got a pleasant surprise while checking the IVs of my Lvl 1 4* units

Cordelia: +ATK/-RES
Shanna:   +SPD/-RES
Barst:    +ATK/-RES
Draug:    -ATK/+DEF  ( can work around his attack, but his DEF will be monstrous )
Arthur:   +ATK/-HP
Saizo:    +SPD/-DEF

Guess it's time to train this lot.
Note: They weren't from yesterday's pull, which was utter garbage. I only got a 4* Lucius from a bunch of 3*.

Edit: Just realised my Lvl 40 4* M!Robin is +ATK/-DEF. Well, now I know who to promote!

Edited by Luchi
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Merry springtime to you all :):

I would have uploaded these a little sooner, but I had to prune through my attachment in order to have sufficient space for the pretty pictures you all seem to somewhat appreciate.  Anywho, I had enough orbs for two full summoning sessions, and all I wanted out of them were bunnies as far as the eye can see.

Round 26 Pulls



Round 26 [Spring Festival]: 4* Chrom [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Sophia [+Def, -Res] || 3* Cherche [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gunter [+Def, -HP] || 3* Jagen [+Spd, -Def]

Some of you more eagle-eyed readers may notice that there are no bunnies in this picture... I am actually somewhat ok with that fact.

  • First of all, this is a pretty good Chrom, if I do say so myself.  Thanks to the +HP, -Res version I got in my first couple of summons, I now have the option to run either a defensive or offensive spread, depending on the situation.
  • Unfortunately, this Sophia has to compete with a +Atk variant for a spot in my heart (and on my team), but I appreciate this one for not actively having a terrible nature.
  • Believe it or not, this may actually be the best Cherche I have gotten yet (my other options are either -Atk or -Spd), so I am pretty excited to get a somewhat passable one.
  • This nature somewhat kind of ok for Gunter as well... Tragically though, Neutral is still a little better, but the effort is much appreciated all the same.
  • And finally, we get to the highlight of this summoning session... Jagen?  I know, it's weird, but a) he's a new unit and b) my exhaustion addled mind seems to believe that Fury + a boon might be enough to make up for his slightly terrible speed and make something decent of him.

Round 27 Pulls



Round 27 [Spring Festival]: 3* Niles [+Def, -Atk] || 4* Corrin-M [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Gunter [+Atk, -Res] || 4* Beruka [+Res, -Spd] || 4* Fae [+Res, -Spd]

This one also features no bunnies :(

  • Lol... To think that I was a tiny bit worried that I had wasted my time training neutral Niles.  Never change, Heroes :P:
  • I'm legitimately excited about using Corrin-M.  MOR units don't seem particularly amazing in this game on the whole, but every time I have run into Corrin, I've been screwed over due to overestimating his sheer averageness.  Plus I like the sound of Yato.
  • You know what is better than Neutral Gunter?  Well, +Atk, -Res.
  • I am also weirdly open to the idea of a +Res Beruka.  I'm not expecting amazing things out of her, but I am interested to see how that develops.
  • And finally, I'm not wild about that Fae.  +Res is really nice, but her spot in the meta is tenuous enough without being doubled by even more red swords...

On the whole, I like these pulls well enough, but this just isn't a satisfying end to the spring banner... I may have to whale slightly :/


Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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3 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

Merry springtime to you all :):

I would have uploaded these a little sooner, but I had to prune through my attachment in order to have sufficient space for the pretty pictures you all seem to somewhat appreciate.  Anywho, I had enough orbs for two full summoning sessions, and all I wanted out of them were bunnies as far as the eye can see.

Round 26 Pulls

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Round 26 [Spring Festival]: 4* Chrom [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Sophia [+Def, -Res] || 3* Cherche [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gunter [+Def, -HP] || 3* Jagen [+Spd, -Def]


Some of you more eagle-eyed readers may notice that there are no bunnies in this picture... I am actually somewhat ok with that fact.

  • First of all, this is a pretty good Chrom, if I do say so myself.  Thanks to the +HP, -Res version I got in my first couple of summons, I now have the option to run either a defensive or offensive spread, depending on the situation.
  • Unfortunately, this Sophia has to compete with a +Atk variant for a spot in my heart (and on my team), but I appreciate this one for not actively having a terrible nature.
  • Believe it or not, this may actually be the best Cherche I have gotten yet (my other options are either -Atk or -Spd), so I am pretty excited to get a somewhat passable one.
  • This nature somewhat kind of ok for Gunter as well... Tragically though, Neutral is still a little better, but the effort is much appreciated all the same.
  • And finally, we get to the highlight of this summoning session... Jagen?  I know, it's weird, but a) he's a new unit and b) my exhaustion addled mind seems to believe that Fury + a boon might be enough to make up for his slightly terrible speed and make something decent of him.

Round 27 Pulls

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Round 27 [Spring Festival]: 3* Niles [+Def, -Atk] || 4* Corrin-M [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Gunter [+Atk, -Res] || 4* Beruka [+Res, -Spd] || 4* Fae [+Res, -Spd]

This one also features no bunnies :(

  • Lol... To think that I was a tiny bit worried that I had wasted my time training neutral Niles.  Never change, Heroes :P:
  • I'm legitimately excited about using Corrin-M.  MOR units don't seem particularly amazing in this game on the whole, but every time I have run into Corrin, I've been screwed over due to overestimating his sheer averageness.  Plus I like the sound of Yato.
  • You know what is better than Neutral Gunter?  Well, +Atk, -Res.
  • I am also weirdly open to the idea of a +Res Beruka.  I'm not expecting amazing things out of her, but I am interested to see how that develops.
  • And finally, I'm not wild about that Fae.  +Res is really nice, but her spot in the meta is tenuous enough without being doubled by even more red swords...

On the whole, I like these pulls well enough, but this just isn't a satisfying end to the spring banner... I may have to whale slightly :/



If you want bunnies, the best thing is to whale a bit and then do some hunt summoning. That's the way I got my three (I gave up on Bunny!Lucina in the end. I'm trying to tell myself I don't need to collect everything. I don't...)

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59 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

If you want bunnies, the best thing is to whale a bit and then do some hunt summoning.

Wow........ never thought I'd see the day.. ..

You're actually telling people to whale out and buy orbs.


I bet it's to make you feel better about buying orbs yourself huh? ;)

Anywho, @red-and-soulless, the Chao is right. The best thing to do if you want those wascally wabbits is to do hunt pulls for those colors only, blue and green. Your percentages are mad high from your pulls too so it'll be even easier! :)

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Wow........ never thought I'd see the day.. ..

You're actually telling people to whale out and buy orbs.

  Reveal hidden contents

I bet it's to make you feel better about buying orbs yourself huh? ;)

Anywho, @red-and-soulless, the Chao is right. The best thing to do if you want those wascally wabbits is to do hunt pulls for those colors only, blue and green. Your percentages are mad high from your pulls too so it'll be even easier! :)

I want people to buy orbs to support the game. I feel if you enjoy something a lot, you should put something towards it (unless you really and honestly can't). If everyone was f2p, there would be no game ^.^

So yep, I'm happy to encourage people to whale now and then, but never out of their means xD

Now get whaling, dear Arcanite. Join us on the flashy gold stars side!

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@Cute Chao I'm firmly in the 'can't' category. Thanks to my little sis, I've got a solid team of Ryoma, Robin (F), Effie and Lissa (she provided the Ryoma) and a total of five overall five star units (Effie, Fae, Ryoma, Merric, Klein). Basically the one thing that'll get me to consider spending money is Tana.

I've got 146 orbs ready and basically nothing except possibly Elincia to send me astray.

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11 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

@Cute Chao I'm firmly in the 'can't' category. Thanks to my little sis, I've got a solid team of Ryoma, Robin (F), Effie and Lissa (she provided the Ryoma) and a total of five overall five star units (Effie, Fae, Ryoma, Merric, Klein). Basically the one thing that'll get me to consider spending money is Tana.

I've got 146 orbs ready and basically nothing except possibly Elincia to send me astray.

Bring on the Tana then :D

(And Cormag with her... I can hope!)

I'm waiting until the next banner to do a pull but I don't plan to spend anything further for a while. I really want Lukas, but not enough to spend for him. He's no adorable Bunny!Chrom :D

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10 hours ago, Arcanite said:

I mean, I don't care about Alm either, but if I was going red hunting, I'd still wait until a red is in the focus so at the very least I'll get something.

Well you got Caeda so at least that's somehow a plus, somehow. Maybe. Possibly.

Congrats! :)

Hey don't make fun of my Caeda! She's so use....who am I kidding?

Actually she's not terrible for me right now because I have mage Camilla and Minerva so with her I just need one more flier and I can make a flier team (Subaki, perhaps)

1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

Bring on the Tana then :D

(And Cormag with her... I can hope!)

I'm waiting until the next banner to do a pull but I don't plan to spend anything further for a while. I really want Lukas, but not enough to spend for him. He's no adorable Bunny!Chrom :D

Please no Cormag, I don't have enough orbs!


That being said, I plan on pulling for this next focus for Lukas and maybe Alm depending on how many orbs Lukas takes me.  I don't have any personal attachment to these characters coming up, but I figure I might when I eventually get the game and will be happy that I have them at that point.  Not interested in pulling for nocolor units though and while I am slightly interested in the peg knight if she's good, nothing is telling me to go for it.

Please don't make me use all my orbs before Cormag comes out :S

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Just now, Lushen said:

Hey don't make fun of my Caeda! She's so use....who am I kidding?

Actually she's not terrible for me right now because I have mage Camilla and Minerva so with her I just need one more flier and I can make a flier team (Subaki, perhaps)

Please no Cormag, I don't have enough orbs!


That being said, I plan on pulling for this next focus for Lukas and maybe Alm depending on how many orbs Lukas takes me.  I don't have any personal attachment to these characters coming up, but I figure I might when I eventually get the game and will be happy that I have them at that point.  Not interested in pulling for nocolor units though and while I am slightly interested in the peg knight if she's good, nothing is telling me to go for it.

Please don't make me use all my orbs before Cormag comes out :S

You've it on my problem. I want all my favourite charries to be in the game... but I don't because orbs... but I do because charries... Argh!

I do want Lukas. He is going to be pulled (hopefully). I plan to do more hunt summoning now, though :)

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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Wow........ never thought I'd see the day.. ..

You're actually telling people to whale out and buy orbs.

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I bet it's to make you feel better about buying orbs yourself huh? ;)

Anywho, @red-and-soulless, the Chao is right. The best thing to do if you want those wascally wabbits is to do hunt pulls for those colors only, blue and green. Your percentages are mad high from your pulls too so it'll be even easier! :)

Hey, whales are endangered.  If Star Trek taught us anything, it's that we need as many whales around as possible or an alien ship will come and destroy Earth with sonic waves.  You don't want that, do you?

We aren't wasting money; we're saving the planet.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

We are wasting money; we're destroying the planet.

I agree with you 100%!

Also, now I have to go and watch star trek so I can really understand exactly what's going on here.

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47 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I agree with you 100%!

Also, now I have to go and watch star trek so I can really understand exactly what's going on here.

It's Star Trek IV from 1986, same year I was born.

The 80s really loved whales.

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8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

If you want bunnies, the best thing is to whale a bit and then do some hunt summoning. That's the way I got my three (I gave up on Bunny!Lucina in the end. I'm trying to tell myself I don't need to collect everything. I don't...)

You're right, of course.

I've avoided targeted summoning up til now because of concerns over orb efficiency, but I guess if I'm going to become the most adorable little Wailmer over this, I might as well maximize my chances for success.

7 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Wow........ never thought I'd see the day.. ..

You're actually telling people to whale out and buy orbs.

  Reveal hidden contents

I bet it's to make you feel better about buying orbs yourself huh? ;)

Anywho, @red-and-soulless, the Chao is right. The best thing to do if you want those wascally wabbits is to do hunt pulls for those colors only, blue and green. Your percentages are mad high from your pulls too so it'll be even easier! :)

Yeah, I'm at 3.75% atm, which should hopefully speed up the process a wee bit, provided I don't have Sire's Blazing Shadows luck :P:


Well, the easy part is done.  Now I need to actually convince myself that this is a good use of those funds...

I'll be back later this evening once I've worked out some summoning limits/gotten some moral support from a Wailord friend of mine.

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40 minutes ago, red-and-soulless said:

You're right, of course.

I've avoided targeted summoning up til now because of concerns over orb efficiency, but I guess if I'm going to become the most adorable little Wailmer over this, I might as well maximize my chances for success.

Yeah, I'm at 3.75% atm, which should hopefully speed up the process a wee bit, provided I don't have Sire's Blazing Shadows luck :P:


Well, the easy part is done.  Now I need to actually convince myself that this is a good use of those funds...

I'll be back later this evening once I've worked out some summoning limits/gotten some moral support from a Wailord friend of mine.

So you did it huh? W̶e̶a̶k̶l̶i̶n̶g̶

T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶v̶i̶n̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶!̶

Welp, there goes 50 dollars! While you're at it you should buy this, so that your money won't be a complete waste heh heh

Anywho, I sure hope you get what you're looking for :)

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10 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

So you did it huh? W̶e̶a̶k̶l̶i̶n̶g̶

T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶v̶i̶n̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶!̶

Welp, there goes 50 dollars! While you're at it you should buy this, so that your money won't be a complete waste heh heh

Anywho, I sure hope you get what you're looking for :)

I think a White Whale took Arcanite's leg, filling him/her/it with an eternal hatred for whales.  How will Arcanite fare as the whales slowly take over?  You either die a F2P Hero, or you live long enough to become that which you hate.

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