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Go for the new banner ! I want them all ! But I want Alm the most !


Pull 1 : Barst 3* (+Res -Def) | Merric 4* (+Def -Res) | Virion 3* (+HP -Spd) | Seliph 4* (+Spd -Atk) | Stahl 4* (Neutral)

Pull 2 : Hinata 3* (+Def -Res) | Caeda (+Spd -Atk) | Cordelia (+Spd -Def) | Serra 3* (+Res -HP) | Tiki A 3* (+HP -Spd)

Okay, two new units (Merric and Cordelia), Hinata is great for passing Fury... The else is shit ! I already have Caeda and Seliph at 5*, and their IVs here are nuts.

Come on game, please ! I beg you !


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Huh. I knew I was due for a 5★ after how poorly the Michalis banner went, but I didn't expect to get Alm IMMEDIATELY. Now I don't know if I want to try for any of the others, and whether I'll regret not doing so a month from now when I actually know who they are.

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I spent all 110 orbs on my 2nd account and got Faye in my 2nd full pull. She's -atk tho but it's fine.

Thought I could be really lucky today, so I continued until I spent all orbs left - got me 2nd Leo.

Definitely happy :)

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These were my first two pulls from this new focus:


I cannot believe my luck!  It usually takes me several pulls just to get a single 5 star.  Getting two within two pulls is amazing!  The best part is that I still have 82 orbs left, so I could still try and summon for the other focus characters if I wanted to.

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4 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Damn I'm jealous.

Falchion users doesn't want to come to my account.

Same here. And the only one I really want now is Alm.

Luck, please, get here and give us some of your power !

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New banner, new hopes, new episode of red-hunting, featuring 22 orbs and me.

Pull 1: 3 blue, 1 red, I green (4⋆ Laslow) ← oh hi Inigo, I already have two of your 3⋆ personae, so that's nice. (22→18)
Pull 2: 3 red, 2 green (4⋆ Cain, 4⋆ Ogma, 5⋆ Caeda) ← well, it's still technically Archanea the world, am I right? Also second 5⋆ Caeda out of two pull groups. (18→4)

Will surely try again when I get some more orbs.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Laslow   +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cain C +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Ogma   +Res −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Caeda F neutral

As before, my silly summary as a master tactician:

This Laslow is interesting. If I can't make use of him, then he can give up his Axebreaker 3 and go home in peace. +Atk is very nice though.
This Cain is dubious. His Spd is already abysmal due to him being a brave weapon user, but such flaw ruins it even more. My previous Cain is [+Atk, Del].
This Ogma is ambiguous. His Res is almost non-existent from the get-go, and +Res doesn't really improve it that much. Dunno about −Def.
This Caeda is neutral. Nothing else to say about her, honestly. My previous Caeda is [+Def, −Spd], so at least her wonderful speed is unmolested.


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Well, I tried for Alm or Faye, got neither, but, well...



Yay, I've been wanting him.



...You're my favorite character and all, but I have you as a five star already...

Right after he came in to ruin my five 5* chances, this happens:




Edited by Glaceon Mage
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42 orbs, nothing but garbage. Selling it for feathers. It will be centuries until I will be able to pull again, and when that day comes I will pull garbage again as it is my destiny.

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24 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Laslow   +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cain C +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Ogma   +Res −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Caeda F neutral

As before, my silly summary as a master tactician:

This Laslow is interesting. If I can't make use of him, then he can give up his Axebreaker 3 and go home in peace. +Atk is very nice though.
This Cain is dubious. His Spd is already abysmal due to him being a brave weapon user, but such flaw ruins it even more. My previous Cain is [+Atk, Del].
This Ogma is ambiguous. His Res is almost non-existent from the get-go, and +Res doesn't really improve it that much. Dunno about −Def.
This Caeda is neutral. Nothing else to say about her, honestly. My previous Caeda is [+Def, −Spd], so at least her wonderful speed is unmolested.


Speaking from personal experience, Laslow is a pretty great unit. Mine is the exact same boon/bane. I raised him from 3 stars, and he's a potential candidate for 5 stars in my book. His SPD, DEF, and RES are kind of so-so, but they're not so terrible that he'll suffer terribly. At 4 stars they'll end up, 25/27/22 respectively. There are better characters, but there are also worse. He's got a good niche as an axe annihilator. Axebreaker helps him out a little in the SPD department, but if he gets to the enemy first, he can tear through them with +ATK. 47 ATK (with silver sword equipped) is pretty great. I gave mine ATK +3 for a total of 50. At 5 stars, that will be 56 (with Silver Sword+ and ATK+3). Stick him on a team with someone that has Rally ATK and he'd average 60 ATK a round. I may even give him Darting Blow someday just for the extra firepower on his turn. I also think he'd probably be a great candidate for Life and Death to help out with his subpar speed.

I'm also a little biased because Laslow/Inigo is one of my fave characters. I was disappointed to see him ranked so low on the tier list, but I've made him work for me. 

I can't speak for the others. I have an Ogma on my secondary account, but I've never used him.

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I was going for Blues and Colorless, cause I want both those female units from the new pack, Faya mostly. I didn't get them. I got the male lance guy and the best of all a five star Azura! Yay! I needed her haha. I'm out of orbs now...I was trying to save them, but oh well.

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60 orbs spent and got a bad IV 5* Fae and all 3 and 4 star dupes. Fed Fae to my Eirika to give her Renewal 3.

Guess I'm gonna have to use Navarre next arena season unfortunately so just gonna slap a low budget A skill on him like Attack +3 and Moonbow.

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Didn't really aim for Alm ( even if he is a leftie like me ^^ ) since I already have Mar-Mar and Lucy, but I managed to get:

3* Donnel ( welp, you're going to be giving your Brave Lance to Effie/Oboro, who is Lvl 39+2 atm )

4* Oboro (whom I merged into my current one)

4* Sakura (new, and she's adorable as hell)

4* Sully (another dupe, good for Swordbreaker fodder)

3* Laslow

Pretty meh, and then I realised I only had 6 orbs left. Spent 5 and got 4* Chrom. Now I've got the whole family together. Lucy, Lissa, Chrom and great-great-(insert many greats) grand-pa Marth ( and Caeda ). And Odin if he counts...

Funnily enough, I pulled Chrom in the exact same way like Lucina. I got her when I only had 5 orbs left. Even their IVs are similar ( both are -RES, though I would have preferred +DEF/-RES Chrom ( which is Lucy's IV ) and +SPD/-RES Lucina ( which is, yeah, you guessed it, Chrom's IV nature )...

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Wanted to give the Shadows banner a try (which means I was willing to sacrifice all of my orbs for at least one character chrm Lukas) 

I didn't screenshot the first few tries just the last three:



My first Robin! And Hinata for Fury! But please game... no more Gwendolyns... 



My first Hana outside of the free one. My fifth male Corrin, my fourth female Corrin.... why are you haunting me Corrin why



ALM! Wuuuuuuu

And yeah now I have four Niles and goddamn Corrin is back again.:KnollRoll:

Wow I went from 160 orbs to 80, time to hord again! 

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