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Figured I'd post my pulls, since I found them interesting. I already have all the fliers featured in this banner, although Caeda is only a 4-star (+7...), so I'll just do the free pull. One green, might as well try for another Minerva.

  • Free pull from the new banner was a 4-star Barst. +Spd/-Res, the same as my current +3 4-star Barst. I'll take it though, I can always use more Reposition.

Next, back to the Holy War banner! One green in the first session.

  • ...3-star Barst. +Def/-HP. Okay, sure, more fodder I guess.

Let's try again. 12 orbs, which is just enough for the two greens that appear. Sitting right next to each other too, on the very bottom just below three reds. I wonder if Sigurd was in one of those... Anyway.

  • 4-star Sheena, +Spd/-Atk. Pretty... terrible, actually. That's probably the one stat she doesn't want a boon in, and one of the worst stats for her to get a bane in. Oh well, I can at least get another merge for my 5-star +HP/-Res Sheena. What's in the second orb?
  • ...4-star Sheena. Except +Def/-Res this time. Which is much better, and something I'm actually pretty happy with. I still want to eventually get her with +Atk/-Spd or -HP, but this is perfectly fine for replacing my current one. Although, I was kinda hoping to spend my feathers to merge Clarisse or Arden, but... oh well. Best armor knight is highest priority for me.
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Donnel turned into a flier today.

I pulled him as my free pull on the fliers banner and sent him flying -.-

Oh well. Still hoarding orbs for the potential Halloween banner, so making no further pulls ^.^

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2 blue orbs. Picked one and got yet another Gwendolyn. I already have a Hinoka but one that isn't +SPD/-ATK would have been nice. There was another one but orbs are precious right now and I can't part with any until I get a tempest unit and break my rate on the dancer banner. 

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So I wanted a ranged dancer for my main, since I only had Axura.

2 reds, 1 colorless, 1 blue, 1 green

Ignored the reds this time.

Colourless was a 3 star Virion. Meh.

Blue was a -Spd/+HP Reinhardt. That's my 4th 4 star Reinhardt. Not +Atk though so not really sure I should bother with upgrading.

Green was...... +Spd/-HP PA!Azura!

Err I wanted Inigo but I'm pretty sure that's better than a +Atk/-HP PA!Azura since she'll be doubled less right? Guess I have to merged my old one to this one (but I'll have to wait until SP weekend though...damnit Camilla Warriors map please stay forever!)

Ironically my main wanted that Shigure on my second account for a ranged dancer while my second account wants ANY green dancer...

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41 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I already have a Hinoka but one that isn't +SPD/-ATK would have been nice.

I know that. Got lucky pulling Hinoka early..... Barring her being +Res/-Att.

So, I'm going to see if I get Minerva then.

3 Red, 2 Blue (DAMMIT)

4* Nowi (I think with that I finally have pulled all the current 4* units. +Att/-Def, could be better), 3* Subaki (Almost said not worth it. I might just pass her to Nowi, but there's stiff competition)

I'll leave it be until Sunday, the banners end on my birthday (and that's just a coincidence, but it would have been a nice thing to pull then.)

Edited by Dayni
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Gathered up enough orbs to try at Genealogy again. Still need a 40% unit and I'm not digging for Ayra anymore.

  1. 4* Nino: Meh.
  2. 4* Sully: No thanks.
  3. 3* Draug: Ugh.
  4. 4* Athena: Nice, but I already have a copy of you awaiting promotion.
  5. 4* Cain: Eh.

That didn't go well. Let's see what the free pull from the Flier skill banner gives me.

  1. 4* Femui: Well, SI fodder is always useful.

Oh well. TT and the daily bonuses will provide plenty of orbs, so I'll have more shots at Sigurd, Deirdre, and Tailtiu.

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Out of boredom I though I am gonna try the pa banner once more - dont really know why. Got another shigure, -atk for 5 orbs.


15 orbs later after 4* donnel and robin I got this beaty


+atk -spd. So not better than my other one. Will have to think what to do with her - merge or lad fodder

Edited by Prince Endriu
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So on my new account I made, the Summoner Support banner with Ike, Ninian, Julia, and Genny is still active for the next four days, so I decided to take advantage of it and do a few pulls on it until I got a 5 star because I want enough characters to be able to do Arena Assault. >.> a 7% pity rate. I've never had one that high before. And I wouldn't have been angry if I had been getting new characters, but for some reason, the only blue characters I managed to pull were F. Corrin, Sully, Subaki, and Odin. I got one pull that had 3 Sullys. Yikes. My misery finally ended with a Julia and Genny. No more pulling from that banner. Yeesh. My free pull from the flier banner was even a Sully. At least I'll never be in want for Draw Back fodder... (And did I mention that all of them with the exception of one were -ATK?) 

My free pull on my main account was 3* Stahl. 

But I honestly should have seen this kind of luck coming. XD After work, I was lurking around the mall...and I saw a machine that had a ton of Yuri on Ice keychains. (You know one of those things were you stick in some money and get one at random.) I wanted all of them...well mostly Victor and Yuri...so as I ran my errands, I purposefully spent my money in a way that would give me the change I needed. Well I must have been the most pathetic looking adult feeding coins to this silly machine, walking away, buying a drink from the vending machine to get change, and then coming back only to be disappointed. I managed to get 4/5...but now I also have extra copies of two of the characters. And no Victor. ;A; Yuri's going to be without his husband forever.  


Why have I managed to live this long when I make the stupidest decisions? How do people trust me to teach their children? The world my never know...


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Well my free pull in an attempt to get Hinoka had 1 blue. So I pulled and got. . . 4*Sully. Didn't bother checking nature since it doesn't matter. I doubt I'll be pulling anymore on this one. While I would like Hone Fliers, I think Cordelia is overall better than Hinoka so . . . I probably wouldn't use her for anything Hone Fliers. Meanwhile I really want some Distance Defense so I'll pull some more on the Dancers and hope for Olivia.

Edited by Usana
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100+ orbs of blue color sniping on the Flier banner got me a dupe Reinhardt (+Res/-Def) followed by a big pity rate.  This will probably be the only banner that matters to me for some time, so all my orbs will be going towards it.  

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Flier focus got me... Fir, Gunter, and Gwendolyn.

Could have at least made one of them a flier...

Went to Tempest Trials banner, one Red orb.

...it was +Spd -Att Eldigan.

He isn't even skill fodder when Fury 3 is 4* available, so all I can hope if that I get another Eldigan with a better nature and merge this one into that Eldigan...

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Tried again for second Deirdre merge, but no luck. Barts and Raven, Nothing more.  
I will still draw until the bitter end, I also hope a bit that Halloween banner won't have units I like. D= 


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I went for the free summon on the fliers banner and got a +Atk -Def Mae. Not bad considering I already have all the focus units of that banner (although my blue mage collection is pretty huge now, I'd rather have some green mages).

Edit: Went for another round at the Holy war banner and got a pity breaker M!Corrin (-Atk +Hp)....I kind of want to send him home because: a) I don't like him as a character and b) He's completely useless.

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2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

I went for the free summon on the fliers banner and got a +Atk -Def Mae. Not bad considering I already have all the focus units of that banner (although my blue mage collection is pretty huge now, I'd rather have some green mages).

Edit: Went for another round at the Holy war banner and got a pity breaker M!Corrin (-Atk +Hp)....I kind of want to send him home because: a) I don't like him as a character and b) He's completely useless.

Then send his giraffe-necked-collar ass home.  He's only useful slightly for raw power - I think - so if you don't want him, chuck him and dance in those resulting 2,000 feathers. ^_^

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New banner = new fodder.  That's right, I specifically pulled for fodder for my existing guys.  Any focus units is a bonus.

Oh, right.  455 total units pulled.





Ahem. . .for boons/banes:


Stahl (+Def/-Res): I actually might have a use for Swap + Obstruct.
Abel (+Atk/-Res): I can respect 36 base Atk, especially since he comes with his own lance.  Sweet~!
Roderick (+HP/-Spd): Catria would be pretty funny with this lance.  Now where's Clair?
Robin (+Atk/-Spd): That's an unfortunate combo.  I think he'll limp along, but -4 Spd sucks.
Oscar (+HP/-Atk): On the upside, I can either pass Lancebreaker or Sapphire Lance + cool Rally.

Matthew (+HP/-Spd): I always welcome more Hone Spd.
Jakob (+Spd/-Res): This turns him into a more balanced Saizo.  It might be worth slapping a Rogue Dagger onto him, just because he'd be able to tank decently well.
Donnel (+Res/-Atk): OMG THANK YOU I REALLY NEED HP +5 FODDER! (yes, really)
Henry (+HP/-Def): He's rather useful for SI, since there's situations where I want G Tomebreaker.
Frederick (+Spd/-Def): I sense shenanigans involving Darting Blow, Hone Cavalry, and a Slaying Axe.  But it will be a long time before that happens.

Robin is a troll.  That is all.


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So, I previously said that I might trying sniping for Ayra and decided to do so just now. Me being me though, I accidentally went in with only eight orbs instead of nine and, as fate would have it, there were exactly two red stones. I go for the topmost one and...



Yep. I don't know how either. My rate was just at its base of 3%. She's also +Atk/-Res. ..........PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!


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@Infinite Dreams following a small discussion on Olivia and how I want her PA! version badly as one of the few characters I want all the versions from, you crossed your fingers and with a dwindling supply of available orbs ...



You are now my best friend on serenesforest. :wub:

I guess @mcsilas is also someone I should include in my thanks, since you did send good vibes with your appreciation for this lovely lady. Maybe you sent me a bit too much, though, because....



Hey, I don't mind awesome luck after a period of constant fear of missing out on a most wanted unit, but I also don't want to steal the luck of others, wo still want Axura badly. Nonetheless, I am quite the happy dude right now, to say the least. I gladly threw away 4 orbs after that to a useless 3* Est

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Welp. Broke my rate on the FE4 banner after 100 orbs no focus unit. No bonus unit for tempest. But you know what, that's alright. And you know why that's alright?



This is why. And the kicker? He's not -ATK. +SPD/-RES which isn't great. But he does his job all the same and when a +ATK one does come along I'm just going to merge and +1 him. Meanwhile I've got a Rein that's almost as good without spending a feather. I've been saving a Klein and an Oscar just for him so he already has DB3, LB3 and Draconic Aura along with Draw Back. Plus I have an Attack+3 seal so he's pretty much going to be a +ATK Rein anyways whenever I feel like taking the seal off Bridelia. 

The lot.


No, I didn't get what I wanted out of this banner. But you know what? I'm at peace. And once Friday rolls around for double SP. My new Rein and +ATK Brave Axe+ Frederick are going to wreck the tempest hard. 40% unit or no.

Next set of orbs is going towards breaking my rate on the dancer banner. Then, well who knows. Maybe its time to start saving again.

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