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4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Wtf, I pulled the -Atk one out of your way last night, huh? +Atk goes well with L&D or Swift Sparrow.

If you multiply a -Atk by a -Atk, it's a +Atk.


44 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, Rezzy, finally no -Atk for you! ^^

Also, look who showed up again here. ;D


I didn't see Ike or Ayra either, just two Celicas now. lol And this one's IVs are WAY better! +Spd, -HP, HELL YEAH.

Also, Fury 3 fodder, woooo.

This is like five or six times I've pulled Rebecca in my last several attempts at colorless though. She won't go away... >_<

Thanks, it's nice to get good natures for a change.

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I'm REALLY happy with my results on this banner.

I got 2 Ayras, a Hector, an Ike an a Bunmilla with 180 orbs saved (including the story orbs). Solid haul. Natures are eh with Ike being -spd +def and Bunmilla being +spd -def. Ayra natures don't matter because they were merged into my +spd -res and Hector was -atk +def but got fed to Ayra so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I basically got everything I wanted from this banner, but I'll continue to pull greens and reds in hopes of a better nature of Bunmilla/Ike/more Ayra merges.

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74 F2P orbs down the drain, I got Celica -Atk/+Def and Ayra -Atk/+Spd. I knew this banner was a scam lol. Percentages don't mean anything.

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Orbs Spent (F2P): 43
Units that I pulled that mattered:
Deirdre: +Atk -Spd (Only 5* I got)
Frederick: +Atk -Res, though I wanted +def more (I need more for my 5*+10 Frederick dream)


I guess I need 5 more since I haven't 5*ed the said Frederick

3 Barsts
1 Selena
1 Klein

Gotta keep collecting that Reposition fodder

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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Celica is +Atk-Res

That is VERY good! LnD + Renewal I recommend, though I also have Desperation and Axe Breaker on mine

I am personally not pulling on the kiddy banner, but I am stopping once I get 1 5 star on this banner though

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

That is VERY good! LnD + Renewal I recommend, though I also have Desperation and Axe Breaker on mine

I am personally not pulling on the kiddy banner, but I am stopping once I get 1 5 star on this banner though


I have that exact Celica with @Arcanite‘s build. It’s really powerful, but it gets a little tedious running her around waiting a turn for renewal to kick in.  That, or she takes enough damage for the renewal to not matter in a typical fight.  

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3 hours ago, Mr.Pepsi said:

Orbs Spent (F2P): 43
Units that I pulled that mattered:
Deirdre: +Atk -Spd (Only 5* I got)
Frederick: +Atk -Res, though I wanted +def more (I need more for my 5*+10 Frederick dream)


I guess I need 5 more since I haven't 5*ed the said Frederick

3 Barsts
1 Selena
1 Klein

Gotta keep collecting that Reposition fodder

Ooh, someone else that loves Freddy! I've been in love with him a long time. <3

Mine is +Def, -Spd, also 5 star and +2 and with a summoner S support. I run a somewhat different build though, having Death Blow, Axebreaker, and Hone Cavalry instead.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Ooh, someone else that loves Freddy! I've been in love with him a long time. <3

Mine is +Def, -Spd, also 5 star and +2. I run a somewhat different build though, having Death Blow, Axebreaker, and Hone Cavalry instead.

I got a +Atk-Spd that I've been toying with the idea of promoting to replace my -Def one.  He's so slow he gets doubled anyway.

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Done with the Legendary banner, as I've had a rather good run on it.

I got, not including those from the previous post:
+SPD/-HP Tharja! She looks good, so I'll keep her.
Bride Cordelia! +HP/-DEF seems like a good nature for her, so I'll figure out what I want to do with her sooner or later.
Another Seliph! I have a +ATK/-HP one and a +RES/-HP one now. Not sure which one would be better with Divine Tyrfing, though I'd lean toward +ATK on this one.
Titania! Never got her before! +HP/-ATK kinda sucks, but she could still work as an anti-Blue unit, hopefully.
Another Fae! Fortunately, this one has a worse nature than my 5-Star one (+DEF/-HP, where the 5-Star is +HP/-DEF), so I just need to figure out who among my 5-Stars needs Renewal (I know I have at least one...).
+SPD/-DEF Soren! Much better than my +ATK/-SPD Soren I had before! Now I just gotta figure out what I'll do with the lesser Soren...

And finally...
HECTOR! Probably the best-case scenario for pulling Green for me! +ATK/-SPD is fine, he isn't that fast anyway. Maybe I'll put Wary Fighter on him.

Mildly disappointed that I didn't get Celica, but ah well.
Gonna just save up for the Children of Fates banner now, and hope that I get lucky and quickly pull Soleil (I don't need a reason) or Seigbert (probably not as good as Brave Roy, but ATK Tactic looks cool), and also maybe pull for Rhajat too 'cause I know there are Greens I want (Boey, mainly, but Sonya would be cool too, and more Faes can only be a good thing in my book) and don't have and maybe I'd be able to pull them while looking for her (plus, if I do get her, she looks like she'll end up being pretty good, and worst-case scenario I can just burn her for Distant DEF).

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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I caved and bought some more orbs because this banner is too good. :]  No more $$$ after this, though, I swear.  I still need to buy Christmas presents...






6 five stars in 4 full pulls?  Very good.  Interestingly, all six of them are -Atk

I'm okay with that because they're all going to be skill/merge fodder except B-Caeda, but wow.  I also pulled a -Atk Ayra and -Atk S-Camilla last night too... What did I do to anger @Rezzy:XD:

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I got a +Atk-Spd that I've been toying with the idea of promoting to replace my -Def one.  He's so slow he gets doubled anyway.

That's a good idea! +Atk with Brave Axe+ will hit real hard! I just like my +Def one because ultimate physical tank shenanigans. XD

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3 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I caved and bought some more orbs because this banner is too good. :]  No more $$$ after this, though, I swear.  I still need to buy Christmas presents...

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6 five stars in 4 full pulls?  Very good.  Interestingly, all six of them are -Atk

I'm okay with that because they're all going to be skill/merge fodder except B-Caeda, but wow.  I also pulled a -Atk Ayra and -Atk S-Camilla last night too... What did I do to anger @Rezzy:XD:

Wow, that's impressive.  You are truly blessed by Rezzy.

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Henry (+Atk/-Spd, so maybe an actually tolerable one, if I'm lucky...?), Soren (-Atk) and Sophia (-Atk, as it happens, but she's really going into the good Sophia).

Why am I trying to get stuff from this banner, again? Oh, right, because I'm supposed to be having another round of apology luck.

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Collected some story orbs, so here's another full pull from Fjorm's banner.

  1. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker 3 is useful.
  2. 5* Celica: Great, except that she's +Def/-Atk to go with my previous +HP/-Atk. Guess I might as well merge. 
  3. 3* Nino: Go away.
  4. 4* Gunter: Roy does need Hone Cavalry, so you're welcome here.
  5. 4* Caeda: Eh.

That was an okay pull. Unfortunately the 5* had terrible IVs, but a 5* is a 5*.

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I had my mom direct my pulls.  542 total units pulled.



She's totally allowed to pull any time I need units.

For boons/banes:


Clair (+Spd/-HP): WOW.  This is great.  Firesweep Lance, here I come~!
Caeda (+HP/-Atk): You. . .you tried.  And that's not the worst thing in the world.
Ike (+Atk/-HP): WOW!  I have a +Spd one, so I'll train this one up, and swap my Ikes as-needed (the extra Speed has gotten me out of some hairy situations).
Tiki (+HP/-Def): Luckily, I happen to be fond of both Bonfire and Defiant Atk.

That was a surprisingly competent pull.  Now, where's my Death Blow?


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Next haul~



I officially have pulled every red *5 in the category. Contemplating avoiding reds now just to save orbs.

Celica shows up, but this time she's got the superior nature of +ATK/-HP to replace my old +HP/-DEF one. Hector shows up as well, but this one is +SPD/-RES as opposed to my +HP/-RES one. Since his speed is unsalvagable, I'm pretty sure this means I've just acquired some DC fodder. Going to have to think long and hard on who's going to get that and when. Same for Celica. +ATK is splendid, but she's going from +HP to -HP and that's a 6 HP loss even if I merge. Pretty crippling. Anyways this makes for 4 *5's out of 95 orbs. Not bad. Still looking for S!Camilla, but I'm a happy camper regardless. 

In other news Raigh is getting annoying and stalking my pools. Now I have a *4 Raigh at +5. He's +SPD/-DEF so he could become a serious thing if this keeps up.

Edited by Zeo
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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I had my mom direct my pulls.  542 total units pulled.

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She's totally allowed to pull any time I need units.

For boons/banes:

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Clair (+Spd/-HP): WOW.  This is great.  Firesweep Lance, here I come~!
Caeda (+HP/-Atk): You. . .you tried.  And that's not the worst thing in the world.
Ike (+Atk/-HP): WOW!  I have a +Spd one, so I'll train this one up, and swap my Ikes as-needed (the extra Speed has gotten me out of some hairy situations).
Tiki (+HP/-Def): Luckily, I happen to be fond of both Bonfire and Defiant Atk.

That was a surprisingly competent pull.  Now, where's my Death Blow?


Relative pulls rock. That's where I got my God-Fae base from, all the way back.

...If I want a good unit out of Legendary, I may want to try again.

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Next haul~

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Celica shows up, but this time she's got the superior nature of +ATK/-HP to replace my old +HP/-DEF one. Hector shows up as well, but this one is +SPD/-RES as opposed to my +HP/-RES one. Since his speed is unsalvagable, I'm pretty sure this means I've just acquired some DC fodder. Going to have to think long and hard on who's going to get that and when. Same for Celica. +ATK is splendid, but she's going from +HP to -HP and that's a 6 HP loss even if I merge. Pretty crippling. Anyways this makes for 4 *5's out of 95 orbs. Not bad. Still looking for S!Camilla, but I'm a happy camper regardless. 

In other news Raigh is getting annoying and stalking my pools. Now I have a *4 Raigh at +5. He's +SPD/-DEF so he could become a serious thing if this keeps up.

Regarding Hector:

I have a +Spd/-Atk one.  +Spd gives him four speed, which means the likes of Sigurd fail to double him. . .well, Sigurd without a speed buff, that is.  Still, it's not the worst thing in the world!

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Summon attempt#1



Summon Attempt #2



Summon Attempt #3



Summon Attempt #4



Summon Attempt #5



Summon Attempt #6



Summon Attempt #7



Summon Attempt #8



Summon Attempt #9



Summon Attempt #10



And I'm done with this banner, I didn't got any swift sparrow fodder, but I did got some nice units. I'm not spending money on this game for a while.

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Well managed to get 20 more orbs so I did another full summons, Managed to get B!Cordelia +atk, -def ( I can live with it), 4*Able, 4*Jeorge, 4*Selena and 4*Raven.  Not bad I just hope Hector and one of the reds will decide to come home as well.  I am just waiting for the orbs coming this weekend to pull more.

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