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Completed some of the story quests, so it's time to pull again.

  1. 5* Summer Xander: I shouldn't complain about another 5*, but this guy really is not what I was hoping for. +Res/-Spd, so his IVs are tolerable.
  2. 5* Bride Caeda: Well, this is a pleasant surprise. +Atk/-Def, so she's very physically frail but a decent attacker, especially since I only have 3 other blue mages.
  3. 3* Gaius: No thanks.
  4. 3* Lissa: Meh.
  5. 5* Genny: Hello there! I already have you, and your +Spd/-Atk IVs mean you're merge fodder, but yet another 5* is most welcome.


3 5* units from a single pull with no pity rate. Even if none of them are particularly great units, this is a massive stroke of luck.

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I was afraid of this...

I tried for Bride Cordelia and wound up with CYL Lyn instead. :( Neutral nature. At least she isn't shit. And I got Celica who I actually did want (plus a Genny who I foddered off) so I think I'll just be content with what I got and start saving orbs for Christmas again (if it's still gonna happen).

Edited by Anacybele
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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I was afraid of this...

I tried for Bride Cordelia and wound up with CYL Lyn instead. :( Neutral nature. At least she isn't shit. And I got Celica who I actually did want (plus a Genny who I foddered off) so I think I'll just be content with what I got and start saving orbs for Christmas again (if it's still gonna happen).

I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a Christmas Banner.  Robin and Tharja got leaked almost a year ago, so it's probably more 3DS characters.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a Christmas Banner.  Robin and Tharja got leaked almost a year ago, so it's probably more 3DS characters.

Yeah, but what concerns me is that it wasn't on the schedule and it did have events that go into January. I don't know why IS would ever even consider throwing away that artwork they paid some artists to do, but yeah.

I really hope we start getting more non-3DS seasonal characters though. Getting tired of the 3DS ones, even if I love that Christmas Robin.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but what concerns me is that it wasn't on the schedule and it did have events that go into January. I don't know why GF would ever even consider throwing away that artwork they paid some artists to do, but yeah.

I really hope we start getting more non-3DS seasonal characters though. Getting tired of the 3DS ones, even if I love that Christmas Robin.

They currently don't have any banner announced for after the kids banner.  They probably just don't want to ruin the surprise so early.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

They currently don't have any banner announced for after the kids banner.  They probably just don't want to ruin the surprise so early.

That's true, yeah.

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My IRL friend (who is also technically a member on this site) pulled a Bridal Cordelia and a Brave Lyn in two pull sessions. Cordelia is +def -spd, but Lyn is +atk -res! His only Halloween unit was also Halloween Jakob, so he's a master bowman. Or something.

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I am crying.

Not only I didn’t get any green orbs in my current set, I accidentally tapped to continue summoning after the first orb. Then I said, screw it, what if I’m lucky today.

There were three reds and I had 13 orbs. Now I have another 3★ Sophia, another 4★ Tiki, and another 3★ Fir.

And I’m already at 82,675 points in the tempest.

Deirdre isn’t coming.

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This, uh... is perhaps poorly timed considering Vaximillian's post above me, but I did manage to get another Deirdre. +Res/-Spd even, which is the second best boon/bane I had been hoping for. My first Deirdre has been merged, so now this one will reach 39 base Res. Shame I didn't keep that second Sonya around for Res Ploy...

I also got Fjorm, but she's hilariously bad. +Def (which is okay), and... -Atk. Which is not only terrible already, but she loses 4 points in Atk with that bane, so she's hitting 26 base Atk without a weapon. I don't know how much I care about merging her, so I may just send her home for the feathers instead.

I'm grateful for the second Deirdre though. I guess this was the gacha's present for today being my birthday, heh. If I get any money today, then I may try some more pulls, but I'm definitely happy with what I've had so far... even if I've gotten every blue focus unit except the one I want. Caeda, please return soon :(

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I feel like this game is spitting me...

Ike (-atk, +hp)
Fanservice(+atk, -def)

First a (-atk, +Spd) Dorcas and now the two heroes I did not want to see at all, appearing in my first summon. I will probably fodder off the spare Ike for Heavy Blade as my other is Neutral. No clue whether to fodder off Camilla for a meme green egg build, give someone live for bounty or just turn her into feathers.

@DefaultBeep don't turn fjorm into feather her skills are all pretty decent I would fodder drive atk or Def/Atk bond 

Edited by Mackc2
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9 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I feel like this game is spitting me...
Ike (-atk, +hp)
Fanservice(+atk, -def)

First a (-atk, +Spd) Dorcas and now the two heroes I did not want to see at all, appearing in my first summon. I will probably fodder off the spare Ike for Heavy Blade as my other is Neutral. No clue whether to fodder off Camilla for a meme green egg build, give someone live for bounty or just turn her into feathers.

@DefaultBeep don't turn fjorm into feather her skills are all pretty decent I would fodder drive atk or Def/Atk bond 

Give Green Egg to someone! I'm planning a very stupid build for Deirdre that needs that tome, and I highly support others doing similarly for other units.

I don't really know who would even want those skills right now though, is the thing. This isn't the place for that though, so I might seek advice on the Ask thread.

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Since my last pull session went so well, I'm going to try again. I should be saving, but the odds here are too good, not to mention I'm not a fan of Fates kids or Christmas units.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Not a 5*, but a new unit nevertheless. +HP/-Def, which is decent, but I have Oscar and Camus already.
  2. 4* Cecilia: Eh.
  3. 4* Abel: More Swordbreaker is always handy.
  4. 4* Femui: I have been looking to increase the merge on my current Femui, but with IVs of +Atk/-Spd you're inferior to the other 4* I have waiting.
  5. 4* Raven: I do need more axes, but +HP/-Spd is awful. Pass.

That was disappointing. I think I can get enough orbs for one more pass here.

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Man I have had both terrible and good luck on this banner. Terrible because I haven't raked in the 5*s. Good because the unit I did get was the flying green mage I wanted AND her nature isn't crippling. +HP/-SPD may not be great, but her speed is low enough I wasn't really going to count on it anyways. Terrible because keep getting to 9.5+ pity before breaking(maybe that means my next full pull will give me one more 5*!). Good because one of my 4*s I got was a Tailtiu with a slightly better nature than the 5* I pulled back whenever. For an expensive price of 20k feathers I can go from +HP/-Spd to +Spd/-Atk. Or I could give someone Drive Spd, I was kinda surprised to see she gets that at 4* and that Atk/Res is her 5* lock.

My wish list is to fill out my seasonals that I lack. Bridal Cordelia and Bridal Caeda. Technically I also need Xander, but unlike the other two he would see little use so I could do without him(guess who my next 5* will probably be!).

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I've gotten a few 5*s in the past few days

Bridelia (+Res/-Def)

Lute (+Atk/-Def)

Celica (+HP/-Spd)

Was hoping to get a non -Atk/-Spd Celica to replace my -Atk Celica, but I guess you can't win them all.

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Alright, yesterday I got a +Hp,-Def Hector and this morning I got another attack boon Ayra with my last 5 orbs(I mistakenly thought she was +Hp last time I posted). This time she has an HP bane instead of Def. I guess I'll merge them and keep the one with less Def as the base character. I really wanted Celica, but I can't complain after having pretty good luck with my limited orbs.

I'm really tempted to keep trying for more characters, but I want to save up for the Fates banner....

Edited by Nimue
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So been doing alot of the hard quest missions - I had let them slip and had alot to catch up on stacked up enough for 3 morr full summons - on the 3rd final summon i finally! Got a Hector - about bloody time, hes -hp +spd though

The 1 of the 3 full summons before hector I managed to get a Deidre too, il check up in her ivs


Shes +hp -def

Edited by Marcodian_Elite
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@Vaximillian @Anime27Arts

I spent more money on this banner than I'd care to admit... but it finally happened!



She's +Spd/-Res as well! Shame about losing the Res, but the +Spd is super great, and I'm pretty happy that she's not -Atk or -Spd at all.

Alongside her, besides a bunch of meh stuff (72 units were pulled total), I got a few other cool characters as well. +Atk/-HP Ayra is very nice, another not very good Fjorm, a +Res/-Spd Genny, and a +Def/-Atk Cordelia. The last one is pretty poor, but I have another Bride Cordelia with neutral Atk and Spd, so a +1 merge for her is pretty okay in the end. I also finally got my first Kagero, but she's +HP/-Spd, which is a shame. Overall though, this went really well! I'm done spending money on this banner, but I'll probably keep pulling on it with the other free orbs coming up, just in case I can get anyone else.

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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


@Vaximillian @Anime27Arts

I spent more money on this banner than I'd care to admit... but it finally happened!

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She's +Spd/-Res as well! Shame about losing the Res, but the +Spd is super great, and I'm pretty happy that she's not -Atk or -Spd at all.

Alongside her, besides a bunch of meh stuff (72 units were pulled total), I got a few other cool characters as well. +Atk/-HP Ayra is very nice, another not very good Fjorm, a +Res/-Spd Genny, and a +Def/-Atk Cordelia. The last one is pretty poor, but I have another Bride Cordelia with neutral Atk and Spd, so a +1 merge for her is pretty okay in the end. I also finally got my first Kagero, but she's +HP/-Spd, which is a shame. Overall though, this went really well! I'm done spending money on this banner, but I'll probably keep pulling on it with the other free orbs coming up, just in case I can get anyone else.

YAY!!  I'm happy for you!!! Good luck if you try to pull for anyone else.

Meanwhile I'm over here moping because it looks as if I won't get her if tomorrow's new month orbs don't help out ;-;

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Just now, Anime27Arts said:

YAY!!  I'm happy for you!!! Good luck if you try to pull for anyone else.

Meanwhile I'm over here moping because it looks as if I won't get her if tomorrow's new month orbs don't help out ;-;

Thanks! I'm relieved that the simulator was wrong in the end; I ended up with one Xander, one Caeda, and two Fjorms, which is a ratio I am okay with.

I'll be wishing you luck as well! I feel kinda bad that I've taken the two units that other people really wanted, but hopefully things'll go well for you all tomorrow too!

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Thanks! I'm relieved that the simulator was wrong in the end; I ended up with one Xander, one Caeda, and two Fjorms, which is a ratio I am okay with.

I'll be wishing you luck as well! I feel kinda bad that I've taken the two units that other people really wanted, but hopefully things'll go well for you all tomorrow too!

Well I've gotten really good pulls, so it's not so bad.  With a Celica, Genny, Spring!Camilla, and Deirdre none of which have -Atk and only Genny has a -Spd, so it's not been too bad.  I'd be more upset if I hadn't pulled anyone in 100+ Orbs.  Fingers crossed for Caeda and maybe Cordelia while I'm at it, but I'll live if I don't get them. Not really. I NEEED them.

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23 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


@Vaximillian @Anime27Arts

I spent more money on this banner than I'd care to admit... but it finally happened!

Is she marrying Marth or Palla?

Congrats! And indeed, I almost forgot December starts today. Time to grind the hell of the tower for these quests.

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8 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Well I've gotten really good pulls, so it's not so bad.  With a Celica, Genny, Spring!Camilla, and Deirdre none of which have -Atk and only Genny has a -Spd, so it's not been too bad.  I'd be more upset if I hadn't pulled anyone in 100+ Orbs.  Fingers crossed for Caeda and maybe Cordelia while I'm at it, but I'll live if I don't get them. Not really. I NEEED them.

Heh, you've actually gotten my most wanted red then, so I guess it evens out. And you've spent like half the orbs that I have, so you have a much better ratio than I do. At least we've both done pretty well overall then! I pray that you don't get a +Def/-Atk Cordelia like I did.

2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Is she marrying Marth or Palla?

Congrats! And indeed, I almost forgot December starts today. Time to grind the hell of the tower for these quests.

I actually need to decide on that now, don't I?
I'll probably go with Marth, I see them being on teams together more often. Also they're like the official couple, so I'd feel bad if I broke them apart.

I have like 11 orbs left over, so I may be able to squeeze out two more pulls if I'm lucky and/or start sniping (no way am I pulling on blues anymore!). Thankfully, all these 5-stars should make the tower quests go by super easily.

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