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@DefaultBeep Late congrats on the +Atk Deirdre! Just upgrade Res +3 Sacred Seal so you have both +Atk and +Res boons Oh and the Sigurd, too! wow FE4 sure does love you, I remember you getting your Tailtiu way too easily.

I tried (and failed) to get YOLO pulls for a Spring Camilla, since I don't know when she'll come back.

I did get a +Atk/-Def Fae out of it (better than neutral or the spare -Res one I have). Does she specifically need Defense?

Also got a +Spd/-Res Male Corrin, too, which is a really good nature. Maybe 5 star him one day but he's super low on the priority list. Maybe when Yato gets an upgrade, since Siegbert's sword outdoes the Yato.

A second +Atk/-Def Cecilia. Already built one, so maybe she can be Gronnraven+ fodder.

As for Second account it gave me a +Atk/-Res Seliph! That sounds like the perfect nature....I'll have to see how good he is with Divine Tyrfing before I make any decisions to upgrade him, since I don't really have any personal attachment to him so it'll purely be gameplay-based.

I have another Boey, this time +Def/-Res. I'm still building up my +Atk/-HP one....I think that's better because Boey needs Res as well? 

Hmmm funny how I get good natures for usually meh 4 star units that I'm neutral on and keep hounding me..

Edited by mcsilas
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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@DefaultBeep Late congrats on the +Atk Deirdre! Just upgrade Res +3 Sacred Seal so you have both +Atk and +Res boons Oh and the Sigurd, too! wow FE4 sure does love you, I remember you getting your Tailtiu way too easily.

I did get a +Atk/-Def Fae out of it (better than neutral or the spare -Res one I have). Does she specifically need Defense?

As for Second account it gave me a +Atk/-Res Seliph! That sounds like the perfect nature....I'll have to see how good he is with Divine Tyrfing before I make any decisions to upgrade him, since I don't really have any personal attachment to him so it'll purely be gameplay-based.

Heh, I'm actually gonna stick with the +Res Deirdre instead. +Atk is nice, but having Deirdre reach 50+ Res with the right skills sounds way too fun. I'm certainly okay with FE4 liking me, since it's one of my favorite FE games. I also got Ayra on the Legendary banner, so now Eldigan is the only FE4 (and FE5) unit that I'm missing.

I think that's actually Fae's best boon/bane; blue mages are a much bigger threat to her (including the likes of Reinhardt), so her Def matters a bit less than her Res.

I did some testing with my +1 +Atk/-Res 5-star Seliph on KageroChart, and with the Divine Tyrfing (simulated early by just giving Sigurd Seliph's stats), Seliph can get almost 140 kills on enemy phase with Distant Counter/Quick Riposte (I forget the exact Special, unfortunately). Of course, whether you're willing to put in that kind of investment is up to you, considering you don't have any attachment to him.

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3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Heh, I'm actually gonna stick with the +Res Deirdre instead. +Atk is nice, but having Deirdre reach 50+ Res with the right skills sounds way too fun. I'm certainly okay with FE4 liking me, since it's one of my favorite FE games. I also got Ayra on the Legendary banner, so now Eldigan is the only FE4 (and FE5) unit that I'm missing.

I think that's actually Fae's best boon/bane; blue mages are a much bigger threat to her (including the likes of Reinhardt), so her Def matters a bit less than her Res.

I did some testing with my +1 +Atk/-Res 5-star Seliph on KageroChart, and with the Divine Tyrfing (simulated early by just giving Sigurd Seliph's stats), Seliph can get almost 140 kills on enemy phase with Distant Counter/Quick Riposte (I forget the exact Special, unfortunately). Of course, whether you're willing to put in that kind of investment is up to you, considering you don't have any attachment to him.

Ok, cool. I'm going to be merging my built Neutral Fae to the +Atk one regardless, so good to know. With the breath upgrades, I wonder if I should use Light Breath++ instead now (maybe give her a +Def boost....or just more Atk). She currently has Lightning Breath and QR2 because I'm a cheap f2p like that :P

Yeah Seliph's boon/bane is good but as I said, being free means I don't exactly have those resources. I'll just train him up as 4 star either way and decide later if I'm ever running out of characters to promote.

I may try for another YOLO pull tomorrow. My last one was at least decent because of the natures so I don't feel as bad as before. At least I have Hard and Lunatic Book 2 chapters if I ever need more orbs for Shiro, and I haven't pulled blues in a while so blues should have decent fodder.

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I actually managed to pull a Bridelia from the banner today. Was pretty happy and thought she'd do well in backing up best boy (Takumi. Always first in my heart.) as my second archer.

Unfortunately she is +Def -Spd.... I hate this so much. Pretty much all of the units I want to use are either -Atk or -Spd. (whichever is most incovenient) I am so tired of this bullshit. I know there are workarounds to still make them useful, but it's so vexing to know they'll never be half as good as they could be. I have half a mind to send her home out of sheer frustration.

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@Vaximillian @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @Rezzy

So I pulled with 106 orbs + another 100-ish I bought, and I got...



+Def -Spd, unfortunately... RIP Vax tho!


+Atk -Spd. Is this my curse now?


+HP -Spd. Yeah, this is my curse now.


+Def -HP. But healers are good now!

I also got a neutral Brave Lyn that I forgot to screencap.

No Bridelia for me once again, unfortunately... I guess it's not meant to be. bad divorce post-Awakening

I put my Brave Lyn and new Celica to good use, though:


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2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

@Vaximillian @mcsilas @Mackc2

This is it. Fate has made its decision, and that decision is to taunt me and all of my hopes and dreams. With chances equal to that of flipping an unweighted coin, RNG has planted its feet firmly in the sand, and shook its finger in rejection of my happiness. As I lay on my knees, weeping and pleading with fate to pull me up from my fallen position, it has lightly kicked a small yet still mildly annoying amount of sand into my eyes, which only increases the volume of my already present tears. I ask for one last play on the jukebox in the diner of my consciousness, but fate instead decides to pay ahead of me, and chooses to play that haunting yet fitting melody: "Carry On Wayward Son." Or, in somewhat simpler terms:

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I got Sigurd instead of Katarina.


Which, despite my ramblings above, I'm actually pretty happy about. He's new, I wanted him, and he's +Atk/-Spd which seems pretty solid. I also got a 5-star Eirika and Elise, which was weird and unexpected, but I'll take them I guess. Also, I finally got my third Roy ever, which is super exciting. Now I can finally start working on Young Tiki for real, who... I got back on Katarina's last banner. Huh. Fitting, I suppose.

Oh, and @Tybrosion too I suppose, because of a certain somebody else that showed up. Apologies for taking another one of her!

Fate is indeed cruel, could I have been wrong about the Christmas hats 

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

Fate is indeed cruel, could I have been wrong about the Christmas hats 

I think you were, Emmeryn. All the hats did was make Sigurd want to come over and warm me up with his hotness. I should probably just replay New Mystery or Awakening again at this point; however much gold it costs to rerecruit Katarina from the Awakening logbook thing, it'll definitely be much cheaper on my wallet and sanity than Heroes has been.

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Scraped up a bunch of last minute orbs to pull on red. I have 0 orbs now, but I have a +res -HP Celica and a FRICKING REGULAR IKE. I'm very happy.

EDIT: Ike seems to have the +spd -atk nature that appears to be quite common amongst several of my 5-stars, but that's fine. Better to have him than to not.

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3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Vaximillian @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @Rezzy

So I pulled with 106 orbs + another 100-ish I bought, and I got...

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+Def -Spd, unfortunately... RIP Vax tho!


+Atk -Spd. Is this my curse now?


+HP -Spd. Yeah, this is my curse now.


+Def -HP. But healers are good now!

I also got a neutral Brave Lyn that I forgot to screencap.

No Bridelia for me once again, unfortunately... I guess it's not meant to be. bad divorce post-Awakening

I put my Brave Lyn and new Celica to good use, though:


so many 5*'s! wish I had all that

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3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Vaximillian @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @Rezzy

So I pulled with 106 orbs + another 100-ish I bought, and I got...

  Hide contents


+Def -Spd, unfortunately... RIP Vax tho!


+Atk -Spd. Is this my curse now?


+HP -Spd. Yeah, this is my curse now.


+Def -HP. But healers are good now!

I also got a neutral Brave Lyn that I forgot to screencap.

No Bridelia for me once again, unfortunately... I guess it's not meant to be. bad divorce post-Awakening

I put my Brave Lyn and new Celica to good use, though:


Join me as the Keeper of the Damned!  Together we can give bad banes to everybody. 

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Went for Rhajat again, but there weren't any Green Orbs, so I picked Grey and hoped for either Faye (for Firesweep Bow fodder) or Takumi.

I got Faye. Don't recall boon/bane, but she's worse than my +RES/-SPD Faye, so she'll be handing off the Firesweep Bow to someone else in the future.

I don't think I'm getting Rhajat on banner, so I'm just gonna wait for the Children of Fate banner and try for Soleil/Seigbert/maybe Shiro on that one.

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Last ditch effort on the 8% banner. I have 0 orbs now as well and have exhausted every in-game orb there is. But I had enough for one full pull. One red and four blue so no chance for S!Camilla. But I'll probably get a Fjorm.



And I did. Bittersweet as can be though. She's +DEF/-ATK so she's at best a merge and at worst Drive ATK 3 fodder. Also that Oscar gave me hope to replace my +HP/-ATK one but this one is +RES/-SPD, the literal worst nature possible. So yep, lancebreaker fodder. Everything else is meh, but at least I got another Water Blessing. I can give this to Matt, but this time I'm going to think long and hard about who to give it to. May even sit on it.

So... once again S!Camilla passes me by. It's not meant to be I guess. My fortune with green *5's has been really shoddy of late. I'm going to burn 15 orbs on the Children banner, after that it's back to saving. Maybe I'll try for Dorcas or Sigurd in the VG banner, maybe not.

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I decided to give Bride Cordelia one more try before this banner ended. I bought some orbs, then my game crashed and I had to restart it TWICE to get the new orbs to show up.

Thankfully, my efforts weren't wasted. :D Just one summon! lol


@Rezzy I don't know if she's as good as yours though? I got +HP, -Res here (my "curse" of lots of +Def and +HP 5 stars continues lol), so thankfully not -Atk or -Spd. But yeah. Thought you'd like to see tho!

I'm loaded on archers now though, between her, CYL Lyn, and Klein! (and I have a merged Summer Gaius too)


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6 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

so many 5*'s! wish I had all that

You didn't get anything good?

5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Join me as the Keeper of the Damned!  Together we can give bad banes to everybody. 

If this really is my curse (it feels like so now), then between you and I, we'd be giving everyone terribly unusable units with a high chance.

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Welp. I got my third Ayra and I'm out of orbs till tomorrow. I guess my Celica search ends for now. I'll just use her for Swift Sparrow fodder.

Five 5 stars is pretty good, even if I didn't get the three characters I wanted.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I decided to give Bride Cordelia one more try before this banner ended. I bought some orbs, then my game crashed and I had to restart it TWICE to get the new orbs to show up.

Thankfully, my efforts weren't wasted. :D Just one summon! lol


@Rezzy I don't know if she's as good as yours though? I got +HP, -Res here (my "curse" of lots of +Def and +HP 5 stars continues lol), so thankfully not -Atk or -Spd. But yeah. Thought you'd like to see tho!

I'm loaded on archers now though, between her, CYL Lyn, and Klein! (and I have a merged Summer Gaius too)


Congrats!  My Bridelia is +Spd, but with LaD, she's a great nuke at neutral.

32 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You didn't get anything good?

If this really is my curse (it feels like so now), then between you and I, we'd be giving everyone terribly unusable units with a high chance.

It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

But why does the job come with not getting the units you want? I thought you get everyone you want, just not with good natures...

You must first learn suffering yourself, before you can be the Angel of Banes.

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