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Well, I had some extra money to toss around so I bought the ten orb pack(for the first time ever) and got Winter Chrom. He's plus res and minus speed.

While I'm happy I finally got him, I don't plan on spending any more money for a long time. Luckily it was a decent investment since the banner is limited, but I'm not a big risk taker, especially when it comes to my cash. 

.....Buuuuut if they ever decide to release Guy, then that'll be a different story.

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Well my saving orbs until today payed off, I finally managed to pull C!Robin!  He is +def, -res so he is pretty good I have the two guys and my TT will now work out great.  I am happy to have him and I still have 11 orbs saved for New Year's:)

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Decided to do a summoning session after getting no information on the upcoming legendary banner.

Summoned Minerva.

EDIT: Uhhh?! I got a second Jaffar from this banner. How?!

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I got WE!Robin in a pull taking place on Christmas. How fitting! (Other unit pulls were 4* Draug, 4* Lon'qu, and a 3* Frederick. Only had 19 orbs so last blue remains unpulled. Was it another Robin? Who knooooows?)

He is -HP/+Res, which cancels out the Arena penalty he takes from the HP bane, though I don't typically care about those XD Still, better to be aware than not I suppose!

Aaah, the dopamine flows freely! This banner was such a meanie, and I'm sure continues to be for many. Though I'm not complaining, Robin is the unit I wanted least since I already have Effie for my lance armor. Still, I did NOT have Armor March and besides, he's wielding a Christmas tree as a weapon and I'm a huge fan of hilariously unlikely weapons.

Merry Christmas all! Absolute best of luck on all pulls and everyone you do!

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Welp, done with Winter's Envoy after a bit of Christmas whaling. Robin and Chrom only had to get his sis four times before he turned up both obtained with four extras sprinkled in.

ccihZCb.png?15AkhjnZ.png?1bTsq4vr.png?14NYnjOA.png?1  d5T4jry.png?1d2Ez6EU.png?1

Boon/Bane Combos
BH!Lucina: +Atk, -Def
Hawkeye: +Res, -HP
WE!Robin: +HP, -Atk
WE!Lissas: +HP, -Atk; +HP, -Spd
WE!Chrom: +Res, -Spd

Edited by Tybrosion
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Since today is Christmas I was decided to summon the the Winter banner hoping for another Tharja. I sniped on the first circle and got a Hinata. Then I did a full summon on two circles



Some decent inheritance here.

But on the second summon



A 5* Caeda, killing my pity rate, at least she isn't Seliph. She can be merged with my other Ceada.


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Got some TT orbs, promoted Raigh to 5* for good luck, and went Jaffar hunting again.


I... YOU are not even close to being Jaffar! al;kfhasalifjawel;fj 

And she managed to also be -spd! Just like the one I pulled on the last gauntlet banner! Looks like Soren's getting Swift Sparrow!

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So I was bored, and I had 14 orbs, so I decided to pull...

Two C!Lissa and a Stahl.

That makes it 9 focus units, 3 of each. What the heck. I've only used less than 150 orbs... For some reason I feel bad.

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I. Regret. Everything.

Had a 4.5 pity and out came the Red Silver Knight. So I figure may as well empty the rest. Maybe I'll get something good. Yeah just shouldn't have pulled today.
Wrong Lissa. And two I already have at 5*. Seth is +HP/-ATK compared to my current +DEF/-RES. Linde is Neutral compared to my current Neutral. At least Seth is Fortress fodder(though he doesn't need to be 5* to do that). I guess Linde can merge.

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Yesterday, I took a chance and used my last 5 orbs. I got a plus HP, minus SPD Winter Tharja!

I think this is the first banner that I've gotten 3/4 of the focus units on. Time to start saving for the next one.

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Decided to buy some Orbs to up my chances of getting something out of the Winter's Envoy banner.

AND I GOT SIGURD! +SPD/-HP Sigurd, too (-HP kinda sucks, but only 'cause it's -4, I can fix that just fine with HP +5 Sacred Seal if I think I need to)! He's gonna be so awesome!

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So my best friend gave me an iTunes card today, and I could of course not help but spend it on orbs so I went Jaffar hunting again with 55 orbs. 

First go round no gray and this happens:


hello fourth off focus 5* for this banner egad! He is the weird +spd/-def. I was already at 3% so no pity break, and I go to try again. Second summoning also had no freaking grays! I pick green again-


WHY HELLO! Finally an on banner focus and while I don’t want her nearly as much as Jaffar I am very happy to see her! And very surprised, it’s always a shock to get more than one 5*’s in a row. As a bonus even more she is +spd/-res!

I’ve still got 45 orbs so I’m in for a bit more sniping. I get three more dud summons two of which had no grays and then


F I N A L L Y 

I HAVE WAITED SO VERY LONG FOR THIS MOMENT!! I don’t even care that he’s -spd, I can make him work. My nightmare in colorless hell has ended!! Third time really was the charm! 

But man Weapons to Refine pt2 was a wild ride for me you guys. I managed to get six 5*’s off of it. 

Innes, Maria, Katrina (who was fed to Soren for the second time), Hawkeye, Minerva, and finally Jaffar. Finally. 

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Alright, let's go!

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Fir (Obvious meh is obvious. +Atk/-Res, nearly optimal), 4* Peri (Once again, I locked up. She's Neutral), 4* Soren (Will he be good? +Def/-Res, nah), 5* Chrissa (I HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS RINGALING! Oh look, a Focus Unit! Haven't seen one in a while! Don't need to pull green..... if I want to torture myself again. +Def/-Spd, Bit sad about that as she has a speed stat.), 4* Setsuna (+Atk/-Def. Think I have it already)

THIS IS MORE LIKE IT. I might try for Tharja again, but only if I can face it again.

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9 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Hee hee nice~ -Spd sounds eh but I guess Leo is a slug anyway so :shrug:


19 speed isn't too much of a downgrade from 22
it's ok

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7 hours ago, Sophie said:
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Not my expected pity-breaker, but I'll take it. +Atk -Spd @Rezzy @Arcanite 

-Spd isn't too bad on him.  Either you want to sink a lot of buffs into him to make his speed just decent or just dump it altogether to make his other stats great.

Nice to see my boy Leo to brighten my day a little.

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Pulled on the Winter banner early this morning. Managed to get Winter Lissa, and she’s +Atk/-Res! That’s a good way to finish off the Winter banner. I would like to get a Chrom with better IVs as well, but now I’m gonna focus on the 8% banner.

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