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Just now, Anacybele said:

I never said anything about resetting. I meant that every time you click summon just one time, you'll see every color in the pool at least once. So you'll have one each of three colors, and two of another.

I'm not an expert on numbers, but I think that might skew the percentages.  There's also the case when the Banner does not have a given color, where at least one of the Orbs is guaranteed to be a non-focus color.

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I am really starting to hate these legendary banners. I get up to 11 percent and all I have to choose from is 5 colorless and a useless Innes goes and breaks my pity when I tried to pull just one to back out. I really wish you could back out without pulling even if it meant you lost the five orbs. Or what Anacybele said, that would probably be even better. I don't even want to think of how many orbs have gone down the shitter for 4 5*, none of whom are least bit interesting. Talk about making someone want to rage quit.

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8 minutes ago, Usana said:

I am really starting to hate these legendary banners. I get up to 11 percent and all I have to choose from is 5 colorless and a useless Innes goes and breaks my pity when I tried to pull just one to back out. I really wish you could back out without pulling even if it meant you lost the five orbs. Or what Anacybele said, that would probably be even better. I don't even want to think of how many orbs have gone down the shitter for 4 5*, none of whom are least bit interesting. Talk about making someone want to rage quit.

Same here, I keep having almost nothing but green and colorless and I want red. I've had four sessions in a row now with zero red. And 5 out of the last six. This is why I said every session ought to be fixed to have at least one of every color. I'm at 11% too because I can't seem to get reds at all except for like every half dozen sessions.

8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not an expert on numbers, but I think that might skew the percentages.  There's also the case when the Banner does not have a given color, where at least one of the Orbs is guaranteed to be a non-focus color.

So? At least you'd still get to try the color you want.

Edited by Anacybele
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I really, really, really wanna spend a ton of orbs on the Raven and Lucius banner. I just want more Raven and Lucius for merges. ;A; Mostly Lucius...but it seems he just can't be on a banner where he's the only colorless. Nevertheless, I think I pulled about 6 colorless stones.No luck. I get so many Rebeccas. SO. MANY. I don't see why she shows up more than Lucius. ;A; 

Oh well. Someday. XD Someday. I still need 6 more copies of Lukas, 4 of Raven, 3 of Merric, 5 of Leon, and 8 of Lucius. This game knows what I want.

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Same here, I keep having almost nothing but green and colorless and I want red. I've had four sessions in a row now with zero red. And 5 out of the last six. This is why I said every session ought to be fixed to have at least one of every color. I'm at 11% too because I can't seem to get reds at all except for like every half dozen sessions.

So? At least you'd still get to try the color you want.

It would make the colors you want appear less often, though.  When there's a Banner with a given color it raises the percent for that color to appear ever so slightly.  Right now, Red appears far more often than 25% of the time, and on average, it's the most common one to show up 3-4 times in a single group.  If you can get 2 Reds max for a given group, that would actually be hurting you in the long run, if you are hunting for Reds.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

It would make the colors you want appear less often, though.  When there's a Banner with a given color it raises the percent for that color to appear ever so slightly.  Right now, Red appears far more often than 25% of the time, and on average, it's the most common one to show up 3-4 times in a single group.  If you can get 2 Reds max for a given group, that would actually be hurting you in the long run, if you are hunting for Reds.

I'd rather have just one of the color I want every session than a bunch of sessions with none of that color. And I'm getting almost no reds lately. So a lot of my orbs are going to waste.

And on a rare time I do get a red, another Sigurd breaks my pity rate... I've gotten him on this banner twice now. :( I like him, but I need a better Ryoma way more...

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I never said anything about resetting. I meant that every time you click summon just one time, you'll see every color in the pool at least once. So you'll have one each of three colors, and two of another in every session.

This is a terrible idea because it means you can never have more than two orbs of one color on a single session. It also means zero chance of a full pull if you're hunting for focus characters and said focus doesn't cover every color.

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18 minutes ago, Jave said:

This is a terrible idea because it means you can never have more than two orbs of one color on a single session. It also means zero chance of a full pull if you're hunting for focus characters and said focus doesn't cover every color.

Right now though, you have a chance of having none of the color you want and that's worse than anything.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Right now though, you have a chance of having none of the color you want and that's worse than anything.

Yes, but that’s part of the gacha playstyle. You can’t include a form of pull that takes away the possibility of getting the best possible session. 

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"Sir! This salt mine is going to explode! We've got to get out of here!"

"Run, lad. I'll go warn the others."

"But, sir!"

"I said go!"

So... the last time I spent money on this game was during the spring banner, to get Camilla. I spent far too much, and, in my hundreds of orbs, didn't get her. But it wasn't entirely bad, as I did get some unit that, in hindsight, I was reasonably satisfied with.

This time, with £30 I was gifted, I didn't feel as bad spending it on orbs, since I consider gifted money, money that I don't necessarily need to save. So... It doesn't bother me that I didn't get anything from the 48 orbs £30 would give me. What bothers me is continually rolling on a seasonal banner from start to finish, using all the orbs you earn during that time on it, and getting nothing... Oh salt... How I've missed thee. It bothers me more because I was rolling reds for Tharja. I now wish I rolled for Lissa instead, because at least I could have had the secondary goal of summoning Beruka. Oh, but don't worry, I got a couple of the original Tharja, though in glorious four stars...

The only other gacha game I've played is a rhythm game (Love Live! School Idol Festival) and in that, if you spend 50 of your summoning currency to summon 11 idols, rather than spending 5 of it to summon one at a time, you get a guaranteed SR, and I wish this game implemented in one way or another.

Oh, wait... Sorry. I forgot. I didn't get nothing. Near the start of the Christmas banner I got a Marth... Yay... One terrible Marth during the entire banner. Orbs earned through maxed out TT rewards? Nothing. Fun times.

And so the salt mine explosion settled down.

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So, I told myself that I would pull on the legendary banner until I got a 5-star -- any 5-star -- or ran out of orbs before I can pull on it again. Although my main want was Innes, and wouldn't mind having Sigurd and Gunnthra, I was mostly sticking to colorless and picking maybe like one green if there were many, because I really, really wanted Innes. Last night, I had to stop pulling on the banner because I got this.


+def -HP. I'm not going to complain because she is new, but why couldn't you have been Innes.

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15 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I needed Brave Axe fodder for my Cherche...

2 greens: Free was a Bartre. Other was Arthur. All 3 stars... Meh.

Then I noticed Christmas banner was ending, so I did my usual end of banner, YOLO summon...


@Zeo Well DAMN, I now have a bonus unit. Also she's +Atk/-HP! Not bad! Axe!Lissa get!!!

There was another green orb. I was hoping for Christmas Chrom like @Cute Chao...instead I got a 3 star Gunter who is +Atk/-Res! I am currently training a +Def/-Res one but this is good, too! (Not sure who is better though)

I mean, I guess it makes up for not having any 5 stars from the 8% banner.

Congrats on the awesome Lissa :D 

Shame about the Chrom, but I'm sure he'll be back ^.^ 

I'm planning to go for Takumi and Azura, so fingers crossed. I shall wish you luck on the Azura hunt :D 

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So I left the winter's envoy in a huff when I spent 147 orbs with no focus unit. I thought the best thing to do would be to save up for the Legendary and likely New Years Eve banners. But since then we learned these christmas units would be involved in the next TT, which I couldn't have predicted. Also Legendary Banners will be a monthly affair in which previous OCs will always be available. And finally the new years banner will be a month long, which means plenty of time to save orbs. So returning to Winter's Envoy to pick up just one of the armors would be the best course of action for my catalogue, and for my TT scoring. As usual, we're pulling all colors but grey

First attempt. 4 blue, 1 grey.



3* F!Corrin +Atk/-HP

4* Oboro +Res/-Atk

3* Sully +Def/-Atk

3* Florina +Def/-Res

Corrin #24 if my count is correct. Among my dozen attempts on this banner, this is a depressingly par result.

Second attempt. 3 red, 1 blue, 1 green. Promising!



5* Gray +Res/-Spd

4* Selena +Res/-Atk

3* Selena +Spd/-HP

4* Titania +Res/-Spd

4* Odin +Atk/-Def

That is non-focus unit #3. And honestly if you had me pick a pity breaker out of the normal summoning pool, it would be Gray. So wow this feels bittersweet. Gray's nature is awful, but his sword valor is what I want. Reposition fodder is another boon.

Last attempt. 1 blue, 3 green, 1 grey. May as well pull them all.



4* Titania +Atk/-Spd

3* Nino +Spd/-Res

3* Gunter + Spd/-Def

4* Mae +Def/-Spd

4* Wrys +Res/-HP

I'm just happy to be getting Gunter at all.


Well that's the end of it. 204 orbs with no winter units to show for it. Getting three 5 stars for 200 orbs is reasonable in my imo, but having none of them be focus units does sting a bit. I would have been happy with any of the four. Still, two of three pity breakers are real treasures. +Spd/-HP Deirdre and Gray. This is also the the banner in which I got a +Spd/-HP Soleil whom I promoted immediately.

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I forgot to do this sooner.  Up to 605 total pulled units.







In no particular order (I think).  The single pulls are free pulls.

For boons/banes:


Lukas (+Spd/-Def): I think I'm going to do a bunch of merging, then slowly get my Brave Lukas up to 5* +10.
Florina (+Spd/-Res): This. . .is actually a choice.  On one hand, I REALLY need the Desperation on someone else.  On the other hand, +Spd bumps her to 31, which is passable.  On the third hand, she's not killing squat with 29 base Atk, short of a Sapphire Lance.  I need to check my current Florina first.  Might be a merge, most likely will be fodder.
Raigh (+Spd/-Def): Wow.  I need to check my current Raigh's bane, but if it's -HP like I think it is, this one will replace him.

Sheena (+Def/-Atk): Only half of this works, and it's not the bane.
Draug (+HP/-Def): And I don't even need Ward Armor.  Sigh.
Palla (+Atk/-Res): I think this is the same as the one I have?  If not, I'm using this one.
Est (+Res/-Def): I won't feel bad about turning her into Shove fodder.

Amelia (+HP/-Res): She is going to make amazing use of Earth Boost.  Tee-hee~!  Not bad for the YOLO on the legendary banner!

Cain (+Atk/-HP): THE CAINS DO NOT STOP!  I'm very tempted to make Cavalry Team Mk. 2 featuring Cain and Reinhardt, since both of them are amazing.
Arthur (+Spd/-Def): This is surprisingly not bad.  I'll run with him for now and see what happens.
Fir (+Atk/-Def): Thank you for getting lost until I needed--WTF.  This is pretty good.  I think my current one is +Atk, but if she isn't, she's getting replaced.
Palla (neutral): She's damn good fodder.
Virion (+Def/-Spd): My amazing luck had to end eventually.

This was one hell of a pull session.  My head is still spinning.


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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Florina (+Spd/-Res): This. . .is actually a choice.  On one hand, I REALLY need the Desperation on someone else.  On the other hand, +Spd bumps her to 31, which is passable.  On the third hand, she's not killing squat with 29 base Atk, short of a Sapphire Lance.  I need to check my current Florina first.  Might be a merge, most likely will be fodder. 

I wish my swarm of 3* Florinas had Desperation to give off.

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I wish my swarm of 3* Florinas had Desperation to give off.

And I wish we could trade or something!  I. . .kind of screwed up my early SI.  Hence why it's either sac the good Florina or merge.

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Oh right, early inheritance mistakes. Thanks to the skill search function, I recently found a random unlevelled 3* Fir in my barracks who had Hone Speed 3 for whatever reason. I've sent more than a few Firs home before so luckily this one survived. Until Maria took both her Speed Plus and Hone Speed of course.

People talk of colourless hell and occasionally green hell, but personally I dread blue hell the most. And this is someone who actively wants Jagens.

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17 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@Zeo Well DAMN, I now have a bonus unit. Also she's +Atk/-HP! Not bad! Axe!Lissa get!!!

This makes me feel really bad for wasting nearly 60 orbs and still not having a bonus unit. No bonus unit, no pity breaker, no good fodder even. Just all garbage.

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So I decided to do a final pull on the winter banner, and this happened: mIMrsEB.jpg 

I knew pulling on a banner on the last days was a good thing. He isn't a Tharja, but I'll take it. I'll probably merge them  together as no unit I can think of who would want Brazen Atk/Def. As for Ivs, the left Chrom is +res/-atk, and the right Chrom is +hp/-def. Gosh dang it game.

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48 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This makes me feel really bad for wasting nearly 60 orbs and still not having a bonus unit. No bonus unit, no pity breaker, no good fodder even. Just all garbage.

Awww dang didn't mean to make you feel bad :(

i just remember i think you were a fellow fan of an Axe version of Lissa

but i feel your pain though at least, i still have no 40% bonus on my main account for the last three TTs. At least the 20% bonus units are easier to use because they're not locked to 1 movement?

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

This makes me feel really bad for wasting nearly 60 orbs and still not having a bonus unit. No bonus unit, no pity breaker, no good fodder even. Just all garbage.

I don't have a bonus unit either, and I'm pretty sure I spent more than 60 orbs.  Such things happen.  I'm going to look forward to the next banner, since my luck with armored units seems to be pretty bad (Amelia and Hector aside).

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15 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I don't have a bonus unit either, and I'm pretty sure I spent more than 60 orbs.  Such things happen.  I'm going to look forward to the next banner, since my luck with armored units seems to be pretty bad (Amelia and Hector aside).

What makes it worse is that I didn't even really care about the units. Christmas Chrom is cool, Axe Lissa is cool, Christmas Robin is cool and Lyn would love his A Skill, but I didn't need any of those units. I pulled out of fear of not having a 40% bonus above all, and in the end I spent 60 orbs on a banner I didn't care about, got nothing and have no orbs for surprise banners with a bunch of units I actually really want.

That's what happens I suppose. I've been sick and things have been busy and maybe that affected my judgement further. Well, I'll probably be saving this month. Unless Dawn Brigade of course.

On another note to stay on topic, full pull on the Legendary Heroes banner again. Nothing of note. *3 Palla is Moonbow fodder I guess.

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Welp... I WANTED to snipe greens, but I've not gotten any to appear, and then the colorless I summon from gives me HNY!Takumi...

+Spd -Atk.

Also featured at 5* are Marth +Res -Spd, Julia +Def -Spd, 

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