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So after my bad luck of the past couple months, I got this:




+Def -Res


+Atk -Def


+HP -Res

.... The only way I could have gotten luckier is with some IVs, but none of them are really bad so I certainly won't complain about it. haha

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Congrats on pulling Takumi (and Azura), Nanima! EDIT: Oh, and Lissa too. You got the same Azura I did.

Edited by Sunwoo
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So I got Azura fuckin finally. +Res -Spd. Whatever, I got a 5* Titania in the process, I'll just give her Emerald Axe+ and patch up her combat ability a bit. Maybe hope to get another Hector one day and give her Distant Counter, make her a Blue Mage counter. Or just let her be a supporter with her weapon basically being half a Ward Fliers. But I am now pissed off.

You wanna know the chances of getting a Green orb in this banner?

Red: 30.43%

Blue: 25.16%

Colorless: 25.48%

Green: 18.93%

Well NO FUCKING WONDER NOBODY CAN GET A GREEN ORB. I never even noticed that Green Orbs had such a lower chance to appear than other orbs...

...also got a 5* Jeorge, +Spd -HP. Pretty neat. +Atk would have made him a candidate for Brave Bow+, but hey can't all be winners like that. And 5* Hawkeye. +Res -HP. Dunno about him, but hey if all else fails least I can give someone a Slaying Axe+ after weapon refinery-ing it.

Just to recap, I got all 3 seasonals. Takumi was +Spd -Atk, Camilla was +Spd -HP, and Azura was +Res -Spd. Probably not exactly meta changers (Camilla at least is barely weaker and slower than Elincia, but she is also worth more in Arena so there is that), but at least I don't feel compelled to resummon for any of them. I'll just accept that the units I want in every banner are just always going to be weaker than the same unit others manage to pull.

Edited by Xenomata
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Well. I didn't expect the new year's banner so soon. Makes sense I guess. Had some...mixed results.

Main account:

Free summon was this guy! 


Looks like I get to join the club in appreciating this slaying archer now! @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria Now I just need a Rhajat and maybe I could make gay emblem :D

He is +Spd/-HP as well! FINALLY, my -Spd curse has been broken! It was annoying getting so many units in a row with that curse.

...and that's where the good part ends. As always, gachas knows who you want and green orbs were rare. Also the VG tricked me in doing another try on the 8% for a Ryoma, and the TT banner for a Christmas bonus unit, and now I'm at a grand total of 2 orbs left after having 54....

Notable fodder though- I got my second ever Klein! He is +Res/-Def compared to my neutral one, so I am not even sure if that's a good thing? At least I have Death Blow fodder now. Also got a Niles, and some duplicate +Atk Fredericks/Cherches although I already 5 starred +Atk ones so they aren't needed anymore. And now I reached my barracks limit since the 100 unit upgrade. I guess this will help me control my orb summons now.


As for the second account.. umm I guess I got this guy @Cute Chao


Of course the game gives me little or no green orbs so I just pull colourless and get out. I think this guy came in my 3rd or 4th session....and he's +Def/-Atk. It hurts because his Def is so low anyway, but at least he can join my +Def/-HP Neko Sakura and they can be dagger siblings together. Hooray for Atk+3 seal at least.

And again I got duped in spending my stash in the 8% banner for a Ryoma but had nothing. No 5 star from 8% banner at all, but considering I got Mochi Takumi and Christmas Lissa, that ain't too bad.

As for fodder...I finally have a Kagero that's not -Atk! She's +Res/-HP which is workable. Also received my second 4 star +Atk/-HP Camilla. A -Spd Fir/Hana that will be fodder and surprise another Bartre. Again I'm down to 2 orbs and having my barracks completely full since the update.

Sigh...this game. At least a 5 star from each account for the banner is still a good way to end the year...I just wish I didn't spend more orbs after that since I got them early on.

I'm surprised that out of all the colourless sniping I only got one healer (3 star Lissa for free summon)

Edited by mcsilas
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I'm back.

I did draw Camilla pretty fast, so I could spend some orbs on the Christmas banner and got Chrom.
Now I only need Tharja and my Sheena will reach new heights!

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I got Azura with my free pull! Then went to the legendary banner and got Amelia with my free pull there, followed by Gunnthra about 7 pulls later. That's way better than I hoped for.

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Oh look, a flying.... green.... dancer.


(Cries in red mage armour)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (DAMMMIT!)

3* Azama (Return of Asshat. Nature's not great either. Don't care to promote him that much either)

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6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

My free New Year's Eve pull was 4* Caeda, so not bad. Then things got a bit weird when I decided to go back into the New Year's banner with just eight orbs.


@Rezzy: Apologies that this Titania couldn't find it's way to you while you were still building your Tentania and save you 20,000 feathers.

Funny thing here is that the hero I summoned just before this was a 4* Titania and now here's the first 5* of her that I've pulled. I already had a Titania (+Atk/-HP) promoted but this one here happens to be +Spd/-HP, so this kinda puts me in an impasse as to which is the better option.

Congrats, I think +Spd is slightly better, but they're both good.

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Havent posted in a while. Managed to get Winter Tharja and Robin (both -atk) using over 100 orbs. Legendary bannerI really wanted Brave Roy but ended up getting Sigurd 2 times...



Azura was my free summon (another -atk) while Takumi is +atk -res.

Edited by Chelone
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Let's see here.
Trying for Airzura in the New Years banner

first summon had 2 greens.. nothing

next 3 summons had 0 Green orbs at all..

5th summon had 1 Green orbs

then the 6th had no Green orbs and I get pity broken by +Atk -Spd Gray

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Uggg, no need to share an image I think. So with the orbs I had I saw a total of one green orb(admission: I only opened 4 times, legendary banner left me dry). What was it? 5* Merric. God dang off banner results. At least this is a month long banner, so I can look forward to a month of off banner pity breakers.

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Okay, this made me laugh. lol My only two pulls on the NY banner, just to see if one of these greens might be Azura since a flying singer/dancer would be pretty handy.


Why is this hilarious? This is pretty much immediately after I pulled two Sigurds on the legend banner. SOMEBODY sure wanted to join her hubby. lol

So uh, thanks game. XD Also, she's +Spd, -HP. Not bad! Lucky Siggy!


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I wish I knew how to upload screenshots with an RCA tablet. Anyways though, I got a 4* Cherche with my free summon, but on the next session, I got New Years Azura AND Sanaki on the same pull. Also a 4* Kagero who's ATK+ DEF- of all things and I wanted to finally get Kagero. Azura and Sanaki are HP+ ATK- (unfortunately) and ATK+ HP- respectively.

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Well no 5*s yet for me, 4* Arthur is stalking me on the NY banner right now he was my free pull and has shown up on every green I have gotten on this banner.  I also ended up with some red SI fodder.  I am going to polish of the rewards in TT since I have the time today and try again latter.  At least I have a month to pull Azura.

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9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

As for the second account.. umm I guess I got this guy @Cute Chao


Of course the game gives me little or no green orbs so I just pull colourless and get out. I think this guy came in my 3rd or 4th session....and he's +Def/-Atk. It hurts because his Def is so low anyway, but at least he can join my +Def/-HP Neko Sakura and they can be dagger siblings together. Hooray for Atk+3 seal at least.

And again I got duped in spending my stash in the 8% banner for a Ryoma but had nothing. No 5 star from 8% banner at all, but considering I got Mochi Takumi and Christmas Lissa, that ain't too bad.

As for fodder...I finally have a Kagero that's not -Atk! She's +Res/-HP which is workable. Also received my second 4 star +Atk/-HP Camilla. A -Spd Fir/Hana that will be fodder and surprise another Bartre. Again I'm down to 2 orbs and having my barracks completely full since the update.

Sigh...this game. At least a 5 star from each account for the banner is still a good way to end the year...I just wish I didn't spend more orbs after that since I got them early on.

Congrats :D 

I got the lovely Takumi on my second pull. He was eager to join me :) I've not checked his stats yet, though. 

I also continued, since I decided I wanted to try for Azura. Several Bartres and Gunters later I get... Nephenee! 

Honestly, not too unhappy. I don't mind her as a character, even while wishing she also remembered trousers were a thing. It would have been nice to get Azura, but it's so disheartening pulling for greens these days, especially since you often have to pull a different colour when they don't show up, so I've given up for now. I'll see what the mid-month banner is, and maybe what the banner after that is while saving up my orbs ^.^ 

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100 orbs on the New Year's banner got me a pity breaker Leon (+def/-res) He'll probably be Slaying Bow or Guard fodder at some point. I hope I'll be able to get Azura for my flier team before the banner ends, but I have terrible luck with green orbs

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19 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Well that's the end of it. 204 orbs with no winter units to show for it. 

Wait hang on, I've got weeks of quests and maps to clear and all their deadlines are today. Can totally try one last time, and have enough left over for first pull on New Years, lol.

Winter Banner 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey


4* Olivia +Spd/-Atk

3* Lon'qu +Def/-Spd

4* titania +Res/-Spd

3* Shanna +HP/-Res

New Years 1 red, 1 blue, 3 grey


3* Sophia +HP/-Res

3* Lissa +Res/-Def

4* Lucius +Def/-Spd

5* NY! Takumi +Atk/-Res

Haha, I like Writing out NY! Takumi, makes me think it's "New York Takumi".

So that's the true end to Winter's Envoy, 221 orbs spent with three pity breakers to show for it. But my first try on New Years landed me Takumi immediately. Holy geez that weapon is power creeped. And you can put additional stats on it? Welcome to the team, bud. Will post again probably at the end of January with more results from this banner.

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