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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well I've had continuous bad luck especially in terms of natures for the second half of 2017... After not getting Bridelia, I spent a ton of orbs just to get one -Spd SCorn, and then I pulled -Spd Brave Lucina and -Atk Brave Roy, and -Spd Neko Sakura... It's really fucking annoying.

One day you'll get all the +Spd waifus! Just gotta be patient~

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well I've had continuous bad luck especially in terms of natures for the second half of 2017... After not getting Bridelia, I spent a ton of orbs just to get one -Spd SCorn, and then I pulled -Spd Brave Lucina and -Atk Brave Roy, and -Spd Neko Sakura... It's really fucking annoying.

One day you'll get all the +Spd waifus! Just gotta be patient~

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New banner dropped. Effective against cavalry. I wouldn't mind having Gray --

*no red orbs*

Of course.

So I picked green. Summoned Barst. I needed more reposition fodder.

Holy shit, PERFECT Barst! He's +atk -HP, must keep! So I guess I'm using my other one as reposition fodder.

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I own Gray and Mathilda at 5 star. Awful natures, +Res/-Spd, and +HP/-Spd respectively. But I'm interested in expanding the collection, and the game only gave me grey and green orbs. Free summon was +HP/-Def Rhajat. Pretty sure that's freebie 5 star #3, with the first being Siegbert, and the second I can't quite remember. Boy the game is really making it up to me. But I'm still going to save up orbs until the end of the month. Only been saving for three days and I'm at 70, so exciting.

Edited by Glennstavos
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4* Barst from my 1 green orb on the new banner.. I should save orbs for the anniversary, so I hope Rhajat gets another banner a little later.

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Free pull on Effective Against Cavalry was +DEF/-SPD DORCAS!

Also got a +ATK/-RES Cherche, who I will train up and give a Brave Axe+ at some point in the very far future, a +SPD/-RES Roy, who I will keep for now, and a couple of units that have been sent home for feathers.

And with that, I'm going back to saving Orbs.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Gray or Rhajat would be nice.

Oh no green orbs. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 colorless.

*3 Henry and my 9th *4 Marth.

Took a shot at the colorless stone. +ATK/-SPD Jeorge. Oh well, 8 orbs down the drain. Back to saving.

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Damn. It's Gray.

I tried tricking the gacha by saying I want Rhajat.

Main account gave me 2 greens, 2 colourless and 1 red while second account gave me 1 red, 2 blues and 2 colourless.

Step 1 complete.

Now to pull red.

....and both of them are 4 star Marths.

Both of them have +Spd!

Main account Marth is -Def while second account is -Atk- but at least it's my first Marth.

@Zeo My main account has a lot of Marths now as well haha.

Another day Gray, another day. Maybe I'll do a YOLO last day pull.

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Opened the two green orbs offered:

3* Beruka +Def -Spd. Is she better than the Def/Res or Atk/Spd ones I already have for a future 4* +10 project? Might keep her around.
3* Cherche +Spd -Atk. Glad I'm finally getting some extra ones lately, been a long drought. She goes to 4* +6 once I can spare 4000 feathers, but still lacking a good base.

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I already have Gray, albiet with meh IVs, and I don't care about Mathilda as a unit, so here's to Rhajat.

  1. 3* Cherche: I guess not. Zephiel still needs Pivot, so that's where she's going.
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So yesterday I was pitybroken by another NY!Camilla when there were no green orbs. I gave her joke weapon to Joshua, because I really don't need two of her. (And I can't find any use for Spd/Def bond)

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Me: Time to save some Orbs for whatever January or February madness is incoming.
IS: Can't let you have that! *releases banner with Gray*
Me: ...

So I used ~40 Orbs on this banner ... and got a neutral Sigurd.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Will pull for more since I need some fodder from red Orbs (namely Selena) and still want Gray.

But that Roy for TA fodder was a pleasant surprise.

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More summoning from Anti-Cav...


Right game, right unit class... WRONG PERSON.

+Def -Spd. Jesus I'm starting to hate this boon/bane combo... oh well, Slaying Edge+ fodder once I get his 5* Lv 40 scene.

Soleil at 4*, +Atk -Def. Sigh... I would get a better Soleil when she is demoted...

Pity breaking Mist, +Def -Spd.

5 Red orbs, can't miss him this time...

And I didn't. Gray, +Spd -HP. Pretty good, I'd say.

And one last summon from Happy New Year because... I had a feeling, really.

HNY!Azura, +Atk -Def. MUUUUUUCH better than the Azura I thought I'd be stuck with.

...also Siegbert. +Spd -Def, same nature as my current Siegbert. Atk Tactic 3 fodder, neat.

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6 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

This was from a few days ago, but my laptop kinda crapped out, so I couldn't post...

Anyway, with 90 orbs, I got my girl Azura! @GuiltyLove @Arcanite @MrSmokestack She's +Res -Spd, which is kinda annoying (muh -Spd curse), but oh well.

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Also got a Camilla to go with. +Res -HP.

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Didn't get any other 5*s, but I did get two cool 4*s:

My first ever Titania! @Rezzy has finally come home. @Vaximillian

Now to... raise Titania up and... Hmm... That's a nice axe...

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Also got a neutral Soleil. If my Camilla was a good nature, I would have foddered Soleil off (eventually) for Firesweep, but now I'm not sure.

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Congrats! What nature is Titania?

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