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2 hours ago, Bleachya43vier said:

OMG best summon I've ever had. I was sitting at 10% pity rate on the legendary banner, which I've got 2 Micaiah and a Halloween Henry from already. Spend roughly 160 orbs and I have no orbs left. Back to saving them. 


LLyn in +spd -def

HJakob is +res - spd

LRobin and PInigo are both +res -hp

Cool, that's really lucky.

I think that's the second four 5* pull for this banner.

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No five stars yet and the banner ends tomorrow. God, my summonings have sucked. The only good thing I got out of the latest summon was a Selena for Repo, but other than that, nothing noteworthy of usefulness

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Well I decided to try for Kinoka since I still had 270 orbs with a goal of keeping 200 orbs in reserve for just in case a favorite unit drops.  I managed to pull F!Kana +atk,-res and my last pull that took me down to 201 orbs gave me a Kinoka +spd,-def!  I also ended up with some decent fodder but sadly no desperation fodder for Kaze.  

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New banner put me at 886 total pulled units.

+Res/-Spd Nino will be foddered off for Draw Back.  +Res/-Def Hawkeye will probably give Death Blow to someone.

Not a very interesting pull, sorry.

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On 5/1/2018 at 3:22 PM, Rezzy said:

HOLY CRAP!  Congrats, Rezzy!  

That image is... so beautiful! :wub:

(Sorry for the late response, just catching up on my tags now~!)

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Well, I broke my pity rate with a Halloween Jakob. It wasn't Halloween Henry or Ephraim, but at least I got something.

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Last day of the Legendary banner so it's do or die.

3* M Robin +Atk -Res
4* Sheena +Def -Atk
4* Clarine +HP -Res
4* Gordin +HP -Res
4* Nino +Res -Spd

12%, that's 160 orbs down the drain for no reward. I shouldn't torture myself like this but I went ahead and calculated the odds.

(0.92 ^ 5) * (0.915 ^ 5) * (0.91 ^ 5) * (0.905 ^ 5) * (0.9 ^ 5) * (0.895 ^ 5) * (0.89 ^ 5) * (0.885 ^ 5) = 0.01646222659

Yep, 1.65% chance of getting no 5-stars. Rationally I think that means 1 in about 60 people will experience this kind of shitty luck but it's scant comfort for the time being.

*1, 2, 3, breathe, 1, 2, 3, breathe*

Going to give it some time to settle down and make sure I don't do anything stupid like buy orbs. At this stage a 20-pack would still only have a 47% chance of giving me anything so that would be just throwing good money after bad (orbs).

Might watch a few guides on Chain Challenges to see if I can get back up to 9 or 13 orbs (I have two) after arena orbs arrive but that's the end of it. I only have the long CCs left anyway, did the last of the single-chapter ones today.

Edited by Humanoid
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31 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Humanoid Ouch, that's some bad luck. Hope you'll get better results from the next banner. 

Thanks, I've cooled down a little with the help of some ice cream (and a bike ride home from work in chilling winds). It helps a bit that I'm not looking forward to any one banner in particular, and the next Legendary banner isn't looking all that appealing to me as I don't want any of the three returning legendaries.

I do have some 10-map Chain Challenges left which would theoretically get me a full summon if I did them all, but those are so mentally draining and I'm tired enough already from grinding out so much over the last day. I'll see how I feel about playing before bed tonight. I squeaked through the Paralogue 17-18 one just now (had to suicide Nino and Bridelia into Vector for 1hp Olivia to get the kill on the final map) so I'm at 6 orbs. With arena orbs arriving tomorrow I can open at least two orbs. 41st time's the charm, right? ;)

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@Humanoid Ouch. Sorry to hear that. It's stories like this that I'm wary of doing full pulls in the Legendary banners. Of course a lot of people also say sniping is also a bad idea so it really is just down to luck.

@Zeo @mampfoid

Welp, I decided to foolishly drain more orbs in the 8% banner. I really wanted to try Inigo for my second account or just to get rid of my rate- so I was visited by a second Halloween Henry. I guess I have Armor March fodder now....although the new one is +Spd/-Def compared to last week's +Spd/-Res.

Now I'm not sure who to keep. -Def is a superboon (22 Def) which sucks when going against Dragons, but at least his untouched 36 Res means he's more effective at Ploys. But Def would also be bad for the DC armours in Arena..

+Spd/-Res is a bit more balanced with a still serviceable 33 Res and no superboon, so I guess he's slightly better in Arena?

Argh I'm so indecisive

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@Humanoid Sport and Ice Cream, great combination. At least you have these backup orbs, I usually clear these CCs asap. 

@mcsilas Sorry to hear you didn't get Inigo. Can't help much with Henry though, I'm not much an armor expert. If you bring him to arena, you should consider to merge him (-RES will get +1 SPD, -DEF would get +1 RES). 

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25 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Humanoid Ouch. Sorry to hear that. It's stories like this that I'm wary of doing full pulls in the Legendary banners. Of course a lot of people also say sniping is also a bad idea so it really is just down to luck.

@Zeo @mampfoid

Welp, I decided to foolishly drain more orbs in the 8% banner. I really wanted to try Inigo for my second account or just to get rid of my rate- so I was visited by a second Halloween Henry. I guess I have Armor March fodder now....although the new one is +Spd/-Def compared to last week's +Spd/-Res.

Now I'm not sure who to keep. -Def is a superboon (22 Def) which sucks when going against Dragons, but at least his untouched 36 Res means he's more effective at Ploys. But Def would also be bad for the DC armours in Arena..

+Spd/-Res is a bit more balanced with a still serviceable 33 Res and no superboon, so I guess he's slightly better in Arena?

Argh I'm so indecisive

Would love to trade, but alas. Bloody Inigo, marry a guy once and now he won't leave me alone. Might have to take out a restraining order against him ...in both his forms.

I'd take the -Res because my arena experience against these units usually involves suffering against the ones who have balanced physical and magical bulk, such that I can't ORKO them with any of my units. He's generally fast enough to avoid doubles but with 22 def I worry that swords won't need to double him to kill him. A quick check and it appears an average sword like Lucina will kill him if he's -def, but he survives at neutral. (But it's not a terribly accurate metric because this is both unbuffed with default skills)

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The Hinoka banner is destroying me...

5.75% and no 5*s in sight.

Got a 3* Nino, two 4* Merrics, and a 3*Barst. Send help... Just want pega-pony princess with chicken...

Edit: I know K!Hinoka is colorless, at this point I just want it to end x.x

Edited by Grandosco
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Lyn's banner gave me one last gift:

A third Genny. And she's +ATK/-DEF.

I already have a +RES/-DEF Genny, but having a super-high-ATK Genny appeals to me (especially if I run her with Legendary Lyn, who gives +2 ATK since my Genny has a Wind Blessing), plus I'm out of healers who want Wrathful Staff (really it's just Genny, who comes with it, and Elise, who I fed my second Genny to so she has it now as well), so now I have a question:

Should I merge my current +RES Genny into my new +ATK Genny, or merge my +ATK Genny into my +RES Genny?

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And so it ends my quest to try for Hinoka. Pity breaker B!Ike with a bad nature (+Hp -Def), I already have a +Atk -Spd one so at least I can say I got some Steady Breath fodder, problem is I don't have anyone that's in dire need of it. I guess I'll let him hang around in my barracks while I choose someone worthy of such a rare skill.

Edited by Alexmender
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@Humanoid Jesus man, good luck on breaking your pity rate. I know the feeling of chasing a torturous pity rate. I got up to at least 11% on Ike's first legendary banner and got destroyed in the end by a -spd Siegbert and -spd PA Azura (and I already had an Azura). Atk Tactic fodder and a useless +1 dancer merge was not worth the 150+ orbs I wasted on that banner. I was pretty upset to say the least.

Hope you can manage to pull out of this one with something good.

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Okay, so I had about nine orbs left and decided to summon on the legendary banner for one last time for the fuck of it.

Then this happened.


Inigo was one of the four units out of this banner I really wanted (aside from Ephraim, but I barely summoned on blue this time around since I didn't really want Shigure all that much and I already had Micaiah). Even better: The Inigo is SPD+ RES- of all fucking things! Overall, I probably used about maybe 100 orbs on this banner (I lost count of how many orbs I put into this banner) and got a SPD+ ATK- Halloween Jakob (who I didn't want in the first place) anda  DEF+ RES- Robin so I'm satisfied with the results. Wish I could've gotten Genny and Henry (and Celica, Eirika and Ephraim) from out of here, but there's always next time I suppose. Well then, time to save for Winter Tharja, I suppose.

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My last summon on this banner rewards with me with nothing again. So i’m ending this Legendary banner with a 11% and nothing Obtained. I hate this game sometimes, especially with how boring it gets

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Through much pain that will see me going off of even summoning for a while... I got a new unit in Shiro. +Res/-Spd. At least he's something!

I find it hilarious actually. The last banner I tried this hard for was the first Hero Fest, which I got to an annoyingly high pity rate and got Shiro's father Ryoma as my final "pity breaker," though Ryoma was a focus unit. Like father like son, they say.

No more orb-spending for me until Winter Tharja comes back. Though this banner has stymied my hopes a bit on that front... ah well, onward and upward.

Good luck everyone!

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