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15 hours ago, Locked Apple said:

Not the most disappointing pull I've had by far. But I'm also bitter because I've spent time training an Olivia to 3*. Bet I'll get Wrys next. I've also been sick of Raigh since day one.

Going to give Chrom his day though. Still love the Family Bonds comment someone made. And I quite like his art.

Being sick of the unit that I use as a generic hammer is totally a bannable offense~!  Tee-hee~! :P:

3 hours ago, Benishigure said:

I swear at this point I'm inclined to believe that Niles is permanently bound to my game lmao.

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Just when I thought I had escaped him...... (since my last summon had one grey orb, and I ended up pulling Wrys)

But hey, 4* Jakob and Olivia. Jakob is +Def, while Olivia is +Atk. Both of them are -HP which sucks, but then again after playing Fates my expectations for HP growths/caps have been jaded lol. 

That's a pretty good boon/bane for Jakob IMO.  He'll be able to truly take physical hits, and if he ever gets his hands on Ignis/Bonfire. . .

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Used my recent orbs for another pull in hopes of getting anybody from the current banner.

The assembling of orbs was promising:



In the end, there were no 5⋆s, but there were a handful of nice 4⋆s: Eliwood (my 3⋆ one will finally hit the bench), Lissa (finally another Rehabilitate user aside from Wrys, current 3⋆ Lissa hit the bench besides Eliwood), Fir (because why not, also I have Bartre), and Caeda (because my pegasus set is not complete, still Cordelia and Florina to go):



A 3⋆ F!Corrin is disappointing but hey, feathers!

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I didn't think to take a screenshot, but I got a 5* Jeorge the other day, making my third pull in a row with at least 1 5* unit.

Probably going to wait until the next focus before I summon again as I don't care enough about any of the characters in this focus (Klein or Sanaki would be cool but I already have a strong bow and red tome user). 

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Not about my most recent pull (that one sucked, i was going for Olwen but only got a bunch of 3*s) but

I looked at my 5*s 

and I realized

Ryoma aside every single one of my 5*s are ranged. I got Takumi x2, Jeorge, Klein, Robin, Merric, Sanaki, and Lachesis. If there was ever a quest with all bow mastery or something I'd nail it lol

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I pulled two 4* M!Robins in one summoning session. 0_o Good for me too, since I was lacking a blue tome user. I've got more 4* than 3* units now.

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56 minutes ago, tailfin said:

I pulled two 4* M!Robins in one summoning session. 0_o Good for me too, since I was lacking a blue tome user. I've got more 4* than 3* units now.

No wonder I got subpar blue rolls. You stole both Robins! :P

I had 13 orbs. Spent them all on 3 pulls. Got a 3* Florina, Est, and Beruka.

"The risk was calculated, but man, am I bad at math."

At least I have some time until the "Fight Ursula" banner begins. I'll have 21 orbs by then. Perhaps more if they decide to add more to the story this month.

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Yesterday, I just got 20 orbs... So time to have my second pull of this season's focus.



Okay, this is just the worst pull I ever get. Olivia is +HP -Atk, I'lm not sure this is even a good IV set. I was hoping for something good with the three grey orbs... What a shame...


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Last night I scrounged up 20 orbs and attempted to get one of the blue mage siblings. After two red orbs and two blue orbs that were all three stars, I was about to exit without giving the gray one a chance. I didn't want to waste more time and stamina, so I changed my mind.

I pressed 'continue' and completed the full summon which ended with a Klein(he sure is popular around here!). Even though I needed a good blue unit, I was pretty happy with my result! I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull a focus character this round. My summons from the last couple of days also gave me some good units to try out, so I think I'll start saving for the next banner.

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I spent a whole 60+ orbs I had been saving trying to get Eldigan or Sanaki yesterday. After opening 5 different pools, I only pulled a total of 3 red Orbs (and no luck there). At least I got a pretty decent 5* +Atk/-Res Nowi out of the million blue orbs I accepted. Somehow I never manage to grab the devotion heroes.

My team is finally starting to look nice, but I've been pulling since day one and I only have five 5* (one of which was upgraded from 4*). I hope they keep giving us lots of free orbs after the daily bonus thing expires, because I'm still pretty far from being satisfied with my group.

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Here are my last 2 rolls:





There are both awful but I remember getting worst. Also please Subaki and Clarine, stop appearing in most of my summons.

At least thanks to Draug I could finish the normal quest which requires to use an Armor Knight unit. Sadly he is my only one so I don't think I would be able to finish the Luntic one which requires 4 Armor Knights. 

I am happy to get Caeda but she is +HP/-Att and I don't think that there are good IVs for her.


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Pull #13. Likely the last one on this focus. Could luck shine on me before I move on?





And two Arthurs on Pull #13. How appropriate. I'll take the feathers, as I'm happy with Eldigan.


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Finally amassed 20 orbs. Will I get Klein? Opening up the summon circle and things are looking good. 4 colorless and 1 blue. 


Lol nope. Horrible pull. Gacha hates me. 5* pull rate is now 4% ;_;


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Was saving up to 64 orbs for future banners, but I was able to extend my phone plan and I promised myself to do a summoning session once I have my new phone to initiate(?) it! Here are the results:





Too  bad he's +Res/-ATK though...


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1 hour ago, Dearest Dissapointment said:

Are you fucking memeing me 

those were my last orbs that I'll be able to get besides the daily login ones

i did that bullshit lunatic quest for this


I, uh, hope that you got good boon/bane combos out of that.  Otherwise, OUCH.

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Woo boy 3333 feathers, finally going to get to promote my second unit to gold. Time to make the Nino dream team a reality.

EDIT well whoops, i accidentally clicked on the wrong topic.

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I got murder chicken! I'm so excited!

I'm going to give her distant counter if I can when the skill swap opens up, since her A slot is completely free.

I have Hector but I love fae so much more <33

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Latest summon:

4* Olivia    dupe
4* Maria    new
3* Nino      new
4* Tharja   dupe
3* Hinata   new

My luck at pulling mainly 4* units continues.

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Well... didn't get any of the "bond" units again this time...

Another red 5*? the other day I had got 5* Tiki as I had posted, now I have 3 red, 3 green and 1 blue... (funnily I have tons of blue for 4* and 3*)




Uh... I wonder what uses does male Corring have, or if he's worth using over Lucina and/or Tiki...

Nice seeing Camilla stalking him too, lol (though she was my second 5*)

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