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None of the current banners interest me but I have to satisfy my urge to summon, so...



+Def -HP. I'm on a roll it seems. I didn't even have a pity rate on any of these banners

Edited by Korath88
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Oh look, another chance to not get Celica.

4 Green, 1 Colourless (SEE?)

5* Cherche (FREE SUMMON GO! I already have her at 5*, so that means this one's getting merged! Nice. +HP/-Atk, definite merge.)

I've have preferred a pitybreaker honestly, but I don't mind one bit.

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Thanks! and thanks for that info. Due to the Green Barrage I've got a tonne of Regular Nino to the point where it just makes sense to make a a merge. I have about 5 4* and 3, 3*, so i figure i can cycle my Olivias with Ninos to really get them going. 

Re: the pity rate: I think that's what really got my frustration up. and if you count my first one which was 4.00 before i got broken by Blue!Olwen (which honestly - i think once i get her decked out I don't think she'll be that bad, but according to Gamepress she is always gonna be squishy), which was the first time at that point where i had no greens appear, I actually had 9.50 purely sniping green. I get that it's more rare than like red, but you'd think with a featured Green, you'd get more Greens to try to get a chance. (and if  I had gotten like Julia or Flying Nino, I probably would have left it too, though again according to Gamepress, Lewyn is pretty damned cool). 

I have to try to ignore Flora (and Celicia. when the New Power banner launches) (sigh). i really am swimming in Reds, and I want to try for more Green and a lot of Blue (Azura, Lane!Eiphriam).


No worries :)

Olivia with Nino in terms of levelling for upgrading? Since the last update, they've changed how it works. You can just straight up upgrade them now without levelling.

Thet high rate pity breakers have been frustrating for most of late (Especially on the CYL2 banner. Saw a lot of high rates from people out of that one). Eventually though, you'll come across a banner where it all works out for you (The Legendary Lucina banner would have to be one of my best to date. This Fates banner would be up there as well.).

Blue Olwen is actually under appreciated (She is one of the few units I've yet to get haha). Kit her up right, surrounded by buffs and she can do a lot of work. As for Lewyn, he's definitely top tier. Great moveset. I got a few copies of him myself, though they're all -Atk...

I generally recommend being picky with banners. Needs > Wants. For me, Ophelia is more of a want, but in a case like her where by she's up there as one of my favourite FE characters, I couldn't ignore the banner. I just did a yolo summon before and got a +Atk/-Res Ophelia, which goes to show anything is possible.


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So, with my ten orbs I decided to pull on two separate banners: Nohr and Genealogy. I got a +atk/-spd Nina from the former, and a second Lewyn on the latter. Now, to get a good mage to fodder off Special Spiral to..

With my free pick on the New Power banner, I wanted to get a Celica, but I saw a lone red orb. Went for it anyway, and got a Caeda. She's finally maxed out to +10. Now I can move to other projects.

All in all, a good day lol.

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2 hours ago, D4RTH said:


No worries :)

Olivia with Nino in terms of levelling for upgrading? Since the last update, they've changed how it works. You can just straight up upgrade them now without levelling.

Thet high rate pity breakers have been frustrating for most of late (Especially on the CYL2 banner. Saw a lot of high rates from people out of that one). Eventually though, you'll come across a banner where it all works out for you (The Legendary Lucina banner would have to be one of my best to date. This Fates banner would be up there as well.).

Blue Olwen is actually under appreciated (She is one of the few units I've yet to get haha). Kit her up right, surrounded by buffs and she can do a lot of work. As for Lewyn, he's definitely top tier. Great moveset. I got a few copies of him myself, though they're all -Atk...

I generally recommend being picky with banners. Needs > Wants. For me, Ophelia is more of a want, but in a case like her where by she's up there as one of my favourite FE characters, I couldn't ignore the banner. I just did a yolo summon before and got a +Atk/-Res Ophelia, which goes to show anything is possible.



so i just can merge them all now - and then do the ONE + unit? (I wasn't really clear how that worked, so i was eyeing all my copies of Caeda and Soren and Nino etc and thinking oi the grinding LOL).  (another quick question - what is (WT) mean? )

Congrats on everyone on their summons today. 

My Summons were:
Roy (4 Star)
Mathilda (3 Star)
Athena (3 Star)
Lilina (4 Star)
and a new to me Character
Serra (4 Star)

That's it for this banner - time to grind !

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26 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


so i just can merge them all now - and then do the ONE + unit? (I wasn't really clear how that worked, so i was eyeing all my copies of Caeda and Soren and Nino etc and thinking oi the grinding LOL).  (another quick question - what is (WT) mean? )

Congrats on everyone on their summons today. 

My Summons were:
Roy (4 Star)
Mathilda (3 Star)
Athena (3 Star)
Lilina (4 Star)
and a new to me Character
Serra (4 Star)

That's it for this banner - time to grind !

You'll still need to use feathers to upgrade them from 3 to 4 to 5 star, but you just won't have to level them up to 20 anymore beforehand.

WT = World of Thracia. If you're looking at my signature here, WT.Reinhardt was the red cavalry sword unit off of the banner :)

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1 hour ago, Thane said:

85 orbs now, seven left in the TT. Flora refused to come home last, and I'm preparing for another session. How many orbs do you usually put aside per focus unit you want?

If it's a unit I truly want, I buy Orbs regardless. I usually try to keep up to 100 though since it's very rare for me to want back to back Special or Legendary banners so I usually have time to save.

I just finished TT so I've got 267 for my eventual quest for Halloween Nowi~

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21 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

I envy you guys' orb stashes. It reminds me to save up. Which might be a tall order, with the sheer volume of content we're getting as of late.

Can relate, this is my first real save up in a while, TBH, I usually never have this many. I had been Summoning pretty non-stop since the Summer Banners (3/4 no less), Legendary Lucina, Hoshidian Summer, Legendary Marth, and the Genealogy Banner (which I would usually skip but Silvia's art was too good to pass up).

I would be going for Ophelia but I'm somewhat grateful Silas is there as a cockblocker to further deter me from pulling~

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Wow, 1,245 total pulled units?  Man, I gotta work on updating this more often!  This is across the new Jugdral/Fates banners with maybe a freebie thrown in here and there.


Draug (+Def/-HP): Ward Armors would've been useful for certain challenge maps!
Lilina (+Atk/-Spd): . . .I think this is one of the best possible Lilinas (-Def would be ideal).  HELL YES!
Soren (+Res/-Def): He's not particularly bulky, so eh.
Matthew (+Res/-Spd): Hone Spd fodder~!
Tharja (+HP/-Atk): Someone will appreciate her tome.

Sothe (+HP/-Res): You're good fodder!
Athena (+HP/-Spd): I use her for Moonbow.
Tiki (+HP/-Def): Bonfire is still a good skill.
Corrin (+Def/-Res): 31 Def + Yato upgrade (33) + Fury (36). . .nah, that's too gimmicky even for me!
Ares (+HP/-Def): To merge or to give someone Brazen Atk/Def, that is the question!

Subaki (+Def/-Spd): Perfect, my defensive units thank you in advance!
Athena (+Atk/-Spd): 34/35 is Ryoma/Siegbert numbers.  I think she'd want -Res or something, but if I'm bored enough, I might build her!
Caeda (+HP/-Res): Erp, no.  But I guess if I wanted to pass on two levels of Darting Blow and Fortify Fliers, I could?
Laslow (+Spd/-Res): Wait, I can make a really stupid defensive build with this.  Sorry Shigure.

Roy (+Atk/-Def): You keep showing up as aweseomesauce.  Can you convince your Brave version to do the same?  Thanks.
Olivia (+Res/-Spd): Hone Atk here I come~!
Hana (+Atk/-Res): FINALLY.  The question is, Firesweep, Brave or Desperation Wo Dao?

Florina (+Atk/-Def): WOOHOO!  Need to check to see what my other Florina is, but I like this combo a lot better!
Corrin (+Atk/-HP): How to fix the worst of your problems - a better boon/bane!  Hopefully she'll get a good refine on her breath, because I like this combo!
Shanna (+Def/-Atk): I could always use more Desperation fodder!
Raven (+Spd/-Def): And another good glass cannon!  WOOHOO~!
Henry (+Def/-HP): That breaker skill of yours is sometimes useful.

Shanna (+Atk/-Def): Fun fact, I misspelled her name as "Shanan".  I might have one like this already, but if I don't, she's going to be the merge base for that 5* I pulled earlier!
Boey (+Def/-HP): It didn't work for Henry, and it doesn't work for you, either.  I might consider it if it were the other way around, for Earth Boost shenanigans.
Tharja (+Res/-Atk): She wants to be my fodder.  Really, she does.

Wendy (+Def/-Spd): If her Atk wasn't so bad (naturally), this would be funny.
Henry (+HP/-Def): WHY.

Gunter (+Spd/-Res): You should've swapped with Subaki.
Frederick (+Res/-Spd): Any other boon would've been good.

Olwen (+Atk/-HP): Someone give this woman a -blade tome!  Her brother does the Dire Thunder nuking a lot better than her, so I'd rather not shank her good Spd.

Azama (+Def/-Atk): Oh crap, this one's actually good!
Catria (+Spd/-Atk): Luna fodder!
Catria (+Def/-Atk): More Luna fodder!  I'm always on the lookout for it!
Shanna (+Atk/-Res): Not quite as good as the previous one, but still legit!
Soleil (+Atk/-HP): This would be amazing, if my current 5* wasn't this one already (or something like that).  Firesweep Hana it is!

Shiro (+Atk/-HP): Well. . .crap, now I have a decision to make.  My current one is +Spd/-Def or something like that.  Might transition the +Spd one to Swift Stance (because 39 speed on a wall is funny), and use this guy as the defensive unit from hell (Ignis/Brazen Atk/Def/Vantage/something/QR).

Selena (+HP/-Atk): And we end with Reposition fodder for Shanna!

I didn't pull many good units, but those that were good. . .are GOOD.  I also like that I pulled a unit from Jugdral on the Jugdral banner, and a Fates kid on the Fates kid redux banner. . .and neither of them were on the banner.  I'm GOOD at this!


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Orb stashes? The last time I saved orbs was in late January for the SS banner. I went into CYL2 with barely any orbs and had to scavenge from quests and events. Getting the units I wanted was nothing short of a miracle.

Edited by Korath88
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A yolo pull in an attempt to get more Silas ended up getting me a Sumia. I don't like her, but I noticed her weapon is perfect for Silas, especially since mine needed help in Atk due to being -Atk, so I gave it to him immediately. Her IVs were bad anyway. Never thought I'd be happy to get pitybroken by you, Sumia, thanks!

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FINALLY!!!  I GOT MORGAN!!!  I GOT MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I AM SO EXCITED.  OH MY GOD I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! :XD::XD::wub::wub::wub:

4 ☆ Morgan.  My baby finally came home after 20 dollars worth of spending for Orbs.  I got my baby boy!!!  Now comes the fun part where I try to get Lucina lol :XD:

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30 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

FINALLY!!!  I GOT MORGAN!!!  I GOT MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I AM SO EXCITED.  OH MY GOD I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! :XD::XD::wub::wub::wub:

4 ☆ Morgan.  My baby finally came home after 20 dollars worth of spending for Orbs.  I got my baby boy!!!  Now comes the fun part where I try to get Lucina lol :XD:

Congrats, it was a long time coming!~ Well deserved pull~

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Thanks!  I am so happy right now.  He's +atk/-hp apparently not that I care IVs do not matter to me.


I'm so happy right now.

Precious best boy!!!

Pretty good IVs, too~ Mine was +Atk, -Res, yours should be able to do a good amount of work, too~

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

Precious best boy!!!

Pretty good IVs, too~ Mine was +Atk, -Res, yours should be able to do a good amount of work, too~

He is isn't he?  I'm so happy I got my boy.  I think I'll have a treat to celebrate lol!

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

Precious best boy!!!

Pretty good IVs, too~ Mine was +Atk, -Res, yours should be able to do a good amount of work, too~

He is isn't he?  I'm so happy I got my boy.  I think I'll have a treat to celebrate lol!

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