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26 F2P orbs get the sisters. Laevatein +Spd -HP and Laegjarn +HP -Def.

Bought 150 orbs to upgrade Laegjarn to +Def -Res and see my first Helbindi (+Spd -HP). Dorcas comes along for the ride.

Bought 375 orbs to try for better IVs on Helbindi. Three more +Spd or -Atk copies and a (blue, but thankfully +Atk -HP) Olwen before a +Atk -Spd copy.

Did very well here.

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Had enough orbs that if I were average lucky I would likely get a 5*. And frankly a bulky red flyer would be nice and if bad boon/bane Red or Green duel would be nice. And I do indeed get a 5* with the very last of my orbs. But the wrong sister. Now I have a mostly useless red sword infantry. +DEF/-RES so not bad there. But frankly I can't figure out what I'll do with the other 1001 red sword infantries I have, so she is just going on a pile. Sigh. If it were either of the other two I would be escastic, even if -RES isn't best for Helboy. Freaking Desire sensor. The one unit I didn't want.

Edited by Usana
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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I... I can't make this up...


Hebindi is +Atk -Hp, and Laegjarn is +HP -Def.

RNGsus is with you, congrats!

5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Xenomata Wow great pull, congrats! 

My free pull today was Silvia ... at 4*? Didn't know she was demoted. Seems she is +SPD/-ATK, not sure because 4* stats are not up yet at Gamepedia. 

Thank goodness! It will be so much easier to +10 her now, I was hoping she'd be demoted~

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Haven't pulled any new heroes but I've been pulling more Morgan merge fodder :XD: My boy must have heard my prayers lol.

lmao. YAY!!
I wish Flying Nino and Miciciah would listen to mine!

I'm slowly chipping away at the Performing Arts fodder - I want Axe Azura. 

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43 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

lmao. YAY!!
I wish Flying Nino and Miciciah would listen to mine!

I'm slowly chipping away at the Performing Arts fodder - I want Axe Azura. 

I'm hoping to get at least one of the new heroes.

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For my free pull on the Múspell I got a 4* Boey. And with about 350 orbs my highlights are 













  • Helbindi (+atk, -res)
  • Lyn merge
  • Siegbert merge 
  • SwordRein merge
  • Laevatein (+def -hp)
  • 2 Laegjarns ( +res -def is the best one)

I call this a win. Back to saving up for Winter Tharja.

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Got pity broken 4 times with crap like Mia, Lucina, Sigurd, and that damn Ayra.

Finally got Laevatein [+HP, -Def] as my fifth 5*, so I just need Laegjarn now. I am not too concerned with their natures since I am most likely benching them anyways, and I just need a single copy to give them some skills to clear out my Barracks as it is basically full now again.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy 

Holy crap!!! After doing the book II quests I decided to try for the Muspell sisters. There was no pity rate at all and I only had 12 orbs but this happened:


I wonder how likely it was that Helbindi would be in that green stone (I don't really mind not having him, I only wanted the other two). Laevateinn is +Atk -Def and Laegjarn is +Res -Hp. Laevateinn has a pretty good nature, and while Laegjarn's could be better it doesn't hurt her offenses so I'm happy with it.

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5 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy 

Holy crap!!! After doing the book II quests I decided to try for the Muspell sisters. There was no pity rate at all and I only had 12 orbs but this happened:


I wonder how likely it was that Helbindi would be in that green stone (I don't really mind not having him, I only wanted the other two). Laevateinn is +Atk -Def and Laegjarn is +Res -Hp. Laevateinn has a pretty good nature, and while Laegjarn's could be better it doesn't hurt her offenses so I'm happy with it.

Nice! That Laevateinn nature too... I really want Laevateinn.

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After approx 100 f2p orbs i came away with Laegjarn (-atk +def) Eldigan and a flying hinoka. Considering i got my favourite OC and its my first Eldigan I'll gladly chalk this banner up as a win. I'll eait until the legendary banner is revealed to see if I'll go after the other 2 at all

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Just pulled another Morgan O.O now I need 60k feathers!!!

LOL and to think, before you were NEVER getting him LOL. 

Performing arts banner is very rarely giving me greens. Again - why have 2 green focuses  - and then not have summoning sessions with more green orbs, game? WHY?!
I got a 4 Star Gaius and more Arthurs and Ravens. (i just gave their skills away). 

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Just pulled another Morgan O.O now I need 60k feathers!!!

Why can you pull so many of him and I can't pull a single one lately... :( Is mine doomed to remain +3 forever?

I also pulled Laegjarn instead of her much cuter sister, of course. Don't know the IVs, haven't bothered looking. Game needs to stop giving me the unit I DON'T want when the one I do shares a color. Happens like EVERY TIME. -_-

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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

LOL and to think, before you were NEVER getting him LOL. 

Performing arts banner is very rarely giving me greens. Again - why have 2 green focuses  - and then not have summoning sessions with more green orbs, game? WHY?!
I got a 4 Star Gaius and more Arthurs and Ravens. (i just gave their skills away). 

Green focuses are always the biggest struggle~ Good luck! Are you going after both or just one of them?

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Spent a little under 300 orbs. Got 3 Laevateins and 1 Laegjarn. The only decent Laevatein is +atk -hp. Laegjarn is +res -hp, but thatäs okay. Got a Luke, who instantly became panic ploy, and +res -def Zelgius as pitybreakers. I merged the Laevs and will spend all of my gathered orbs again at the end of the banner

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27 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Green focuses are always the biggest struggle~ Good luck! Are you going after both or just one of them?

I want Azura. :)
so i kinda wanna get in and get out. 
(I tell you - they really are. this makes me really happy i got Myrrh when i did i was getting 2-3 greens per summon and i got her relatively easily). since then it's like screw green.

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38 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why can you pull so many of him and I can't pull a single one lately... :( Is mine doomed to remain +3 forever?

I also pulled Laegjarn instead of her much cuter sister, of course. Don't know the IVs, haven't bothered looking. Game needs to stop giving me the unit I DON'T want when the one I do shares a color. Happens like EVERY TIME. -_-

I wish I could trade sisters with you.

I also got 2 Helbindis.  One to use and use to give that Arena skill to.  I just need to decide on who to give it to.  I can't wait until they start doing Cav BST skills.

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I got a Sigure! (Original Recipe Lance! Sigure, not a Performing Arts one). 

According to gamepress he's middle (so pure vanilla). 
(He has HP 17, Atk 14, Speed 9, Def 5, Res 8). 
I can't complain. The only thing better would have been "Pity Broken" by my dreams of
Lance!Azura Lance!Ephipram or Miciah. (Or you know. Tome!Sigure lol). 

whatever dreams  I had about saving more orbs to hunt for Flora is long gone. lol


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72 orbs

On the Generals of Muspell banner I got my third Horse!Eirika (+Atk/-HP, nice!), my very first Amelia (+Res/-HP, not the best but I'll always take a new character), and Brave!Celica (+HP/-Def. The last new Brave Hero I needed! Now I only lack Brave Lucina from the first round)

So no focus units, but overall very pleased! Not too many orbs spent either.

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A day before the Generals of Muspell banner, I went for a YOLO pull on Nohrian Dusk. I got a +Res/-Def Ophelia. NOW I have someone to use the spare Special Spiral on.

On said Generals banner, no great pulls...yet.

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