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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

4% pity rate and I pull Laegjarn AGAIN? Wtf, why can I not get her sister?! This is male Morgan from his debut banner all over again. I'm sending feedback asking for focus units to never share colors, ever.

how do you do that? thats totally needed. 
(sorry about that. that's what happened to me with Nohrurza. Inigo keeps breaking me)

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Just now, daisy jane said:

how do you do that? thats totally needed. 
(sorry about that. that's what happened to me with Nohrurza. Inigo keeps breaking me)

Just go to misc -> FAQ/etc -> customer support.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Just go to misc -> FAQ/etc -> customer support.

thanks, and done. I just mentioned that the three banners all have characters sharing the same colour focus and to please consider not doing that (also when featuring a colour ie: green, to please consider more green orbs, because having 1 green every 3 summons is kinda annoying then you get broken by stuff you don't want). 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

thanks, and done. I just mentioned that the three banners all have characters sharing the same colour focus and to please consider not doing that (also when featuring a colour ie: green, to please consider more green orbs, because having 1 green every 3 summons is kinda annoying then you get broken by stuff you don't want). 

Oh yeah, agreed on the green orb thing. Forgot to mention that in my feedback.

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8 hours ago, Grandosco said:

Continuing the search for Laevatein, I bit the bullet and completed the rest of the Lunatic Chain Challenges I had left.

Got a Young Tiki! +HP/-Def. Now my Young Tiki is +1.

...and at last, after one other summon circle with three, count 'em, THREE 3* units and no other reds...

Laevatein! :D

She is +Res/-HP, so essentially neutral, though ouch, superbane... but still! Stats don't matter, the character does for me. Going to keep going on this banner for her sister, Helbindi, and maybe another copy if she wants to show up!

Seriously though, this banner has been ridiculously lucky in terms of 5* pulls for me. Five 5*s in about 130 orbs or so. Hopefully the luck keeps up and spreads to everyone else too!

Congrats on getting Laevatein and another Young Tiki!

8 hours ago, daisy jane said:

i swear... this game... is so weird. 
knew i was gonna get broken, I had a 4.00 pity rate. 
one green: Cecilia. she's gonna be feathered 
Go again - no greens, went blue, got Tome Rhinehart again. 
go again- I got Ingio again. I've never gotten double featured people before on a banner. EVER. this guy keeps pity breaking me!
go again three greens. hope? hah! i guess not. Arthur (ooh the lancebreakers for team Green), Libra 4* and Hawkeye. 
i don't know what made me think... keep going. and it's back to back 5* units of Young!Tiki, and Dancing Shigure! 

this banner is weird. 
and now i am at danger level for my orbs. (sigh)


1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

lol And now i have Olivia.
haha i keep getting broken by the banner units except for Azura!


So Far, even with my frustration with not getting Azura aside - this banner has been really nice to me. 
Dancing!Inigo (x2)

this is the best banner ever!

I've only 20 orbs left, so i have to grind like heck. I'll probably buy a topper this weekend. 
really hope that Nohrurza comes soon. this will give me a chance to work for Flora/Nina. 

Yeah those are all some great pulls, plus you can merge the Inigo if you decide to use him~ You only have one more of the focus units to get so hopefully you can get her XD Otherwise, it may be safer to wait for a Legendary Banner where you're guaranteed one of the focus units at 5*

16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

4% pity rate and I pull Laegjarn AGAIN? Wtf, why can I not get her sister?! This is male Morgan from his debut banner all over again. I'm sending feedback asking for focus units to never share colors, ever.

This is why I can't deal with shared unit banners unless I want both the units. I'm not even bothering to risk getting Laegjarn.

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on getting Laevatein and another Young Tiki!


Yeah those are all some great pulls, plus you can merge the Inigo if you decide to use him~ You only have one more of the focus units to get so hopefully you can get her XD Otherwise, it may be safer to wait for a Legendary Banner where you're guaranteed one of the focus units at 5*

This is why I can't deal with shared unit banners unless I want both the units. I'm not even bothering to risk getting Laegjarn.

i know. this is why i can't even get mad like i was for Lewyn (where it took WAY too many orbs - and that one was a dedicated risk because Lewyn wasn't featured in any other banner (that i know of). and I got broken by Olwen. I'm getting really awesome new to me characters AND the featured). i always forget to check the nature but i always assume they're gonna be good for me anyway LOL. 

see. legendary. I must have pulled some in the past because i have a few legendary characters but i don't remember. the HK Marth - i got nothing but Sword!Reinhardt and then nothing  - and then Bow Lucina I think that's where i got my Nephenne. so i'm really not good for them (which is odd because i generally do well with th 3.0 you'd think i'd do better with the 8 percent. 

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13 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i know. this is why i can't even get mad like i was for Lewyn (where it took WAY too many orbs - and that one was a dedicated risk because Lewyn wasn't featured in any other banner (that i know of). and I got broken by Olwen. I'm getting really awesome new to me characters AND the featured). i always forget to check the nature but i always assume they're gonna be good for me anyway LOL. 

see. legendary. I must have pulled some in the past because i have a few legendary characters but i don't remember. the HK Marth - i got nothing but Sword!Reinhardt and then nothing  - and then Bow Lucina I think that's where i got my Nephenne. so i'm really not good for them (which is odd because i generally do well with th 3.0 you'd think i'd do better with the 8 percent. 

I feel like I relate with being better at the 3% than 8%, for some reason, I feel like I get more 5*s from normal Special Banners than Legendary ones XD

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9 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I feel like I relate with being better at the 3% than 8%, for some reason, I feel like I get more 5*s from normal Special Banners than Legendary ones XD

which is so weird. 
like i now have to compare this banner to like everything else because i have five 5* units in this and I know that's never happened before. (But then i never really concentrate a lot of time in a banner like i've been doing lately, which can also result in the higher # of 5* units). so there is that. 

my hope is i get Nohrurza soon. then i can save my woeful pitiful orbs and save for Flying Nino and the Holiday units.

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@Zeo @mampfoid i should really stop listening to FEH streams during work- i ended up having the urge to summon even if i didn’t need to and blew most of my measly 40 orbs.

In my second account, i thought it would be funny if i get an Odin to give Summer Camilla Blarblade, but Abel appeared which is fine since I lack Swordbreaker fodder.

then i decided to test my luck in PA banner because seasonals take more priority. I had all the units but it would be nice to fix my -Spd Axura. 1 green orb and instead, Inigo comes out. +Atk/-Res compared to my current +HP/-Res one... i guess technically a seasonal green dancer’s nature has been fixed..

two more tries and it was two sessions of 3-4 reds. Oh well.

didn’t have a Celica in my main so I foolishly did a session that gave me all 3 stars. At least Selena was nice and finally i have a decently natured Nowi as +Spd/-Res although I think i need to wait for better ones.

Decided to try for Fanlivia again and was pitybroken by a -Atk/+HP Sothe. Huh. Well i guess someone is getting LaD 3 plus the final version of his Dual Spur, although it feels like a waste to use a 5 star for this (already have a +Atk Sothe and i don’t use him enough for merges). I guess i could give it to one of my current LaD2 users (Bridelia, Scorrin, Cordelia).

well 4 orbs in main and new banner tonight plus legendary soon. I was doing so well in not summoning, too..

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@mcsilas Sorry about your being pitybroken. Your Original Inigo is the same nature as mine, though +ATK would be cool I rather enjoy having the HP honestly. At least the Dual Spur ATK/SPD is actually pretty great to inherit.

I'm at 3.50% on the PA banner. I should be smart and have saved those 40 orbs for the legendary. Instead I'm at 9 and will at most have 2 full pulls when the banner drops unfortunately. What can you do. Had I been pulling green I may have got something but I already have both Azura and Inigo with good natures. I'm in desperate need for a Colorless dancer and a new blue one though so I've only been pulling colorless and blue. Funnily enough Colorless has been exceedingly rare while red and (wouldn't you know it!) green have been the most common stones.

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@Zeo i see you need the colourless dancer as well haha.

and yeah my thoughts as well, i kind of like the extra HP since dancers shouldn’t attack often but if he kills Reinlyn faster then maybe it’s okay. He’ll get 1 HP from the merge anyway and if a PvE really needs the survivability i can slap HP+3 seal or something

oh hey so you’re a fellow HP book Inigo and Def boon Genny huh?

well hope you get Olivia soon as well, and maybe the Legendary Banner be kind to you!

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Blew all my orbs. I swear. i hate green. 
I have
Knight Exalt Chrom 

for five star units. 
I got another Blue Rhinehart 
another Peri 

and then lots and lots and lots of stupid pieces that weren't Azura. 

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I do not even care if she is the worst IV unit ever summoned. I finally have her.  I totally got Gatcha’ed and I blew money on more orbs than I should have. I don’t even care about the legendary banner (don’t make a liar out of me, game).  


I now clearly have to create a FEH budget. (I was hoping since this banner was handing out 5* units like candy for me I’d get a Miciaiah or Original Azura. No go). 



(low speed and resistance so basically. not the best one. Oh Game - but still have an Azura. yay!)

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14 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I do not even care if she is the worst IV unit ever summoned. I finally have her.  I totally got Gatcha’ed and I blew money on more orbs than I should have. I don’t even care about the legendary banner (don’t make a liar out of me, game).  


I now clearly have to create a FEH budget. (I was hoping since this banner was handing out 5* units like candy for me I’d get a Miciaiah or Original Azura. No go). 



(low speed and resistance so basically. not the best one. Oh Game - but still have an Azura. yay!)


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16 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I do not even care if she is the worst IV unit ever summoned. I finally have her.  I totally got Gatcha’ed and I blew money on more orbs than I should have. I don’t even care about the legendary banner (don’t make a liar out of me, game).  


I now clearly have to create a FEH budget. (I was hoping since this banner was handing out 5* units like candy for me I’d get a Miciaiah or Original Azura. No go). 



(low speed and resistance so basically. not the best one. Oh Game - but still have an Azura. yay!)

As long as it wasn't a waste of money, we consider it a win XD Congrats! 

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@daisy jane Congrats on getting finally your Azura! 

@mcsilas Sorry to hear that, saving up orbs is always hard. For me the Muspel banner is more tempting (red flyer, I also like the "bad" guys), I usually don't care much about my dancers natures (won't fix -SPD Inigo and -ATK PA!Azura). 

@Zeo I'm also missing Olivia, but I know you want her much more than me. Sorry you didn't get her again (and also no Matthew, Gatcha is strange). 

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10 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:


Thanks! I FINALLY grabbed your Nohr-Azura vibes 
I'm sending you Lucina now! 

8 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

As long as it wasn't a waste of money, we consider it a win XD Congrats! 

That's - what i'm telling myself LOL
i am going to grind like heck and do some research on Flora. (Ophelia intrigues me, but knowing my luck I'll get like seven Silas or something). I am really sitting on this bank of orbs, and it's getting really difficult to get the book one lunatic orbs (and so i can only imagine what book 2 will be for me). and I want to try to get a Halloween Nowi - and a lot of the holiday guys. and I know there's a Flying Nino banner coming soon (Oh YAY, more green hunting lol), so... yah. LOL 

thanks :) thanks everyone, y'all make this kinda fun too.

Also. I am going to have One Amazing Nino and Raven.
and now that i learned about Combat Manuals... 


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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

Thanks! I FINALLY grabbed your Nohr-Azura vibes 
I'm sending you Lucina now! 

That's - what i'm telling myself LOL
i am going to grind like heck and do some research on Flora. (Ophelia intrigues me, but knowing my luck I'll get like seven Silas or something). I am really sitting on this bank of orbs, and it's getting really difficult to get the book one lunatic orbs (and so i can only imagine what book 2 will be for me). and I want to try to get a Halloween Nowi - and a lot of the holiday guys. and I know there's a Flying Nino banner coming soon (Oh YAY, more green hunting lol), so... yah. LOL 

thanks :) thanks everyone, y'all make this kinda fun too.

Also. I am going to have One Amazing Nino and Raven.
and now that i learned about Combat Manuals... 


Fingers crossed I get my Lucina lol!

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Fingers crossed I get my Lucina lol!

I'm trying to think who i'd like to get
Some Aryas would be nice
another Horse!Erikia
Black Knight. 
Alm + Celica

Blue is 
Original Azura

then Flying Nino. :)
and Sheena. (sheena is... weird. she's a 3* -4* unit, and i have 1 of her and 11 Bartres. game is weird)




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I uh... eheh... this is kinda funny...

I summoned from Swift Sparrow banner... and uh... I got a semi-off focus pull...

Neutral Ayra.

I mean... she still has Swift Sparrow, but she's not a part of the banner... also I'm silently fuming because Ayra is the one unit I've despised since her release, and now here I am with her with an acceptable nature.

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Spending any amount of orbs when a probably-good legendary banner is around the corner is not the smartest thing I've done, but three days feels so far away.

4* Chrom +Def -HP
3* Arthur +Atk -Def
3* Sophia +Def -Spd

Books everywhere.

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