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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

Spending any amount of orbs when a probably-good legendary banner is around the corner is not the smartest thing I've done, but three days feels so far away.

4* Chrom +Def -HP
3* Arthur +Atk -Def
3* Sophia +Def -Spd

Books everywhere.


I was telling myself that, as i continued to pull

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So. I thought Ayra would be in this banner, which I was wrong on. Anyways, I have waited for three months with Peganino after I failed to get anything on the June banner.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Arthur (I don't know why I expect to consistently get good fodder. +HP/-Res)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Beruka (Well, it is Glimmer. +Atk/-Res, kind of tempted to make main.), 3* Arthur (Again? +HP/-Atk)

3 Red, 1 each Green. Colourless

3* Arthur (Why do I seem to get one unit consistently during each banner? +HP/-Spd)

2 each Red, Colourless 1 Blue (It starts.)

4* Athena (Moonbow it is. +HP/-Def)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Boey (Man, he's not even decent fodder really. +Res/-Def)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Raven (The future looks pretty dim. +Atk/-HP)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Gunter (I'll take it. +Spd/-Atk)

4 Blue, 1 Red (REALLY?)

3* M!Corrin (Merge fodder. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue (And the ride seems to never end.)

4* Shanna (OH MY GOOD FODDER. +Res/-Atk)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

5* Peganino (I HAVE WAITED OH SO LONG +HP/-Atk sadly.), 4* Caeda (Fortify Fliers. +Res/-Atk), 3* Sakura (Ugh. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Florina (Man, that's disappointing. +Res/-Atk), 3* Effie (*sigh +Atk/-Res)

I got her at least, she'll be more useful than Bunnilla.

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After saving for what must be almost 3 months, I gathered up 719 orbs in anticipation for Flying Nino.

I had her at +1 merges already from her initial banner, but didn't want to break the bank, so decided to save free Orbs until she shows up next time.

The results of the Swift Sparrow banner, focusing green (and red when no green to pull):



16x 5-stars obtained from 562 Orbs:
Flying Nino x9
Cavalry Eirika
Katarina x2

Now I'm wondering what I should save orbs for next. Maybe I'll use my leftorver orbs and go hunting for Laev and Laeg, but I'll hold on until the Legendary banner surfaces.

Edited by Raven
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So I had 200 orbs saved in anticipation of the ploy banner, IS gave me the finger and stuck Katarina on the swift sparrow banner under a shared colour, I still summoned and left with 2x Erika and a Karel. Just another failed attempt at getting Katarina merges

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian @DefaultBeep

So Swift Sparrow banner, huh? After summoning an off-focus Eirika, Katarina was the only one missing from this batch in my second account. Shared focus so I'm not really expecting much..

1 red and I get the fabled 3 greens in one session :O

As much as a better Flying Nino would be nice, I'm okay with my current one (and have another as future fodder) so red it is....



..Uhh.. WOW. What are the chances?!?

The only one I was missing AND she's +Atk/-Def!!!!

Definitely makes up for my moment of weakness in summoning this morning!!

Not quite sure if I'm gonna go Bladetome or try her prf tome....but that requires Divine Dew..

Main account had 3 colourless, 1 green and 1 red and I had 6 orbs. Green was a 3 star Cecilia but I thought sure why not just pull red, and it was a +Atk/-Res Palla. I always need more Pallas so that was an okay pull despite my depressing 2 orbs now haha

@mampfoid Yeah it was my fault for falling in the trap of summoning for a better nature haha. Still, -Spd on Axura has been quite annoying especially in some clears but again, my self-control slipped heh.

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55 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

The only one I was missing AND she's +Atk/-Def!!!!

Definitely makes up for my moment of weakness in summoning this morning!!

You so lucky. Me so jelly. I just want Seth to leave me alone forever. I never liked him in his own game, I’m not going to like him here either.

3 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

I didn't notice somethig wrong there for a second.

Hey, you were promised an Eirika, you got an Eirika. Fair is fair.

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Okay, I'm both pissed and pleased.

Pleased because I just got these literally back to back. @Rezzy @Arcanite



Pissed because my umpteenth Myrrh came right before them (why doesn't she leave me alone?) and then when I went back to the Muspell banner...fucking Laegjarn AGAIN. Stupid boring bitch needs to go the fuck away. I'm about to send all of her home out of annoyance and hatred. Why can't I fucking pull a single Laevatein?

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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Okay, I'm both pissed and pleased.

Pleased because I just got these literally back to back. @Rezzy @Arcanite



Pissed because my umpteenth Myrrh came right before them (why doesn't she leave me alone?) and then when I went back to the Muspell banner...fucking Laegjarn AGAIN. Stupid boring bitch needs to go the fuck away. I'm about to send all of her home out of annoyance and hatred. Why can't I fucking pull a single Laevatein?

Which is why I only pulled from the Múspell banner until I got one of the sisters and gave up after that.

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3 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Which is why I only pulled from the Múspell banner until I got one of the sisters and gave up after that.

Fair. But I really wanted Laevatein...

One of these Laegjarns appears to be +Atk, -Res, so I guess I could keep that one, at least.

Also, Nino is +Atk, -Def, hell yeah.

Eirika sadly has bad IVs though.

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5 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I got a 5* Eirika as my free pull. My previous built one is +Spd, -Atk, this new one is +Def, -Hp.

Not sure what I'm going to do with her yet, maybe I'll check with an expert.

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Your options are to merge the new one into your previously built one, or keep the new one as Swift Sparrow fodder.

Another valid option is to find someone who would really like to obtain Rally Atk/Spd and Swift Sparrow 2. Use some smallfry fodder to give Rally Speed and Death Blow 1 skills to them, and finally use Eirika to give Rally Atk/Spd, Swift Sparrow 1 and Swift Sparrow 2 in one go.

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18 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I got a 5* Eirika as my free pull. My previous built one is +Spd, -Atk, this new one is +Def, -Hp.

Not sure what I'm going to do with her yet, maybe I'll check with an expert.

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Congrats on that free pull!

If you want to know which nature to keep, then better ask an expert for ranged nukes and feh simulators like @XRay. On first glance it seems like Eirika with Raudrblade+ performs better with +SPD/-ATK and Eirika with Gleipnir performs better with +DEF/-HP (assuming an Hone Cav buff in both cases). 

How much SI did you invest in your +DEF/-HP copy?

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats on that free pull!

If you want to know which nature to keep, then better ask an expert for ranged nukes and feh simulators like @XRay. On first glance it seems like Eirika with Raudrblade+ performs better with +SPD/-ATK and Eirika with Gleipnir performs better with +DEF/-HP (assuming an Hone Cav buff in both cases). 

How much SI did you invest in your +DEF/-HP copy?

Actually I got Moonbow and Fortify Cav added to +Spd, -Atk old one. Other is still untouched. Not using her too much, but she's doing pretty good.

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Main: Free pulls Flying Nino +Spd -HP. Drains the saved orbs to get an M!Morgan (sent home as he was already +10), buys one pack to get an Eirika merge. The feathers got me to promote a Lloyd. Too bad his refine does not work with Flying Nino...

Alt: Free pulls 3-star Boey, go away.

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Just now, Garlyle said:

Actually I got Moonbow and Fortify Cav added to +Spd, -Atk old one. Other is still untouched. Not using her too much, but she's doing pretty good.

Honestly, I'd keep the +spd one and turn her into a reliable bladetome user. She can double many things with +spd boon, swift sparrow, and cav buffs.

And of course the bladetome bonuses will cover up the -atk bane quite nicely.

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1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

Actually I got Moonbow and Fortify Cav added to +Spd, -Atk old one. Other is still untouched. Not using her too much, but she's doing pretty good.

Like @Raven wrote, Running her with Raudrblade+ and full horse buffs would overcompensate her ATK bane. If you are content with her performance and don't use her too much (= not needing the merge), then I think it's save to fodder the new copy for Swift Sparrow and double Rally. 

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Summoning at daybreak. I really gotta stop this, things are getting too weird for me.

Free pull from the Swift Sparrow banner got me a Barst, and Muspell banner finally got me my first 5* (off-focus) unit in Katarina (my first one). Didn't bother checking the IVs...yet.

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