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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Elincia's amazing though, especially with +Atk. Good on flier teams.

Not when you fucking hate her she's not.

3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I was not happy when I got pity broke by a Regular Lucina when I was with 5,0% in the CYL 2 banner. Lucina is now waiting to give Aether to someone else, bacause I will not use her!

And Elincia is a pretty good unit. I want a copy of her...

She's one of those I don't like units.  So to be pity broke by HER was just awful.

2 hours ago, XRay said:

I feel you. I got pity broken by her once too when aiming for YT!Olivia. I was not happy, but she is a flier, so it did not made me feel as bad, but I still would rather not have her clogging up my Barracks space.

Yeah but for me she's just not what I needed.  I really would rather have got Lucina instead.

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26 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Happy early birthday in that case! I don't know when it is, but I imagine if you won't have enough orbs to summon, it's close. I just wonder if you're a September or an October.

Haha thanks, it was yesterday. At least i will have at least 15 orbs for that first round thanks to GC orbs so that’s not too bad

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59 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Not when you fucking hate her she's not.

...Why? Your opinion, but she's a way better character than Lucina imo. In fact, Lucina and Chrom are two of my most despised characters, so you can imagine how I felt when Lucina pity broke me while looking for Seth last year or when horse Chrom pity broke me THREE times while looking for male Morgan.

I love Elincia and think she's best girl, personally. Did you ever play the Tellius games, btw? If so, I guess you hate Ike or something too. If not, you haven't seen enough of Elincia. There's a reason RD part 2 is liked a lot.


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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...Why? Your opinion, but she's a way better character than Lucina imo. In fact, Lucina and Chrom are two of my most despised characters, so you can imagine how I felt when Lucina pity broke me while looking for Seth last year or when horse Chrom pity broke me THREE times while looking for male Morgan.

I love Elincia and think she's best girl, personally. Did you ever play the Tellius games, btw? If so, I guess you hate Ike or something too. If not, you haven't seen enough of Elincia. There's a reason RD part 2 is liked a lot.


I don't like Ike either.  Though to be fair I don't actually care about RD or PoR.  One because it's on an outdated console, and two I highly doubt I'd ever have the chance to play it.  Also I don't like Elincia's design, off putting like most of the peg knights because short skirts are a thing :/ I'd rather have Lucina any day.

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13 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I don't like Ike either.  Though to be fair I don't actually care about RD or PoR.  One because it's on an outdated console, and two I highly doubt I'd ever have the chance to play it.  Also I don't like Elincia's design, off putting like most of the peg knights because short skirts are a thing :/ I'd rather have Lucina any day.

Uh, first of all, Elincia always wears pants, not a short skirt. Her RD design isn't even close to having a skirt. And yet you like and want Sumia who DOES wear a short skirt and no pants?

Second, it's silly to hate them when you haven't even played their games and really gotten to know them.

Third, being outdated doesn't make them bad games. Do you think they're probably bad because they're not "new" like Awakening? That's a shitty mindset to have if so and borders on that even shittier mindset of "only 3DS FE matters" and as a huge Tellius and Magvel fan, and Awakening hater, I hate fans that act like that. If this isn't what you mean, then ignore that and I apologize.

I also hate elitist fans that shit on 3DS fans since that's just as bad, so I will not do that to you. I'm just explaining how you're coming off to me here.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Uh, first of all, Elincia always wears pants, not a short skirt. Her RD design isn't even close to having a skirt. And yet you like and want Sumia who DOES wear a short skirt and no pants?

Second, it's silly to hate them when you haven't even played their games and really gotten to know them.

Third, being outdated doesn't make them bad games. Do you think they're probably bad because they're not "new" like Awakening? That's a shitty mindset to have if so and borders on that even shittier mindset of "only 3DS FE matters" and as a huge Tellius and Magvel fan, and Awakening hater, I hate fans that act like that. If this isn't what you mean, then ignore that and I apologize.

I also hate elitist fans that shit on 3DS fans since that's just as bad, so I will not do that to you. I'm just explaining how you're coming off to me here.

And?  Like I said I don't really care.  I don't like them simple as that.  It's fucking pokemon all over again.

Just because I haven't played the games doesn't mean I can't form an opinion on characters.  I'm sick of people telling who I should like or shouldn't like based on games I have NO interest in because I don't have the money to throw around.  There's a reason I didn't get Echoes and that was because of the ridiculous price tag, plus the designs and apparent gameplay didn't appeal to me.  Same as anything else.

Also take a step back and try to empathise here.  My first ever Fire Emblem game was Awakening.  Then the slap in the face that was Fates.  Now while I hated Corrin in Fates, Heroes made them less annoying if that was humanly possible.


That said I don't care if you think Elincia is superior to Lucina just because she's from a game you like better.  I have mother's bias, so of course Lucina to me is the better character.  That's to be expected.  I like Chrom too.  But that doesn't mean when someone complains about either of the two that I bite like you when some doesn't like the characters you do.

I am an undiagnosed aspie, so I know how hard it can be sometimes to know that people don't like what you do but I NEVER EVER go on rants about it if I can help it.  When I do it's usually because I don't pause to think (too damn often) but I at least try to avoid flame wars.

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19 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

And?  Like I said I don't really care.  I don't like them simple as that.  It's fucking pokemon all over again.

Just because I haven't played the games doesn't mean I can't form an opinion on characters.  I'm sick of people telling who I should like or shouldn't like based on games I have NO interest in because I don't have the money to throw around.  There's a reason I didn't get Echoes and that was because of the ridiculous price tag, plus the designs and apparent gameplay didn't appeal to me.  Same as anything else.

Also take a step back and try to empathise here.  My first ever Fire Emblem game was Awakening.  Then the slap in the face that was Fates.  Now while I hated Corrin in Fates, Heroes made them less annoying if that was humanly possible.


That said I don't care if you think Elincia is superior to Lucina just because she's from a game you like better.  I have mother's bias, so of course Lucina to me is the better character.  That's to be expected.  I like Chrom too.  But that doesn't mean when someone complains about either of the two that I bite like you when some doesn't like the characters you do.

I am an undiagnosed aspie, so I know how hard it can be sometimes to know that people don't like what you do but I NEVER EVER go on rants about it if I can help it.  When I do it's usually because I don't pause to think (too damn often) but I at least try to avoid flame wars.

Wow, chill. I'm not forcing you to like anything. But you can't hate or like a game you haven't played. Because you haven't played it.

What does Pokemon have to do with anything?

...What? Echoes costs the same as any other 3DS game, $45.

Again, no one is telling you who to fucking like or dislike. I'm saying you can't like or dislike things you have not experienced. Not being interested, that's a very different thing and that's fine.

I can't empathize because my first game in a series isn't automatically my favorite just because.

I like Elincia for more reasons than just being in Tellius, thanks. And I'm not "biting" you for disliking her. You're hating characters and games YOU NEVER PLAYED. Which is ridiculous. If you're not interested in them, fine, doesn't matter to me.

How do you know if you were never diagnosed? I'm an officially diagnosed Aspie and I've worked long and hard to improve upon my issues. And I never went on any rants? Besides, YOU keep repeatedly ranting about not having Lucina, btw. But mentioning favorite characters a lot/too much here is something I've struggled with avoiding in the past myself, so I get that.

Look, I don't want a flame war either. Especially given my past mistakes here. So let's try to end this peacefully, okay?

Edited by Anacybele
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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, chill. I'm not forcing you to like anything. But you can't hate or like a game you haven't played. Because you haven't played it.

What does Pokemon have to do with anything?

...What? Echoes costs the same as any other 3DS game, $45.

Again, no one is telling you who to fucking like or dislike. I'm saying you can't like or dislike things you have not experienced. Not being interested, that's a very different thing and that's fine.

I can't empathize because my first game in a series isn't automatically my favorite just because.

I like Elincia for more reasons than just being in Tellius, thanks. And I'm not "biting" you for disliking her. You're hating characters and games YOU NEVER PLAYED. Which is ridiculous. If you're not interested in them, fine, doesn't matter to me.

How do you know if you were never diagnosed? I'm an officially diagnosed Aspie and I've worked long and hard to improve upon my issues. And I never went on any rants? Besides, YOU keep repeatedly ranting about not having Lucina, btw. But mentioning favorite characters a lot/too much here is something I've struggled with avoiding in the past myself, so I get that.

Look, I don't want a flame war either. Especially given my past mistakes here. So let's try to end this peacefully, okay?

Because I can't get an offical diagnosis.  That's how I know.  The psycs over in AUS won't recognise the symptoms because "PTSD".  So yeah.  There is that :/  and I'm not ranting about not getting Lucina...more like whinging. :P

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Dammit guys, this is a pull thread. Take this somewhere else.

EDIT: Pull thread like me reporting that I didn't get anything from swift sparrow banner and I wasted 13 orbs on Fates banner that could've gone towards the legendary. I need a freaking Silvia.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Just now, TheSilentChloey said:

Because I can't get an offical diagnosis.  That's how I know.  The psycs over in AUS won't recognise the symptoms because "PTSD".  So yeah.  There is that :/  and I'm not ranting about getting Lucina...more like whinging. :P

Huh... that's odd. Well, okay, but just saying, you DO mention it quite a bit. We know you want her, you don't have to keep saying so, ya know. Wish I could trade you mine for your Elincia. Then we'd both be happy! I already have both versions of Elincia, but I won't say no to merges.

Thanks for the short reply, btw, we didn't need to continue that back-and-forth. I admit, I kinda always feel the need to respond over and over in an argument/debate because I don't want the other person to think I'm ignoring them or "admitting defeat" when that's not the case. I don't like the idea of a winner and loser in arguments/debates anyway.


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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Huh... that's odd. Well, okay, but just saying, you DO mention it quite a bit. We know you want her, you don't have to keep saying so, ya know. Wish I could trade you mine for your Elincia. Then we'd both be happy! I already have both versions of Elincia, but I won't say no to merges.

Thanks for the short reply, btw, we didn't need to continue that back-and-forth. I admit, I kinda always feel the need to respond over and over in an argument/debate because I don't want the other person to think I'm ignoring them or "admitting defeat" when that's not the case. I don't like the idea of a winner and loser in arguments/debates anyway.


Same here.


The worst part is as of this point in time I have yet to get even 1 Lucina that isn't the freebie, or Masked version.  Saving orbs is a pain.  I decided to try for Sumia this morning and got Oscar.  I knew I should have stuck to just red pulls...*cries in the corner literally*

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33 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Dammit guys, this is a pull thread. Take this somewhere else.

EDIT: Pull thread like me reporting that I didn't get anything from swift sparrow banner and I wasted 13 orbs on Fates banner that could've gone towards the legendary. I need a freaking Silvia.

nothing? that's bummery. i'm so sorry. 
Silvia's demoted now so you'll be able to get her if you pull reds. 
(though the game keeps giving me Olivia. 

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Same here.


The worst part is as of this point in time I have yet to get even 1 Lucina that isn't the freebie, or Masked version.  Saving orbs is a pain.  I decided to try for Sumia this morning and got Oscar.  I knew I should have stuck to just red pulls...*cries in the corner literally*

Thing is, you should only try for a 5 star character when they're on a banner and skip banners that have no one you're interested in. You maximize your chances of pulling who you want. Just wait until one is on a banner. Sumia in particular should eventually appear in a legendary banner.

54 minutes ago, eclipse said:

What the fuck happened here?

And why do I not see tickets about it?

Warnings incoming, and I am NOT in a good mood.

Yeah, sorry... but at least we ended it peacefully, right? XP

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11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, you should only try for a 5 star character when they're on a banner and skip banners that have no one you're interested in. You maximize your chances of pulling who you want. Just wait until one is on a banner. Sumia in particular should eventually appear in a legendary banner.

Yeah, sorry... but at least we ended it peacefully, right? XP

I doubt Lucina will be on a banner though :( Sumia might get demoted so that would work out for the best though.  I'd be happy if I got even a 4☆ Lucina tbh.  Then it'd just be the feathers to get her to learn aether which I can have a much easier time of grinding for than orbs.  IS can be pretty stingy when it comes to that.

And I should be the one apologising, since I kind of started the mess in the first place :(:

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54 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I doubt Lucina will be on a banner though :( Sumia might get demoted so that would work out for the best though.  I'd be happy if I got even a 4☆ Lucina tbh.  Then it'd just be the feathers to get her to learn aether which I can have a much easier time of grinding for than orbs.  IS can be pretty stingy when it comes to that.

And I should be the one apologising, since I kind of started the mess in the first place :(:

She could be though. Sumia getting demoted doesn't seem likely since they've yet to demote any 5 star exclusive, but yeah.

Well, it takes two to tango, so I still had to apologize.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

She could be though. Sumia getting demoted doesn't seem likely since they've yet to demote any 5 star exclusive, but yeah.

Well, it takes two to tango, so I still had to apologize.

I think Lucina getting demoted would be like Chrom getting demoted.  I'll just get the 5☆ and she'll be demoted.  Or Sumia.  God I wish we had the ability to trade heroes.  It would save so many double ups...and wasted barracks space in some cases lol.

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Out of nowhere I just had some of the best luck ever for me in this game. I saw the legendary Tiki banner trailer and didn't really care enough about it so I thought I'd go back into the Muspell banner to try and get Laevatein. My previous session on the banner was a really good +atk -hp Elincia and +res -hp Laegjarn in 75-ish orbs. I figured even if I just got more Leagjarns that would be alright too, since I like her and merges would be cool.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures mid-pulling because I was too excited, but here's what I got from about 120 orbs spent. (no units were book'd yet, so this is everything is shown but a couple 3*s one row above)


I freaked OUT at this summoning session. The first 2 Laegjarns came in the same circle. When Ares pity broke me I thought that might spell doom for getting Laevatein, but I went on anyway. After the 3rd Laegjarn I had about 60 orbs left and thought I might stop there, but I said fuck it and kept going for Laevatein anyway. And the very next session I finally got her after the surprise Alm popped up too.

The Laegjarns are +spd -atk, +hp -def, +def -spd. Non really better than my +res -hp, but I can't complain. Ares is neutral and Alm is +res -hp, so they'll both become merge fodder. Laevatein is +spd -res which is incredible. I even got another Soleil merge out of this, finally. My birthday is on Saturday, so between this and the Animal Crossing announcement it feels like Nintendo is giving me some early birthday presents. This banner has been a blessing.

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Well my 9 orbs today broke my pity on this banner and I got Laegjarn. Whom is who I wanted. She is even +DEF which is nice. Did you detect the but coming up? She is -ATK. Now since I wanted duel skills my original plan was to pull some more and hopefully get two and keep the best and use the other on Flying Olivia. BUT. The Legendary banner is going to be my focus assuming it will give me any blue or green orbs. I am not that excited about Tiki. This soon after Tikipop just leaves me feeling kinda meh. However, she will make a good armor buddy for my Amelia. A weak enough reason that if the blues were disappointing I probably wouldn't focus. But a decent Spring Catria is high on my want list and a better Micaiah wouldn't be bad either.

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