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25 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also since we have new VG banners, I did that as well.

A Jeorge and a Jagen. And obviously no greens for either. Greens don’t exist unless it’s Merric.
Congrats with The Rachel! She cute and she strong.

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Decided to wait until next month's legendary banner instead of pulling more on the Tiki one.  Here's my results, along with your answer to your question @mampfoid.




I went roughly 340 orbs without pulling a single 5* unit, giving me that absurd 15% rate I posted earlier in the thread.  Probably the worst banner I've ever pulled on to date.  It started off so well too, giving me two Nanna copies within the first 10 summons.  In the end, my monstrous rate was broken by the unit I wanted the least by far, along with possibly his worst possible nature just to add insult to injury.  I don't think I've ever made a combat manual so fast.  Naturally I pulled the other orbs in the session hoping for anything good and thankfully the game decided to show a little bit of mercy with a good-natured Micaiah, who was new for me.  Hopefully next month's banner will treat me better.

F!Grima continues to sit at +7. 


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I didn't get anything noteworthy on the gauntlet banners.

I should've never done a yolo on the Tiki banner though.

Gave me Micaiah. She's +HP, -Spd just like horse Eirika and Spring Catria. Why am I getting this same IV combo on everyone all of a sudden? :/ Though I guess for Micaiah it's workable since she's slow as fuck anyway. Wish I could give her tome to someone else.

But I thought about keeping Catria so I have a blue mage cav not named Reinhardt... Oh well.

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So, two new banners.

Dad first

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF so many possible Hectors/Bartres)

4* Gunter (Oh well. +HP/-Res)

Daughters next.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Guess a shot at Julia merge?)

4* Soren (Bet this one sucks too. +HP/-Def, so close)

Back to the legendary banner.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Effie (*Sigh. +HP/-Atk), 4* Seliph (Merge fodder. +HP/-Def), 5* Karla (I would rage because she of all units got a buff from the original, but still. +HP/-Res, honestly sucky nature), 3* Eirika (Should I start an Eirika merge? +Spd/-Atk, an awful base.), 4* Clarine (She's not Maribelle. +Def/-HP, definite drop.)

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180 orbs down the drain.  With three Tellius characters on the legendary banner, and all of them people I'm trying to +10, I figured I could go for it.  If I was only pulling red/blue/green, I figured a 5* would have 1/3 probability of being from Tellius.  However...  Instead, I got S!Sharena twice, Karla, blue Tiki, and Bride Tharja.  Everyone but Karla was new to me, but I didn't really want any of them.  I would have even been happy with a Hector, who would have been DC fodder since I already have one.

Should have saved for Ike, Ike, or Micaiah to appear on a three person banner.  Would have had higher odds of getting them then, especially since they were spread over three colors.  And yet, not I'm mad I averaged one 5* every 36 orbs, but none that I wanted.  Definitely foddering the Karla and at least one Sharena, and possibly the Tharja (didn't need or want her).

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9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid  Congratulations on finally getting her! Your orb saving paid off- by getting her quickly!

@Zeo @Vaximillian

Looks like the game knows what orbs you want. It's like Bector again, the game refuses to give me blue orbs. I don't think the game wants to give me blue armours (but really I'm mostly wanting Micaiah- the blue pool is good for me since I have none of them).

I did feel bad having to skip 3 greens in one session though, but I already have Lector and BIke...

Anyway, back to no orbs.

At least in my main, I ended with a 5 star- a +Def/-Res Brave Ike! Now I have 2 Steady Breath fodder, and I'll use the new Ike as my battle Ike. Still unsure who to give SB to- Shiro is doing fine right now without it. Maybe a dragon, I kind of like Adult Tiki but I'm not the biggest Dragon Emblem user.

Also since we have new VG banners, I did that as well.

Only notable thing was no green orbs in the Hector banner for my second account, so I pick blue since I kind of want to get a free Blarraven+ for PA Shigure. Instead I get a 5 star +Atk/-Res L'arachel! Now the neutral 5 star one can be Res Tactic fodder.

...although I have a +Spd/-Res at 4 stars that I have skills inherited to. I have a feeling +Spd is better for L'arachel anyway? Any thoughts @Rezzy?

Also congrats on your pull @Ginko!

Speed is always better for blade times, which is what Rachel works best with.

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On this legendary banner, I got two Micaiahs, two S!Catrias, one Tiki, one Karla and 3 B!Tharjas. Sadly no Ike's or Hectors even though I needed breath and DC fodder above all else except for Tiki. Tiki is -spd +def which is pretty good because she never dies and can double via bold fighter and QR3 anyway. One of my B!Tharja is +atk -res and S!Catria is +spd -res. Karla is +atk - spd so I might fodder her off for even speed wave on Nino who could use some more speed. Micaiah's IVs don't matter because I already have a perfect one (+atk -def) so she'll be merged with my pre-existing +1 Micaiah and become +3. Also, I've finally completed my +10 Nino project. Now who should be my next +10 project? 

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Luck evens out in the end, I think.  I've had great luck the past few months, but this Muspell generals banner might set a new record.   I already got 2 off focus pity breakers the first time pulling (when it first released), one that I already had and one with a bad IV.  However now the rate is 4.75% which might be the highest I've hit.  This is going for reds which have the best rate if going for either focus unit.  I've finished paralogue chain challenges, even done a few more story chain challenges, still have all of book 2 of those and a little of book 1 left.  A few squad assault.  Sitting on 3 orbs.  I really really don't want to dip into October orbs cause that will probably close me out from the Halloween banner and next month legendary.  Looks like it might be the only choice though.  


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13 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Decided to wait until next month's legendary banner instead of pulling more on the Tiki one.  Here's my results, along with your answer to your question @mampfoid.

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I went roughly 340 orbs without pulling a single 5* unit, giving me that absurd 15% rate I posted earlier in the thread.  Probably the worst banner I've ever pulled on to date.  It started off so well too, giving me two Nanna copies within the first 10 summons.  In the end, my monstrous rate was broken by the unit I wanted the least by far, along with possibly his worst possible nature just to add insult to injury.  I don't think I've ever made a combat manual so fast.  Naturally I pulled the other orbs in the session hoping for anything good and thankfully the game decided to show a little bit of mercy with a good-natured Micaiah, who was new for me.  Hopefully next month's banner will treat me better.

F!Grima continues to sit at +7. 


what? that's insane. :( I'm so sorry to hear this. 
(though i am jealous that you got Miciah). I've firmly decided that this game does not want me to have her. I've blown all my orbs 3 times (twice on her banner, once here) trying to get her and nothing. i am legitimately stumped now.  (and actually. this - was really what i needed not to put more money in the pot to try on this banner.. I've been fighting with this all day).

I got crap on the freebie rolls.

Edited by daisy jane
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Fathers banner was amazing for me: first it was (neutral) Hector from the free pull, and today I've tried to pull one more and got +Atk -HP Grima in just 5 orbs.

Also free pull on daugters banner gave me another Mia, she's -Atk though.

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Well, at least I finally broke my rate in my second account. 9%, and Brave Ike like my main. Not too bad, I always welcome Steady Breath

Blue orbs didn't like me in this banner, considering I wanted any of the blues. Feels like that Hardin banner where I only got Fjorms. I did get a double Reinhardt summon though- one neutral and one +Atk/-HP

@mampfoid Her 4 star skill is Renewal though. Well I guess it's more if I need to give a unit Res Tactic as C skill and another SS like Def tactic or something. Well, I'll hang on to her for now, because I don't use her too much so not sure about merging her anyway.

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Ah, my bad.

Congrats on! B!Ike! Do you have some good recipients for steady breath? 

Not right now but it's good to have spare fodder since I used one on Shiro before, although I don't use him as much on this account sadly.

So I'm saving it for now. I might give it to a dragon one day, maybe Adult Tiki (not using Breath of Fog since she'll need DC. Maybe if I get normal Young Tiki I'll give her Breath of Fog). Or if I get a male Grima, then him.


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