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Okay, somehow I have 84 orbs. Not sure where they all came from, but I'm not going to complain. Back to the Daughters banner.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Meh.
  2. 4* Femui: More meh.
  3. 4* Mathilda: What is going on?
  4. 4* Lukas: Bleh.
  5. 3* Chrom: SP fodder.

That was bizarre. 64 orbs left.

  1. 5* Julia: YES!! Finally, the girl who has achieved so much for me gets a merge! She's +Spd/-Atk, so an easy sacrifice for my +Spd/-HP original. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 3* Reinhardt: Ugh.
  3. 3* Laslow: Meh.
  4. 3* A!Tiki: Bleh.
  5. 4* Saizo: Oh well.

Those 15 wasted orbs are kind of a bummer, but I got another Julia! This banner has been far too kind to me.

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@ZeoĀ @mampfoidĀ @Vaximillian

So a tiring day at work made me want to waste my orbs just to let loose my frustration. Yeah emotional summoning usually isn't the wisest but when there's orbs you might as well use them right?

Any of the blue heroes in the legendary banner will do.

Main account gave me a 3 star Peri. Mkay, pulled green as well in case more DC/SB fodder. It was an Arthur, so cheap Swap/Lancebreaker is decent I guess.

Then I lost sight of my original plan and tried in the other banners, trying for Fanlivia gave me no colourless orbs. Picked blue and got Robin. Then randomly tried the Muspell fodder- the only red gave me a Hinata, which is always welcome at least.

Then I switched to my second account. Legendary banner had 2 blues- first one was....a 3 star Peri as well. Other blue was a Mathilda.

Then I risked another session despite only having 13 orbs...

Another 2 blues. 1 was a +Atk/-Res Tailtiu. The other one was..


The busted dragonĀ overlord herself, Legendary Tiki! +HP/-Spd but that's fine she's goodĀ either way, and the Bold Fighter fixes the -Spd anyway. Got her with the very last orbs, too so now at 0.

To be honest I was hoping for Micaiah more for Thani but I'll glady take this. As I said any blue hero would've been good for me.Ā 

So with that luck I foolishly tried again in my main account for a blue hero. Got a Corrin. Tried again out of annoying with 6 orbs, risking not being to open multiple blues...and the game taunts me with 2 blues.

Picked the top one and out comes Odin. +Spd/-Res though so I think I can finally upgrade an Odin in my main (current one is +Spd/-HP). Not too bad, but now down to 1 orb.

Mixed results but I'll take it. I should've save more orbs for Fanlivia or Halloween Jakob coming soon though but oh well. Hopefully the new Halloween banner doesn't have anything too good.

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@mcsilasĀ Emotional summoning can be expensive, but alt least it got you a great unit, congrats! Tiki is a cool unit, have fun with her! She will destroy arena next (?) season for you.Ā 

Hope your work days are getting better for you soon. No sense in letting all energy in the office.Ā 

I'm back to 136 orbs thanks to saving and solving nearly all quests (missing only 8 stratum quests). The next legendary banner will have hopefully BH!Roy. Together with a new legendary red and perhaps even Celica that would become the perfect banner to pull red for me. I'm also hoping that Halloween won't bring something must-have-ish for me, to save even more orbs.Ā 

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@ZeoĀ @mampfoidĀ @Vaximillian

So a tiring day at work made me want to waste my orbs just to let loose my frustration. Yeah emotional summoning usually isn't the wisest but when there's orbs you might as well use them right?

Any of the blue heroes in the legendary banner will do.

Main account gave me a 3 star Peri. Mkay, pulled green as well in case more DC/SB fodder. It was an Arthur, so cheap Swap/Lancebreaker is decent I guess.

Then I lost sight of my original plan and tried in the other banners, trying for Fanlivia gave me no colourless orbs. Picked blue and got Robin. Then randomly tried the Muspell fodder- the only red gave me a Hinata, which is always welcome at least.

Then I switched to my second account. Legendary banner had 2 blues- first one was....a 3 star Peri as well. Other blue was a Mathilda.

Then I risked another session despite only having 13 orbs...

Another 2 blues. 1 was a +Atk/-Res Tailtiu. The other one was..


The busted dragonĀ overlord herself, Legendary Tiki! +HP/-Spd but that's fine she's goodĀ either way, and the Bold Fighter fixes the -Spd anyway. Got her with the very last orbs, too so now at 0.

To be honest I was hoping for Micaiah more for Thani but I'll glady take this. As I said any blue hero would've been good for me.Ā 

So with that luck I foolishly tried again in my main account for a blue hero. Got a Corrin. Tried again out of annoying with 6 orbs, risking not being to open multiple blues...and the game taunts me with 2 blues.

Picked the top one and out comes Odin. +Spd/-Res though so I think I can finally upgrade an Odin in my main (current one is +Spd/-HP). Not too bad, but now down to 1 orb.

Mixed results but I'll take it. I should've save more orbs for Fanlivia or Halloween Jakob coming soon though but oh well. Hopefully the new Halloween banner doesn't have anything too good.

I'm sorry you had to emotional summon - but what a great way to get rewarded :)Ā  i think you have the same one as I do - and she's still so busted. i hope when she comes back she's not so hard to get. Liki gets a merge haha


2 hours ago, FrostyFireMage said:

I got Micaiah - aka the blue unit I wanted the least due to already having a +res -hp one

She's +atk -def but it stings knowing she could have been Spring Catria with the same IVs

and this is why i wish there was trading. i'd happily give you my spring Catria for your MicaiahĀ 
I am tryingĀ soĀ hard not to try another round of Legendary to try to get her and a Karla. saving orbs sucks.Ā 

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I wouldn't know where to beginĀ with myĀ Legendary Tiki banner summons. I thought I had used up all of my luck on the Legendary Lucina banner. I was wrong.

I had saved up quite a few orbs for Septembers legendary banner. Was pulling for Blue & Green, with some Red (Mainly later for Red, as I had prioritised Leg.Hector & Tiki predominately).Ā 

Here are some of my key results:


1. Leg.Tiki +7 (+Spd/-HP) - I find there's a trend, whereby 1 of the 3 units appearĀ more so that the others. Luckily for me, this was the case with Leg.Tiki. She literally appeared on average of 4-5 circles. I was only really after 1-2 copies initially!

2. Leg.Hector +10 (+Atk/-Def) *Best IV's that I could getĀ - Going into this banner I needed just the 3 copies to achieve +10. Got 1 early, then 2 within a circleĀ of each other with my last few orbs.

3. Karla +10 (+Spd/-HP) - She was sitting on +6 going into this banner. Got 1 early on. Decided today, that I'd buy 70ish more orbs and pull on Red & Blue only. Got 3 copies of her within 4 circles! No breakers or anything.Ā Was unbelievable.

I picked up some other fodder along the way, my first ever copy of Spring Shareena (-Spd, but I can't complain there)Ā & an optimal IV's set for Spring Catria (+Spd/-Def).


Overall, I'm very happy with how my summons went for this banner. Legendary banners will forever be my favourite banner type :D

Edited by D4RTH
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12 minutes ago, D4RTH said:

I wouldn't know where to beginĀ with myĀ Legendary Tiki banner summons. I thought I had used up all of my luck on the Legendary Lucina banner. I was wrong.

I had saved up quite a few orbs for Septembers legendary banner. Was pulling for Blue & Green, with some Red (Mainly later for Red, as I had prioritised Leg.Hector & Tiki predominately).Ā 

Here are some of my key results:


1. Leg.Tiki +7 (+Spd/-HP) - I find there's a trend, whereby 1 of the 3 units appearĀ more so that the others. Luckily for me, this was the case with Leg.Tiki. She literally appeared on average of 4-5 circles. I was only really after 1-2 copies initially!

2. Leg.Hector +10 (+Atk/-Def) *Best IV's that I could getĀ - Going into this banner I needed just the 3 copies to achieve +10. Got 1 early, then 2 within a circleĀ of each other with my last few orbs.

3. Karla +10 (+Spd/-HP) - She was sitting on +6 going into this banner. Got 1 early on. Decided today, that I'd buy 70ish more orbs and pull on Red & Blue only. Got 3 copies of her within 4 circles! No breakers or anything.Ā Was unbelievable.

I picked up some other fodder along the way, my first ever copy of Spring Shareena (-Spd, but I can't complain there)Ā & an optimal IV's set for Spring Catria (+Spd/-Def).


Overall, I'm very happy with how my summons went for this banner. Legendary banners will forever be my favourite banner type :D

wow.Ā lucky.Ā 
LOL this is seriously convincing me (even though it can be torture) to save my orbs. (goodness help me if someone i need is a focus. what i need is Amelia to be on a Legendary!). i did another run today ( I so want Miciah) but i got another Leg. Tiki. (how can i complain after that?). but both are minus attack and neutral speed.

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@mcsilasĀ @mampfoidĀ You guys blow me away! The Brave Ike on Silas and both of you pulling Tiki! I'm not married to the character but the sheer power she has (in combination with how easy she would make arena) made me want her. She'll be making quite a bit of content easy for you guys. Fantastic pulls.

@AlexmenderĀ @NegativeExponents-Ā @Cute ChaoĀ @Usana

So... as you know my initial pool sucked and the pool after that did as well which left me with a 9.00%. There were 2 blue stones I was forced to leave on the table which could have been my Tiki right there but you never know. I prioritized red for Karla.

So I went back with 20 more orbs.



You know what? I'll take it. He's not Karla, but he's Warding Breath fodder which is still pretty cool. Now I'll have a spare after I give my other one to Fae. He's +HP/-RES like the other one I pulled funny enough.

So I wanted to take another shot so I made sure I got into T21 for that extra orb which gave me just enough for one last full pull and-



Would you look at that? Between this and B!Ike... I'd be inclined to say he was the best thing I could have gotten from green. The best part is he's +HP/-SPD, the exact same nature as my first one which means there's no thought needed and he's perfectly safe being foddered for Vengeful Fodder or if I want, a third DC.

It was hard to go wrong with this banner. I could have pulled a bad natured seasonal but the thing I was the most afraid of was leaving the banner empty-handed. Had I not spent so many orbs on other banners I would have been able to get quite a few more good things I think. Still, considering the worst possible scenarios, I got some good stuff considering how few orbs I put in. Karla evades me again and no Tiki until next year, but I picked up even more premium fodder to add to the already obscene amount of it that I'm sitting on.

All in all, I'm just a little disappointed, but honestly considering what I got, it's hard to feel that way, I'm probably just spoiled. This game all in all, treats me pretty well.

Edited by Zeo
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51 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilasĀ @mampfoidĀ You guys blow me away! The Brave Ike on Silas and both of you pulling Tiki! I'm not married to the character but the sheer power she has (in combination with how easy she would make arena) made me want her. She'll be making quite a bit of content easy for you guys. Fantastic pulls.

@AlexmenderĀ @NegativeExponents-Ā @Cute ChaoĀ @Usana

So... as you know my initial pool sucked and the pool after that did as well which left me with a 9.00%. There were 2 blue stones I was forced to leave on the table which could have been my Tiki right there but you never know. I prioritized red for Karla.

So I went back with 20 more orbs.

Ā  Reveal hidden contents


You know what? I'll take it. He's not Karla, but he's Warding Breath fodder which is still pretty cool. Now I'll have a spare after I give my other one to Fae. He's +HP/-RES like the other one I pulled funny enough.

So I wanted to take another shot so I made sure I got into T21 for that extra orb which gave me just enough for one last full pull and-

Ā  Reveal hidden contents


Would you look at that? Between this and B!Ike... I'd be inclined to say he was the best thing I could have gotten from green. The best part is he's +HP/-SPD, the exact same nature as my first one which means there's no thought needed and he's perfectly safe being foddered for Vengeful Fodder or if I want, a third DC.

It was hard to go wrong with this banner. I could have pulled a bad natured seasonal but the thing I was the most afraid of was leaving the banner empty-handed. Had I not spent so many orbs on other banners I would have been able to get quite a few more good things I think. Still, considering the worst possible scenarios, I got some good stuff considering how few orbs I put in. Karla evades me again and no Tiki until next year, but I picked up even more premium fodder to add to the already obscene amount of it that I'm sitting on.

All in all, I'm just a little disappointed, but honestly considering what I got, it's hard to feel that way, I'm probably just spoiled. This game all in all, treats me pretty well.

and I think that's the important thing. :)Ā 
lucky on your two clutch pulls. I'm really hoping to getĀ oneĀ of them eventually.

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@ZeoĀ 2 legendarysĀ in 20 orbs? Great luck, congrats!Ā 

If you prioritizeĀ DC over VF3: Also VF2 is a great skill, pass it together with DC!Ā 

Karla will be back on many banners (Wave banner, Wrath banner, girls with K in their names banner etc ), I bet you'll get her soon enough.Ā 

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It's a little sad when my luck is getting the 4 stars I want. lol My luck has been pretty sour lately. And I'm not sure if it's getting any better. So my goal is to just save orbs for a little while. Maybe try my luck on the next legendary banner. But after seeing some of the good luck in this topic, I decided I wanted to try my hand at one summon on the legendary. I even got one blue orb. Perfect.Ā 

And I got a 4 star Shigure. I'm so happy. :3 My current 5 star merge is +3 with a +SPD -HP nature that I don't plan to change. And now I've got three 4 star copies sitting in my barracks. Just 4 more copies to go. I decided that was a good omen, and I'm done with the legendary banner. lol Still have 40 orbs saved. Hopefully Halloween isn't tempting. I'm going to try to play it safe and wait for the next road map.

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Rafiel's AriaĀ Congrats on the Shigure copy, good luck getting him to +10!Ā 

I think saving orbs for legendary banners is the way to go currently. At least it helped me to get good results on the current banner while stopping to buyĀ further orbs.Ā 

Legendary banners are pretty hit or miss for me. No pity-breakers is great, but there always seems to be one character on a color that I don't want on each color. And sniping for a particular character is so dangerous. The newer legendary heroes have definitely improved in quality, so that's why I'm considering saving for them. That...and they should start cycling through banners that have characters I missed...

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5 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Nope.Ā  I got a 4 ā˜† Lachesis and she's notĀ been that great.

i'm sorry.(I have a few of her, when i was doing some grey pulling). i'm not sure what to make of any healer. I mean my favourite right now is Ethlyn. I know Veronica/Elise are amazing but i'm gonna have to wait when they are focuses or somethin'.Ā 

I hope when you start pulling again you at least get a Lucina :)Ā 

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

i'm sorry.(I have a few of her, when i was doing some grey pulling). i'm not sure what to make of any healer. I mean my favourite right now is Ethlyn. I know Veronica/Elise are amazing but i'm gonna have to wait when they are focuses or somethin'.Ā 

I hope when you start pulling again you at least get a Lucina :)Ā 

I hope I get Lucina too.Ā  Still this banner has been miss after miss for me...ah well I tried at least...

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@ZeoĀ Wow, congrats on more premium fodder! It's always a good thing to breathe a sigh of relief whenever you finally get a 5 star from these banners.

@Rafiel's AriaĀ Sorry to hear about your luck, but at least a Shigure sounds nice! And those 40 orbs sounds so much compared to my orb counts these days haha

13 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Karla will be back on many banners (Wave banner, Wrath banner, girls with K in their names banner etc ), I bet you'll get her soon enough.Ā 

...black haired sword girls banner, female myrmidons banners....maybe husband and wife gauntlet (with Bartre?)

Also yeah it's weird how Brave Roy hasn't been rerun yet. Hope you get him in a banner soon. Also I don't think I congratulated you on your Tiki, so congrats! (Reverse of mine it seems haha)

Ā @daisy janeĀ Thanks! Yeah it's hard to go wrong with her it's crazy.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Also yeah it's weird how Brave Roy hasn't been rerun yet. Hope you get him in a banner soon. Also I don't think I congratulated you on your Tiki, so congrats! (Reverse of mine it seems haha)

Thanks, yeah Tiki was a nice surprise. Roy will return soon enough, I only hope he'll share color with some cool units. L!Ryoma or a new legendary red plus OG Celica would be awesome.Ā 

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21 hours ago, daisy jane said:

wow.Ā lucky.Ā 
LOL this is seriously convincing me (even though it can be torture) to save my orbs. (goodness help me if someone i need is a focus. what i need is Amelia to be on a Legendary!). i did another run today ( I so want Miciah) but i got another Leg. Tiki. (how can i complain after that?). but both are minus attack and neutral speed.


It's tough to resist sometimes (Especially with so many good banners running at once). In my caseĀ I kept getting good stuff fast, so I just kept rolling with it.

The thing with Leg.TikiĀ is thatĀ even with -Atk she's still pretty decent. Atk/Spd Bond or Death Blow 3Ā fodder (Depending on the build and if you have any spare), will still assist in making it workable (Along with buffs obviously).

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Time for another one of my impromptu YOLO pulls, this time off legendary Tiki's banner. Exactly one blue, and:



Boon/Bane: neutral

...Well this banner is officially dead to me now. And damn, my YOLO luck is still holding up somehow.


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31 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Time for another one of my impromptu YOLO pulls, this time off legendary Tiki's banner. Exactly one blue, and:

Ā  Hide contents


Boon/Bane: neutral

...Well this banner is officially dead to me now. And damn, my YOLO luck is still holding up somehow.


way to go with the YOLO!!

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