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@Vaximillian WOW that's rare. The most greens I've seen was 4.

Did you pull any of the other ones?

New banner, new free summon. Don't have a Sigurd in my main and more B!Ikes are always nice but I'm also in orb saving mode though so..

2 reds and 2 greens. Dangit.

Tempting to pull them all but...I picked one red and out came a 3* neutral Chrom. You know what, that's awesome, I'm rare on Aethers.

Really tempted to pull the others though.

Second account was a Sheena.

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A chance for Sigurd, SB or SS fodder is cool. 3 greens, 1 blue and colorless. Anything for me? 

Nope. Camilla, Boey, Frederick and Kagero. 

Keep it moving.

Edited by Zeo
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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Did you pull any of the other ones?

Nope, had no orbs for that.

1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I'd rather take +Res -Atk over -Spd.

I’m leaning towards that one too, actually. Why must her stats be so… thoroughly unimpressive?

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This is...not what I expected when I saw "Heroes with Ward Skills" on the calendar. Guess I should aim for Sigurd since he's the only one I don't have.

  1. 4* Hana: Nope. Might as well go for the rest of the set.
  2. 4* Lilina: Hm, she's +Atk/-Spd. I've been tempted to build a Lilina for a while, but should I go with -Spd or try to hold out for -Def? Any suggestions?
  3. 4* Raven: Meh.
  4. 4* Felicia: More meh.
  5. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder. Ryoma'll appreciate that.

So nothing there. I've got 100 orbs though, so I'm stocked enough for whatever else comes.


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5 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

This is...not what I expected when I saw "Heroes with Ward Skills" on the calendar.

Say thanks to the localisation team for that. Only Sigurd has a skill with the word Ward in its name in English, whereas the word is the same for all three of them in Japanese.

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Bah. I hate myself for giving in to the YOLO (and looking for Reposition fodder). The rest of the summon was 3 star Tharja, 3 star Camilla and a 4 star -Spd Soren. At least Savage Blow is nice fodder since I'm also running out.

In a foolish attempt to make myself feel better I summoned on my second account for a better Bector with 25 orbs. 1 orb left and the only blues were 2 female Corrins in the same circle while the rest were spent opening unwanted reds then backing out. Absolutely hate it when the game decides to not give you the orbs you want in multiple sessions (I had more greens than blue even...)

At least I have a sudden influx of Hone Atk (Corrin, Olivia) and Hone Spd (Eirika) fodder for any future dancers.

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Banner wizh Ward skills? More like heroes with unique B skills.

I've got a 5* Dorcas Res+/Spd-. It might replace my Hp+/Res- version, speed isn't his forté anyway.

Also I went on the Legendary banner just to break my pityrate, and i got 5* Summer Innes. Didn't check his IVs, I hope he's good.

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@Vaximillian @Zeo @mcsilas Pretty good haul I'd say, with 135 orbs.


+Atk -HP! Not bad. I'll raise him for now, but he might eventually become Bold Fighter food for Effie or something.


+Spd -HP! Not really amazing fodder or anything, and she's a good nature, so might as well use her. If only she was smiling or something, her art wouldn't look so weird.


Some neutral-ish nature, he's gonna be fed to by Young Azura.


+Res -Atk! Damnit @Rezzy. You have cursed two big sisters in a week, mine and Vax's.


+Def -Spd, which is actually pretty good. I'll keep him for now for Arena and stuff, but I might eventually fodder him. Like to Masked Marth... Or Eirika... @Alexmender

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

She says something about being a general of Múspell and having a sister in Laevatein, right?

"I am Laegjarn, general of Múspell. If you want my loyalty, let me see my sister... Laevateinn." Something like that. Unfortunately, I don't have Laevateinn, so maybe I just opened a portal to Múspell real quick.

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11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

"I am Laegjarn, general of Múspell. If you want my loyalty, let me see my sister... Laevateinn." Something like that. Unfortunately, I don't have Laevateinn, so maybe I just opened a portal to Múspell real quick.

I wonder how Laegjarn reacted when she learnt that Laevatein is a queen now.

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@SatsumaFSoysoy Wow that's an amazing haul! Mostly nice natures as well, I'm jealous of that Bector! Noire would also be nice to have but I don't have the orbs and she not a must-have unit wise. (And Noire rarely smiles, it's stranger that she gets a summer version compared to other units). Hope we get normal Noire someday.

@mampfoid Darn, that's rough. Sorry to hear, it sucks to see a large orb count only resulting in one 5 star that isn't really your target. At least we can be low-orb count buddies!

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I'm not sure whether to say congrats or not. Five greens is pretty much a miracle... except the worst kind xD 

I got my third Ryoma today. Where was he when I wanted him the first time >.< Don't think I'm getting a Hrid before this banner ends -.-

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6 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Me: maybe I can pull for Lucina.
Me: oh.

HP/Spd now. I wonder.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @daisy jane

:O i didn't think that many greens existed in a summoning pool. holy crap. 

6 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Nope, had no orbs for that.

I’m leaning towards that one too, actually. Why must her stats be so… thoroughly unimpressive?


because she's a Nfil sibling? 

Ward Banner  - one green....went for the YOLO 5* maybe pull.. and... 

well I got one. 

Libra. again
(why can't my free 5* summons be units i don't have? it helps make me go OMG  I GOT A FREE 5*!!!!! so much more impressive). 
this one is -hp/+atk, so... yay i guess?

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Wow, my luck is great right now. I had 92 orbs and saw the banner with Brave!Ike and was like “I use him a lot, I could use more merges” but I know I should save orbs and I don’t usually pull on banners like this unless it’s Legendary. But I was like “I’ll snipe until 70 orbs” literally at like 74 I think I got him!

But now I 100% need to save cause my luck on the next banner I want something is probably gonna be atrocious!

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Decided to push for one more 5* from the Legendary Banner with monthly quest orbs. 3 Blue, 1 Colorless, and 1 Red.

First orb, Glorious Archer Lucina +Def -Res. And who cares about the rest...

Current is +HP -Def, and I'll gladly take the new nature, since Thogn's whole thing is attacking melee units. The superboon in Defense and neutral in HP should help her take on the Distant Counter units better.

Edited by Xenomata
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Wanted to try for B!Ike for the free summon but of course got no greens. Colorless got me Lissa, meh.

Meanwhile was able to do another round on the Legendary Banner and got no 5* units. Did get another Soleil though who's now at +9 so I'll take it :D

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