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I managed to nab Kliff on the recent banner. Now if I could only get Duma I would have all the Echoes characters sans alts. As for the seasonal banner I did six full pulls and turned up with nothing. One more session got me Hector which is better than a random off focus unit I guess. The game also gave me Brave Camilla in the same session as a bonus. Now the only brave hero I'm missing is Eliwood

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I like my alphabet soup. Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, etc. does not sound official enough, and I do not want to type out the full Focus name, so I am using an abbreviation of the Focus name.

Mobile Bolt Tower is great with Kronya, especially if you have two, but I do not think it is great with much else.

You can also use it to mess with Pulse teams, but Loki and BB!Fjorm can also do it by limiting mobility, and I think those two are better due to not activating Wings of Mercy on the defense team.

Most Player Phase teams can already kill things in one round of combat, or Firesweep bulky units to oblivion, rendering mobile Bolt Towers pointless. Mobile Bolt Tower is also detrimental to Galeforce teams since it deals too much damage, which means Galeforcers cannot activate Galeforce. Enemy Phase teams can already kill things in a round of combat too. Super tank teams want their buff support more than dealing damage in my opinion.

Have you ever stopped to consider that some people don't actually like it as it impedes communication at times?

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47 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Thanks! I wish you luck in getting Mia once her banner comes around! 

I'm also tempted to try getting Kronya's New Best Friend(s), and the more I look at Ilyana the more I want her too... But I think I'll wait for a while and save up orbs before I dip into this banner again, as it's going to be around for a long time (and I got the most important goals done already!).

i know. it's crazy how this banner went from SKIP to.
Hmm. Kronya can really benefit from this. 

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12 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Have you ever stopped to consider that some people don't actually like it as it impedes communication at times?

I do not like to use Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, etc. I will compromise and type out the Focus name the first time it appears in a post, but subsequent appearances in a post will be made with abbreviations.

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@BoaFerox, @mcsilas @Zeo

and @Landmaster

Kronya has a new best friend!


and he's Neutral. Bless Milla. 
I had to clear out my mailbox orbs - but now this banner is good and dead for me only because while i'd Love L'Arachel i can wait for her Legendary. and i really need Mias and to save after that. 

Edited by daisy jane
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I want every one of these, not gonna lie. Red for sure though.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

3* Caeda (TOO MANY CAEDAS +Def/-Atk), 4* Nowi (No wai? +HP/-Res), 4* Subaki (QR, not seen any in ages. +Spd/-HP), 4* Roderick (I wish most of the early units could get more expensive skills in some form.), 3* Raven (Blehven. +Def/-Atk)


2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Soleil (Good fodder. +Def/-Spd), 4* Bartre (Meh. +Def/-Atk), 3* Fae (Renewal. +Res/-HP), 4* Gaius (Just.... remove him. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Jakob (Launch daggers are bad, IS should fell bad. +Spd/-HP)


4 Colourless, 1 Red

4* Bantu (IT'S BANTU +Spd/-Atk..... I need a better boon), 3* Lachesis (Nahchesis. +HP/-Res), 4* Sakura (We need a way to remove launch units. +Res/-Spd), 3* Kaze (It's a better fodder. +Def/-Spd), 4* Legault (It's better fodder. +Spd/-HP)


4 Blue, 1 Red (Why is Red so uncommon?)

4* Eliwood (You're not Hector. +HP/-Def), 4* Odin (TOO...... MUCH...... LAUNCH UNITS! +Spd/-Def), 4* Odin (Stop it. +Res/-Spd), 5* Sirius (It's not Ilyana. +Def/-HP), 4* Oboro (Utterly useless to me. +Atk/-Def)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless


3* M!Morgan (It's a Morgan. +Res/-Spd), 4* Selena (Reposition's nice. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Tiki (That's not the one I want. +Res/-Spd), 3* M!Robin (It's Bonfire. +HP/-Res), 4* Maria (Still bad. +Res/-Spd)


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Ogma (It's a shame he's as weak as he is. +Res/-Atk), 3* Tharja (Not seen in a while. +Spd/-Res), 4* Palla (Yes, that's nice. +Spd/-Res), 3* Shanna (I will not say nah to that. +HP/-Res), 4* Saizo (This is another ninja. +Res/-HP)


2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Sylvia (Ugh. +Atk/-HP), 4* Reinhardt (Not the right thunder mage who breaks the game. +Spd/-Def), 3* Bartre (SO MUCH SHOVEL SLOP UNITS. +HP/-Atk), 4* Camilla (Nah. +HP/-Spd), 4* Kagero (More slops. +Res/-Def)

4%. Luck's not been good so far.

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6 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

And now the Sacred Stones units even fill a perfectly square area in the catalog!

Oh great, congrats! Really happy for you how that worked out. Especially with that perfect boon on L'Arachel. 

4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Kronya has a new best friend!

That was faster than expected, congrats! Good luck with the Mias. 

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6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

@BoaFerox, @mcsilas @Zeo

and @Landmaster

Kronya has a new best friend!


and he's Neutral. Bless Milla. 
I had to clear out my mailbox orbs - but now this banner is good and dead for me only because while i'd Love L'Arachel i can wait for her Legendary. and i really need Mias and to save after that. 

Wow, you just went and got him right away! Congrats, hope he's lots of fun. Now let's hope Mia doesn't give you any trouble either.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Oh great, congrats! Really happy for you how that worked out. Especially with that perfect boon on L'Arachel. 

That was faster than expected, congrats! Good luck with the Mias. 

Thanks! Yeah, it all went much smoother than expected. Now I'll have lots of options for bonus units in the upcoming Tempest Trial.

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6 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

Wow, you just went and got him right away! Congrats, hope he's lots of fun. Now let's hope Mia doesn't give you any trouble either.

lol yeah. i always go "i think i'm gonna wait." but i really like "ending banners". knowing i'd have to come back would just drive me nuts. (theoretically, i might still come back for L'arachel but i really much doubt it only again because sniping green (period) sucks. i wish she had showed up but ah well. 

thanks - I'll let you know how i do Mia hunting. 

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13 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Kronya has a new best friend!


and he's Neutral. Bless Milla. 
I had to clear out my mailbox orbs - but now this banner is good and dead for me only because while i'd Love L'Arachel i can wait for her Legendary. and i really need Mias and to save after that. 

Woohoo! Time for Miaaa~

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I was waiting for a bit of stamina and decided to spend a little more on the Halloween banner. I may regret this later since a few orbs can make all the difference, but anyway, pulled a little and managed to get a +spd/-res Halloween Illyana. Cool. (I don't mind getting her since I like her well enough and, of course, I love getting new units, but I only pulled blue, like, twice out of curiosity and was mainly pulling red to +1 my Halloween Hector. Not complaining at all, though! As stated, I'm really happy with getting her, even if her nature isn't ideal.) If I manage to get Halloween Henry, I may support them. Team Vampires! Also armored mages and stuff with complimentary colors (as opposed to everyone being the same color. Looking at you, Askr/Embla bunnies, 3/4 of which are green.)

I'm aching for DC fodder, though.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Landmaster @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Tybrosion @Usana @Cute Chao @BoaFerox @daisy jane

Ok game....


You know I like Hector... I'm going to admit it. LA!Hector aside this game ever since my first Hector has been extremely generous with him. And oh yeah, I was on the fence for a literal year about swapping out my original +HP/-RES one for the +ATK/-DEF I've had for a long time... well this one's +ATK/-SPD... so yeah. 4 orbs for this guy.

If DC wasn't such amazing fodder my Hector would be +3. But as of right now I have 3 Vanilla Hectors I'm sitting on for DC Fodder and now this guy who'll become my new Base. Then there's the 1 Extra legendary Hector I have leftover after giving my second L!Hector to Amelia and the one Brave Hector copy I've had sitting around for Bold fighter.

This game has been cruel to me in many ways, but it's always been kind to me when it came to Hector. LA!Hector played hard to get for a year. But when his banner came back around I got him in less than 20 orbs.

Also @daisy jane I didn't congratulate you on your fantastic Halloween Hector pull! Kudos to you as well!

Now let's see if I can get old man Hector before the banner expires. You never know.

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23 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Nice one @Zeo. I'm getting washed by the gacha lately myself, though.

I spent 300+ orbs on the Sothis banner for literally nothing and more recently got up to a 6.25% on the Splendid Soiree banner to just barely get away with a dancing Neph and Tibarn on the very last day.

Believe me, I my fortune hasn't been the greatest. Things have just started to turn around.

Edited by Zeo
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@Zeo Wow, that's really nice for 4 orbs! Good to see the game throwing you a bone after having been really stingy lately. Hector is a really good pull no matter what, but +Atk -Spd makes it even better.

I had two green orbs in my first circle so I opened them both, they were both 3-stars. But one of them was Barst so it's not useless at least!

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Gathered 20 orbs today made some pulls and I got a Hector +Hp -Def which is fine, I didn't care as much about him but that's nice. After Nagi's flowers are done I will give him 4. So I am officially done with the banner I will now start gathering orbs for the new heroes banner. 

I am really happy I got lucky these two days and and got units I wanted. 

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I got three blues in the free pull session for the TT banner. Decided to go for all of them because I'd like to merge up Oscar more sometime.

...And this is what happened.


Hardin is nice, especially since I foddered him the first time I got him due to bad IVs and this one is decent (+Def, -Res). But NINIAN AGAIN?! I've gotten her five damn times off-focus now! And she has no good fodder. I don't even like her much as a character. Why can't she go away?!

I guess I'll give her yet another merge and try to make her more useful at least... A dragon with this many merges has to be good for something, especially a dancing one. But the thing is, my current Ninian is +Atk and this new one is +Spd. I'm thinking I should keep +Atk on her because her Atk is kinda low and her Spd is decent, but maybe she wants the extra Spd more? What should I do here? I'd like to finally upgrade the Lightning Breath I gave her awhile back to Lightning Breath+ at some point too, if that's important to know.

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57 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I got three blues in the free pull session for the TT banner. Decided to go for all of them because I'd like to merge up Oscar more sometime.

...And this is what happened.


Hardin is nice, especially since I foddered him the first time I got him due to bad IVs and this one is decent (+Def, -Res). But NINIAN AGAIN?! I've gotten her five damn times off-focus now! And she has no good fodder. I don't even like her much as a character. Why can't she go away?!

I guess I'll give her yet another merge and try to make her more useful at least... A dragon with this many merges has to be good for something, especially a dancing one. But the thing is, my current Ninian is +Atk and this new one is +Spd. I'm thinking I should keep +Atk on her because her Atk is kinda low and her Spd is decent, but maybe she wants the extra Spd more? What should I do here? I'd like to finally upgrade the Lightning Breath I gave her awhile back to Lightning Breath+ at some point too, if that's important to know.

Ninian has a feather pillow atk.. go with the spd to prevent doubles. 
(unless you have a +HP one hanging around somewhere. then i'd make her +HP and she'll be able to not get isolated by Bride Fjorm). for the most part for Refreshers. Spd trumps atk. 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

Ninian has a feather pillow atk.. go with the spd to prevent doubles. 
(unless you have a +HP one hanging around somewhere. then i'd make her +HP and she'll be able to not get isolated by Bride Fjorm). for the most part for Refreshers. Spd trumps atk. 

I don't know. She already sometimes does zero damage even though she has Triangle Adept. What's the point of having her take hits if she can't do any damage back?

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