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Do you think Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna will be good?


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Obviously the higher stars characters are, the better they will be. And they're not great.... but do you think it'll be worth it to try to level them up and increase their star rank? I know they each get personal weapons, but then three seem to be at a huge disadvantage compared to everyone else considering you can't pull them.

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You're better off just summoning heroes -- precisely because you're forced to start them at 2*.

However, if you really like a particular hero, I'm sure they turn out decent when ranked up (it's just a lot of work). From what I can tell, Sharena in particular is surprisingly capable (I kept her on my team for a long time, and she didn't really fall off until lvl 12 ish). I can't say much for Anna or Alphonse. I find Alphonse especially useless, but he and Anna got discarded pretty quickly so I can't really say for sure.

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They are probably intended to be weak. Think about it, in a game that uses a four man party in battles, having 3 powerful units from the start would give you little reason to summon more heroes.

So I don't think that they will be getting stronger anytime soon.

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I actually still have no idea what the stars mean. I even got a *5 Camilla and barely use her, makes it seem too easy.

I also don't why I've been hearing the siblings are bad. Sharena's been rather staple for me so far (doubles, solid durability & damage). I'm only using Alfonse when I throw him in with a weak team (as to not have my "main" just blitz even easier), but he seemed pretty good since he could take hits and hit hard.

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2 hours ago, Soul~! said:

I actually still have no idea what the stars mean. I even got a *5 Camilla and barely use her, makes it seem too easy.

I also don't why I've been hearing the siblings are bad. Sharena's been rather staple for me so far (doubles, solid durability & damage). I'm only using Alfonse when I throw him in with a weak team (as to not have my "main" just blitz even easier), but he seemed pretty good since he could take hits and hit hard.

its later down the line when you have to start fighting armored units that units like alphonse isnt that good to fight with. getting 4 star or more will make the later fights more bearable.

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With enough time and investment..

Alfonso - He is a bit in an odd spot. His "active skill" heals him, one of his passives has him deal damage while on the offensive, another passive increases Att of allies, and his weapon special deals more damage as he has lower health. In a sense, he is a character that likes to play with HP manipulation, staying low to deal damage but recovering before death with his heal (or the weapon special acting somewhat as an insurance policy). His weapon special may be made more difficult to use if the player likes to run a party with a healer, but at least he will remain a somewhat solid offensive swordsman.

Sharena - Probably the most useful early on due to her Rally Attack skill and remains consistent throughout. Her extra Speed skill may not be as desirable as others, but giving adjacent allies DEF and her weapon special lowering the ATT of enemies makes her a solid "all-rounder."

Anna - Anna may become the most solid unit overall. Besides dealing extra damage with her active, she has Vantage (which is crazy at Tier 3, 75% HP or less before activating). As a bonus, her weapon special allows her to warp to nearby allies when on low health (when Vantage is not enough) and can give adjacent allies Resistance after she does combat.

The problem is, compared to existing characters (say Alfonso to Lyn, Sharena to Azura, and Anna to Hector // or even characters at 3* rank such as Hana, Oboro, and Arthur), almost everyone else will outclass them initially and continue to stay strong as they level up. The only real thing going for these three heroes is that FE: Heroes is "their title game" and their "balanced" gimmicks. 

I plan on using them for lore reasons, but my other characters definitely outclass these guys. Even if I end up maxing everyone out, I'll probably still use other characters because I like them more or find their traits more useful for my playstyle.

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Absolutely no reason to use them  at the moment.

Give it a few months and some story content will come along that will give them a free "promotion" to raise their rarity naturally, but they're always going to be filler units just there so you have someone to put on your team that you can't accidentally sell.

They're starter gacha game trash.

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I disagree with the "trash" comment.

Anna has Vantage which activates at 75% HP, which is insane, while both alphonse and Sharena sports attack buffs. They're perfectly usable as it is, and upgrading them doesn't even take that much effort either.

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