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4 hours ago, VincentASM said:

Looking for more investment opinions since feathers aren't that common.

Is +Spd -Res good on Male Robin? I figure he's meant to be tanky, so dunno if he needs the Speed.

What about +Atk -Res female Corrin? Likewise, is she better suited to be a tank than a hitter? (Or should I merge her Dark Breath onto Tiki? : P)

Finally, I got a neutral Nino and a neutral-ish Kagero. Is there much point in using them or should I wait until I get better boon/bane? For reference, my only decent Green is a 4 star Cherche (who admittedly is a beast) and I already have a -Atk 5 star Kagero.

Speed actually contributes more to tanking and survivability than HP/Def/Res in many cases. A +Spd Robin avoids being doubled by a variety of threats, including neutral Lucina, neutral Cordelia, and neutral Olwen, to name a few. So yes, I'd say it's good. 

Corrin is mostly meant to be a tank, so she would appreciate +Spd/HP/Def, but +Atk is by no means bad (and -Res is a great bane). For example, +Atk Corrin with Triangle Adept can OHKO neutral Hana and Tharja, which neutral Corrin cannot do. 

Short answer: yes to both Nino and Kagero. Sure, +Spd Nino and +Atk Kagero are ideal, but neutral does the job just fine most of the time. And there's no guarantee you'll ever get a better one, so I'd say use what you have. 

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Hi long time forum reader and FE fan since sacred stones.  So happy its on mobile now!

Working on cavalry team with  5* Reinhardt +Def -Res and 4* Cecilia +Spd -Def 

?Should I use my 24k feathers to?

A: get Deathblow 3 for Reinhardt with this maybe dont need a Cavalry team even?

B: promote to 5* Cecila  Triangle adept and G tome breaker can cover nearly all ranged units and with a hone bonus cant be doubled and with spur as well will almost always double

C promote to 5* Eliwood  +Spd -res. Perfect nature, but needs Durandl for dmg or  Stahl +Dmg -Spd work beter? I need some one to hold Hone Cavalry and cover the mages. Also have 5* Leo +hp -def and Abel +res -hp.

Have other worthy promotions:

Nino  +Dmg -Hp but already have +spd Hectir and Minerva.  

Lon'Qu but already have Lucina +res -Hp

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28 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

C 5* Eliwood  +Spd -res. Perfect nature, but not tanky enough.  stahl work beter?

Eliwood can put more power than Stahl (potentially 67 Atk with Death Blow 3), so I suggest stick with him. Though if you insist on using Stahl, you'll have to build him from scratch.

If you want a tanky unit you can use Frederick with Hone Cavalry if you have him. Otherwise, Gunter is quite tanky himself.

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44 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Hi long time forum reader and FE fan since sacred stones.  So happy its on mobile now!

so working on cavalry team drawing 5* Reinhardt +Def -Res and +Spd -Def Cecilia

Should just use my 24k feathers to

A: get Deathblow 3 for Rienhrdt

B: 5* Cecila  looking to use Triangle adept and G tome breaker

C 5* Eliwood  +Spd -res. Perfect nature, but not tanky enough.  stahl work beter?


Also have  Nino  +Dmg -Hp who would love promotion but already have +spd Hectir and Minerva. 

Welcome to the posting life, it is good to have you :)

Of the three options you presented, I would go with DB3 on Reinhardt, as even with a neutral nature, he wrecks shop (Ampharos had some terrifying calcs a few pages back).

If you are going outside of those options, +Atk, -HP Nino is incredibly good assuming you have the team to complement her (Eirika, Sharena, Ephraim, or an assortment of secondary buffers).

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought +Spd, -Def or +Atk, -Def were preferable for Eliwood, as his Res is quite substantial for a cavalry unit?

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Thanx for the Replies!  Eliwood still has 29 Res and 33 spd with +Spd -Res nature but only 39hp 23 def, really poor for a mele.  He's cool and can hit hard but also wants the Cav buff to start doubling so he's not what i need exactly with two mages.  I have just been using a 4* +hp -spd  Gunter who kinda does the job but meh and i don't want to waste putting a reposition skill on him.

Leaning towards just sucking it up and promoting Effie to get the DB3.  I have stopped opening colorless stones cuz they are all junk (no chance for Klein) and think my collection will be better for it.  Reinhardt is the best Brave user it seems and will become S tier with this.  Then I can just put him in a mixed team with Hector and Olivia for now?  I really like the idea of a Cavalry trio though the buffs and mobility are sooo powerful!


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7 hours ago, VincentASM said:

Is +Spd -Res good on Male Robin? I figure he's meant to be tanky, so dunno if he needs the Speed.

If you aren't running Triangle Adept on Robin, I'd argue [+Spd, -Res] is the absolute best nature for him. It avoids a good number of double attacks that =Spd Robin is hit by, including every +Spd archer that matters (without a Spd-boosting passive skill).

If you are running Triangle Adept, there's an argument for +Atk since Robin will take low enough damage that he doesn't care as much about being double attacked.

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So, I know that multiple instances of Hone skills don't stack, but what about Spur/Goad skills? If I have two units with Goad Fliers, is double-dipping a thing, or does it simply increase the AoE where a unit will receive the buff(and allow the holders to receive it)?

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3 minutes ago, Ether said:

So, I know that multiple instances of Hone skills don't stack, but what about Spur/Goad skills? If I have two units with Goad Fliers, is double-dipping a thing, or does it simply increase the AoE where a unit will receive the buff(and allow the holders to receive it)?

I'm fairly certain spurs/goad/wards stack with each other. 

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3 minutes ago, Ether said:

So, I know that multiple instances of Hone skills don't stack, but what about Spur/Goad skills? If I have two units with Goad Fliers, is double-dipping a thing, or does it simply increase the AoE where a unit will receive the buff(and allow the holders to receive it)?

All in-battle buffs (Blow, Spur, Goad, Ward, Binding Blade, Durandal, Yato, Naga, etc.) stack with each other.

If you're in range of 2 instances of Goad Fliers, you receive +8 Atk and +8 Spd.

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Got the DB3 on Reinhardt!  Ouch that was lot of feathers for 4 dmg, i was groaning through the process.  No one else was realy screaming for an upgrade, I probably would have upgraded a 4* haha, justified it like that.  

Whats his best B skill?  Lance breaker for few more ko targets?  Would prefer something to help with sirvival.  

Drawback for support?

 Luna or Bonfire (+ def )? Im not so into the moon skills on mages, resitance is usualy lower overall, then again Areana is full of mages...


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10 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Whats his best B skill?  Lance breaker for few more ko targets?  Would prefer something to help with sirvival.  

Lancebreaker gives him the most one-round kills. Wings of Mercy is his best support option.


12 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Drawback for support?

I'd personally use Reposition, but it mostly just depends on how you play.


13 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Luna or Bonfire (+ def )? Im not so into the moon skills on mages, resitance is usualy lower overall, then again Areana is full of mages...

Draconic Aura.

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Just found out that I have the resources to make a Horse Emblem team. Can it still outperform an infantry team if I still plan on having a non-cavalry bonus unit for arena as the fourth slot? I've heard from a lot of people that Horse Emblem is pretty busted, wondering if it's worth it or not.

Planned Horse Team: Eldigan, Ursula, Cecilia, and a bonus unit

Current regular team: Marth (If I'm blessed enough to pull Ryoma, he's benching Marth), Effie, Nino, and a bonus unit

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Does Draconic Aura trigger off Death Blow modified stat?  My Reinhardt is 30 def Its actualy the same 15 dmg with a 50atk hone attack.  Bonfire is more consistent and i have a spare Robin not Corin so...  

Who is lance breaker helping him ohko exactly?  Can only give it lvl 1 but usualy fine.

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36 minutes ago, StarBit8 said:

Just found out that I have the resources to make a Horse Emblem team. Can it still outperform an infantry team if I still plan on having a non-cavalry bonus unit for arena as the fourth slot? I've heard from a lot of people that Horse Emblem is pretty busted, wondering if it's worth it or not.

Planned Horse Team: Eldigan, Ursula, Cecilia, and a bonus unit

Current regular team: Marth (If I'm blessed enough to pull Ryoma, he's benching Marth), Effie, Nino, and a bonus unit

My current plan is to run half and half (Cecilia and Reinhardt, both with Hone Cavalry) and it's held out rather well in the Training Tower. I haven't finished putting everything together to try it out in the arena yet.

If you can afford double Hone Cavalry (4-star Gunter), you should be able to do fine.


30 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Does Draconic Aura trigger off Death Blow modified stat?  My Reinhardt is 30 def Its actualy the same 15 dmg with a 50atk hone attack.  Bonfire is more consistent and i have a spare Robin not Corin so...  



33 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Who is lance breaker helping him ohko exactly?  Can only give it lvl 1 but usualy fine.

+0 Reinhardt [+Atk, -Spd] (Death Blow 3) without buffs fails to one-round kill vanilla +0 versions of

  • +Res Donnel
  • Gwendolyn
  • +Res Effie
  • Jagen
  • +Res Abel
  • +Res Sully
  • Peri
  • +Res Est
  • +Res Shanna
  • Florina

With Hone Cavalry, he misses

  • +Res Jagen
  • +Res Florina

Without buffs, the same Reinhardt is missing the one-round kill on almost all +10 lances. With Hone Cavalry, he still misses the +10 versions of the same list as the first one.

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So I managed to scrounge up another pull and I was amazed by getting both Alm and Lukas in the same pull.

I already had both of these guys, but their nature were sub-par. +Spd/-Atk for Lukas and +Res/-Atk for Alm. The ones I just pulled were +Atk/-Def and +Def/-Atk for Alm and Lukas respectively. So I'm wondering which of these to keep.

In Alm's case, I'm leaning on the +Atk/-Def side since -Atk is horrible and I feel the loss of defense isn't too bad considering he gets Windsweep.

For Lukas, I'm torn. On one hand, having 46 Def with Fortress Def means even a +Atk Hector would only deal 20 damage, but on the other maybe the extra 3 spd would help him more than the extra 3 Def since it's already high at neutral when Fotress Def is taken into consideration.

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1 hour ago, LuxSpes said:

For Lukas, I'm torn. On one hand, having 46 Def with Fortress Def means even a +Atk Hector would only deal 20 damage, but on the other maybe the extra 3 spd would help him more than the extra 3 Def since it's already high at neutral when Fotress Def is taken into consideration.

Bear in mind tanking doubles accelerates your special charge when you're a slow ass brick wall. Very good for charging Bonfire etc. especially with Quick Riposte.

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Question for Lucina:


I recently pulled a 5* Lucina, and after reaching Lv. 40, she has 570SP


I can teach her Aether for 500SP, but would not have enough SP for any other skills (unless I keep grinding her and getting +3 SP for every kill (which would take forever).


She currently has Luna as her special, and has learned Defiant Speed 2 and Spur Attack 1.

(So if I teach her Aether, I will be giving up Defiant Speed 3 and Spur Attack 2 and 3).

Thoughts on which is the better move?

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

Bear in mind tanking doubles accelerates your special charge when you're a slow ass brick wall. Very good for charging Bonfire etc. especially with Quick Riposte.

I hadn't thought of that actually, but that's a very good point. I actually decided to keep both the newest Alm and Lukas, so thanks for your input.


4 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Question for Lucina:


I recently pulled a 5* Lucina, and after reaching Lv. 40, she has 570SP


I can teach her Aether for 500SP, but would not have enough SP for any other skills (unless I keep grinding her and getting +3 SP for every kill (which would take forever).


She currently has Luna as her special, and has learned Defiant Speed 2 and Spur Attack 1.

(So if I teach her Aether, I will be giving up Defiant Speed 3 and Spur Attack 2 and 3).

Thoughts on which is the better move?

Luna is usually seen as the better special since Aether takes so long to charge. I took Aether, but I was in a special situation since I got 3 Lucinas in a short period of time giving me enough SP that it wasn't a problem to use 500, but in your case, it might be better to skip it for now.

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Aether isn't worth learning, Luna does the important part(increasing her offense) on a lower cooldown. My recommendation would be to finish Spur Atk, but to actually not teach any more Defiant Speed, instead saving that SP for a better A skill(like darting blow or Fury) and a B skill down the line.

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17 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Question for Lucina:


I recently pulled a 5* Lucina, and after reaching Lv. 40, she has 570SP


I can teach her Aether for 500SP, but would not have enough SP for any other skills (unless I keep grinding her and getting +3 SP for every kill (which would take forever).


She currently has Luna as her special, and has learned Defiant Speed 2 and Spur Attack 1.

(So if I teach her Aether, I will be giving up Defiant Speed 3 and Spur Attack 2 and 3).

Thoughts on which is the better move?

Honestly, in most cases Luna is better than Aether because of Aether's ridiculously long charge time. You're better off skipping Aether entirely. 

Spur Atk is fine as a skill but is super low priority. In my opinion, you should give her a better A-skill, then B-skill, then Assist skill, and then finally C. 

Ideally, I wouldn't bother with Defiant Spd at all and would save my SP to spend on a better A-skill (either Fury or Life and Death). 

She's also in need of a good B-skill, which takes priority over finishing Spur Atk. Swordbreaker is a solid option on her, and if you're running with Life and Death, then Desperation is worth considering as well. 

After you've given her A and B skills, I would look to giving her an assist skill. I personally favor movement skills such as Reposition, but you can go with Reciprocal Aid (or Ardent Sacrifice if your Lucina is -HP) to get her into Desperation range if you decided to go with a LD/Desperation set. 

And then after all of that, I would finish off Spur Atk. 

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