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3 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

So, here's a question:

If you're merging two units of equal star counts, and you're merging a unit with additional + levels into another of the same unit, will the two units' + levels be added together?

Say you merged an Ike +5 into an Ike +2; would that result in an Ike +8, or just an Ike +3?

3 hours ago, Legion! said:

Ike +7, actually.

But yes!

3 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

Ahhh, good to know!

The reason I wrote +8 instead of +7 is that I was assuming it'd still be counting the "base" addition of +1 for merging a character without any + levels and then adding all the + levels on top of that. So it'd essentially be +(merged's unit's + levels + 1) to the receivers + level.

Does it not work that way?

3 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Not to my understanding, though your assumption is reasonable.

3 hours ago, Legion! said:

No. Unmerged unitses have a merge level of +0.


When you merge two +0's, you get a +1, not a +0. Your final merge level is sum of the merge levels of the two characters plus 1.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Just tried for Ephraim on the new Focus, and got a +Spd/-Def Roderick (among some skill fodder). Is this a decent boon/bane for him? And what kinds of skills would he want? I would like to build him based on his Firesweep Lance, unless it's just a poor weapon for his stats.

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33 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Just tried for Ephraim on the new Focus, and got a +Spd/-Def Roderick (among some skill fodder). Is this a decent boon/bane for him? And what kinds of skills would he want? I would like to build him based on his Firesweep Lance, unless it's just a poor weapon for his stats.

+SPD is his best boon, with 5* and Life and Death 2 it will give him 101 wins against the FEH +0 cast (41 against everyone +10). I think he goes well with his weapon, no need to change. He is a good unit and I like him, but i sacrificed one of his copies to Tana, who is perfect with Firesweep. 

Edited by mampfoid
Link to this build on the Combat Simulator added.
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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Just tried for Ephraim on the new Focus, and got a +Spd/-Def Roderick (among some skill fodder). Is this a decent boon/bane for him? And what kinds of skills would he want? I would like to build him based on his Firesweep Lance, unless it's just a poor weapon for his stats.


Firesweep Lance+, Reposition, Draconic Aura/Luna, Life and Death 3, [flexible], Hone Cavalry/Fortify Cavalry.

Roderick has very good Spd and good Atk. Firesweep Lance bolsters his Atk a bit, and the inability of opponents to counterattack means his Def and Res stats are unnecessary, hence Life and Death as the preferred A skill.

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On 8/29/2017 at 9:37 AM, Xenomata said:

Just as a reminder, Narcian can be found on Chapter 9 Part 2 as a normal enemy, and is available at level 40 on Lunatic difficulty.



2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Where's the best place to find a Level 35+ Narcian for the GHB Quest?

See quote above. 

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30 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Just tried for Ephraim on the new Focus, and got a +Spd/-Def Roderick (among some skill fodder). Is this a decent boon/bane for him? And what kinds of skills would he want? I would like to build him based on his Firesweep Lance, unless it's just a poor weapon for his stats.

His Defense should not matter if you are running Firesweep L as long as you dance him out of danger. +Spd is the best boon so he can double more often.

His Special can be either Moonbow or Luna. I would go with Luna since Roderick should be able to double his first and second opponent and activate Luna on the second opponent. You can go with Moonbow if you want it activate more frequently, since Roderick might not be able to double merged units.

For his A slot, he should run Life and Death, Swift Sparrow, or Fury. Fury is the cheapest out of the three.

For B slot, I prefer Breakers and he can run Lancebreaker to ensure more kills. Some like to use Hit and Run or Drag Back as well.

C slot does not really matter since it depends on his teammates.

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

+SPD is his best boon, with 5* and Life and Death 2 it will give him 101 wins against the FEH +0 cast (41 against everyone +10). I think he goes well with his weapon, no need to change. He is a good unit and I like him, but i sacrificed one of his copies to Tana, who is perfect with Firesweep. 


5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


Firesweep Lance+, Reposition, Draconic Aura/Luna, Life and Death 3, [flexible], Hone Cavalry/Fortify Cavalry.

Roderick has very good Spd and good Atk. Firesweep Lance bolsters his Atk a bit, and the inability of opponents to counterattack means his Def and Res stats are unnecessary, hence Life and Death as the preferred A skill.


1 minute ago, XRay said:

His Defense should not matter if you are running Firesweep L as long as you dance him out of danger. +Spd is the best boon so he can double more often.

His Special can be either Moonbow or Luna. I would go with Luna since Roderick should be able to double his first and second opponent and activate Luna on the second opponent. You can go with Moonbow if you want it activate more frequently, since Roderick might not be able to double merged units.

For his A slot, he should run Life and Death, Swift Sparrow, or Fury. Fury is the cheapest out of the three.

For B slot, I prefer Breakers and he can run Lancebreaker to ensure more kills. Some like to use Hit and Run or Drag Back as well.

C slot does not really matter since it depends on his teammates.

Awesome, thanks! He's unfortunately only a 4 star, but I like him enough to put him on my list of units to eventually upgrade. Seems like a good time to get him too, considering the double SP.

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Just now, mampfoid said:

I thought LnD2 better than Fury 3, since DEF shouldn't matter? 

If there is no number behind a skill, I usually mean the highest tier of the skill. Life and Death 2 is better, but I think most players run out of Hanas pretty quickly if they are free to play, so Fury is there if they have Hinatas but not Hana.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

If there is no number behind a skill, I usually mean the highest tier of the skill. Life and Death 2 is better, but I think most players run out of Hanas pretty quickly if they are free to play, so Fury is there if they have Hinatas but not Hana.

Ah ok. Since Hana and Hinata are both available as 3* and 4* summons (free Hanas left out), i wouldn't consider Fury3 cheaper than LnD2. 

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i got +Speed -HP Ephraim from free summon. My build for him :



-Fury 3

-Quick Riposte 2

-Threaten Def 3

-HP+3 or Speed +1 (can't decide with +1 Speed he hits to 33 speed but with +3 HP he can patch his HP bane)

is it good ?



Edited by FiyaaEmburem
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3 hours ago, FiyaaEmburem said:

i got +Speed -HP Ephraim from free summon. My build for him :



-Fury 3

-Quick Riposte 2

-Threaten Def 3

-HP+3 or Speed +1 (can't decide with +1 Speed he hits to 33 speed but with +3 HP he can patch his HP bane)

is it good ?

I would replace Threaten Def if you want to use him as a buff bot. Other than that, the build is good.

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It's been a while, and I've pulled a lot of units who are good for fodder. I'm just wondering who wants it. I have some ideas but I'm not sure if there are btter ideas out there. All but one are 4*

4 F!Corrins (So much Draconic Aura, though Hone attack might be nice to pass), 3 Subakis (Lots of Quick Riposte for some tanky units?), 3 Wendys (Trouble is most of my armours have or don't need Hone armour), 2 Laslows (Who wants Axebreaker?), 1 Florina at 3* and 1 at 4* (Darting Blow could be  and Ardent Sacrifice would be good in conjunction with Desperation), Hinata (Most of my dancers are covered for Fury, so who in particular wants it?), 1 A!Tiki (Bonfire. Likely for Hector.), 1 M!Robin (Another Bonfire, though Xander could be good for it) 1 Jagen (I think I'll pass Fortify Cav to Clarine, but someone else might benefit from it), 1 Shanna (Desperation: I have a few ideas, but Eliwood is the most obvious one I have trained), 1 Odin (Is it more worthwhile to pass Moonbow or R!Tomebreaker?), 1 Arthur (Lancebreaker is good, even at 2), 1 Frederick (Luna and Wings of Mercy seem like good things to pass on), 1 Kagero (Daggerbreaker seems difficult to give to units: Not sure who wants it)

I'm also preparing a Palla (Goad Fliers/Moonbow), and I'm thinking I could give just Moonbow. But I still have plenty of fliers I'm training up who could take it. So who of Subaki, Shanna, Florina, Camilla or Cherche would best use it and Moonbow? Or should I just give Moonbow at this point and not worry about stat-boosting?

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It's been a while, and I've pulled a lot of units who are good for fodder. I'm just wondering who wants it. I have some ideas but I'm not sure if there are btter ideas out there. All but one are 4*

4 F!Corrins (So much Draconic Aura, though Hone attack might be nice to pass), 3 Subakis (Lots of Quick Riposte for some tanky units?), 3 Wendys (Trouble is most of my armours have or don't need Hone armour), 2 Laslows (Who wants Axebreaker?), 1 Florina at 3* and 1 at 4* (Darting Blow could be  and Ardent Sacrifice would be good in conjunction with Desperation), Hinata (Most of my dancers are covered for Fury, so who in particular wants it?), 1 A!Tiki (Bonfire. Likely for Hector.), 1 M!Robin (Another Bonfire, though Xander could be good for it) 1 Jagen (I think I'll pass Fortify Cav to Clarine, but someone else might benefit from it), 1 Shanna (Desperation: I have a few ideas, but Eliwood is the most obvious one I have trained), 1 Odin (Is it more worthwhile to pass Moonbow or R!Tomebreaker?), 1 Arthur (Lancebreaker is good, even at 2), 1 Frederick (Luna and Wings of Mercy seem like good things to pass on), 1 Kagero (Daggerbreaker seems difficult to give to units: Not sure who wants it)

I'm also preparing a Palla (Goad Fliers/Moonbow), and I'm thinking I could give just Moonbow. But I still have plenty of fliers I'm training up who could take it. So who of Subaki, Shanna, Florina, Camilla or Cherche would best use it and Moonbow? Or should I just give Moonbow at this point and not worry about stat-boosting?

For Gwendolyn, just pass Hone Armor anyway, since you do not have to learn it immediately and you can free up space if you are running out. She can also pass her Killer Lance too as a cheaper Slaying Lance if you do not want to pull for the new lance when it comes out. For defense teams, Ward Armor is generally the best since it has less restrictive positioning requirements and they can stack. For player controlled teams however, Amelia would appreciate Hone Armor or Fortify Armor on her partner.

Unless Clarine is your fourth cavalry unit and you have no more ponies, Clarine should not have priority on Fortify Cavalry. I would give it to a melee cavalry supporting your Blade cavalry instead. I would only give it to healers if you have an excess of cavalry buffs.

Eliwood is too slow to use Desperation in my opinion unless he is on a cavalry team with Hone Cavalry support and/or using Life and Death/Swift Sparrow. If he has +Spd and Fury, that would be okay too. Just be sure the unit can reach at least 35 Speed consistently before you give them Desperation. If you are using merged units in the Arena, the Speed requirement will be higher since the opponents will likely have merged units too and 35 Speed might not cut it.

For Odin, Moonbow is better than R Tomebreaker. Moonbow is less niche.

For Kagero, Poison Dagger is a better skill to inherit, although Kagero is the best Poison Dagger user right now she should keep it unless you have more of her. Daggerbreaker is too niche.

If you have only one Palla, I would keep her since you need her for flier quests unless you want to keep resetting the Tenth Stratum for no greens. If she is neutral nature, she should not be sacrificed unless you have no trouble with Grand Hero Battles; she was a free unit for a while and future strategy videos might utilize her. If you have more than one Palla, I would give Moonbow to Camilla so she can knock out Reinhardt after tanking him. Cherche needs Bonfire with her Brave Axe build. Subaki, Shanna, and Florina are outclassed by others, but Shanna is the best out of those three in my opinion.


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9 minutes ago, XRay said:

For Gwendolyn, just pass Hone Armor anyway, since you do not have to learn it immediately and you can free up space if you are running out. She can also pass her Killer Lance too as a cheaper Slaying Lance if you do not want to pull for the new lance when it comes out. For defense teams, Ward Armor is generally the best since it has less restrictive positioning requirements and they can stack. For player controlled teams however, Amelia would appreciate Hone Armor or Fortify Armor on her partner.

Unless Clarine is your fourth cavalry unit and you have no more ponies, Clarine should not have priority on Fortify Cavalry. I would give it to a melee cavalry supporting your Blade cavalry instead. I would only give it to healers if you have an excess of cavalry buffs.

Eliwood is too slow to use Desperation in my opinion unless he is on a cavalry team with Hone Cavalry support and/or using Life and Death/Swift Sparrow. If he has +Spd and Fury, that would be okay too. Just be sure the unit can reach at least 35 Speed consistently before you give them Desperation. If you are using merged units in the Arena, the Speed requirement will be higher since the opponents will likely have merged units too and 35 Speed might not cut it.

For Odin, Moonbow is better than R Tomebreaker. Moonbow is less niche.

For Kagero, Poison Dagger is a better skill to inherit, although Kagero is the best Poison Dagger user right now she should keep it unless you have more of her. Daggerbreaker is too niche.

If you have only one Palla, I would keep her since you need her for flier quests unless you want to keep resetting the Tenth Stratum for no greens. If she is neutral nature, she should not be sacrificed unless you have no trouble with Grand Hero Battles; she was a free unit for a while and future strategy videos might utilize her. If you have more than one Palla, I would give Moonbow to Camilla so she can knock out Reinhardt after tanking him. Cherche needs Bonfire with her Brave Axe build. Subaki, Shanna, and Florina are outclassed by others, but Shanna is the best out of those three in my opinion.

Yeah I have spares, hence why I only listed these units. Thanks for the advice too.

Wish I had an Amelia to use, but I have what I have and the only armour who didn't have a stat booster by default was Zephiel (who has Hone Armour passed on already).

If I had a Bladetome option besides Ursula, who might use that Odin if she was to take the blade tome and Moonbow. Which melee units work best with Fortify Cavs (I have Cain, Frederick and Abel as options for sure, most of the others have boosters already)? And could Brave Lyn use it in place of Att Smoke?

Eliwood is +Spd, hence why I though it was an option. He'd obviously have cav boosts nearby (He's pretty limited to cav teams as is), and he does have Fury inherited. Who besides Eliwood or Nino (Who I'm waiting for a better Boon/bane combo on) are good choices?

Cherche currently has a different setup (not Brave Axe + yet, and 20,000 is too much for me to spend for fodder at present), Camilla could work but more likely that she already can 1-round most Reinhardts barring fully-boosted ones (who I still don't face), Florina has Breath of Life, Shanna has Iceberg (much as Moonbow could be good) and Subaki's attack sucks anyway. 

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I need some help (also hello it's been a while, been busy haha) I have the neutral Brave Lyn and I pulled a +Spd/-Res Brave Lyn. I want to merge them, which one should I merge into the other? 

Also my neutral one has an assist skill I gave her, if I merge her into the other, the other one will get that skill right? Or am I wrong lol.


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37 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah I have spares, hence why I only listed these units. Thanks for the advice too.

Wish I had an Amelia to use, but I have what I have and the only armour who didn't have a stat booster by default was Zephiel (who has Hone Armour passed on already).

If I had a Bladetome option besides Ursula, who might use that Odin if she was to take the blade tome and Moonbow. Which melee units work best with Fortify Cavs (I have Cain, Frederick and Abel as options for sure, most of the others have boosters already)? And could Brave Lyn use it in place of Att Smoke?

Eliwood is +Spd, hence why I though it was an option. He'd obviously have cav boosts nearby (He's pretty limited to cav teams as is), and he does have Fury inherited. Who besides Eliwood or Nino (Who I'm waiting for a better Boon/bane combo on) are good choices?

Cherche currently has a different setup (not Brave Axe + yet, and 20,000 is too much for me to spend for fodder at present), Camilla could work but more likely that she already can 1-round most Reinhardts barring fully-boosted ones (who I still don't face), Florina has Breath of Life, Shanna has Iceberg (much as Moonbow could be good) and Subaki's attack sucks anyway. 

Cain, Abel, and Frederick are all good. I would give it to the melee cavalry unit that is a color that your pony team is missing. BH!Lyn can use it too, but if you have like only one Blade cavalry on the team, then it might better to just keep Attack Smoke since Attack Smoke is like another Fortify Cavalry, possibly allowing even your Blade cavalry to tank things they other wise should not be tanking.

Then that is perfect, Eliwood should have no problem with Desperation. Other than him and Nino, any unit with at least 32 Speed (just use Fury to boost it up to 35) can be good candidates, but the fastest units should have dibs on Desperation since they are the ones who utilize it best.

Just give Cherche regular Brave Axe. Unless you want to use her on your main team, she is fine with the regular one for Arena Assault. Yeah, good point, if Camilla runs Emerald Axe too, then she should not need it at all. That only leaves Shanna left, but her Iceberg is fine if you do not mind the higher cooldown. I guess you can always save Moonbow for newer units.

9 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

I need some help (also hello it's been a while, been busy haha) I have the neutral Brave Lyn and I pulled a +Spd/-Res Brave Lyn. I want to merge them, which one should I merge into the other? 

Also my neutral one has an assist skill I gave her, if I merge her into the other, the other one will get that skill right? Or am I wrong lol.


I would actually save the neutral one for Grand Hero Battles. But if you do not have a problem with Grand Hero Battles and you do not think you need her in the future, then I would merge the neutral one into the [+Spd, -Res] one.

And yes, all skills transfer over.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would actually save the neutral one for Grand Hero Battles. But if you do not have a problem with Grand Hero Battles and you do not think you need her in the future, then I would merge the neutral one into the [+Spd, -Res] one.

And yes, all skills transfer over.

I'm curious, why would a neural IV be good for the GHBs? And thanks for the help. 

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7 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

I'm curious, why would a neural IV be good for the GHBs? And thanks for the help. 

It makes it easier to copy strategy videos. Since everyone most players went with BH!Lyn, free unit strategy videos will probably use her a lot. The neutral nature is important because the enemies may react differently if you use a unit with different stats, as that may change who the enemy will go after to deal the most damage.

4 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

Are Breaker skills supposed to get past weary fighter? My Delthea has lancebreaker and was able to double a full hp effie in the arena, I checked and she had weary fighter.

Yeah, Breakers can break Wary Fighter provided they have enough Speed I think. Since most armors are so slow, Breakers work great against them.

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So I'm debating between desperation and vantage for Brave Lucina. Both seem to have their merits given her abilities though. Desperation would take advantage of her natural A skill as well as the fact that she is not constantly healing, but with her improved defenses, she would also have a better time keeping in vantage range though her skill would not help her while defending and fury would counteract the HP range. 

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Just now, XRay said:

It makes it easier to copy strategy videos. Since everyone most players went with BH!Lyn, free unit strategy videos will probably use her a lot. The neutral nature is important because the enemies may react differently if you use a unit with different stats, as that may change who the enemy will go after to deal the most damage.

Hmm, okay, well I won't make any moves yet. I'll wait till after the next GHB and see if I need it. Thanks!

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5 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

So I'm debating between desperation and vantage for Brave Lucina. Both seem to have their merits given her abilities though. Desperation would take advantage of her natural A skill as well as the fact that she is not constantly healing, but with her improved defenses, she would also have a better time keeping in vantage range though her skill would not help her while defending and fury would counteract the HP range. 

I would go with Desperation. I would just Assist Lucina out of enemy range after combat. I prefer fighting on Player Phase since enemy Blow skills will not work, Vantage can be avoided with Hardy Bearing, and Quick Riposte is not a big deal if you kill it in two hits.

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I have an Amelia (+spd/-att) that I'm interested in building. So far I have: Slaying Axe+, Swap, Bonfire, and Armour March. Can someone suggest an A and B skill? I don't have a spare Distant Counter to give her so I don't mind using some fairly accessable skills.

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