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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:


If you don’t want to merge your Celica’s—which you probably should—Camus and Xander are good choices for Distant Def. Black Knight is also fine.

Fae is pretty frail without Triangle Adept to prop up her defenses against blues. Units that typically run Triangle Adept tend to do worse with Distant Def because TA is designed to make them a hard check to the color they beat; DD doesn’t improve their bad matchups very much and makes their good matchups worse.

Thanks for the answer, good to have some other input. 

Why should I merge her? For 1 ATK and 1 HP? To have a equal/better arena score than my BK+0, Sigurd +0, or BH!Roy +1 she would need to be at least +3. 

I thought so much about Fae and Nowi,  they aren't even 5* yet. Dragons need another exclusive buff to make them fly (literally). 

Xander is my favorite for DD at the moment, but I will give it some thought. Camus profits from the SPD boost Fury gives and Black Knight is the only candidate to eat my spare BH!Ike until now (never got Nephenee).

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Which H!Jakob is better? +spd/-hp or +hp/-res? Would it be worth building him for Armor team with those IVs? I planned to use Hector, H! Henry, BK for my armor team and Jakob would  potentially replace my bad IV Effie(-atk)

Also what B skill should my Henry have? He is +res/-def and I plan to give him gronnowl, fury and iceberg.

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I have a couple questions/things I'd like thoughts on:

1. Is +atk -res a good nature for a Selena? I just got a Karel I don't really care about who's just a mediocre +def -hp nature, so I might fodder Wo Dao off. A 4* Selena was one of my OG units and I hear she's good with Wo Dao, so I might like to build her.

If so, does Moonbow/Fury/Swordbreaker sound good for her? It seems decent, and decent is about all she can do. A longer charge skill like Ignis seems like a fun nuking idea, but also very impractical so I dunno about that. 

2. Which would be better for a DC Camilla build? +spd -res, or +atk -res? +spd is my original 5* one, but I also got a +atk 4* one a while ago. It seems like +spd gets less losses, but +atk seems like a good idea to alleviate her trashy attack some. I'm not really sure which is better. Or should I just not bother at all with that -res on somebody who's going to be a mage counter? (though it seems like she'd still handle them pretty fine anyway, but not totally sure) I want Camilla to be useful and I've had a spare Hector for months waiting to be sacrificed for something, but haven't pulled the trigger. 

The build I was thinking of is Emerald Axe/DC/QR or G Tomebreaker. 

3. I was also thinking on promoting my +atk -def Hana and giving her a Brave Sword. I also have a +Spd -def one, but atk seems better for what I had in mind. I know Ayra exists now, but I'm not banking her on with my bad luck, and I still like Hana.

I could run 2 builds on her. Brave Sword+/Escutcheon/LnD/Swordbreaker. More of a straight-up basic build.

But my big idea was Brave Sword+/Luna/Desperation and the Brash Assault seal. If she gets in Brash + Desperation range, she skyrockets from 129/28/15 spread to 160/9/3, and 154/13/5 with all enemies with Fury. -def is not ideal in general, but it doesn't seem like it'd make too big if a difference, and I thought maybe with her res intact she can sometimes take a single magic hit to drop her into range too. Perhaps this would be too much of a meme to pull off effectively, though. But it seems cool and fun. 

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@Ice Dragon

I hope you don't mind me tagging you specifically, but you seem like the best person to ask. I'm thinking about building a dragon emblem team, since I finally have options (and Ninian) for who to use. Right now, my best candidates are:

  • 5-star Young Tiki, +Atk/-HP
  • 4-star Adult Tiki, +Atk/-Res
  • 5-star Ninia, +Res/-Def
  • 5-star Female Corrin, +Spd/-Res
  • 4-star Nowi, +Atk/-Spd or +Res/-Spd
  • 5-star Fae, +Atk/-Res

Not sure how ideal most of these boons'banes are, but they're the best I have right now. I assume at least Fae and Ninian should be in, since Fae is the only option for green and Ninian has Dance and buffs, but I'm not sure who would be best out of my other options, or what skills all of them should have.

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks for the answer, good to have some other input. 

Why should I merge her? For 1 ATK and 1 HP? To have a equal/better arena score than my BK+0, Sigurd +0, or BH!Roy +1 she would need to be at least +3. 

I thought so much about Fae and Nowi,  they aren't even 5* yet. Dragons need another exclusive buff to make them fly (literally). 

Xander is my favorite for DD at the moment, but I will give it some thought. Camus profits from the SPD boost Fury gives and Black Knight is the only candidate to eat my spare BH!Ike until now (never got Nephenee).

Merging is more of a long term thing in my opinion. It might not give you much benefit now, but over time as she accumulates more merges, the difference becomes more noticeable.

7 hours ago, ScarletSylph said:

Which H!Jakob is better? +spd/-hp or +hp/-res? Would it be worth building him for Armor team with those IVs? I planned to use Hector, H! Henry, BK for my armor team and Jakob would  potentially replace my bad IV Effie(-atk)

Also what B skill should my Henry have? He is +res/-def and I plan to give him gronnowl, fury and iceberg.

In my opinion, [+Spd, -HP] is better. With Life and Death and Hone Armor, TOD!Jakob reaches a respectable 37 Speed. He can use a quad Brave Bow set quite effectively if he gets Goad Armor buffs too.

[+HP,  -Res] is not anything special, so I would just leave him with his default kit.


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56 minutes ago, Logos said:

So um. Should I merge by two Brave Lyns to my neutral or should I use her as Swift Sparrow fodder for my +Spd/-HP M. Corrin and Innes?

It depends on your play style and whether or not you use the characters in your core Arena offense team. I personally would merge the BH!Lyns since she is the best Brave Bow archer. M!Corrin is a melee unit, so they are not the most effective units in my opinion; I would never use a melee unit as my main physical nuke since Brave Bow archers are just superior with more range and cannot be cock blocked by the Weapon Triangle. Innes is pretty good himself, but BH!Lyn outclasses him in my opinion; Life and Death is a cheaper (in terms of availability) and generally better A skill , so I would rather give Innes that for Arena Assault if you still really want to pimp him out.

However, if you prefer to use Innes over BH!Lyn for some reason and you want to save on Feathers, then I would give Innes Swift Sparrow. Keep in mind that Life and Death is still generally superior to Swift Sparrow in terms of performance and Hero Feathers are no longer as rare as it used to be.

Edited by XRay
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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

It depends on your play style and whether or not you use the characters in your core Arena offense team. I personally would merge the BH!Lyns since she is the best Brave Bow archer. M!Corrin is a melee unit, so they are not the most effective units in my opinion; I would never use a melee unit as my main physical nuke since Brave Bow archers are just superior with more range and cannot be cock blocked by the Weapon Triangle. Innes is pretty good himself, but BH!Lyn outclasses him in my opinion; Life and Death is a cheaper and generally better A skill , so I would rather give Innes that for Arena Assault if you still really want to pimp him out.

However, if you prefer to use Innes over BH!Lyn for some reason and you want to save on Feathers, then I would give Innes Swift Sparrow. Keep in mind that Life and Death is still generally superior to Swift Sparrow in terms of performance and Hero Feathers are no longer as rare as it used to be.

I use them for Arena Assault, and they could be useful for Squad Assault maps in the future too, so I have to weigh the value of having them with their decent natures vs. going for 1 more Atk and Spd on one of my best units that I use in Arena OFF and DEF. I don't run Brave Bow Lyn btw, I prefer Mulagir to help me against mages, also she won't be quadding any decent to high-Spd units on her own, especially when you take away the +3 Spd bonus from Mulagir, and lose 5 Spd from equipping the Brave Bow. Mulagir also helps her survive Reinhardts on defensive tiles by negating their Cav buffs. So I'm thinking of giving Swift Sparrow to Corrin, however, Corrin seems much better with Fury 3 to increase his amazing Mag and Phys bulk, and prevent follow-ups on the enemy phase. Innes can definitely use Swift Sparrow, but I don't know if I want to run Brave Bow on him or keep his Nidhogg for more utility. In fact I've been stuck on this choice ever since the Brave Heroes banner when I pulled Brave Lyn. xD

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2 minutes ago, Logos said:

I use them for Arena Assault, and they could be useful for Squad Assault maps in the future too, so I have to weigh the value of having them with their decent natures vs. going for 1 more Atk and Spd on one of my best units that I use in Arena OFF and DEF. I don't run Brave Bow Lyn btw, I prefer Mulagir to help me against mages, also she won't be quadding any decent to high-Spd units on her own, especially when you take away the +3 Spd bonus from Mulagir, and lose 5 Spd from equipping the Brave Bow. Mulagir also helps her survive Reinhardts on defensive tiles by negating their Cav buffs. So I'm thinking of giving Swift Sparrow to Corrin, however, Corrin seems much better with Fury 3 to increase his amazing Mag and Phys bulk, and prevent follow-ups on the enemy phase. Innes can definitely use Swift Sparrow, but I don't know if I want to run Brave Bow on him or keep his Nidhogg for more utility. In fact I've been stuck on this choice ever since the Brave Heroes banner when I pulled Brave Lyn. xD

I see. I prefer Player Phase offensive units since they have better match ups over all. I run Brave Bow BH!Lyn with Reinhardt, so she has no problem quad attacking things. Brave Bow also deletes most magic nukes within two hits, so quad attacking is not necessary against them. Melee units cannot fight back, so BH!Lyn can take her time in killing them.

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8 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

@Ice Dragon

I hope you don't mind me tagging you specifically, but you seem like the best person to ask. I'm thinking about building a dragon emblem team, since I finally have options (and Ninian) for who to use. Right now, my best candidates are:

  • 5-star Young Tiki, +Atk/-HP
  • 4-star Adult Tiki, +Atk/-Res
  • 5-star Ninia, +Res/-Def
  • 5-star Female Corrin, +Spd/-Res
  • 4-star Nowi, +Atk/-Spd or +Res/-Spd
  • 5-star Fae, +Atk/-Res

Not sure how ideal most of these boons'banes are, but they're the best I have right now. I assume at least Fae and Ninian should be in, since Fae is the only option for green and Ninian has Dance and buffs, but I'm not sure who would be best out of my other options, or what skills all of them should have.

Most of the dragons run Lightning Breath+ and Triangle Adept to make up for Lightning Breath+'s low Atk. Quick Riposte gives them a guaranteed double attack, and Triangle Adept keeps them healthy to keep Quick Riposte up.

  • Tiki typically runs +Atk or +Spd and -HP due to the fact that green has strong threats on both sides.
  • Nowi prefers [+Atk, -Res] due to the relative rarity of red mages.
  • Fae prefers [+Atk, -Def] because the most threatening of blue units are magic and -Def still leaves her enough Def to tank the physical blues with Fortify Dragons up.
  • Awakening Tiki really wants [+Atk, -Spd] most due to her already abysmal Spd stat.
  • Corrin generally runs +Atk or +Spd with -Res as a dedicated physical tank.
  • Ninian prefers +Spd due to generally being a non-combatant. -Res keeps her physical bulk intact to handle stray Falchion users not named Lucina.

The young dragons are generally the better ones, both for their stat totals and their stat distributions. Awakening Tiki is lacking in Spd and Res, and Corrin is lacking in Atk and Res.

The assist skill is typically Reposition, Reciprocal Aid (allows units that have run out of opponents to counter kill to share their HP pool), or a mixed Rally (Atk/Spd for utility, Def/Res for durability when not running Fortiify Dragons).

The special skill is generally one of Moonbow (shortest charge), Bonfire/Iceberg (damage output), or Aether (sustain and Arena points).

Triangle Adept makes the most sense for the A slot to make up for Lightning Breath+'s low Atk. However, Steady Breath is viable on most of them. In particular, if you don't mind losing Distant Counter, Awakening Tiki and Corrin can run Flametongue+ and Steady Breath with a special skill of choice.

Quick Riposte is the most common B slot skill.

I recommend Fortify Dragons or a Drive skill for the C slot. Drive Def is relatively easy to get off of Roderick, and Drive Spd comes from Tailtiu.

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Whats a good weapon for Lon'qu? (+Atk/-Res although looking for suggestions for +Spd/Res as well)

I summoned a duplicate Saber, who unfortunately has a worse boon/bane than my first +Res/-HP one (new one is +Res/-Spd...)

I also have a -Atk Athena that I can fodder off.

So would Lon'qu prefer Slaying Edge+ for quicker specials or Wo Dao+ for more damage?

Otherwise, which units would like a Slaying Edge+? I have a +Atk/-Res I can build up as well I guess.

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I don't know if its the optimal build, but here some numbers: 

*5 Lon'qu with LnD3 and RES bane (wins/losses against +0 and +10 FEH cast):

If Wo Dao or Slaying Edge don't seem to make much of a difference, but +ATK is superior to +SPD in his case. 

The rest would depend on the situation and the team support he would get (buffs, infantry pulse? etc.). 

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Whats a good weapon for Lon'qu? (+Atk/-Res although looking for suggestions for +Spd/Res as well)

I summoned a duplicate Saber, who unfortunately has a worse boon/bane than my first +Res/-HP one (new one is +Res/-Spd...)

I also have a -Atk Athena that I can fodder off.

So would Lon'qu prefer Slaying Edge+ for quicker specials or Wo Dao+ for more damage?

Otherwise, which units would like a Slaying Edge+? I have a +Atk/-Res I can build up as well I guess.

Based off the numbers I'm running, the best set you can do with Lon'q with the weapons you want to give him are...

+Spd or +Att -Res, Slaying Edge+, Moonbow, Assist

Fury 3, Wrath 3, C skill, Attack +3 or Speed +3 SS

This lets him run a similar version of what Nephenee runs. Slaying Edge brings down the already low cooldown of Moonbow to 1, and Wrath will trigger on hitting 75% health. Let him run wild on some enemy unit, which brings him down to 75% health and triggers Wrath every turn. The SS you give him simply depends on what the nature is, as the seal basically gives him a positive nature in that stat (+Spd Seal on +Att nature, vice versa).

This is the set that gave me the highest numbers on Attacker vs All (151-05-30 at 100% HP, 166-14-06 at 75% HP, +10 merge override numbers are 106-07-73 at 100% HP, 137-2-25 at 75% hp), though I've been wrong in the past, plus this does require you also have a throw-away Nephenee. I'd wait for more answers and then think about it.

Edited by Xenomata
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14 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I have a couple questions/things I'd like thoughts on:

1. Is +atk -res a good nature for a Selena? I just got a Karel I don't really care about who's just a mediocre +def -hp nature, so I might fodder Wo Dao off. A 4* Selena was one of my OG units and I hear she's good with Wo Dao, so I might like to build her.

If so, does Moonbow/Fury/Swordbreaker sound good for her? It seems decent, and decent is about all she can do. A longer charge skill like Ignis seems like a fun nuking idea, but also very impractical so I dunno about that. 

2. Which would be better for a DC Camilla build? +spd -res, or +atk -res? +spd is my original 5* one, but I also got a +atk 4* one a while ago. It seems like +spd gets less losses, but +atk seems like a good idea to alleviate her trashy attack some. I'm not really sure which is better. Or should I just not bother at all with that -res on somebody who's going to be a mage counter? (though it seems like she'd still handle them pretty fine anyway, but not totally sure) I want Camilla to be useful and I've had a spare Hector for months waiting to be sacrificed for something, but haven't pulled the trigger. 

The build I was thinking of is Emerald Axe/DC/QR or G Tomebreaker. 

3. I was also thinking on promoting my +atk -def Hana and giving her a Brave Sword. I also have a +Spd -def one, but atk seems better for what I had in mind. I know Ayra exists now, but I'm not banking her on with my bad luck, and I still like Hana.

I could run 2 builds on her. Brave Sword+/Escutcheon/LnD/Swordbreaker. More of a straight-up basic build.

But my big idea was Brave Sword+/Luna/Desperation and the Brash Assault seal. If she gets in Brash + Desperation range, she skyrockets from 129/28/15 spread to 160/9/3, and 154/13/5 with all enemies with Fury. -def is not ideal in general, but it doesn't seem like it'd make too big if a difference, and I thought maybe with her res intact she can sometimes take a single magic hit to drop her into range too. Perhaps this would be too much of a meme to pull off effectively, though. But it seems cool and fun. 

1. That is Selena's best nature for a Player Phase build. I personally would go with Life and Death instead of Fury for more power.

2. Enemy Phase Distant Counter Camilla ideally needs [+Res, -Def]. [+Atk, -Res] and [+Spd, -Res] are the best for Player Phase builds, with +Atk being better for that role with her default Brave Axe. Since you are giving her Emerald Axe, in my opinion, it is better to have her just focus against blue mages with [Moonbow, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte], and I would use the +Spd one.

3. Just give her both builds. I prefer the first one since that has a better first round performance.

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1. Which Halloween Sakura is the better of the worst? +def,-spd or +hp,-spd?

2. If I don't have close counter for a Halloween Henry. What are some good a-slot skills alternatives?

3. Is Atk/Res Bond a good a skill for a Halloween Nowi that is +hp,-atk?

4. If not, what is a good a slot skill of her?

5. Am I the person that ask the most questions in the thread?

Edited by Jingle Jangle
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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

1. Which Halloween Sakura is the better of the worst? +def,-spd or +hp,-spd?

2. If I don't have close counter for a Halloween Henry. What are some good a-slot skills alternatives?

3. Is Atk/Res Bond a good a skill for a Halloween Nowi that is +hp,-atk?

4. If not, what is a good a slot skill of her?

5. Am I the person that ask the most questions in the thread?

1. [+HP, -Spd] is better. TOD!Sakura should not be hit by a physical attack in the first place.

2. Depends on his nature.

3. & 4. I would switch it out for Life and Death and give her a Blade build.

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5 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

His nature is +atk,-res.


On 11/1/2017 at 7:40 AM, XRay said:

3. I would build TOD!Henry as a Blade mage.

Gronnblade, Reposition/Swap, Moonbow
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow, Desperation/Breaker, Armor March
Speed +3/Squad Ace D/Spur Sacred Seals

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Okay, so I got a few questions:

1. Merge FrankenJakob or pass Monstrous Bow/Bracing Blow?

2. What sites do good work on beating the Chain Challenges?

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Seriously, Why?

Edited by Dayni
A Double Post I didn't see coming.
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5 hours ago, Dayni said:

Okay, so I got a few questions:

1. Merge FrankenJakob or pass Monstrous Bow/Bracing Blow?

2. What sites do good work on beating the Chain Challenges?

1. I would merge. Do NOT inherit Bracing Blow; Distant Def and Close Def are superior on Player Phase and they are still active on Enemy Phase. (Ignore this part.) Bracing Blow is okay, but I prefer Distant Def/Close Def for a stronger increase during Enemy Phase; Player Phase units also generally want to increase their offense with Swift Sparrow/Life and Death rather than increase their defense with Bracing Blow. Monstrous Bow might be useful in limited situations, but it is outclassed by Clarisse's Bow in my opinion since Panic does not do anything if the enemy is not buffed and the AI is not great at setting up buffs.

2. If you have trouble with any of the maps, there are plenty of resources on YouTube. I advise against completing any of the Chain Challenges on Normal, since you need those incomplete to grind SP.

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Most of the dragons run Lightning Breath+ and Triangle Adept to make up for Lightning Breath+'s low Atk. Quick Riposte gives them a guaranteed double attack, and Triangle Adept keeps them healthy to keep Quick Riposte up.

  • Tiki typically runs +Atk or +Spd and -HP due to the fact that green has strong threats on both sides.
  • Nowi prefers [+Atk, -Res] due to the relative rarity of red mages.
  • Fae prefers [+Atk, -Def] because the most threatening of blue units are magic and -Def still leaves her enough Def to tank the physical blues with Fortify Dragons up.
  • Awakening Tiki really wants [+Atk, -Spd] most due to her already abysmal Spd stat.
  • Corrin generally runs +Atk or +Spd with -Res as a dedicated physical tank.
  • Ninian prefers +Spd due to generally being a non-combatant. -Res keeps her physical bulk intact to handle stray Falchion users not named Lucina.

The young dragons are generally the better ones, both for their stat totals and their stat distributions. Awakening Tiki is lacking in Spd and Res, and Corrin is lacking in Atk and Res.

The assist skill is typically Reposition, Reciprocal Aid (allows units that have run out of opponents to counter kill to share their HP pool), or a mixed Rally (Atk/Spd for utility, Def/Res for durability when not running Fortiify Dragons).

The special skill is generally one of Moonbow (shortest charge), Bonfire/Iceberg (damage output), or Aether (sustain and Arena points).

Triangle Adept makes the most sense for the A slot to make up for Lightning Breath+'s low Atk. However, Steady Breath is viable on most of them. In particular, if you don't mind losing Distant Counter, Awakening Tiki and Corrin can run Flametongue+ and Steady Breath with a special skill of choice.

Quick Riposte is the most common B slot skill.

I recommend Fortify Dragons or a Drive skill for the C slot. Drive Def is relatively easy to get off of Roderick, and Drive Spd comes from Tailtiu.

Awesome, thank you! I'm really happy to see that apparently my random Young Tiki that I got a couple days ago is a very good one, haha. I figured that Fae and Ninian at least weren't great, but they're the best I've ever had (and only in Ninian's case), so I'll still make them work. I think I'll go with Young Tiki and Female Corrin for the other options, since I already have them at 5-star with ideal natures from the looks of it, which will definitely save feathers. I'll keep an eye out for a +Atk/-Res Nowi, though. The very small amount of Roys that I have (which is 0 right now) will slow my progress on this, but I'm still gonna chip away at the other skills while I can in the meantime. Thanks again!

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9 hours ago, XRay said:

1. That is Selena's best nature for a Player Phase build. I personally would go with Life and Death instead of Fury for more power.

2. Enemy Phase Distant Counter Camilla ideally needs [+Res, -Def]. [+Atk, -Res] and [+Spd, -Res] are the best for Player Phase builds, with +Atk being better for that role with her default Brave Axe. Since you are giving her Emerald Axe, in my opinion, it is better to have her just focus against blue mages with [Moonbow, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte], and I would use the +Spd one.

3. Just give her both builds. I prefer the first one since that has a better first round performance.

Thanks for the response. Perhaps I'll keep waiting to build Camilla. If it was actually good I'd be all for a brave build on her, since DC enemy phase build is so expensive, but I already have a +atk Cherche that totally overshadows her in that role. Hopefully I can get one that's at least -def instead of -res. 

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24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Distant Def and Close Def do nothing on player phase.

You are right. I thought it was always active. I will edit my previous reply.

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