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2 minutes ago, Ae†her said:

I got the same bullshit I had with my first two Siegberts, now with my Ares. One is +Res/-Atk and the other is +Res/-Spd. I want to use him, and merge him, and I would've loved to use DC + Vantage with him, but this could easily be a waste of my last LA!Hector. 

I don't know which one is better overall even if I'm not using DC+Vantage yet. Which one should I go with with the merge?

+Res /-Spd would be better. He is not that fast comparing to Siegbert and Brave Roy.  So -Spd would be safer choice from above. -Atk will be a nightmare if you choose it.

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@Zeo Sorry I'm late~!

1. Close Counter goes to none of your suggestions.  I went with a +Def Takumi with a Guard Bow because I'm lazy like that.  If you can find a relatively tanky archer, you can pull off a similar build.  You'll definitely want Close Defense in the S slot!

2. Again, no one.  What I'd do is wait for -serpent tomes to become a bit more common, then slap Distant Defense on whoever has one (or whoever will inherit one).  They're the magic equivalent of a Guard Bow.

3. I enjoy insanity, so here's an extremely stupid build:

- Dark Excalibur
- (your choice)
- Moonbow (but I think Glimmer might be better)
- Fury
- Chill Res
- Spd Ploy
- Quickened Pulse/Atk Ploy

Getting fodder will be a supreme pain in the butt.  But if you can pull it off, you'll hobble your opponents, slowing them down and ensuring that any counterattacks won't be as painful.  If they're bulky, Chill Res will fix that.  Counterattacks are still a thing, but you'll need to shave off 9 HP before Desperation kicks in.

Edited by eclipse
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9 hours ago, Ae†her said:

I got the same bullshit I had with my first two Siegberts, now with my Ares. One is +Res/-Atk and the other is +Res/-Spd. I want to use him, and merge him, and I would've loved to use DC + Vantage with him, but this could easily be a waste of my last LA!Hector. 

I don't know which one is better overall even if I'm not using DC+Vantage yet. Which one should I go with with the merge?

I would definitely go with -Atk. -Atk is always salvageable, whereas -Spd is not unless you are going for a Brave build. -Spd is slightly better when buffed, but it is pretty crap without buffs.

Siegbert +Res
Dark Greatsword, Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [-Atk] 133:26:90
Player Phase [-Spd] 106:26:117
Player Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 197:26:26
Player Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 200:26:23

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [-Atk] 37:51:161
Player Phase [-Spd] 29:80:140
Player Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 112:22:115
Player Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 96:31:122

If you are going for an Enemy Phase build, either is fine depending on how you want to play him, although I lean towards -Atk since I generally use Hone Cavalry more often than Fortify Cavalry.

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Bonfire
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [-Atk] 96:121:32
Enemy Phase [-Spd] 99:130:20
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 144:79:26
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 132:98:19
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 0/0/6/6] 134:79:39
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 0/0/6/6] 144:79:26
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/6/6] 174:48:27
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/6/6] 164:63:22

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Bonfire
Fury, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Melee Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [-Atk] 77:45:20
Enemy Phase [-Spd] 74:56:12
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 102:16:24
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 92:37:17
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 0/0/6/6] 87:28:27
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 0/0/6/6] 91:34:17
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/6/6] 113:8:21
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/6/6] 108:23:11

Edited by XRay
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24 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would definitely go with -Atk. -Atk is always salvageable, whereas -Spd is not unless you are going for a Brave build. -Spd is slightly better when buffed, but it is pretty crap without buffs.

Siegbert +Res
Dark Greatsword, Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [-Atk] 133:26:90
Player Phase [-Spd] 106:26:117
Player Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 197:26:26
Player Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 200:26:23

He's asking about Ares, not Siegbert. ;)


I'm thinking Ares might be better off with -Spd and QR. It is a superbane though, and even with +Res he only has 21 so I'm not convinced DC is worth it.

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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

He's asking about Ares, not Siegbert. ;)


I'm thinking Ares might be better off with -Spd and QR. It is a superbane though, and even with +Res he only has 21 so I'm not convinced DC is worth it.

Woops. I am blind. I will change it.

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Is it likely that seasonals will be on legendary banners more than once? I really want to get bride Caeda, but I know she’s already been on a legendary banner, and I don’t want to have to pull on the bride banner when it comes back (because there’s more chance of pity breakers and I don’t have a lot of orbs saved up) but will it be my last chance to get her?

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33 minutes ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Is it likely that seasonals will be on legendary banners more than once? I really want to get bride Caeda, but I know she’s already been on a legendary banner, and I don’t want to have to pull on the bride banner when it comes back (because there’s more chance of pity breakers and I don’t have a lot of orbs saved up) but will it be my last chance to get her?

I honestly can't say for sure. That's the problem with seasonals unfortunately. You never know for sure

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33 minutes ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Is it likely that seasonals will be on legendary banners more than once? I really want to get bride Caeda, but I know she’s already been on a legendary banner, and I don’t want to have to pull on the bride banner when it comes back (because there’s more chance of pity breakers and I don’t have a lot of orbs saved up) but will it be my last chance to get her?

I honestly can't say for sure. That's the problem with seasonals unfortunately. You never know for sure when they'll come back or if

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So, two questions. 

A) I pulled a +def/-spd Ares from the Geneolgy banner. How should I build him? I was wanting to go the Brazen Atk/Def, Vantage, Bonfire/Draconic Aura route, but I’m worried the -spd will hurt him in the long run

B) I pulled a second Elincia on the Geneolgy banner (the same session as the Ares). I’m wondering whether or not fodder or merge her. I’m leaning towards fodder for flier formation, but I want to make sure

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2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

A) I pulled a +def/-spd Ares from the Geneolgy banner. How should I build him? I was wanting to go the Brazen Atk/Def, Vantage, Bonfire/Draconic Aura route, but I’m worried the -spd will hurt him in the long run.

-Spd Ares can be easily fixed with QR seal. Early game, just bait and kill until he reach Vantage range and then late game he is unstopable, only those who can tank his Bonfire or Firesweep/ Windsweep builds can counter him. Not to mention, BowLyn's Sacae shut him too.

Edited by Ginko
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30 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

A) I pulled a +def/-spd Ares from the Geneolgy banner. How should I build him? I was wanting to go the Brazen Atk/Def, Vantage, Bonfire/Draconic Aura route, but I’m worried the -spd will hurt him in the long run

Should be fine if you are using him in Arena Assault or Arena defense team. If you are using that in Arena, you want to beware of Wings of Mercy on the enemy team. Generally, leaving enemies alive after combat is not exactly good policy in my opinion, so you might want to use another unit to finish off the enemy that Ares did not kill.

34 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

B) I pulled a second Elincia on the Geneolgy banner (the same session as the Ares). I’m wondering whether or not fodder or merge her. I’m leaning towards fodder for flier formation, but I want to make sure

Flier Formation is good on HNY!Azura and BB!Ninian, but other than those two, skills like Desperation and Quick Riposte are more useful on combat units in my opinion.


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So what's the consensus on Slaying Spear refines for Est?  The one I have is +Atk/-Hp, and is built to check any Sword or Lance armor I might find.  I can see a case to be made for each option, and while I'm not hurting for stones, I'd rather not commit more than I need to.  There doesn't seem to be a huge difference between them where her matchups against all the +10 armors are concerned, but perhaps there's an angle I'm not considering here.

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2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

So what's the consensus on Slaying Spear refines for Est?  The one I have is +Atk/-Hp, and is built to check any Sword or Lance armor I might find.  I can see a case to be made for each option, and while I'm not hurting for stones, I'd rather not commit more than I need to.  There doesn't seem to be a huge difference between them where her matchups against all the +10 armors are concerned, but perhaps there's an angle I'm not considering here.

You want to watch out for highly merged armor units that Def stack and run Moonbow-Steady Breath, since they have the bulk to take a hit from Slaying Spear and counter kill Est. In my opinion, I think it is safer to kill armor units in one hit, so I would go for Atk Refinement. The following should be enough to kill most lance armors, and if you want to invest a little more, you can add Def Ploy and Attack +3 Sacred Seal, but at that point, you might as well just run Hammer-Triangle Adept 2-Lancebreaker 2:

Est 4*+10, +Atk
Slaying Lance [Atk], Moonbow
Death Blow, Lancebreaker

If you need to take out lance armors that run the following, you are better off using Hammer, Firesweep Bow, or Dazzling Staff-Wrathful Staff instead since even 4*+10 Est have some trouble knocking these out in one hit.

5*+10, +Def
Harmonic Lance [Def], Moonbow
Steady Breath, Vengeful Fighter
Close Def

Est can take out Gwendolyn, but that leaves Est at 1 HP, so be careful. She can take out LA!Eliwood too even if he has natures and 5*+10; as an added bonus, she can kill him in one hit and keep all her HP. Effie, FH!Hardin, and WE!Robin can counter kill Est though, so you probably want to bring in someone else instead of Est if you see them with that build.

Edited by XRay
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16 hours ago, Ginko said:

+Res /-Spd would be better. He is not that fast comparing to Siegbert and Brave Roy.  So -Spd would be safer choice from above. -Atk will be a nightmare if you choose it.

7 hours ago, XRay said:

I would definitely go with -Atk. -Atk is always salvageable, whereas -Spd is not unless you are going for a Brave build. -Spd is slightly better when buffed, but it is pretty crap without buffs.

Siegbert +Res
Dark Greatsword, Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [-Atk] 133:26:90
Player Phase [-Spd] 106:26:117
Player Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 197:26:26
Player Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 200:26:23

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [-Atk] 37:51:161
Player Phase [-Spd] 29:80:140
Player Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 112:22:115
Player Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 96:31:122

If you are going for an Enemy Phase build, either is fine depending on how you want to play him, although I lean towards -Atk since I generally use Hone Cavalry more often than Fortify Cavalry.

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Bonfire
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [-Atk] 96:121:32
Enemy Phase [-Spd] 99:130:20
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 144:79:26
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 132:98:19
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 0/0/6/6] 134:79:39
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 0/0/6/6] 144:79:26
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/6/6] 174:48:27
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/6/6] 164:63:22

Ares +Res
Dark Mystletainn, Bonfire
Fury, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Melee Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [-Atk] 77:45:20
Enemy Phase [-Spd] 74:56:12
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/0/0] 102:16:24
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/0/0] 92:37:17
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 0/0/6/6] 87:28:27
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 0/0/6/6] 91:34:17
Enemy Phase [-Atk, 6/6/6/6] 113:8:21
Enemy Phase [-Spd, 6/6/6/6] 108:23:11

A thanks to the both of you for providing input to my question. I do understand that Atk can be very useful on Ares, but now reconsidering all my experience with trading Atk for Spd on certain units, I think I'm probably going with -Atk/+Res just because that 30 Spd can preventing and gaining follow-ups against somewhat slow, but insanely bulky units.

I'm probably going to be spending money to try and get another Ares and Ishtar too, so who knows maybe I'll get lucky there. 

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@XRay Thanks for the input.  I was originally thinking of writing off +Atk assuming it would be overkill, but especially since adding +4 Def/Atk to the enemy matchups to account for the abundance of dual rallies, it's starting to look like the better option.  Steady Breath + Moonbow is certainly something to watch out for, although I can't think a single instance where I've encountered that combination.  Especially in AA where my score range is higher, most tend to pack Aether/Bonfire/Ignis.  

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Classic "Who to use 20k-22k feathers on" question. Don't particularly NEED any of the following units to be 5*, though I do want to clarify I don't really want to make any of the following units 4*+10, even now that many of them are more accessible.

Currently 3* (requires 22k feathers)



Kaze: I currently only have 5 Daggers that I use, and only 3 of them are competently built. Kaze seems a decent dagger user.

Virion +Atk -Res: Brave Bow set, though it'd be weak compared to my main Brave Bow users. Also he doesn't even have a Brave Bow yet...

Raven +Spd -Res: To replace my current +Def -Res and +2 merge Raven at 5*. It'd also be my opportunity to start building him, though he would not recevie Basilisko's special refine immediately.

Legion: He's here.

Oliver: He's also here.

Female Corrin +Atk -Res: I do already have Male Kanna decently built already, as well as Nowi and Ninian, but Corrin at least offers more Speed than the other three (well, other two and MY Ninian [+Res -Spd])

Gwendolyn +Atk -Spd: If the nature isn't as appealing as +Def or +Res, let me know, but Gwendolyn feels like a good candidate for a Berkuts Lance, and this is the only Gwendolyn that has been +Any stat other than HP and Spd -Spd.

Sophia +Atk -Spd: To have my current +Atk -HP Sophia be merged into.

Raigh +Atk -Def: I only have him Favorited because I figured having the extra Horse Slayer weapon one day might be neat, and this nature seemed the best fit for such a thing.

Julius: I have the SP grinded on him, but I don't feel I need the additional Red Tome right now, even if he is quite bulky.

Hinata +Atk -Spd: He's here.



Currently 4* (Requires 20k feathers)



Athena +Atk -Res: Nothing much to say here.

Tobin: I only list him because I could give him TA3 to make him into a Green Armor Slayer, but I don't even have TA2 fodder, so...

Lloyd: I'd need input on how good his refined Regal Blade is, but I'm otherwise not very invested.

Marisa: Nothing much to say here.

Chrom +Atk -Res: Originally he was going to be a Brave Sword Infantry, but now that he can not only get Spectrum Bond Falchion, but also Sealed Falchion, it might be a good idea to make him an Enemy Phase Sword Infantry...?

Hana +Spd -HP: Originally also going to be a Brave Sword Infantry, but now I feel she might appreciate a different weapon when the time comes to finally build her, or just build on her default Armor Slayer like I did with Soleil.

Lazlow +Atk -Res: Definitely would make him a Brave Sword Infantry.

Zephiel: Not really invested in building him, I already have Arden and Black Knight, but I dunno, he's here to.

Caeda +Atk -Res: Not much to say here.

Abel +Atk -Res: general Brave Lance user.

Berkut: Not even sure how I'd go about building him, but he's here.

Est +Atk -Spd: She's been built completely so far, and even has a strong chance of being on my Flier Emblem Team when I do promote her. All that keeps me from doing is, very simply, having higher priorities.

Valter: He's here.

Shigure +Spd -HP: I'd build around his Harmonic Lance first, Firesweep Lance second.

Tailtiu +Spd -HP: Blarblade user. Not much else to say, I already don't even use infantry bladetomes much anymore.

Male Robin +Spd -HP: At best, I'd consider promoting this Robin exclusively so I have a Robin to use as a merge when I get a better nature.

Ursula: Not much to say. Might consider building around Blarwolf.

Sheena +Def -Spd: Has Quick Riposte (had it before Vengeful Fighter I think), has Bonfire, has Pivot, only needs promoting, an A skill, and a C skill. Looking forward to the day, hee hee hee.

Gunter +Def -HP: Yes, really. I almost even considered giving him Steady Stance before remembering I only needed to use him for Three Heroes, but to be fair he is pretty bulky for a Cavalry Veteran.

Michalis: Not much to say here.

Narcian: I'd only do it if I REALLY needed the extra lance killer, and even then I don't think I'd think of Narcian first.

Merric +Spd -HP: I'd prefer to build around Excalibur/Dark Excalibur if I were to do Merric.

Gordin +Atk -Res: General Brave Bow user.

Clarisse: Not much to say here.

Klein: General Brave Bow user.

Rebecca +Spd -Res: I don't have the ability to make her a Firesweep Bow user anymore, but I'd still like to replace my current +Def -Res Rebecca one day.

Kagero +Spd -Res: Poison Dagger+ would be nice to have again one day.

Serra Neutral: The same Serra from Three Heroes, believe it or not. Still waiting for a good natured Serra to appear one day.


Other notable promotes



Nino: for Gronnblade. I am expecting to pull for Sanaki down the line, and yes I'd use her in my Flier Emblem team, and Yes she would need Gronnblade, and YES everything will be dead.

Cecilia: For Gronnraven. I recently pulled +Atk -Res Inigo, and while it isn't the BEST for tanking Reinhardt, he can at least still take Bows to the face if need be.

Takumi: For Close Counter. I don't actually need Close Counter on anyone, but you never know who you may pull next...

Subaki: For Quick Riposte. No question that many units want Quick Riposte, but I'd have to ask a whole other question to answer who wants Quick Riposte 3 more.


It isn't urgent the question be answered quickly, as again, I don't particularly NEED to promote anyone. But I also don't have much reason to save feathers.

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

It isn't urgent the question be answered quickly, as again, I don't particularly NEED to promote anyone. But I also don't have much reason to save feathers.

My recommendation would be promote Valter for Panic Ploy( or any rare skill fodder) on your powerhorse units.

If you don't have any target for +10 merge, then I think improving your powerhorse by giving them rare skill to their build can help.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Classic "Who to use 20k-22k feathers on" question. Don't particularly NEED any of the following units to be 5*, though I do want to clarify I don't really want to make any of the following units 4*+10, even now that many of them are more accessible.

Currently 3* (requires 22k feathers)

  Reveal hidden contents


Kaze: I currently only have 5 Daggers that I use, and only 3 of them are competently built. Kaze seems a decent dagger user.

Virion +Atk -Res: Brave Bow set, though it'd be weak compared to my main Brave Bow users. Also he doesn't even have a Brave Bow yet...

Raven +Spd -Res: To replace my current +Def -Res and +2 merge Raven at 5*. It'd also be my opportunity to start building him, though he would not recevie Basilisko's special refine immediately.

Legion: He's here.

Oliver: He's also here.

Female Corrin +Atk -Res: I do already have Male Kanna decently built already, as well as Nowi and Ninian, but Corrin at least offers more Speed than the other three (well, other two and MY Ninian [+Res -Spd])

Gwendolyn +Atk -Spd: If the nature isn't as appealing as +Def or +Res, let me know, but Gwendolyn feels like a good candidate for a Berkuts Lance, and this is the only Gwendolyn that has been +Any stat other than HP and Spd -Spd.

Sophia +Atk -Spd: To have my current +Atk -HP Sophia be merged into.

Raigh +Atk -Def: I only have him Favorited because I figured having the extra Horse Slayer weapon one day might be neat, and this nature seemed the best fit for such a thing.

Julius: I have the SP grinded on him, but I don't feel I need the additional Red Tome right now, even if he is quite bulky.

Hinata +Atk -Spd: He's here.



Currently 4* (Requires 20k feathers)

  Reveal hidden contents


Athena +Atk -Res: Nothing much to say here.

Tobin: I only list him because I could give him TA3 to make him into a Green Armor Slayer, but I don't even have TA2 fodder, so...

Lloyd: I'd need input on how good his refined Regal Blade is, but I'm otherwise not very invested.

Marisa: Nothing much to say here.

Chrom +Atk -Res: Originally he was going to be a Brave Sword Infantry, but now that he can not only get Spectrum Bond Falchion, but also Sealed Falchion, it might be a good idea to make him an Enemy Phase Sword Infantry...?

Hana +Spd -HP: Originally also going to be a Brave Sword Infantry, but now I feel she might appreciate a different weapon when the time comes to finally build her, or just build on her default Armor Slayer like I did with Soleil.

Lazlow +Atk -Res: Definitely would make him a Brave Sword Infantry.

Zephiel: Not really invested in building him, I already have Arden and Black Knight, but I dunno, he's here to.

Caeda +Atk -Res: Not much to say here.

Abel +Atk -Res: general Brave Lance user.

Berkut: Not even sure how I'd go about building him, but he's here.

Est +Atk -Spd: She's been built completely so far, and even has a strong chance of being on my Flier Emblem Team when I do promote her. All that keeps me from doing is, very simply, having higher priorities.

Valter: He's here.

Shigure +Spd -HP: I'd build around his Harmonic Lance first, Firesweep Lance second.

Tailtiu +Spd -HP: Blarblade user. Not much else to say, I already don't even use infantry bladetomes much anymore.

Male Robin +Spd -HP: At best, I'd consider promoting this Robin exclusively so I have a Robin to use as a merge when I get a better nature.

Ursula: Not much to say. Might consider building around Blarwolf.

Sheena +Def -Spd: Has Quick Riposte (had it before Vengeful Fighter I think), has Bonfire, has Pivot, only needs promoting, an A skill, and a C skill. Looking forward to the day, hee hee hee.

Gunter +Def -HP: Yes, really. I almost even considered giving him Steady Stance before remembering I only needed to use him for Three Heroes, but to be fair he is pretty bulky for a Cavalry Veteran.

Michalis: Not much to say here.

Narcian: I'd only do it if I REALLY needed the extra lance killer, and even then I don't think I'd think of Narcian first.

Merric +Spd -HP: I'd prefer to build around Excalibur/Dark Excalibur if I were to do Merric.

Gordin +Atk -Res: General Brave Bow user.

Clarisse: Not much to say here.

Klein: General Brave Bow user.

Rebecca +Spd -Res: I don't have the ability to make her a Firesweep Bow user anymore, but I'd still like to replace my current +Def -Res Rebecca one day.

Kagero +Spd -Res: Poison Dagger+ would be nice to have again one day.

Serra Neutral: The same Serra from Three Heroes, believe it or not. Still waiting for a good natured Serra to appear one day.


Other notable promotes

  Reveal hidden contents


Nino: for Gronnblade. I am expecting to pull for Sanaki down the line, and yes I'd use her in my Flier Emblem team, and Yes she would need Gronnblade, and YES everything will be dead.

Cecilia: For Gronnraven. I recently pulled +Atk -Res Inigo, and while it isn't the BEST for tanking Reinhardt, he can at least still take Bows to the face if need be.

Takumi: For Close Counter. I don't actually need Close Counter on anyone, but you never know who you may pull next...

Subaki: For Quick Riposte. No question that many units want Quick Riposte, but I'd have to ask a whole other question to answer who wants Quick Riposte 3 more.


It isn't urgent the question be answered quickly, as again, I don't particularly NEED to promote anyone. But I also don't have much reason to save feathers.

I'd promote Raven as your top priority, female Corrin as second and Caeda as third

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14 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

although I can't think a single instance where I've encountered that combination.

That is mostly a hypothetical build of what I think people would do if they have more resources to build a dedicated defense team, so that probably would not be encountered very often as it is designed to catch players off guard rather than aiming for high kill counts, similar to Ninos with Gronnraven

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Gwendolyn +Atk -Spd: If the nature isn't as appealing as +Def or +Res, let me know, but Gwendolyn feels like a good candidate for a Berkuts Lance, and this is the only Gwendolyn that has been +Any stat other than HP and Spd -Spd.

This is the best that I can come up with in the calculator and +Def seems better on a mixed team, although both are practically the same when buffed. If she is going to be on a Ward Armor team, +Atk would definitely be a bit better to get that 1 extra kill; she is not likely to be separated from her teammates, so there is not much point to consider her independent performance.

Gwendolyn, -Spd
Berkut's Lance [Def], Ignis
Distant Counter, Vengeful Fighter
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [+Def] 184:23:42
Enemy Phase [+Atk] 183:31:35
Enemy Phase [+Def, 0/0/4/4] 198:16:35
Enemy Phase [+Atk, 0/0/4/4] 197:17:35
Enemy Phase [+Def, 0/0/8/8] 207:9:33
Enemy Phase [+Atk, 0/0/8/8] 208:9:32

Here is Harmonic Lance too in case you want to go for more kills and save Berkut. In this case, +Def is always slightly better than +Atk.

Gwendolyn, -Spd
Distant Counter, Vengeful Fighter
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury

Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Def]] 186:39:24
Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Res]] 185:37:27
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Def]] 180:47:22
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Res]] 183:42:24

Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Def], 0/0/4/4] 202:27:20
Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Res], 0/0/4/4] 204:21:24
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Def], 0/0/4/4] 200:28:21
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Res], 0/0/4/4] 198:29:22

Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Def], 0/0/8/8] 209:20:20
Enemy Phase [+Def, Harmonic Lance [Res], 0/0/8/8] 213:16:20
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Def], 0/0/8/8] 209:20:20
Enemy Phase [+Atk, Harmonic Lance [Res], 0/0/8/8] 211:17:21

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Nino: for Gronnblade. I am expecting to pull for Sanaki down the line, and yes I'd use her in my Flier Emblem team, and Yes she would need Gronnblade, and YES everything will be dead.

Depending on BB!Sanaki's stats, you might actually want to keep Nifl Frostflower on her. It is not unreasonable to assume that 3/3/0/0 buff is always active since having a single ally (usually Dancer/Singer for ranged nukes) is pretty easy to achieve even for Player Phase units. Based on results from Gleipnir, Ivaldi, Mjölnir, and Ragnarok, exclusive offensive tomes that increase Spd are usually on par with or superior to Blade tomes, so giving BB!Sanaki Gronnblade either is not going to achieve much or it may actually hurt her performance.

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I don't particularly NEED to promote anyone. But I also don't have much reason to save feathers.

I personally like to have an emergency stash of 40,000+ (currently sitting on ~80,000) Feathers reserved for my Arena team in case i need to promote some bonus unit and give them a 5* exclusive skill.

I do not have any suggestion on who you should pick to spend it on besides on a unit that you use the most often. If it were me, I would personally go for a ranged unit since that is a combat range I prefer, but it is ultimately down to personal preference.

Edited by XRay
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So, I managed to pull H!Henry from the last legendary banner, but unfortunately, he’s -Spd +Res. I was hoping for any good build suggestions for him. Since we just got Takumi for free, I was thinking of giving him CC and an owl tome, but a defense of 26 doesn’t sound great for a CC build, especially with his average speed stat. I know the defense issue can be fixed with the owl tome and wards, but I was hoping for any better suggestions I guess.

Edit: I just remembered owl tomes can be refined, so the CC and owl tome build doesn’t sound too bad now. Still, I’d love some reccomendations

Edited by Khid
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52 minutes ago, Khid said:

So, I managed to pull H!Henry from the last legendary banner, but unfortunately, he’s -Spd +Res. I was hoping for any good build suggestions for him. Since we just got Takumi for free, I was thinking of giving him CC and an owl tome, but a defense of 26 doesn’t sound great for a CC build, especially with his average speed stat. I know the defense issue can be fixed with the owl tome and wards, but I was hoping for any better suggestions I guess.

Edit: I just remembered owl tomes can be refined, so the CC and owl tome build doesn’t sound too bad now. Still, I’d love some reccomendations

TOD!Henry actually benefits more from Spd stacking to prevent doubles. 26 Def is not great, but not having enough Spd is even worse as many units can double TOD!Henry and deal even more damage. If you want to shore up TOD!Henry's Def, that is where Ward Armor from teammates come in.

TOD!Henry +Res, -Spd
Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [Gronnowl [Spd][1 Ally], Speed +3] 123:76:50
Enemy Phase [Gronnowl [Spd][1 Ally], Speed +3, 0/0/4/4] 141:50:58
Enemy Phase [Gronnowl [Def][1 Ally], Close Def] 112:91:46
Enemy Phase [Gronnowl [Def][1 Ally], Close Def, 0/0/4/4] 133:73:40

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