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15 hours ago, Sendai Cannon said:

The best 2 I have are +atk -hp and +atk -spd

Both HP and Spd are superbanes and will drop him to 174 BST which is a slight drop to his scoring potential, but they are his two best natures in terms of performance. +Atk/-Spd being the better of the two.

15 hours ago, Sendai Cannon said:

The skills I have that I'm considering putting on him are Warding Breath (no Steady Breath, I've never gotten a B!ike) and maybe Aether because of the Breath and bold fighter combo.

Bonfire is his best skill for initiating attacks, and Ignis is best for baiting attacks. Aether is good for scoring and allowing him to stay healthy, but he won't be able to trigger it when he initiates the attack. Steady Breath also performs a bit better than Warding Breath does unfortunately, so if you aren't in a rush to get him fully built ASAP you might want to hold out for a bit. When initiating the attack there is no difference between Brazen Def/Res and Warding Breath, and when baiting, there are only 5-9 more loses.

Calcs were checked with a +4 Hardin with QR Seal against +10 enemies with various common skill overwrites.

15 hours ago, Sendai Cannon said:

If it helps to know, I usually run an mostly armor emblem team with +1 Zelgius (summoner supported +atk -hp), winter Robin (-spd +hp, I mostly just use him for armor march), M!Grima (+spd -atk D:) and Genny with pain and dual Savage Blows

With two stacks of Ward Armor his performance while baiting attacks is insanely good with loses coming only from Armor effective weaponry. So you can totally keep him with Brazen Def/Res and achieve equal performance. Without a Breath skill, Bonfire will be his best performing special.

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15 hours ago, Sendai Cannon said:

So with my luck as a F2P player, saving orbs, and with pulling only blue, I've some how ended up with 5 copies of Hardin (and here I just wanted more Christmas Robins because he was one of my 1st 5* when I started playing). So here's the question, I know bold fighter is good fodder, but should I make a +4 Hardin? And if so, which one should I use, and what skills should I put on him?

The best 2 I have are +atk -hp and +atk -spd

The skills I have that I'm considering putting on him are Warding Breath (no Steady Breath, I've never gotten a B!ike) and maybe Aether because of the Breath and bold fighter combo.

If it helps to know, I usually run an mostly armor emblem team with +1 Zelgius (summoner supported +atk -hp), winter Robin (-spd +hp, I mostly just use him for armor march), M!Grima (+spd -atk D:) and Genny with pain and dual Savage Blows

Any tips are appreciated, thanks!  

I personally prefer inheriting Bold Fighter first, but merging him is fine too. [+Atk, Gradivus, Aether, Steady Breath/Warding Breath, Bold Fighter, Quick Riposte] should be good for a mixed phase build. I do not think it matters whether you go with -HP or -Spd, but -HP is a bit better with Ward Armor buff while -Spd is better if you decide to use him off an armor team. If someone else is using Quick Riposte Sacred Seal, I recommend giving FH!Hardin Quick Riposte on his B slot instead and let him focus on Enemy Phase combat.


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4 hours ago, Nicolu-Chan said:

I just somehow managed to get 3 Sigurds on the LB. Should I fodder or merge them? They are:

1- +Spd-HP.

2- +Res-Spd.

3- +Res-Atk.


Which one is better? And with which build?

I'd say the +SPD one is the best. 35 SPD on a cav is very respectable, and that's 41 after cav buffs. Even without them, he's got SPD smoke which can make him speedier in comparison to debuffed units. +RES could have its uses, but I wouldn't choose it at the expense of his SPD or ATK. 

As for merging versus fodder, I'd say fodder unless he's one of your favorite characters. SPD Smoke is a seal now, so it's not exactly the best fodder, but Close DEF is an excellent skill. I like to run Distant DEF and Close DEF on my Adult Tiki (and you can do the reverse). 

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4 hours ago, Nicolu-Chan said:

I just somehow managed to get 3 Sigurds on the LB. Should I fodder or merge them? They are:

1- +Spd-HP.

2- +Res-Spd.

3- +Res-Atk.


Which one is better? And with which build?

I would keep either [+Spd -HP], [+Res, -Spd], or both depending on how you use him. [+Res, -Spd] with vanilla skill set can survive pimped out Reinhardt as long as he does not have Swordbreaker. [+Spd, -HP] will need Fury on his A slot, Distant Def on his Sacred Seal slot, or Fortify Cavalry to tank pimped out Reinhardt.

Sigurd has decent Spd, so +Spd will help him tank melee units better if you Spd stack him, and giving him Hone Cavalry will help him avoid even more doubles. [+Res, -Spd] is more focused on tanking mages so it is a bit more niche; you may want to give him Deflect Magic to further boost his survivability, and if you are really ambitious, you can use him to tank pimped out Reinhardts with Swordbreaker so Sigurd can trigger Ignis on his first hit when back during Player Phase.

I would personally go with +Spd since you can improve his Res with Fortify Cavalry.

Edited by XRay
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Hey guys, I have a question, I don't know if this was already answered before, but if I merge a 5* Takumi (Without the upgraded Fujin Yumi) with a 5* Takumi (with the upgraded Fujin Yumi), the 5* Takumi without the upgraded Fujin Yumi can obtain the upgraded Fujin Yumi after merging with a 5* Takumi who have the upgraded Fujin Yumi?

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5 minutes ago, Awakening Chrom said:

Hey guys, I have a question, I don't know if this was already answered before, but if I merge a 5* Takumi (Without the upgraded Fujin Yumi) with a 5* Takumi (with the upgraded Fujin Yumi), the 5* Takumi without the upgraded Fujin Yumi can obtain the upgraded Fujin Yumi after merging with a 5* Takumi who have the upgraded Fujin Yumi?

Yes. If you're paranoid about it, you can confirm this by tapping the "after" box in the merge screen before confirming the merge and looking at that unit's details, the refined bow will be in their Skill List.

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Yes. If you're paranoid about it, you can confirm this by tapping the "after" box in the merge screen before confirming the merge and looking at that unit's details, the refined bow will be in their Skill List.

Ok thanks!

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15 hours ago, Hawk King said:

With two stacks of Ward Armor his performance while baiting attacks is insanely good with loses coming only from Armor effective weaponry. So you can totally keep him with Brazen Def/Res and achieve equal performance. Without a Breath skill, Bonfire will be his best performing special.

I do like baiting with dual ward armor on him (plus I tend to use the other 2 to bait other units too), so thanks for letting me know I don't need to sacrifice one of my 2 Ikes. 

Thanks to the Hardin (and some fun positioning) I managed to do the Infernal Ryoma battle with a full Armor emblem team (M!Grima, WE!Robin, Zelgius, Hardin)!

Now for the next question, I'm currently running M!Grima (the one with the bad -atk +spd) as a mage/range killer because he hits the lower of their defenses and because someone on my armor emblem team needs to do it right? So I have him with the distant defense seal, and I'm wondering whether I should put Distant defense, warding breath, hold out and try to get mirror stance on him, or try something completely different. Thoughts?

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So for some reason I was struck with inspiration to build a new water team with Ryoma because I needed an excuse to promote my Boey at long last and give him Close Counter. Do I need another green mage? Probably not. Do I have any regrets? Definitely not. My team is going to consist of Ryoma, Boey, Shiro, and Hinoka. Hinoka is going to be player phase oriented, running Hone Fliers to buff Ryoma. And maybe the flier formation seal too. I'm thinking Ryoma is going to be mixed phase. I could make him more of a player phase, but I don't want to invest too much in him, and he should be pretty bomb on his own. He's going to run Guidance since Hinoka will get a Goad Self just for being around her teammates. Shiro is going to to be mostly enemy phase, but his main purpose is DEF Tactic to buff Boey and probably Ryoma too since the guy is decently bulky. Boey is going to be my team's mage. I've wanted to build him for a while, and out of most of my mages, I think he might benefit from the blessing the most. 

For now, I don't want to throw too many resources into building Boey. Maybe someday. I've already +10 merged Mae, so maybe he'll be on the list too once I finish some other projects.His build is: Gronnowl+ (DEF refine), Draw Back, Ignis, Close Counter, Renewal, _____, QR Seal. For now, I'm fine with Ignis, though someday he'll get Bonfire too. I'd like for his B skill to be QR, but I don't want to spend 20k feathers on it at the moment, so Renewal is a decent filler. I'm looking for a decent C skill. I'm thinking ATK Smoke. I feel like RES Smoke could be decent, but that's way more rare. I feel like other people in the team could benefit from the effect of ATK Smoke as well whereas RES Smoke really just helps Boey. I have some ATK Tactic fodder, but I'm not sure I want to use it quite yet, especially since Ryoma's already getting an ATK buff from Hinoka.

I'll go ahead and tag @Hilda (since you have a bomb Boey).

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7 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I just pulled Christmas Robin and I'm pretty happy about it. What are ideal IVs for him?

+Atk or +Spd both are good. You may want to dump his HP if you want him to tank both side.

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Pulling for fodder in the legendary banner, I've got a NY!Azura. I got one in her original banner (-Atk +HP, but I'm happy with that IVs, since she almost never sees combat). I'm not sure if I should fodder her for Hone Fliers (my only ranged flier is F!Morgan), Hagoita (I'm not sure who could use that axe) or just keep her in my barracks. Merge her with so useful fodder is not an option xd

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37 minutes ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Should I give my Marth fury 3 and ardent sacrifice? I already gave him renewal 3, but will it be enough to make up for losing hp from the other skills?

It will. Marth is heavy on the support role, so what combat he does encounter will usually be combat he will be guaranteed to win in.

If it worries you so, Triangle Adept is always an option to ensure he doesn't take much of any damage at all, but Fury 3 helps his ability to kill the Tikis slightly.

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7 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So for some reason I was struck with inspiration to build a new water team with Ryoma because I needed an excuse to promote my Boey at long last and give him Close Counter. Do I need another green mage? Probably not. Do I have any regrets? Definitely not. My team is going to consist of Ryoma, Boey, Shiro, and Hinoka. Hinoka is going to be player phase oriented, running Hone Fliers to buff Ryoma. And maybe the flier formation seal too. I'm thinking Ryoma is going to be mixed phase. I could make him more of a player phase, but I don't want to invest too much in him, and he should be pretty bomb on his own. He's going to run Guidance since Hinoka will get a Goad Self just for being around her teammates. Shiro is going to to be mostly enemy phase, but his main purpose is DEF Tactic to buff Boey and probably Ryoma too since the guy is decently bulky. Boey is going to be my team's mage. I've wanted to build him for a while, and out of most of my mages, I think he might benefit from the blessing the most. 

For now, I don't want to throw too many resources into building Boey. Maybe someday. I've already +10 merged Mae, so maybe he'll be on the list too once I finish some other projects.His build is: Gronnowl+ (DEF refine), Draw Back, Ignis, Close Counter, Renewal, _____, QR Seal. For now, I'm fine with Ignis, though someday he'll get Bonfire too. I'd like for his B skill to be QR, but I don't want to spend 20k feathers on it at the moment, so Renewal is a decent filler. I'm looking for a decent C skill. I'm thinking ATK Smoke. I feel like RES Smoke could be decent, but that's way more rare. I feel like other people in the team could benefit from the effect of ATK Smoke as well whereas RES Smoke really just helps Boey. I have some ATK Tactic fodder, but I'm not sure I want to use it quite yet, especially since Ryoma's already getting an ATK buff from Hinoka.

I'll go ahead and tag @Hilda (since you have a bomb Boey).

Team composition looks good. I am guessing you are running Bow Hinoka. 

My suggestion if you have enough ressources!: 

Boey res tactics and fortress def seal

Hinoka Def tactics, Ryoma Speed tactics, Shiro Attack tactics. shufgle the tactics how you want depending who needs what.

Congratulation you just got 50 def green mage that can tank and nuke everything into oblivion while doing so because he got +24 atk (30 if you give boey def tactics and someone else uses def tactics seal)

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I don't feel a need to merge the two, so what should I use 4* BB!Marth for?

I know it's not exactly an offensive weapon, but Ardent Service still has Hone Atk 3 built into it, so I was thinking it could be put on a more supportive Axe user, the unit I had in mind being my HNY!Azura (she runs either Spd refine Hagoita or Emerald Axe+ normally), though I usually use her on Flier Emblem and I'd rather not give up on Hone Fliers, so I need a different plan.

On the other hand, Drive Atk is still a rare skill even after it's been given an SS. I have it on a total of 7 units in my army, not including the 4* Marth. I don't know who I'd give it to, but unlike Ardent Service it won't cost 20k feathers to give. It is, despite being rare, still on units in the normal summoning pool, compared to Ardent Service+ being on a unit everyone will only have 2 of until further notice...

I have the feathers to give someone Ardent Service+, so I just want to know how I should use Marth.

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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Isn't HP his super bane? Isn't that a bad thing?

Not really. Losing 4 points of HP instead of 3 isn't going to make a big difference. It doesn't even change his Arena score bucket unless he is also +Res.

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27 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So +Atk/Spd -HP would be ideal?

Depends on the build and usage. Depending on what you want him to do, -Spd or -Res can potentially be more successful.

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I don't feel a need to merge the two, so what should I use 4* BB!Marth for?

I know it's not exactly an offensive weapon, but Ardent Service still has Hone Atk 3 built into it, so I was thinking it could be put on a more supportive Axe user, the unit I had in mind being my HNY!Azura (she runs either Spd refine Hagoita or Emerald Axe+ normally), though I usually use her on Flier Emblem and I'd rather not give up on Hone Fliers, so I need a different plan.

On the other hand, Drive Atk is still a rare skill even after it's been given an SS. I have it on a total of 7 units in my army, not including the 4* Marth. I don't know who I'd give it to, but unlike Ardent Service it won't cost 20k feathers to give. It is, despite being rare, still on units in the normal summoning pool, compared to Ardent Service+ being on a unit everyone will only have 2 of until further notice...

I have the feathers to give someone Ardent Service+, so I just want to know how I should use Marth.

Since he is currently the only unit with Ardent Service+ I would not fodder him away for Drive Atk.  He is also a TT unit rather than a GHB unit, so we may never get another copy.  

I heard about NY Azura also, well she is the best dancer hands down flier team or not.  So you could always give her that weapon and she can be an awesome buffer/best dancer on non flier teams.  I have her, but I am waiting til another unit that can optimally use it.  

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8 hours ago, Hilda said:

Team composition looks good. I am guessing you are running Bow Hinoka. 

My suggestion if you have enough ressources!: 

Boey res tactics and fortress def seal

Hinoka Def tactics, Ryoma Speed tactics, Shiro Attack tactics. shufgle the tactics how you want depending who needs what.

Congratulation you just got 50 def green mage that can tank and nuke everything into oblivion while doing so because he got +24 atk (30 if you give boey def tactics and someone else uses def tactics seal)

I definitely don't have the resources for a tactics team. At best, I have one spare ATK tactics, Shiro, and the DEF tactics seal. I've got a lot of copies of L'Arachel, but I'm not ready to waste the feathers to promote her just for a skill yet. XD I'm also running normal Hinoka and not Bow Hinoka. I should have specified. Bow Hinoka may have had a Lucius-related accident. 

It's more of a budget team for now, and Boey needs to have his S-Slot open for QR. He mostly just needs an adequate C skill that could function outside of a tactics team for now. That's why I thought ATK Smoke might work.

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