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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

Sometimes they need to do more than two rounds though. Third unit and bonus unit are not always optimized for combat, have the right color, or move into position in time.

If your third unit is the wrong color, you've done something wrong with your team composition.

The only situation where I can see a Firesweeper needing to fight a third round of combat is when the opponent has 3 or more units of the same color, and that situation isn't quite common enough to justify Moonbow over Luna.

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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If your third unit is the wrong color, you've done something wrong with your team composition.

The only situation where I can see a Firesweeper needing to fight a third round of combat is when the opponent has 3 or more units of the same color, and that situation isn't quite common enough to justify Moonbow over Luna.

The beauty of a Firesweep team is that it does not need balanced team composition to work, and the third unit can be your highest scoring unit or a favorite.

I personally prefer Moonbow if the Firesweeper is the only nuke so they can get more Special activation, but you can still go with Luna. I do not think it is huge deal which one you use, so I listed both.

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So this is a really weird build but weird units call for weird builds I guess.



Anyone have a better alternative to some of these skills? Wanted to do seal spd instead of speed+3 because so many of my units needs spd+3 but I think he would get doubled whenever he attacked someone with DC.

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Anyone have any experience with LA!Eliwood with Berkut’s lance? I know Effie would be better with merges but I’ve only ever pulled Effies with either -Atk or +Spd lol plus I wanna use him on a tactics team with B!Ninian

Edit: Also, how is Eirika with her refine? I wanna put her on the same tactics team to make full use of her weapon. I’m planning on giving LA!Eliwood my only DC fodder, but I feel like it’d also work well on Eirika with full buffs.

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On 6/26/2018 at 11:22 AM, Khid said:

Anyone have any experience with LA!Eliwood with Berkut’s lance? I know Effie would be better with merges but I’ve only ever pulled Effies with either -Atk or +Spd lol plus I wanna use him on a tactics team with B!Ninian

Edit: Also, how is Eirika with her refine? I wanna put her on the same tactics team to make full use of her weapon. I’m planning on giving LA!Eliwood my only DC fodder, but I feel like it’d also work well on Eirika with full buffs.

I like him too, here is what I do to him.




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This is the topic i was searching for. Sorry for using an old one i thought it'd be ok.

Like i said i discovered Fire emblem yesterday with Genalogy of War. I'm trying to figuring out the game so far and I was wondering if there are any ways to recover people hp (except Ethlyn of course)? The Arena left me with 1HP characters and i feel a bit trapped  

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2 minutes ago, nowyouknow said:

This is the topic i was searching for. Sorry for using an old one i thought it'd be ok.

Like i said i discovered Fire emblem yesterday with Genalogy of War. I'm trying to figuring out the game so far and I was wondering if there are any ways to recover people hp (except Ethlyn of course)? The Arena left me with 1HP characters and i feel a bit trapped  

Hi and welcome! 

Assuming this question is related to Fire Emblem Heroes, there are some good beginner guides: 


In general healers (staff users) "recover" HP of allied units, but you should get your units to higher levels (the maximum is Level 40) before trying Arena mode. After giving your units some levels, they will be able to learn their Skills through earned SP. Good places to earn XP/Levels/SP are the story chapters (there you earn also orbs to summon additional units) or the training tower. 

Have fun with the game! 

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9 minutes ago, nowyouknow said:

This is the topic i was searching for. Sorry for using an old one i thought it'd be ok.

Like i said i discovered Fire emblem yesterday with Genalogy of War. I'm trying to figuring out the game so far and I was wondering if there are any ways to recover people hp (except Ethlyn of course)? The Arena left me with 1HP characters and i feel a bit trapped  

You’d be better off creating a thread in the relevant subforum.

Characters who can use staves (Ethlyn only at your point in time) can use them from within the castle; there is a button for that (the one with a star), but the action will completely consume her turn (grey her out). While staying at the castle, your character’s health is also automatically restored over a number of turns (automatically costing the character some gold from their pocket). And of course, winning a fight in the arena refills the character’s health completely, but that won’t be easy at 1 HP.

@mampfoid: they are talking about Genealogy and not Heroes. Forum structure can be difficult to understand from a first glance to a newcomer.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@mampfoid: they are talking about Genealogy and not Heroes. Forum structure can be difficult to understand from a first glance to a newcomer.

Yeah, I was not sure so I answered just in case. I seldom leave the Heroes forum here in SF. ;-) 

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7 hours ago, Lushen said:

So this is a really weird build but weird units call for weird builds I guess.

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Anyone have a better alternative to some of these skills? Wanted to do seal spd instead of speed+3 because so many of my units needs spd+3 but I think he would get doubled whenever he attacked someone with DC.

If you have access to a +Spd copy, I would just turn him into a Player Phase nuke and keep his Seashell+ since it gives him a stat boost.

Seashell [Spd]
Atk/Spd Push / Swift Sparrow / Life and Death / Fury
Renewal / Desperation
Speed +3

If you can whale for Atk/Spd Push, it works really well with Seashell since both reduce his HP, and you can just let Renewal patch his HP up like Celica. I have not really used Celica in Arena though, so I am not sure if that set up is reliable. Should be fine for Arena Assault.

Being doubled is not a problem if YS!Frederick can kill his target on the second hit with Moonbow. He should avoid dragons and mages since he might not have enough magic bulk to take a hit.

2 hours ago, Khid said:

Anyone have any experience with LA!Eliwood with Berkut’s lance? I know Effie would be better with merges but I’ve only ever pulled Effies with either -Atk or +Spd lol plus I wanna use him on a tactics team with B!Ninian

Edit: Also, how is Eirika with her refine? I wanna put her on the same tactics team to make full use of her weapon. I’m planning on giving LA!Eliwood my only DC fodder, but I feel like it’d also work well on Eirika with full buffs.

Since LA!Eliwood already comes with a defensive lance, I would rather keep Casa Blanca. I would save Berkut's Lance for a unit who does not come with a defensive lance.

Between Eirika and LA!Eliwood, I lean slightly more towards LA!Eliwood since there are so many Distant Counter sword units already. Both are good options though, so just choose whoever you use more often.

I also recommend putting Guidance Sacred Seal on BB!Ninian to help improve LA!Eliwood's mobility.


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I just got a summer corrin.  Problem is, she has +res/-spd IVs. Is she worth  building fully? For reference, my other tome flyers are +atk Bride Ninian (running a buff build with her base tome) and SF nino (runnng giga excalaber). I also have NY azura for hone flyers. My other Blade users are +spd bride ceada, +spd L'arachel, + spd nino, and +atk Katarina. I will of course attempt to get a better one of her, but  Summer Tania, summer robin, and summer tiki are all higher on my priority list (SP grinding is annoying). (EDIT: also, the legendary banner looks great) For reference, My foderable 5* exclusives are a garbage bride caeda and a garbage bride lyn. alternatevly I could just throw an 4* oden at her and run blarblade (not plus), moonbow, drag back/reposition, swift strike/darting blow, a filler B skill untill i get another shanna or mae, and fortify flyers.

On an unrelated note,  should I merge my garbage Bride caeda, or keep her for skill fodder?

I also just got A +atk/-spd Summer Elise. I have currently built her as a budget offensive buffer designed to give +4/+4 drive buffs to infantry (or +4/+1 while sp grinding green tome users), while being decent in combat. Is she worth giving anything expensive to? (given the abovementioned ninos)


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Is there some deceptive hidden thing behind the Legendary Hero summoning 8% rate? Because man, I can pull five stars pretty easily on normal banners. But on the Lyn legendary hero banner, I used like 150+ orbs and . . . not a single five star character. Was I just that unlucky?

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2 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Was I just that unlucky?

It’s this little thing called statistics. 150 orbs is how many pulls, 37? Not large enough of a sample, no matter how you look at it.

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Just now, SSbardock84 said:


I have had A legendary banner where I put in easily that many orbs and got one garbage duplicate of a unit i already had, and a banner where I spent less and got 5 great units (plus a garbage duplicate). It reallly is that variable.

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4 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:


Over hundreds and hundreds of pulls, the 8% rate will be observable. But on such a small scale, variance is inevitable because of the nature of randomness.

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14 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Is there some deceptive hidden thing behind the Legendary Hero summoning 8% rate? Because man, I can pull five stars pretty easily on normal banners. But on the Lyn legendary hero banner, I used like 150+ orbs and . . . not a single five star character. Was I just that unlucky?

Odds of no 5-stars at all using 148 orbs (closest to 150 with no sniping, including free summon):

(0.92^5)* (0.915^5) * (0.91^5) * (0.905^5) * (0.9^5) * (0.895^5) * (0.89^5) * (0.885^3) = 2.1% on Legendary banners

(0.94^5)* (0.935^5) * (0.93^5) * (0.925^5) * (0.92^5) * (0.915^5) * (0.91^5) * (0.905^3) = 4.8% on regular banners


Yes, you're unluckier if it happens on a legendary banner. But 2.1% is fairly high and is going to happen to many people. I myself had a run of 180 orbs on the legendary banner before last with no 5-stars. FEH has hundreds of thousands of active players, and for every 100k players, 2100 will likely see the same streak of bad luck you did.


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Well, I'm at last glad (not like glad that other people are suffering) that there are a lot of other people this happens to. It's just so dang weird how often I get five-star characters from 3% banners opposed to 8%. Thanks guys!!

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12 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Well, I'm at last glad (not like glad that other people are suffering) that there are a lot of other people this happens to. It's just so dang weird how often I get five-star characters from 3% banners opposed to 8%. Thanks guys!!

As a reminder, the 3% general pool chance means that the real rate of getting a 5* is 6%. 2% is not THAT massive of a difference.

The fact that you know what color a orb is before you pull also influences probability if you snipe colors (the game decides what units will be in "under" each orb without thinking about color, and then shows you what color the unit is. Additional information influences probability. A classic example is explained at https://betterexplained.com/articles/understanding-the-monty-hall-problem/) Notably, if you pull for colors with two out of three focus units a lot, this can result in 5* probabilities of more than 8%. The most extreme recent example of this was the falchion banner, where the fact that all focus units were red meant that the probability of a 5* being in a red orb was something like 10%. To make things more confusing, green orbs are more likely to contain a 5* unit than other colors. This is because a unit can be either a 3-4 star unit, or a 5* unit. There are much fewer 3-4 star green units compared to other colors. this means that green orbs appear less often than other colors, but when they do, they are more likely to be 5*.

TL:dr there exist stratagies that increase your probability of getting a 5* unit of some kind (like pulling for colors with mutiple focus units). These stratagies are more effective on some non-legendary banners then th are on legendary ones. Thus, in some situations, a legendary banner with no stratagy can have a lower probability than a non-legendary banner.

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3 hours ago, sirmola said:

I just got a summer corrin.  Problem is, she has +res/-spd IVs. Is she worth  building fully? For reference, my other tome flyers are +atk Bride Ninian (running a buff build with her base tome) and SF nino (runnng giga excalaber). I also have NY azura for hone flyers. My other Blade users are +spd bride ceada, +spd L'arachel, + spd nino, and +atk Katarina. I will of course attempt to get a better one of her, but  Summer Tania, summer robin, and summer tiki are all higher on my priority list (SP grinding is annoying). (EDIT: also, the legendary banner looks great) For reference, My foderable 5* exclusives are a garbage bride caeda and a garbage bride lyn. alternatevly I could just throw an 4* oden at her and run blarblade (not plus), moonbow, drag back/reposition, swift strike/darting blow, a filler B skill untill i get another shanna or mae, and fortify flyers.

If you do not want to invest an expensive Player Phase build for her, [Moonbow/Glimmer, Fury/Triangle Adept, R Tomebreaker/Quick Riposte] is useful in Arena Assault, and her vanilla tome will compliment a flier team well if she also got Goad Fliers.

3 hours ago, sirmola said:

On an unrelated note,  should I merge my garbage Bride caeda, or keep her for skill fodder?

I prefer to merge my seasonal units, but that depends on how often you pull and your mentality on pulling. If you pull often or if you think you can afford to pull anything you want, you generally do not need to fodder seasonal units since the regular pool got everything you need. If you are free to play, then foddering may make more sense.

3 hours ago, sirmola said:

I also just got A +atk/-spd Summer Elise. I have currently built her as a budget offensive buffer designed to give +4/+4 drive buffs to infantry (or +4/+1 while sp grinding green tome users), while being decent in combat. Is she worth giving anything expensive to? (given the abovementioned ninos)

Sounds good. Like NS!Corrin, I would go for [Moonbow/Glimmer, Fury/Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte] to make her a reliable counter in Arena Assault.


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Ok, I'd like some advice on orb spending given the current banners. As of right now, I'm debating if I should continue pulling for NS!Corrin but something is telling me that it might not be worth the effort. I have a F!Morgan that I barely use due to bad natures and NS!Corrin will likely end up the same way if she also comes with unfortunate natures. The main reason I want to pull for NS!Corrin is to build my second flier team but that isn't a priority right now. However, I am in need of pulling blue for SI and merges for arena scoring. Looking at the current banners, there hasn't been any blue units that I've wanted to pull for and this has been the case for almost all banners since February. Should I still pull for Corrin or just wait for the next enticing blue unit? 

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So I'm gonna have 200 Divine Dews very soon, and I wanna use them. I have an idea of what I wanna do with my Divine Dews, but I kinda wanna run it by the populace first...


Alm [+Spd -Def] > Falchion (Gaiden): The Special Refine would be amazing to have, as I'm always down to have more Dragon killing tools, and Alm would make a great one. But up to now, I've been able to do fine with what I have available to me, so it might not be all that necessary...

Lyn [+Spd -Res] > Sol Katti: The effect would be nice to have, but I already don't use Lyn... at all.

Lucina [+Spd -Atk] > Falchion (Awakening): I'd probably give her the Sealed Falchion since it'd synergize with Desperation and a Brazen skill well, as well as Lucina not being a defensive unit like Chrom is.

Masked Marth > Falchion (Awakening): Same as above.

Male Corrin [+Atk -HP] > Yato: I'm torn between the Support option or going with the Speed forge, as I have plans involving Corrin's Support refine, but it'll take two full Divine Dew upgrades to achieve (Support Yato and a lot of spurs being given to a defensive Chrom)

Eldigan [+Spd -Atk] > Mystletainn: I don't use Eldigan much already, and I'm not even sure if this refine would fix that.

Lilina [+Atk -Spd] > Forblaze: A strong contender for two reasons: One is that I have a much better [+Atk -Def] Lilina waiting for a promotion, and two is that I'm well aware of how good the promotion is. I just have always had higher priorities...

Leo [+Atk -Spd] > Brynhildr: I'm gonna give the special refine most definitely.

Ephraim [Neutral] > Siegmund: He still needs the refine, and I'm willing to go through with it to upgrade his supporting ability.

Clair [+Res -Spd] > Rhomphaia: I have two better Clairs, one [+Atk -HP] and the other [+Spd -Def], in waiting for a promotion. Which one I'll go for, probably +Atk, but either way...

Hinoka [+Def -Spd] > Hinoka's Spear: Infantry/Flier Guidance upgrade.

Linde [+Atk -Def] > Aura: The upgrade I'm considering most besides Lilina's. The +6 to adjacent Magic and Staff users is just too strong to ignore. I'd go for the Special refine, but even one of the normal refines would be fine if it meant getting so strong an effect.

Soren [+Spd -Def]> Wind's Brand: Owltome effect.

Takumi [+Res -HP]> Fujin Yumi: I know that this bow is not combat oriented, but it'd be a fun refine more than anything. Yes, I do not recommend you take this one seriously.

Felicia [+Atk -Def] > Felicia's Plate: Special Refine is strong.

All the below are 4* and require promotion

Chrom [+Atk -Res] > Falchion (Awakening): Spectrum Bond refine, going in tandem with the above mentioned Yato Refine. +10 to all stats just from hanging near Corrin, in addition to +5 Atk and Def from Atk/Def bond, and any additional Spurs, will make for one bulky Chrom.

Camilla [+Spd -HP] > Camilla's Axe: I'm not too sure about this one, since I've yet to even get the damn axe, but it seems a pretty good effect.

Anything anyone has to say, I'm open ears, but I'm weighing between Lilina and Linde for this refine...

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@XenomataNarrow the choices down to 3 ; Alm, Linde, Lilina.

Lilina can be benefit for long run just because merging advantage.

Alm, dragon killing machine nuff said. Even blue one cannot survive if you decide to upgrade him.

Linde sound interesting to me the most because I like using magic and staff.(even if my core team is full of physical though) This choice would be fun to do if you have other powerhorse staff user and mages to form a decicated team for Linde.

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