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11 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

OK, so I've managed to pull a 2nd Legend Lyn and I want to merge my Legend Lyn copies. Which IVs are better?

+Spd/-Res (Res is a superbane)

+Spd is better. Player Phase units generally go with -HP/Def/Res, and having them as super banes does not really matter too much from a performance stand point.

1 hour ago, tobuShogi said:

Pulled 2 FH!Robin's. One is +HP/-Def and one is neutral. Is the slight HP lead worth it over the Def bane?

I am not sure if it matters. +HP got better magic bulk, but would also be more vulnerable to physical Brave Weapons. I will have to double check to be sure, but I lean slightly towards neutral.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

+Spd is better. Player Phase units generally go with -HP/Def/Res, and having them as super banes does not really matter too much from a performance stand point.

Lyn isn't necessarily a player-phase unit. Her default kit screams dual phase, after all.

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Pulled FH!Robin earlier today and I was wondering what would be a good A-slot skill for him. I guess Fury is always a good option but I also have a spare B!Ike laying around in the barrack and I am planning to give his Steady Breath to F!Corrin if FH!Robin really doesn't need it. I also just realized I have a spare YT!Olivia to fodder Bracing Stance since merging +2 points on a dancer almost seems like a waste but I haven't really heard if Bracing Stance is a good skill or not. Thoughts anyone?

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@NSSKG151 FH!Robin doesn't need Steady Breath since vengeful Fighter is a very good skill and already reduces the special counter (but only on own attacks in comparison to Breath skills). I was lazy and put Svalinn shield on him, which works really well since I only use him occasionally in AA and on missions like Takumis armor missions. 

If I had the fodder, I'd put Fierce Stance on him. Or the premium Armor skill set: Steady/Warding Breath + Bold Fighter + QR3 seal. 

I didn't run any calculations, but Bracing Stance sounds also good. I couldn't think of the perfect candidate for that though. 

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So, in the last few minutes of the legendary banner, I pulled NY!Camilla. She's +def -spd, though, which made me really upset at first, but then I looked at her max stats. 32 speed is pretty shitty if I want to make her a player phase unit, even with spd/def bond, but with 34 defense she could actually pass for an enemy phase tank. She basically looks like my +def -spd Cherche: much faster, but with slightly less defense and attack. Would NY!Camilla work as an EP tank unit against physical enemies? Should I replace spd/def bond, or keep it?

Edited by Sunwoo
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So then. Thanks to the summer banner, I have obtained a +atk/-spd S!Camilla. And since she will be apart of my Flier Emblem team, she will be fully built. What should I give her as an A Slot since I want to give her the basic Blade build

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11 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

So then. Thanks to the summer banner, I have obtained a +atk/-spd S!Camilla. And since she will be apart of my Flier Emblem team, she will be fully built. What should I give her as an A Slot since I want to give her the basic Blade build

Fury 3 or Life and Death 3 are the two options most Bladetomes go for. Fury 3 is an overall boost that also makes it easier to edge the unit into Desperation range without concern of taking heavy damage, while Life and Death is a slightly better offensive boost while lowering defenses, essentially making it so the unit has to enter Desperation range via taking a decently strong hit. While I'd like to suggest Brazen Atk/Spd, the first battle performance is important, and you sacrifice that performance for strong performance in later battles.

Since she is -Spd, I'd personally pick Life and Death and put a Spd +3 SS on her to patch up the lost Speed. Not only that, but it'd take two rounds of combat without taking damage to enter Desperation range with just Fury 3 damage. In standard Arena battles, that's half the enemy team dead before Desperation is triggered.

Edited by Xenomata
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6 hours ago, XRay said:

I am not sure if it matters. +HP got better magic bulk, but would also be more vulnerable to physical Brave Weapons. I will have to double check to be sure, but I lean slightly towards neutral.

I plugged both of them into the calculator and for the most part, they get similar results with the neutral one getting an extra win and one less inconclusive match compared to the one with Def bane. Def bane FH!Robin has one extra inconclusive matche with Myrrh so that was enough for me to go for the neutral one.

Side note, it's kinda funny that you can't tell apart a merged FH!Robin from a non-merged one in the box.

Edited by tobuShogi
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50 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

So then. Thanks to the summer banner, I have obtained a +atk/-spd S!Camilla. And since she will be apart of my Flier Emblem team, she will be fully built. What should I give her as an A Slot since I want to give her the basic Blade build

Death Blow 3 or Life and Death 3 and Attack +3 in the Sacred Seal slot.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


I think the main difference is the fact that I do technical writing as part of my job, and I am very familiar with the word choices acceptable for technical writing.


Heroes isn't a technical document, though.


8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

(Either way, it's the word I grew up with, so it'll be the one I use.)


Don't let your bosses see this.


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4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Heroes isn't a technical document, though.

Heroes as a whole isn't a technical document, but parts of it are. Things like instructions (which the text string in question is) and skill descriptions would definitely fall under the category of technical writing.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So, in the last few minutes of the legendary banner, I pulled NY!Camilla. She's +def -spd, though, which made me really upset at first, but then I looked at her max stats. 32 speed is pretty shitty if I want to make her a player phase unit, even with spd/def bond, but with 34 defense she could actually pass for an enemy phase tank. She basically looks like my +def -spd Cherche: much faster, but with slightly less defense and attack. Would NY!Camilla work as an EP tank unit against physical enemies? Should I replace spd/def bond, or keep it?

Since you are planning to use her as an Enemy Phase unit, I would keep Spd/Def Bond on her, unless you want to give her Fury or something. Her vanilla kit plus Reposition/Swap and Axebreaker/Quick Riposte should turn her into a decent Arena Assault unit. You can also replace Draconic Aura with Moonbow if you want to improve her performance, although you may want to just leave it as is, and give Moonbow to someone else who does not have a Special if you want to be really thrifty.

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48 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Heroes as a whole isn't a technical document, but parts of it are. Things like instructions (which the text string in question is) and skill descriptions would definitely fall under the category of technical writing.

For an imprecise definition of technical writing, I suppose.

Edited by Baldrick
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1 minute ago, Baldrick said:

For an imprecise definition of technical writing, I suppose.

As I previously mentioned,

17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

(In case it is not 100% clear, by "technical writing", I'm referring to "writing suitable for use in an instruction manual", which is what the original string in question falls under.)

The diction expected of the string in question falls squarely under "writing suitable for use in an instruction manual".

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53 minutes ago, XRay said:

Since you are planning to use her as an Enemy Phase unit, I would keep Spd/Def Bond on her, unless you want to give her Fury or something. Her vanilla kit plus Reposition/Swap and Axebreaker/Quick Riposte should turn her into a decent Arena Assault unit. You can also replace Draconic Aura with Moonbow if you want to improve her performance, although you may want to just leave it as is, and give Moonbow to someone else who does not have a Special if you want to be really thrifty.

Sounds like a plan, although I also got a suggestion to use swordbreaker for a B-skill since she should survive axes for the most part. Is that still workable? With +def -spd, I think it's just easier to salvage her as an enemy phase unit than trying to make her something her stats aren't meant to be.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Sounds like a plan, although I also got a suggestion to use swordbreaker for a B-skill since she should survive axes for the most part. Is that still workable? With +def -spd, I think it's just easier to salvage her as an enemy phase unit than trying to make her something her stats aren't meant to be.

Should be fine. I personally prefer Axebreaker for more overkill, although it probably is not necessary if you already have a lot of anti axe units.

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@mampfoid Honestly I don't really like skills like svalinn shield since they are so situational and I prefer using skills that either boosts my unit's offensive or walling capabilities. Premium skills like Fierce Stance and Bold Fighter are pretty much out of my reach too and only come once in a blue moon since I never intentionally go fishing for skills like those but man I can only dream of using that Steady Breath/Bold Fighter/Quick Riposte combo.

I might just go ahead and give him Bracing Stance since it is pretty much a self Ward effect on the enemy phrase plus his attack will become monstrous if I make him stand next to an attack buffing unit like Delthea.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Should be fine. I personally prefer Axebreaker for more overkill, although it probably is not necessary if you already have a lot of anti axe units.

I think it's mostly because axes in general are kind of slow, so if I run her with enough goad fliers units she shouldn't have much issue doubling them. Swordbreaker lets her take one hit from Karla and Ayra and not die, right?

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I think it's mostly because axes in general are kind of slow, so if I run her with enough goad fliers units she shouldn't have much issue doubling them. Swordbreaker lets her take one hit from Karla and Ayra and not die, right?

It mostly helps against Wary Fighter and Thunder Armads.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It mostly helps against Wary Fighter and Thunder Armads.

Okay, that makes sense. I suppose I don't have fodder for either axebreaker or swordbreaker right now, so I can wait to see which one shows up first.

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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Summer Cordelia (Galeforce build if possible)

That's easy: Slaying Axe (SPD refine)/LnD3/Desperation/Hone Cav/Reposition/GF/Heavy Blade 3 seal to proc Galeforce against any opponent that she doubles (without Guard) after one round. 

If you want to go budget, you could start with Brave+ since it comes with GF from OG Cordelia. With Brave+ you'll need to quad enemies to proc GF directly. Often enemies die too early to receive the fourth hit (or third hit if Heavy Blade is equipped). With Brave+ also Escape Route is a good B-skill for modes like Tempest Trials, since most enemies will die with the second hit anyway. It's fun to beam around, insta-kill and proc GF for another beam.

Also her native Shell Lance+ (SPD Refine) is ok since it gives Omni-Blow 1 and you still can proc GF after one round against melee opponents (with HB3 seal equipped). 

Alternatives to LnD3 are Fury 3, Darting Blow 3, and Swift Sparrow 2. Obviously Hone Cav is only necessary on Cav teams, other C-Skills would be buffs for your team, ATK- or SPD Wave or SPD- or DEF smoke. 

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Fallen Takumi (Vanilla + Cancel Affinity maybe?)

I included mine in a Tactic team running Fury/Desperation/SPD smoke/Bonfire and Flashing Blade seal. 

Perhaps I'll give him ATK tactic or RES tactic once I get the fodder. With a Hone SPD buff he reaches respectable 44 SPD, after speed-smoking he should meet the FB requirement to proc Bonfire (or Ignis) often enough. 

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

NY! Camilla

Her default set is nice, since she buffs her allies with her sword and C-skill while getting boosted with the bond skill if staying adjacent. She could be part of your owl-team, since you asked also for Canas. 

If you got a +SPD or +ATK nature, a Firesweep build would be an option: Firesweep+, LnD3, Hit&Run, (flexible), SPD+3/HB seal, Moonbow/Bonfire

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:


Her default set is fine if you run her in an infantry team that profits from her infantry pulse. I gave mine the SPD refine, a SPD+ seal and Renewal 3 to keep her HP high in modes like TTs and CC. 

@kirauza343 got a cool Marisa (see her in action here) with Wo Dao+ (SPD refine), Steady Breath, Swordbreaker, Infantry Pulse, Close Def seal, Ignis, Reposition. 

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Hey everybody, this is my first post so I hope it's in the right place; I couldn't find an answer after doing a quick search of previous topics.  My question is: How much does a 1 BST difference make in top-tier arena?

I just pulled my third Hardin; I have a 19.5 arena team and know that Hardin could help me stay in tier 20 for the first time. My current Hardin is +atk/-hp, the latter being a superbane that knocks him down to 174 BST. The one I just pulled is neutral, a 175 BST which puts him in a higher scoring range (175-179). 
This should all be straightforward to keep the neutral IV, but when I calculate his arena score, it doesn't change depending on the two IV's, at his current merge level and also at +10. I'm using www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/

What gives? It seems like the 1 bst point matters, especially in this case since it moves him up to a higher score threshold. But I don't see the impact in this score calculator. Is it just that the scoring calculator is imprecise because no one has 100% figured out IS' arena scoring method? Since I've read more than once that a superbane affects arena scoring, and in this case it's the difference between two scoring ranges, I'll probably keep the neutral. But I'm reluctant to give up my +atk so I just wanted to be sure first.
Then, hypothetically, what if Hardin's base BST had been 173? Would a BST of 172 from a superbane actually affect his arena score? Thanks!

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38 minutes ago, Stahlwart said:

Hey everybody, this is my first post so I hope it's in the right place; I couldn't find an answer after doing a quick search of previous topics.  My question is: How much does a 1 BST difference make in top-tier arena?

Moving up or down one stat bin (over one of the 5-stat-point boundaries), on average, increases your score by half a point (after counting the double points from having a bonus character).

If you aren't seeing a difference in your predicted range, it's probably because that half a point isn't enough to move you up a full point.

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