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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Anyone have any Build Suggestions for Summer Micaiah? Just pulled a +HP, -Def, and I want her to be more Offensive than Support (it's just my play style, but I plan to keep Dance on her)~

She can run either Player Phase or Enemy Phase build.

Player Phase — anti armor, anti cavalry
+Atk/Res, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Dawn Suzu
Moonbow - Glimmer
Death Blow - Fury
Chill Res
(anything) - Res Ploy
Attack +3 - Res Ploy

You generally want Death Blow, but Fury is also useful if you plan to use Ploys as well.

Enemy Phase
+Atk/Res, -Spd/Def
Dawn Suzu - Rauðrowl [Res]
Atk/Res Bond - Mirror Stance - Triangle Adept
Quick Riposte - Guard - Dull Ranged
(anything) - Atk Ploy - Res Ploy - Atk Smoke
Distant Def - Quick Riposte - Res Ploy - Atk Ploy - Atk Smoke

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21 minutes ago, XRay said:

She can run either Player Phase or Enemy Phase build.

Player Phase — anti armor, anti cavalry
+Atk/Res, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Dawn Suzu
Moonbow - Glimmer
Death Blow - Fury
Chill Res
(anything) - Res Ploy
Attack +3 - Res Ploy

You generally want Death Blow, but Fury is also useful if you plan to use Ploys as well.

Enemy Phase
+Atk/Res, -Spd/Def
Dawn Suzu - Rauðrowl [Res]
Atk/Res Bond - Mirror Stance - Triangle Adept
Quick Riposte - Guard - Dull Ranged
(anything) - Atk Ploy - Res Ploy - Atk Smoke
Distant Def - Quick Riposte - Res Ploy - Atk Ploy - Atk Smoke

Thanks, I'll keep these in mind!

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Is it more time effective to grind HM on GHBs or Rival Domains?

I've been auto-battling against Zephiel, and I'm not sure how everyone manages to do this without going crazy from boredom.

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17 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is it more time effective to grind HM on GHBs or Rival Domains?

I've been auto-battling against Zephiel, and I'm not sure how everyone manages to do this without going crazy from boredom.

RD is clearly more efficient, taking about the same amount of time per run, if not less, and training up 8 units at a time (but say 6 on average to account for HM capped dancer carries or whatnot) compared to 2.5 units average on GHBs. However the required SI can be a bit restrictive, a lot of WoM is required. That said, apparently WoM1 is enough from a 3* Frederick so it's probably not too bad. Having to promote a unit at the cost of 2k feathers in order to earn feathers feels a bit counterproductive so I wouldn't do it if WoM1 wasn't enough.

MeMU crashed about 2000HM into my overnight farming, so I'm 9000 feathers short today. :( It's arena promotion week so I need to push some merges.

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Any cheap build suggestions for Male Kana?

Mine is currently like this:



Weapon - Lightning Breath+

Assist - Swap

Special - Bonfire

I’m thinking of switching out vantage for QR once I get a Subaki.

One of my biggest concerns is what refinement should I give him? He really seams to appreciate any of the possible stat increases from each option which makes me quite indecisive.


I’m interested in building a Guardbow Faye but I’m not sure which nature I should use.

I have a +atk/-hp one and a +res/-spd one.

I assume that the +res one would be better because of the +3 physical and +6 magical bulk lead over the other one but her atk seems underwhelming so I wonder if it’s better to use the +atk one for that reason despite the lower bulk.

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2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Any cheap build suggestions for Male Kana?

I would go with Fury on the A slot. Quick Riposte is better in my opinion too. I think the rest is fine. I would use Moonbow over Bonfire for more frequent Special trigger, but if you plan to give him Steady Breath or Warding Breath down the line, then I would just stick with Bonfire.

2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I’m interested in building a Guardbow Faye but I’m not sure which nature I should use.

I have a +atk/-hp one and a +res/-spd one.

I assume that the +res one would be better because of the +3 physical and +6 magical bulk lead over the other one but her atk seems underwhelming so I wonder if it’s better to use the +atk one for that reason despite the lower bulk.

[+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res] is good for her native Firesweep Bow, while [+Def/Res, -Spd] is good for Guardbow. The +Atk does not matter too much in my opinion if you pit her against mages, since they do not have very high physical bulk, and an Iceberg trigger will destroy most mages.


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Sigh, I come here to ask this question far too often...

Coming up to 20k feathers, been trying to think of who I wanna promote, or who needs Skill Fodder the most. I've completely run out of units I "Need" to promote for the purposes of Arena Assault, now it's mostly "Who do I WANT to promote?"

My goal, as always, is to have a large variety of units rather than a good army, but improving on my current units is always something I strive for as well. I've yet to care about promoting units strictly for merge levels.

Units to promote:


Athena [+Atk -Res] I have [+Spd -Def] as well for when the +Atk Athena is promoted and I can afford to put an extra merge level on her.

Tobin: Will be built with Armorsmasher in mind. I know it'd probably be cheaper and easier to keep him at 4* and slap TA3 on him, but then he can't get Armorsmasher and the resulting +Def refine for added bulk/+Spd refine for added not-being-doubled.

Lloyd: Starting to think I wanna make a Four Fangs themed team. Lloyd would be lowest priority though, given I still can't think of any solid use for refined Regal Blade, and it wouldn't even work with Ursula fielded...

Marisa:  A more meh Athena now that I look again...

Chrom [+Atk -Res] For the purposes of raw power, this Chrom is ideal for me. Once I get access to both refined Ylisse Falchion and refined Yato, he'll be very strong and pretty bulky to.

Laslow [+Atk -Res] A novelty unit more or less, to make a Xander + Retainers team.

Zephiel: Not in the market for another bulky Sword Armor when I can't even give him Distant Counter, but then again I do kinda need more Armors for Rival Domains Armor weeks...

Lilina [+Atk -Def] To overwrite my current [+Atk -Spd] Lilina. It's not important I do yet though, since she's still getting OHKOs reliably and the extra merge level wouldn't add to her Attack.

Canas: Because Rauðrowl is still rare as hell.

Oboro [+Atk -Res] For Armor killing purposes.

Gwendolyn [+Atk -Spd] I also have [+Def -Spd]. I'm most looking to promote Gwendy most since not only has she been waiting for a promotion for a while now (even has Def refined Berkuts Lance+ and I can give her Harmonic Lance and Vengeful Fighter if I really want to), but also because I just really need more Armor units for Rival Domains, and nobody on my Friend list ever has Gwendy...

Abel [+Atk -Res] Novelty promote, get back the 5* Abel I foddered off so long ago, and bring back the Abel to Cain, the Mustard to Ketchup, the Jelly to Peanut Butter.

Berkut: He seems quite bulky, if unable to only take one attack. I'll bet there's a solid use for him out there that takes advantage of that bulk...

Sully [+Spd -Def] Pretty much a Red killer. If I wanna go expensive as hell, maybe give her Distant Counter to hook Red Mages rather than just using Cav movement to rush them down before they can attack.

Est [+Atk -Spd] Also been waiting for a promote for a long time now. On the plus side, I also managed to secure a [+Atk -Def] copy, which under all circumstances nets either slightly more kills than -Spd, or dies to less than -Spd. I'll promote -Spd first though, and handle -Def later though. Gotta want that extra merge level!

Shanna [+Spd -HP] I'm gonna regret not immediately foddering this Shanna for Desperation, but screw it I hardly see her ever as is, I don't wanna have to wait an extra few months just to start looking for her again when I no longer need Desperation.

Valter: I suppose Cursed Lance would be fun to play with, but... I dunno...

Cordelia [+Spd -Res]: Overwrite my current [+Atk -Res] Cordelia for extra Speed. I don't know if I really need to though, I don't even know what I want to do with +Spd Cordelia besides even more Firesweep Lance...

Female Corrin [+Atk -Res] I almost decided to go for her promotion, but realized I was being really hasty in promoting bulky Blues lately, so Ima hold off until I know for sure I really want more bulky blues...

Tailtiu [+Spd -HP] Raw Blarblade goodies.

Male Robin [+Spd -HP] On the one hand he's a RavenAdept who probably doesn't even need the promotion... but on the other hand, this time he actually has TA3. I'd probably want to promote him even if I go the 4* +10 route though, just so he can get Blarraven+.

L'arachel [+Spd -Res] More or less not needed right now, but would still be nice to have for me to say I now have all the Sacred Memories characters.

Legion: It'd be nice to have another Axe unit, but as is the only one who looks to have the most potential is Legion. Not to say that's a bad thing, and in fact I really wanna promote him cause I like his Special trigger quotes, but it bothers me that I'd be locked to Legion's Axe until I manage something else...

Arthur [+Spd -Res] More or less raw Blue killing goodies. Probably not a good nature, but then I don't know what'd be a good nature for simple Blue killing...

Titania [+Spd -Def] I'd rather not focus on Titania right now, though I'll list her anyways. I'd feel obligated to try and focus on refining Draconic Poleax when I just got done focusing on Divine Dew refining the Wing Sword...

Michalis: I don't necessarily need him, even if he'd be quite the bulky Axe Flier, but... I mean, Hauteclere refined is just really good... he'd be a less bulky but much rawer power (with some extra Speed) Beruka.

Narcian: Raw Blue killer, but this time with a dragon.

Cherche [+Atk -Res] While my current [+Atk -HP] Cherche may not NEED the extra HP, I'd at least like to replace her nature. Plus the extra Attack would help if I ever decide to switch her over to a Slaying Hammer set.

Camilla [+Spd -HP] Don't feel I need to promote Camilla for any real reason besides saying I have all the (normal) Royal Siblings of FE Fates at 5*, especially given I don't know how I'd even go about refining Camilla's Axe.

Merric [+Atk -Res] Apparently the [+Spd -Def] on my current Merric is worse than +Atk, so here I am needing to promote another Merric. Oh well, not like he even had any Res to begin with...

Gordin [+Atk -Res] Raw Brave Bow+ power.

Clarissa: Not sure what I'd do with her. I can't even say Firesweep Bow because I don't have any Firesweep Bows to just hand out...

Rebecca [+Spd -Res] Same story as Clarissa, but with a unit I already have at 5*.

Saizo [+Def -Res] The Smoke Dagger Thief on Glorious Archer Lucina's LHB made me want Saizo promoted all the more. I don't have Close Counter to make him THAT dedicated a tank, but that doesn't mean Saizo can't still debuff the enemy.

Kagero [+Spd -Res] Poison Dagger hasn't really felt necessary to get for a while, but it'd still be nice to have a holder of it ready to deploy... you know, just in case.

Wrys [+Res -Atk] To hell with Wrys's Three Heroes quests, if I promote this Wrys the only killing he'll ever see is the killing all the mage tanking is gonna have on his back.

Lachesis [+Atk -HP] To replace my crummy +Res -Atk Larachel. Can't even get decent heals with her...

Serra [+Spd -Def] Okay technically the Serra ready for promotion is neutral, but I still have this neat +Spd Serra to promote to. Neutral will go first, then +Spd for the extra merge level, ergo extra Speed!

Clarine [+Spd -HP] Basically my Nanna but weaker. That's not a bad thing, mind you.

Ogma [+Atk -Res] I have a 5* Ogma to merge into this Ogma for some extra Speed when the time comes, but since I already have a good few speedy strong Swords, I'm not desperate for this promotion.

Hinata [+Def -Res] I don't have a Safeguard to give him, and even if I did I'd want an extra one because that'd mean I had Lene and screw foddering the only Lene I ever got, but I feel he'd still be a worthy promote. 39 Defense is not anything to laugh at...

Draug [+Def -Spd] I don't feel Draug needs the Speed that badly, plus if I ever do manage +Def -Res I'll just merge. And again, could always use more Armors.

Julius: I can build him, but I've never felt a strong need to. I mean, not that it's not tempting, he simply ignores 6 damage if you don't slay dragons. That isn't something you ignore easily.

Raigh [+Atk -Def]: For simple Horse killing potency.

Sophia [+Atk -Spd] To overwrite my current [+Atk -HP] Sophia. It's not important I do, but I'd like to get it done either way.

Roderick [+Spd -Def] Surely the Defense drop won't matter on a Firesweep unit...? Anyways, I'd like to build him one day, since he does come with the Firesweep Lance by default, so he'd be quick and cheap to build.

Peri [+Spd -Res] I'd like to fix up my current [+Spd -Atk] Peri so badly, but as it is she hardly gets used to begin with... then again, that's mostly because she does almost no damage with a Brave Lance+ and LnD3...

Clair [+Atk -Def] To overwrite my current [+Res -Spd] Clair. I'd probably focus on getting her refine next if I had to pick.

Oliver: Because... uh... memes?

Barst [+Spd -Res] Securing a solid copy of Barst now while I can. Might give him a Slaying Axe for a simple but effective speedy Glimmer set, like the kinds you give to speedy swords.

Hawkeye [+Res -Spd] To overwrite my current [+Res -HP]. Giving him the promotion would at least convince me to build him finally...

Linus: It's tempting to go with the Mad Dog, but I can't afford to get the major Basilisko refine yet. Linus would just be... kinda meh without it.

Frederick [+Atk -Res] To overwrite my current [+Atk -Spd] Freddy. It's not important I do, but removing the -Spd would at least let me be more flexible with Freddy than I currently am, and besides it's not like he'd miss the Res anyways.

Sakura [+Atk -HP] To overwrite my current [+Spd -Atk] Sakura. It's kinda tempting TBH, given my recent promotions of Hana and Subaki, and I'd wanna let Sakura be able to get in on the fun to...

Skill Fodder


Quick Riposte 3 Still being stubborn about giving QR3 over QR2. The unit who'd want it most is Myrrh [+Spd -HP], since she doesn't even have a filler B slot right now.

Lightning Breath+ It'd go to the earlier mentioned F!Corrin [+Atk -Res], if I wanted to cheap out on giving her Distant Counter.

Killer Axe+ Various units who'd want Slaying Axe+. I honestly think I need to get Slaying Axes on more of my units...

Gronnblade+ For Pale Flower Nino [+Atk -Def]. Since she's more or less already a central core of my Flier team, it only makes sense to want to give her even more power, right?

Ardent Service+ Probably for HNY!Azura [+Atk -Def]. Since she now has Axe Valor, giving her this would make her a very supportive unit, but my only issue is that she already comes with Hone Fliers, so the weapon would waste another rare skill. Open for ideas.

Gravity+ or Pain+ For a future promotion healer, possibly Serra. While they wouldn't be able to begin dealing full damage with it due to lack of fodder, it'd still be nice to be prepared. Or maybe even promote someone now in case I get lucky in summoning Maribelle...

Any ideas, I'm all ears. Also worth keeping in mind, I have barely higher than 70 Refining Stones to play with, so even upgrading to a slightly evolved weapon (Armorslayer > Armorsmasher, Rauðrwolf > Keen Rauðrwolf, etc) and then immediately upgrading it is possible.

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I'll make a larger post at a later date, but for now I'll just tag you because I know you have her at +10.

@Ice Dragon Is Chill DEF 3 a good alternative for Wrath for a +ATK Lyn with Sol Katti [Special Refine]?

I'm lacking Wrath and I've come into a +ATK/-DEF Lyn (and another one) whom I think I'm going to merge to replace my +ATK/-SPD one. Without the speed defecit I don't necessarily have to run Life and Death 3 to make up the difference which means I can run Brazen ATK/SPD for 2 less SPD and 2 more points of DEF at base despite the pretty big drop in ATK. Her first round performance drops considerably without LnD3's ATK boost but perhaps Chill DEF could help with that somewhat. That and once she gets in Brazen range she's considerably stronger.

If Chill DEF isn't a good alternative what should her B skill be? Swordbreaker to deal with blades at 100%? (Which she'll virtually never double at 100%) Chill SPD? Vantage?

She'll be +2 also so that's +1 to ATK/SPD/DEF/HP. While I'm here, is it better to keep -SPD over -DEF? I'd really prefer to drop DEF rather than SPD.

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29 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'll make a larger post at a later date, but for now I'll just tag you because I know you have her at +10.

@Ice Dragon Is Chill DEF 3 a good alternative for Wrath for a +ATK Lyn with Sol Katti [Special Refine]?

I'm lacking Wrath and I've come into a +ATK/-DEF Lyn (and another one) whom I think I'm going to merge to replace my +ATK/-SPD one. Without the speed defecit I don't necessarily have to run Life and Death 3 to make up the difference which means I can run Brazen ATK/SPD for 2 less SPD and 2 more points of DEF at base despite the pretty big drop in ATK. Her first round performance drops considerably without LnD3's ATK boost but perhaps Chill DEF could help with that somewhat. That and once she gets in Brazen range she's considerably stronger.

If Chill DEF isn't a good alternative what should her B skill be? Swordbreaker to deal with blades at 100%? (Which she'll virtually never double at 100%) Chill SPD? Vantage?

She'll be +2 also so that's +1 to ATK/SPD/DEF/HP. While I'm here, is it better to keep -SPD over -DEF? I'd really prefer to drop DEF rather than SPD.

I'm not sure there's a particularly suitable replacement for Wrath, but Chill Def is probably the closest you can get. The biggest issues are the fact that Chill Def is not guaranteed to activate on the unit you want it to activate on and the fact that you miss out on the 1 point of Special charge you get from Wrath each turn, which allows you to consistently activate Moonbow or Glimmer on every round of combat after Sol Katti's Desperation kicks in.

Wrath is just kind of too good of a skill...


Because your Lyn isn't -Res, you can potentially run a Ploy on her to help boost her performance. Her Res isn't the most amazing, but it's still the 5th highest among all of this game's sword users (which are the units you're likely going to want to target with the Ploy). Or just let a teammate run the Ploy.

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12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Athena [+Atk -Res] I have [+Spd -Def] as well for when the +Atk Athena is promoted and I can afford to put an extra merge level on her.

I think +Spd is better, even if it has -Def. The Spd helps getting more kills via doubling, and -Def does not matter too much as she should still have enough bulk to stomach a counter attack before activating Desperation.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Tobin: Will be built with Armorsmasher in mind. I know it'd probably be cheaper and easier to keep him at 4* and slap TA3 on him, but then he can't get Armorsmasher and the resulting +Def refine for added bulk/+Spd refine for added not-being-doubled.

If you want him to do well in that role, I recommend promoting him to 5* so he has enough stats. As a limited unit, it is not easy to get him to 4*+10, so even if it is a more expensive to promote him to 5*, I think the extra stats are worth it. Armor units have access to crazy shit like Bold Fighter and you do not want to be caught with your pants down. I recommend getting him to 5*+2 but it seems like you do not have the original 5* of him.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Chrom [+Atk -Res] For the purposes of raw power, this Chrom is ideal for me. Once I get access to both refined Ylisse Falchion and refined Yato, he'll be very strong and pretty bulky to.

If you are going with his Refined Falchion, I think [+Def, -Spd] might be better. I have to double check though.

The +Def is so that he can stomach being doubled by sword units so he can double and trigger Bonfire. With +Atk, he might not survive harder hitting sword units, which makes increasing his damage output moot since he will not be alive to double.

If he is going to be facing only axe units, then +Atk is fine.

In.my opinion, +Atk is more suited for a Player Phase Brave Sword build.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Berkut: He seems quite bulky, if unable to only take one attack. I'll bet there's a solid use for him out there that takes advantage of that bulk...

Units with mixed bulk are great with Triangle Adept-Quick Riposte. Kills all kinds of Tikis and sword units.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Cordelia [+Spd -Res]: Overwrite my current [+Atk -Res] Cordelia for extra Speed. I don't know if I really need to though, I don't even know what I want to do with +Spd Cordelia besides even more Firesweep Lance...

I would personally keep both instead of merge. Cordelia +Atk is great with Brave Lance, while Cordelia +Spd is great with Firesweep L. I like having extra options during Arena Assault.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Male Robin [+Spd -HP] On the one hand he's a RavenAdept who probably doesn't even need the promotion... but on the other hand, this time he actually has TA3. I'd probably want to promote him even if I go the 4* +10 route though, just so he can get Blarraven+.

I would go with +Atk if possible, just in case the enemy got something funny like Atk Ploy or something, so M!Robin have a better chance of securing the kill.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Arthur [+Spd -Res] More or less raw Blue killing goodies. Probably not a good nature, but then I don't know what'd be a good nature for simple Blue killing...

Similar to M!Robin, you want +Atk.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Titania [+Spd -Def] I'd rather not focus on Titania right now, though I'll list her anyways. I'd feel obligated to try and focus on refining Draconic Poleax when I just got done focusing on Divine Dew refining the Wing Sword...

Just like the above two, I prefer running +Atk on units running Gem Weapons/Triangle Adept.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Gordin [+Atk -Res] Raw Brave Bow+ power.

If you have trouble with Cancel Affinity archers, you may also want to consider a Gordin that is [+Def, -Spd/Res], and give him [4*+10, Guard Bow [Def], Moonbow, Fury, Bowbreaker]. It is pretty expensive and niche, but it should allow him to deal with all bow enemies sans Firesweep ones.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Clarissa: Not sure what I'd do with her. I can't even say Firesweep Bow because I don't have any Firesweep Bows to just hand out...

Rebecca [+Spd -Res] Same story as Clarissa, but with a unit I already have at 5*.

Brave Bow (without the +) should be fine for Arena Assault to take out fliers, if you want them to contribute something in the mean time while you figure out what to do with them.

For Clarisse, I am not really sure what I want to do with mine either. I am thinking of giving her Watersweep and use her as a dagger unit, although I am not sure how useful that will be, since even my dagger units are not running debuffing builfs. Another option is to give her a quad Brave Bow build.

For Rebecca, she unfortunately pity broken me enough times to get herself to 5*+5. I am thinking of giving her a quad Brave Bow build since her stat distribution is pretty similar to my 4*+10 Setsuna.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Saizo [+Def -Res] The Smoke Dagger Thief on Glorious Archer Lucina's LHB made me want Saizo promoted all the more. I don't have Close Counter to make him THAT dedicated a tank, but that doesn't mean Saizo can't still debuff the enemy.

I will need to double check to be sure, but he might be able to be a bow counter like Gordin. Saizo will be using Barb Shuriken, since Guard Dagger does not exist, so I am not sure if he can stomach being hit by LA!Roy running the classic Reinhardt set.

12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Kagero [+Spd -Res] Poison Dagger hasn't really felt necessary to get for a while, but it'd still be nice to have a holder of it ready to deploy... you know, just in case.

You may also eat to cosidere a +Atk Kagero so she can score one hit kills more easily. Sometimes it is hassle a to get her into Desperation range due to her low bulk, so you may want just run a one shot build instead.

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Wrys [+Res -Atk] To hell with Wrys's Three Heroes quests, if I promote this Wrys the only killing he'll ever see is the killing all the mage tanking is gonna have on his back.

That quest is actually pretty easy. I trained free neutral Wrys up in the armor Special Training map along with Azama (-Atk with Pain, so Azama does not accidentally kill something) to feed Wrys kills faster. After that, I went to Stratum 8/9 (preferably with dagger and bow enemies so Azama can weaken them first) to get some kills. 

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Serra [+Spd -Def] Okay technically the Serra ready for promotion is neutral, but I still have this neat +Spd Serra to promote to. Neutral will go first, then +Spd for the extra merge level, ergo extra Speed!

I personally prefer +Atk Serra. Even with +Spd, she is still kind of slow since she does not have access to Life and Death, etc.

I am building up mine at the moment, although she will only be at 4*+10. She will eventually run the infamous Pain-Attack +3-Savage Blow combo. I am waiting for my reserve of Feathers to go back up to 80,000 before promoting an Azama for Pain+.

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Peri [+Spd -Res] I'd like to fix up my current [+Spd -Atk] Peri so badly, but as it is she hardly gets used to begin with... then again, that's mostly because she does almost no damage with a Brave Lance+ and LnD3...

You might want cosider moving back to her natural Slaying Lance and run Moonbow with it. It is a bit expensive since you need to upgrade her default Killer Lance to Slaying Lance, but I think it is worth it.

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Oliver: Because... uh... memes?

He is a pretty good red mage counter in Arena Assault, so he is worth more than memes!

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Barst [+Spd -Res] Securing a solid copy of Barst now while I can. Might give him a Slaying Axe for a simple but effective speedy Glimmer set, like the kinds you give to speedy swords.

You might want to go with Moonbow; Glimmer gets worse and worse the more Def/Res your enemy has.

13 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Ardent Service+ Probably for HNY!Azura [+Atk -Def]. Since she now has Axe Valor, giving her this would make her a very supportive unit, but my only issue is that she already comes with Hone Fliers, so the weapon would waste another rare skill. Open for ideas.

I personally would not fodder BB!Marth, since we have so few axe ponies, and he fills the niche of hitting hard and fast. For HNY!Azura, her default Hagoita and Hone Fliers are fine in my opinion.

- - - - - - -

Since I have a bias for ranged units, I would go with L'Arachel, Kagero, etc. or give SF!Nino Gronnblade.

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@Ice Dragon Then Chill DEF it is. It's kind of bogus sacrificing such premium fodder when I'm going to sacrifice even more premium fodder down the line. But hey, if you can't sacrifice for your favorite character who can you sacrifice for?

Since I've got you. I resolved to give Matthew Aether since he can run Flashing Blade for self sustain, but then I came to the realization that the Chrom I just pulled is... +ATK/-SPD of all natures... should I merge my current +ATK/-RES Chrom into this one or keep him as he is?

The way I see it, -RES over -SPD has one benefit: Nowi. Most of the Nowi's I come across have SPD ranging from 29 to 34. However, Nowi needs 35 to double my current +4 Chrom when he's near an ally. Meaning if she's not running TA (and in rare cases when she is) or Swordbreaker, he will survive her one hit and since she can't double, he survives and gets the double (and usually the kill) on her. -SPD would destroy that matchup essentially. Otherwise though, he's getting more bulk and I can't see how that's a bad thing, so a little guidance from the resident guru would be nice. I've already promoted the Chrom. I'd rather not sit on him weather my Warding Breath/QR Fae or Matthew is getting Aether or Chrom is becoming +5.

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@XRay Most of what you said here was actually said before (Hence some additions like +Spd Athena for instance). I swear it's always you who answers my 20k promote questions to.

19 minutes ago, XRay said:

I recommend getting him to 5*+2 but it seems like you do not have the original 5* of him.

Nope, both Tobin and Masked Marth I'm missing one copy of due to not scoring high enough in those TTs, so Tobin at least I can only achieve 5* +1 at max.

23 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are going with his Refined Falchion, I think [+Def, -Spd] might be better. I have to double check though.

The +Def is so that he can stomach being doubled by sword units so he can double and trigger Bonfire. With +Atk, he might not survive harder hitting sword units, which makes increasing his damage output moot since he will not be alive to double.

If he is going to be facing only axe units, then +Atk is fine.

In.my opinion, +Atk is more suited for a Player Phase Brave Sword build.

General enemy-phase tank who relies heavily on Combat buffs received from M!Corrin. The build I have planned for Chrom, which will be paired with Supportive Yato M!Corrin who will wield Spur Def and Spur Atk in addition, goes as follows:

+1 Merge (from spare 5* Chrom I intend to merge), Falchion [Special Refine], Aether, Atk/Def Bond, Quick Riposte 3, no SS. S Support M!Corrin.

Enemy Phase with +5 Merge, +Spd boon, Fury 3/Moonbow overwrites.

[+Def]: 132-13-117

[+Atk]: 137-17-108

[+Def w/Moonbow or Glimmer] 144-13-105

[+Atk w/Moonbow or Glimmer] 141-17-104

So he gets more wins with +Def if he has Moonbow or Glimmer, but more with +Atk if he keeps the rarer Aether skill. I know I left out a SS, but that's on the assumption I leave him with nothing. For the sake of Arena Assault at least, it's just my preference to assume that the unit in question probably won't have a SS to use.

With Distant Counter, +Atk gets more kills than +Def regardless of Special. Also all the calcs I did were with +Def -Res instead of -Spd.

43 minutes ago, XRay said:

That quest is actually pretty easy. I trained free neutral Wrys up in the armor Special Training map along with Azama (-Atk with Pain, so Azama does not accidentally kill something) to feed Wrys kills faster. After that, I went to Stratum 8/9 (preferably with dagger and bow enemies so Azama can weaken them first) to get some kills. 

Oh I cleared it to, but I went the really hard route of "reset Training Tower til enough enemies with low Res spawned, then pray Lucius and Azama don't kill steal, only to get KSed by BB!Ninian anyways, repeat". I later found that the Lunatic Story Map C7P3 Baffling Labyrinth worked with just Azama weakening the enemy and absorbing hits, and Wrys poking the enemy afterwards.

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5 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Since I've got you. I resolved to give Matthew Aether since he can run Flashing Blade for self sustain, but then I came to the realization that the Chrom I just pulled is... +ATK/-SPD of all natures... should I merge my current +ATK/-RES Chrom into this one or keep him as he is?

The way I see it, -RES over -SPD has one benefit: Nowi. Most of the Nowi's I come across have SPD ranging from 29 to 34. However, Nowi needs 35 to double my current +4 Chrom when he's near an ally. Meaning if she's not running TA (and in rare cases when she is) or Swordbreaker, he will survive her one hit and since she can't double, he survives and gets the double (and usually the kill) on her. -SPD would destroy that matchup essentially. Otherwise though, he's getting more bulk and I can't see how that's a bad thing, so a little guidance from the resident guru would be nice. I've already promoted the Chrom. I'd rather not sit on him weather my Warding Breath/QR Fae or Matthew is getting Aether or Chrom is becoming +5.

In this case, if Nowi is a match-up that is important to your Chrom's function, I think it's worth it to keep -Res.

I had a similar situation occur earlier with Legendary Hector and his match-up against male Grima. Neutral Grima with at least +1 Spd from buffs is capable of breaking through Thunder Armads with Bold Fighter if Hector is -Spd, but neutral Grima needs +4 Spd to do the same to neutral Hector. Since the top of the Arena uses dual Rallies that only provide +3 and prefers passive buffs to Atk, Def, or Res over Spd, I decided I would be content to sit on [+Atk, -Res] for my Hector and probably won't switch merge bases even if I later get [+Atk, -Spd].

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55 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@XRay Most of what you said here was actually said before (Hence some additions like +Spd Athena for instance). I swear it's always you who answers my 20k promote questions to.

No wonder lots of stuff seems familiar.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

For the sake of Arena Assault at least

If it is mostly just for Arena Assault, then yeah, I would stick with +Atk too since once you have a big enough roster, you would just match the enemy's red units with your blue units instead of your red units.

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Trying to think of something interesting to do with my +Def -HP Minerva. Already have a +2 Michalis who will get more merges eventually and is running the QR double boosted Moonbow to the face build, so I don't want to just make a variant of that. But then I also have 4*+10 Brave Cherche so there's not much of a niche for her in my usual teams. Toying with the idea of Galeforce, adding the Speed refine, Desperation and the Heavy Blade seal. That's a lot of investment for a unit I don't see using that often though, and I'd probably want a stronger nature to push that build. I imagine a placeholder build would simply use her base kit plus Glimmer and Desperation, but any other interesting suggestions that don't break the bank?

If one day she gets demoted I'd love to +10 her, but I'll operate under the assumption that this will be the only copy I'll get.

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9 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Trying to think of something interesting to do with my +Def -HP Minerva. Already have a +2 Michalis who will get more merges eventually and is running the QR double boosted Moonbow to the face build, so I don't want to just make a variant of that. But then I also have 4*+10 Brave Cherche so there's not much of a niche for her in my usual teams. Toying with the idea of Galeforce, adding the Speed refine, Desperation and the Heavy Blade seal. That's a lot of investment for a unit I don't see using that often though, and I'd probably want a stronger nature to push that build. I imagine a placeholder build would simply use her base kit plus Glimmer and Desperation, but any other interesting suggestions that don't break the bank?

If one day she gets demoted I'd love to +10 her, but I'll operate under the assumption that this will be the only copy I'll get.

I would go with Moonbow over Glimmer since it scales better against enemies with high Def/Res.

Her base kit plus that and Desperation is fine.

If you plan to give her a Refinement down the line, Spd Refinement is superior to special Refinement since doubling more often is more important for getting kills than dealing an extra 10 damage.

For something different, you can can try running her as a Spd tank with Luna and Kestrel Stance/Atk/Spd Bond/Atk/Spd Push in the A slot.

There is also Firesweep Axe-Hit and Run, although I am not sure when they will release the axe.

Edited by XRay
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Quick question regarding ATK/SPD Push:

If I ran ATK/SPD Push along with one of the 2017 Spring weapons (Carrot Axe/Lance+ & Blue/Green Egg+), would the post-combat HP recovery offset the 1 damage from ATK/SPD Push to leave you at full HP?

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4 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Quick question regarding ATK/SPD Push:

If I ran ATK/SPD Push along with one of the 2017 Spring weapons (Carrot Axe/Lance+ & Blue/Green Egg+), would the post-combat HP recovery offset the 1 damage from ATK/SPD Push to leave you at full HP?

I believe this has already been tested, and the healing either occurs after damage or is simultaneous. Fury + Carrot Axe results in -2 HP after combat, which rules out healing coming first.

I don't remember if this was also tested for a unit starting at 1 HP.

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9 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Quick question regarding ATK/SPD Push:

If I ran ATK/SPD Push along with one of the 2017 Spring weapons (Carrot Axe/Lance+ & Blue/Green Egg+), would the post-combat HP recovery offset the 1 damage from ATK/SPD Push to leave you at full HP?

If Atk/Spd Push works like Fury, then Spring Festival Weapons should counteract the 1 damage. I tested SF!Camilla's Green Egg with Fury 1, and she heals 2 HP after combat.

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2 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Quick question regarding ATK/SPD Push:

If I ran ATK/SPD Push along with one of the 2017 Spring weapons (Carrot Axe/Lance+ & Blue/Green Egg+), would the post-combat HP recovery offset the 1 damage from ATK/SPD Push to leave you at full HP?

I tested Atk/Spd Push on my Spring Chrom and he recovered 3 instead of 4 HP if he started at full HP and triggered the skill.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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I've recently summoned F!Kana from the Draconic Aura banner and her IVs are [+Attack, -Defence]. Would Water Breath+ and Distant Counter be worth it? or should I go with Lightning Breath+ and Steady/Warding Breath? I'm thinking of putting her on my dragon emblem team for arena assault where she can fight both melee and magical enemies.

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5 hours ago, twinbladex said:

I've recently summoned F!Kana from the Draconic Aura banner and her IVs are [+Attack, -Defence]. Would Water Breath+ and Distant Counter be worth it? or should I go with Lightning Breath+ and Steady/Warding Breath? I'm thinking of putting her on my dragon emblem team for arena assault where she can fight both melee and magical enemies.

I would go with whichever A slot is cheaper, but if you want the best performance according to the calculator, you can go with this:

+Spd, -Res

Lightning Breath [Spd], Bonfire

Steady Breath, Quick Riposte

Close Def

Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury

Enemy Phase 174:27:77

Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Def, Speed +3] 174:37:67

For Water Breath-Distant Counter, this is the highest ratio I can get:

+Atk, -Res

Water Breath [Spd], Moonbow

Distant Counter, Quick Riposte

Speed +3

Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury

Enemy Phase 166:34:78

Or alternatively:

+Atk, -Res

Water Breath [Spd], Moonbow

Distant Counter, Wrath

Quick Riposte

Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury

Enemy Phase 172:61:45

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If you give a unit that already has blessing do they lose the blessing the already have?


Marth has wind blessing, so if I give him earth blessing does he lose his wind blessing?

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4 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

If you give a unit that already has blessing do they lose the blessing the already have?


Marth has wind blessing, so if I give him earth blessing does he lose his wind blessing?

Yes, the old one is gone forever.

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