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20 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I pulled another Brave Ike with the same tragic IVs as my main one~

Should I merge or fodder him off for Steady Breath on Nowi? 

Do you use him or like him a lot and/or intend to get BH Ike to +10 in the near future? If no, then give his Steady Breath to anyone you like. Another unit with Steady Breath probably outweighs the +2 stat points gained from merging BH Ike by 1 and especially one where you feel doesn't have an ideal or decent boon and bane.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Do you use him or like him a lot and/or intend to get BH Ike to +10 in the near future? If no, then give his Steady Breath to anyone you like. Another unit with Steady Breath probably outweighs the +2 stat points gained from merging BH Ike by 1 and especially one where you feel doesn't have an ideal or decent boon and bane.

Yeah, he's one of my more used units and I would like to +10 him at some point, but I'm in no real rush to do it. While I think Steady Breath could help Nowi since she's never had a good A skill and she's already +2. It probably would be more beneficial than just having +2 more stats on Ike~

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58 minutes ago, Rhubarb said:

I've a couple questions regarding Chill skills and units. 

1) How is it determined whether a Chill skill is best used over a B skill like Quick Riposte or Desperation? Armor B skills staying make sense. 

Quick Riposte is pretty much universal for enemy-phase units. However, because it is a Sacred Seal, you do have the option of running something else on the unit that holds the seal.

One of the defining features of Chill skills is the fact that they behave identically regardless of who on the team has it. Its effect does not depend on the unit's own stats or the unit's placement on the map. As such, the units that run Chill skills the best are ones that have less need for a different B skill, like one-hit-kill nukes and support units.


1 hour ago, Rhubarb said:

2) I've see some builds recommend Chill skills for supportive units like dancers. Catria with her Chill Res looks tempting to me (and I wouldn't mind a Tiki in the process) to put on Ninian (or save for Nils if he ever comes out) for Dragon Emblem. If dancers having Chill skills over say, WoM, is a thing, is there a Chill Skill considered best for dancers in general? And for dragon Dancers in Emblem, is Chill Res considered better than other Chills?

"Whatever your team needs the most."

It sounds like a cop-out answer, but it's really true. If your team consists only of slow units with guaranteed follow-up skills, Chill Spd is less useful than Chill Atk or Chill Def. However if your team consists of several fast units that rely on Desperation to survive combat, Chill Spd is extremely beneficial to ensure that your team can double in the first place, but Chill Atk is much less useful because Desperation prevents the opponent from attacking at all.

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With the introduction of L!Tiki, who isn't as easily disposed of as M!Grima, I genuinely worry about the amount of actual counterpicks I'll have for AA. I feel like my Julia will get whooped due to her lack of speed, Bartre whooped through low speed and Res, my Fae will probably struggle on my starting team, Falchions will fail to obliterate due to WTD/bulk, and since she will surely attract whales, resulting in many defensive teams with her, I do want to throw out the question "What budget counters are there even?" (besides Healers, since there is no counter to that, lol).

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19 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

"What budget counters are there even?" (besides Healers, since there is no counter to that, lol).

I'd just run healers, honestly---the only risk of healers is being out-maneuvered. If you get out-maneuvered by an armor you deserve to lose.


If you hated the idea of running healers at all then a combination of TA 3 units and regular, strong greens are more than enough. TA3 ruins the Bold Fighter set by attacking into Tiki, and regular strong greens cover the (very rare) CA sets, which don't have Bold Fighter.

TA-3 Anna, for example, should have no problem dumpstering even +10 Tiki. (Although you'll want a speed buff to ORKO.)

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

I'd just run healers, honestly---the only risk of healers is being out-maneuvered. If you get out-maneuvered by an armor you deserve to lose.


If you hated the idea of running healers at all then a combination of TA 3 units and regular, strong greens are more than enough. TA3 ruins the Bold Fighter set by attacking into Tiki, and regular strong greens cover the (very rare) CA sets, which don't have Bold Fighter.

TA-3 Anna, for example, should have no problem dumpstering even +10 Tiki. (Although you'll want a speed buff to ORKO.)

Oh, I don't mind running healers at all, but my worry lies within elemental coverage. Will I have enough counters to fill the week? I need to be sure I have enough bonus units to deal with the annoyance, and while I have healers for all elements, I might not have enough. Who knows how prevalent she will become, but, with the highest BST yet, I have a feeling she will be quite prominent. Also, even with TA, sometimes I worry that slow units will get whooped by doubles and specials, even with advantage, but maybe I'm just paranoid.

Will be resorting to TA3, I guess. I should inherit some of these, even while wondering if it is the be best pick, also Roys are limited sometimes. Regardless, I should probably prepare some extra units in advance. Guess my pitybreaker Hawkeye is actually going to be used after all, never thought I'd ever build him up.

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4 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Will be resorting to TA3, I guess. I should inherit some of these, even while wondering if it is the be best pick, also Roys are limited sometimes. Regardless, I should probably prepare some extra units in advance. Guess my pitybreaker Hawkeye is actually going to be used after all, never thought I'd ever build him up.

Note that emerald axes are also pretty decent if you're looking for a budget counter. (Titania is ideal for this with a Prf emerald axe, and excellent anti-dragon spread.)

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5 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Yeah, he's one of my more used units and I would like to +10 him at some point, but I'm in no real rush to do it. While I think Steady Breath could help Nowi since she's never had a good A skill and she's already +2. It probably would be more beneficial than just having +2 more stats on Ike~

I'd say give it to Nowi or some other manakete you're fond of. Nowi would perform quite well for you with Steady Breath, Quick Riposte, & Aether. If Nowi is doubled, Aether will activate on her follow-up riposte, so she potentially could be activating Aether on every engagement. This results in both excellent damage and excellent sustain. Used right, she can power through several rounds of combat without really taking damage, since Aether would be healing her back up. I'm very fond of this build on my +10 adult Tiki, and I frequently prioritize using similarly built manaketes for modes that use brigades (e.g., Rival Domains, etc.).

2 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Oh, I don't mind running healers at all, but my worry lies within elemental coverage. Will I have enough counters to fill the week? I need to be sure I have enough bonus units to deal with the annoyance, and while I have healers for all elements, I might not have enough. Who knows how prevalent she will become, but, with the highest BST yet, I have a feeling she will be quite prominent. Also, even with TA, sometimes I worry that slow units will get whooped by doubles and specials, even with advantage, but maybe I'm just paranoid.

Will be resorting to TA3, I guess. I should inherit some of these, even while wondering if it is the be best pick, also Roys are limited sometimes. Regardless, I should probably prepare some extra units in advance. Guess my pitybreaker Hawkeye is actually going to be used after all, never thought I'd ever build him up.

In addition to what DehNutCase said, you can also hand out some Firesweep weapons. While we're still waiting on a Firesweep Axe, the Firesweep Lance is in the 4* pool. The principle is the same as with healers, of course, and you'd probably want to pair them with a dancer so that you could adequately kite her. If you wanted a really budget build, you could even use a 4* Firesweep Lance or Sword with Poison Strike, and just deal chip damage and kite until stronger units can finally finish her off. It's at least an option to consider.

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Hmm, an excuse to 5* an Arthur for his confession, who also inherently deals with any lance/most blue... sure, why not. Sheena, Hawkeye, Arthur, Bartre and maybe Minerva and Camilla will get some love, joining my other strong greens in the process.

@DehNutCase @Astellius thx, for the input.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

I can't decide if Odin should have +ATK or +SPD.


His ATK is so god awful that I feel like he needs every ATK he can get, but then I realize Odin has good chance to double with his weapon refinery.

+Atk is slightly better, but the two are similar enough that it shouldn't matter. A lot of his builds optimize with his Sacred Seal slot being the other of the two stats anyways.

With Litrblade weapons, +Atk is typically the safer of the two options to aim for a one-hit kill against more opponents.

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I am doing full summons in the Legendary Heroes Focus since I do not really care who I get, but it feels like I am not getting as many 5* units compared to when I am sniping for a color on other Foci.

I assume it is more cost efficient to get 5* units if you do full summons than sniping, but is that assumption correct? Or is it more efficient to snipe certain colors like summoning only from green and colorless Orbs since both are more likely they will be 5*?

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9 hours ago, Astellius said:

I'd say give it to Nowi or some other manakete you're fond of. Nowi would perform quite well for you with Steady Breath, Quick Riposte, & Aether. If Nowi is doubled, Aether will activate on her follow-up riposte, so she potentially could be activating Aether on every engagement. This results in both excellent damage and excellent sustain. Used right, she can power through several rounds of combat without really taking damage, since Aether would be healing her back up. I'm very fond of this build on my +10 adult Tiki, and I frequently prioritize using similarly built manaketes for modes that use brigades (e.g., Rival Domains, etc.).

Cool, I've already got Aether on her, just tossed her to QR Seal (unless you recommend using it as her B-Skill) and just gave her SB~ After a couple test runs, loving Aether proc'ing so much faster now~

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I've noticed that it's taking longer for me to complete this Forging Bonds event than the previous two. I know that the character the friendship points go towards is random but is the chance of an enemy dropping any friendship points also random? Defeating an enemy doesn't necessarily always earn you points towards a character, right?

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6 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I know that the character the friendship points go towards is random but is the chance of an enemy dropping any friendship points also random? Defeating an enemy doesn't necessarily always earn you points towards a character, right?

Yes to both. There’s a fixed schedule to the multipliers at least:

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3 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Any tips on how I can maximize my score in Grand Conquest? I used up all the lances, and I am still in Tier 21

What difficulty level did you battle on? Did you reach the goals in the battles?
I usually battle on Infernal (not +), and get max kills and camps, and sometimes damage or destroy the fort, and am well past the T25 threshold long before my last lances are gone.

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2 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

@Vaximillian Thanks. So I was just a little unlucky with the RNG this time around. I thought I didn't equip the right accessories or something.

The accessories only increase the points you do manage to roll to get, not the rate at which you roll.

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

How do most people build Halloween Henry and V Lyn? I"m still trying to come up with a solid set for TOD Henry, but nothing good is coming up, due to them being speedy armor units, meaning that it's difficult for them to be doubled on the enemy phase.

TOD!Henry and LA!Lyn has several builds. The most common one I see people build here is something along the lines of [Owl [Spd/Def/Res], Iceberg, Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter]. You can also give them a Player Phase set with [Blade/(Any Weapon [Atk/Spd]), Moonbow/Iceberg, Swift Sparrow/Death Blow, Desperation/Bold Fighter]. Since they do not have access to Firesweep Weapons to abuse Armor Boots, I prefer to stick them with an Enemy Phase set.

I would give them both pretty much the same build:
+Spd, -HP/Res
Owl [Spd], Swap, Iceberg
Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter, Ward Armor
Close Def

Player Phase set 1:
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Blade/Any Weapon [Spd], Reposition, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury, Desperation, Armor March
Speed +3/Heavy Blade/Flashing Blade

If you are really into over killing things, here is Player Phase set 2:
+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Blade/Any Weapon [Atk], Reposition, Moonbow/Iceberg
Death Blow, Bold Fighter, Armor March
Attack +3/Heavy Blade

I do not remember people giving them a mixed phase build, but I think this is what it looks like:
+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Owl [Spd/Def/Res], Reposition/Swap, Moonbow
Close Counter, Bold Fighter, Armor March/Ward Armor
Quick Riposte



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27 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Any tips on how I can maximize my score in Grand Conquest? I used up all the lances, and I am still in Tier 21

Do you just want to hit T25 or are you actually interested in getting the highest possible score? Being in T21 at the moment is a perfectly good pace to get all the rewards, bearing in mind there's still one lot of quests still to do after tomorrow, two more lances from hitting T22-24, and 2.5 days worth of natural stamina recharges. That's about 11-12 full-scoring battles.

In general, I find just doing Lunatic gets there safely enough. Theoretically you can get to T25 with Hard battles but it ends up being more effort with having to optimise playing time to not waste any stamina.

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@Vaximillian @Humanoid I usually go with Lunatic difficulty, and most of the times I can get high score, plus I usually spend max stamina on every match I make. I also like to use brigades filled with units who gets the map bonus for me. So far I have not reached T25 once before.

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Cool, I've already got Aether on her, just tossed her to QR Seal (unless you recommend using it as her B-Skill) and just gave her SB~ After a couple test runs, loving Aether proc'ing so much faster now~

Glad you like it! It's a fun set on the manaketes. As for where to put QR on her, really, either the SS or the B-passive are good options, so go with whichever you prefer. One advantage to using the QR seal is that it frees up her B-passive to run Guard, which helps her out against common threats in the Arena, like Bold Fighter Zelgius. Being able to block out large burst damage from specials really helps her survivability, especially in the upper echelons. Hence this is a particularly good option if she's in your core Arena team, or if you were thinking of adding her to it.

The advantage to using QR as the B-passive, however, is that it frees up her SS slot to run something that will bolster her defenses, such as Distant or Close Def. You might find this more useful in some of the more difficult PvE content, where the enemies have vastly inflated stats.

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