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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

I have swap as well - i'm really low on repositions, and I got some cains today  so i can sacrifice Palla's moonbow. 

In an ideal world, I would use Reposition on everyone, but since Reposition is limited, I give Swap to most of my melee units while I reserve Reposition for my prized ranged units. Swap does have a slight advantage over Reposition in that it requires less space to work and it is better at fine tuning your formation.

You can also get Moonbow for Athena and Odin if you have them. I prefer to save Palla for Goad Fliers, but if you do not use a lot of fliers, then I would not worry about it too much.


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1 minute ago, XRay said:

In an ideal world, I would use Reposition on everyone, but since Reposition is limited, I give Swap to most of my melee units while I reserve Reposition for my prized ranged units. Swap does have a slight advantage over Reposition in that it requires less space to work and it is better at fine tuning your formation.

You can also get Moonbow for Athena and Odin if you have them. I prefer to save Palla for Goad Fliers, but if you do not use a lot of fliers, then I would not worry about it too much.


oh that's right. i can. 
(and thanks) I do have Athena too, so that's what i'll do. 

and agreed. I actually had a lot of Barsts... but this was before SI :( RIP all those awesome repositions.but. I have a tonne of Arthur, so yah, swap works. (or sometimes Pivot. I got some Erikas on standby). one thing this stupid Halloween banner gave me was a lot of options. I finally got Sothe so i can build one up 

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Looks like from all my summoning the closest I'm getting to +10 anybody from my heroes is Adult Tiki. I don't know, does it worth to invest in her that much, does she have any solid builds?

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

Looks like from all my summoning the closest I'm getting to +10 anybody from my heroes is Adult Tiki. I don't know, does it worth to invest in her that much, does she have any solid builds?

She's one of the most popular units to +10 out of anyone and with good reason. All she needs is Quick Riposte really, whether by skill or by seal. Beyond that, you just add Fury for a budget build (or Sturdy/Steady Stance perhaps which have finally become available at 4*). The premium build is of course Steady Breath + Aether. Not a lot of variety admittedly but it's the tried and true.

The 3-4* dragons in general are very popular merge candidates because there's basically no competition for their slots - unlike something like swords for instance, you can't make the "wrong" choice because there's only one option. Furthermore, being DC tanks means they benefit from pretty much all their stats, so merging is more beneficial compared to some units who only realistically care about one or two of their stats. Unfortunately Tiki doesn't get the trainee BST boost like Nowi and Fae do, but on the flipside, she's the most durable of them regardless with nicely min-maxed stats.

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Got a neutral Lene yesterday.

Usually all my melee dancers get Fury (OG Olivia, NY!Azura) or TA3 (OG Ninian, OG Azura, PA!Azura), so I want to try something new with her. She won't see Arena ever, Arena Assault perhaps. 

A-Slot: I could give her Steady Stance once I get my first 4* Silas (no hurry here). Sturdy Stance (from LB!Dorcas) or Close Defense would work too, but seems a little expensive for a unit which won't make it into my important teams. 

B-Slot: Her vanilla skill is ok, but I could give her Escape Route for TTs. QR fodder is always rare to me and her SPD of 35 should suffice to not get doubled in PvE content all the time. I'm open for creative ideas though. 

C-Slot: A buff, probalby Hone ATK or SPD. 

Special: Moonbow it is. 

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11 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Is a Speed boon or an Attack boon more optimal for L'Arachel? I plan on having her keep Ivaldi, but I dunno which boon would be more beneficial.

Speed ensures doubling. 34 speed boon + 3 from Ivaldi = 37. Throw in Darting Blow and the upcoming spd/def seal for more bulk, cause L'arachel has problems with it. Dump her res. She doesn't need it. If you want ploy usage then use Fury for the A-slot. That'll make up for the res bane

Edited by silveraura25
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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Is this a good build for Hallow Myrrh?


Ignis is fine if you only plan to use her on Enemy Phase. If you plan to use her on both phases, I recommend running Moonbow so she will always activate a Special.

11 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Is a Speed boon or an Attack boon more optimal for L'Arachel? I plan on having her keep Ivaldi, but I dunno which boon would be more beneficial.

Unless the unit is a Brave nuke or a Def/Res tank, you generally want to always go +Spd.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Unless the unit is a Brave nuke or a Def/Res tank, you generally want to always go +Spd.

@Fire Emblem Fan

A lot of units, particularly the ones that are already fast (and therefore frail), get slightly more mileage out of +Atk for their first round of combat. However, +Spd is almost always strictly better after Desperation is active.

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On 10/10/2018 at 11:05 AM, XRay said:

I prefer TOD!Jakob over LB!Niles too, but LB!Niles can run Firesweep Bow without needing Bold Fighter, so he is a bit cheaper to build overall.

On Enemy Phase however, I prefer LB!Niles since he has a color and can tank reds. TOD!Jakob can tank everyone equally, but as a tank, it is better to be specialized against a color to further reduce damage. Having a weakness to another color is not a huge issue since no competent player would match a blue tank to green enemy nuke, so having a weakness is barely a downside when that weakness is not going to be exposed to the enemy in the first place.

Sorry for being a repeating record, but thank you for the 54374376th time! 

In that case, what do you recommend for his B skill?

Special Fighter makes the most sense, however, I'm still seeing pairing of Bold Fighter for him - which cases would Bold Fighter be a better fit? 

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2 minutes ago, Rhubarb said:

Sorry for being a repeating record, but thank you for the 54374376th time! 

In that case, what do you recommend for his B skill?

Special Fighter makes the most sense, however, I'm still seeing pairing of Bold Fighter for him - which cases would Bold Fighter be a better fit? 

For Player Phase, TOD!Jakob needs Bold Fighter while LB!Niles can use anything you want. If you are using Firesweep Bow, I think Bold Fighter is better to guarantee doubles.

For Enemy Phase, both can run Special Fighter and Quick Riposte Sacred Seal.

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12 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Looks like from all my summoning the closest I'm getting to +10 anybody from my heroes is Adult Tiki. I don't know, does it worth to invest in her that much, does she have any solid builds?

Adult Tiki can be an extremely powerful unit, and she easily ranks as one of the best units in the 3*-4* pool to turn into a 5*+10 unit. The manaketes just tend to be extremely powerful units in general. I usually have Tiki set as my helper unit, so, if you're interested, you can try her out for yourself in Rival Domains. Her ability to tank things shouldn't be underestimated, and she's regularly the most crucial unit in my clears of endgame content like the Abyssal maps.

For builds, Tiki invariably wants Quick Riposte, since she is a slow enemy phase unit. The premium build is Steady Breath + QR + Aether, which usually allows her to activate Aether on her second attack if the enemy initiates the battle. She has an exceptional defensive stat, so she'll take minimal damage most of the time from physical assaults, and Aether allows her to heal up on almost every engagement. If you're going to +10 her, it would probably be worth it to try to pull some Steady Breath fodder sometime in the future. Brave Ike shows up on banners often enough. Steady or Sturdy Stance would also be good budget options in the meanwhile.

QR can be run either in the B-slot, with the seal going to something like Distant Def, or as the seal, freeing up the B-slot for Guard.

I also prefer to run Lightning Breath+ over her personal weapon. The built-in DC is very nice.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

@Fire Emblem Fan

A lot of units, particularly the ones that are already fast (and therefore frail), get slightly more mileage out of +Atk for their first round of combat. However, +Spd is almost always strictly better after Desperation is active.

What if there is no Desperation?

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12 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What if there is no Desperation?

Then you should probably give her Desperation.

+Atk typically has better performance if you're expecting to be fighting opponents with Distant Counter since it pushes a few more one-hit kills. If Distant Counter isn't an issue, I might lean towards +Spd.

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29 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Then you should probably give her Desperation.

+Atk typically has better performance if you're expecting to be fighting opponents with Distant Counter since it pushes a few more one-hit kills. If Distant Counter isn't an issue, I might lean towards +Spd.

M'kay, gotcha. I was leaning towards B Tomebreaker, buuuut then discovered only a single unit has it. And it's a GHB unit. So I'm not sacrificing that limited unit.

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hmm. I have a + speed/ - res H1Myrrh and a + attack/ - defense H!Myrrh 

according to the spreads, + speed doesn't really do her much so i should merge that one into my  my high attack one. 
(i added a crap tonne of skills into both. Pivot, Ignis, Death Blows, Armoured Blows) so i figure that should help the defense deficiency 

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@Humanoid @Astellius Thanks for the information. I did try some builds in Unit Builder, and a Res+ Spd- might be a better option for me in this case (rather than Atk+). Repo, Aether, QR3 looks a no-brainer already, if I buff up her Res significantly, she could also run some Ploy. (and nice mixed defense)

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4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

hmm. I have a + speed/ - res H1Myrrh and a + attack/ - defense H!Myrrh 

according to the spreads, + speed doesn't really do her much so i should merge that one into my  my high attack one. 
(i added a crap tonne of skills into both. Pivot, Ignis, Death Blows, Armoured Blows) so i figure that should help the defense deficiency 

Def is LB!Myrrh's most important stat, so I would go with [+Spd, -Res]. You do not want Def to be a bane.



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I pulled a -hp/+atk Halloween Mia from the current banner and I can't really decide how to build her. I'll give her wrathful staff as her b-skill, dazzling staff as her weapon refine and hone fliers as her c-skill. I don't know however if it's worth keeping the rest of her original kit (staff, support, special and a-skill)... What would the best option be?

I also am unsure about which a-skill and b-skill give to my +atk/-def Brave Lucina... For the b-skill I had thought about desperation, but then I saw that wrath was also recommended... Which one would be the best?

And as a last question, I was keeping a spare Zelgius as a possible Fierce stance/Panic Ploy fodder... Is it worth giving those abilities to some units or should I merge this Zelgius into the one I'm already using?

Thanks in advance to those who will read all this and will give me some advice.


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1 hour ago, Yukiko said:

I pulled a -hp/+atk Halloween Mia from the current banner and I can't really decide how to build her. I'll give her wrathful staff as her b-skill, dazzling staff as her weapon refine and hone fliers as her c-skill. I don't know however if it's worth keeping the rest of her original kit (staff, support, special and a-skill)... What would the best option be?

For her Weapon, I would stick with Witchy Wand since it is unique and pretty useful. However, I also like Pain, Candlelight, and Gravity, so if you have the resources, you can give her multiple Weapons and change it on a whim. I personally find Pain the most useful since I use it a lot in Arena Assault. Candlelight is fun, but I do not have much reason to use it since I run lots of Firesweep nukes who can already disable counter attacks. Gravity is fun too, but since my Arena Assault teams are pretty mobile already, I have found the need to immobilize the enemy.

For her Assist, she is already equipped with Recover, the best healing Assist in my opinion. If you need some special effect in addition to healing, Physic allows you heal from a distance while Restore gets rid of debuffs and negative status effects. Martyr and Rehabilitate are not as good in my opinion.

For her Special, I prefer her default Imbue or Heavenly Light. If you want something else, there is Firestorm Balm from AOTB!Veronica.

For her A slot, I would wait for Atk/Spd Solo to come out and give her that. In the mean time, I would just stick with Speed +3 or Attack +3.

1 hour ago, Yukiko said:

I also am unsure about which a-skill and b-skill give to my +atk/-def Brave Lucina... For the b-skill I had thought about desperation, but then I saw that wrath was also recommended... Which one would be the best?

Player Phase wise, Wrath is better for first round performance while Desperation is better for second round performance and beyond.

1 hour ago, Yukiko said:

And as a last question, I was keeping a spare Zelgius as a possible Fierce stance/Panic Ploy fodder... Is it worth giving those abilities to some units or should I merge this Zelgius into the one I'm already using?

This depends on your playstyle. I personally prefer buffs over Ploys, so I would not prioritize Ploys personally. But if you like Ploys, you should definitely use it.

Fierce Stance is not very useful in my opinion. I think only Leo can get away with running it without much detriment. I think Jeorge may run it decently well too, but I do not think he can run Enemy Phase builds as well as Leo since Parthia cannot prevent doubles like Brynhildr can. In general, most tanks want Spd, Def, or Res in addition to Atk. Having only Atk does not increase their performance much since they do not have enough of other stats to survive.


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48 minutes ago, XRay said:

For her Assist, she is already equipped with Recover, the best healing Assist in my opinion. If you need some special effect in addition to healing, Physic allows you heal from a distance while Restore gets rid of debuffs and negative status effects. Martyr and Rehabilitate are not as good in my opinion.

@Yukiko While I agree that Recover is the best healing assist in the game, I don't personally agree that Martyr is not as good. Rehabilitate, yeah it's fallen from grace, but Martyr is as strong as Physic and Restore, but also heals the staff user by half their missing HP, which in my opinion is a great assist for the role of nukes that Staff units have inherited, since they can then pack Miracle and have a safe way to get back HP once they are forced to trigger Miracle without having to take either the Renewal B slot or the Live to Serve SS. I don't find much value in the healed HP boost, but the base heal is still the same as Physic or Restore, and Restore is still somewhat rare (and if I remember correctly, I don't think it can be used on a statused target unless they have missing HP).

At the very least, I'd put it on par with Physic and Restore, but still below Recover. Oh what have you become Rehabilitate...

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45 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@Yukiko While I agree that Recover is the best healing assist in the game, I don't personally agree that Martyr is not as good. Rehabilitate, yeah it's fallen from grace, but Martyr is as strong as Physic and Restore, but also heals the staff user by half their missing HP, which in my opinion is a great assist for the role of nukes that Staff units have inherited, since they can then pack Miracle and have a safe way to get back HP once they are forced to trigger Miracle without having to take either the Renewal B slot or the Live to Serve SS. I don't find much value in the healed HP boost, but the base heal is still the same as Physic or Restore, and Restore is still somewhat rare (and if I remember correctly, I don't think it can be used on a statused target unless they have missing HP).

At the very least, I'd put it on par with Physic and Restore, but still below Recover. Oh what have you become Rehabilitate...

I guess it depends on your playstyle whether you need the healer to heal itself. Since I normally do not let my healers get attacked, the self healing does not do anything for me. I guess if the player uses Azama and Wrys a lot to tank hits, then yeah, Martyr is pretty good on them.

For LB!Mia though, I guess you can use her as an emergency Res tank, but like at most once a battle though, so I do not think that justifies running Martyr on her in my opinion unless you specifically build her as a Res tank and have her be hit on purpose.

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