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6 hours ago, Sasori said:

I've been looking through my barracks and saw another skill that I don't quite know what to do with. In this case its atk/res solo. 

Units like Sanaki and Deirdre might appreciate it. +6 res helps them mage tanks and the extra attack is nice. They lack the speed to reliably double though so I was also looking at some more speedy mage alternatives like Soren and Lugh.

Sanaki and Soren rely on allies near them, so they wouldn't get much benefit out of it. I'd probably give it to :Diadora: over :Lugh: , she has an effective weapon and he might prefer a speed-boosting A skill like Kestrel Stance, if you happen to have any to spare...


6 hours ago, Sasori said:

And lastly I have death blow 4 from a second Celica. I think i'm going to give it to brave bow Gordin, but perhaps you guys have people in mind who can use the skill a lot better.

Any unit with a Brave weapon/guaranteed doubles works well enough, though somebody like Cherche or Ephraim could take the opportunity to learn Galeforce as well.

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13 hours ago, Sasori said:

Units like Sanaki and Deirdre might appreciate it. +6 res helps them mage tanks and the extra attack is nice. They lack the speed to reliably double though so I was also looking at some more speedy mage alternatives like Soren and Lugh.

Sanaki is too slow to double, and you actually want Sanaki to be doubled so she can trigger Iceberg. Deirdre is in the same boat.

If you are building Spd tanks, their A slot should boost Spd and either Def or Res depending on what they are tanking. Skills on the A slot that boost Atk/Res are ill suited for Spd tanks since they need the Spd to avoid doubles. The extra Atk does not really do anything for them if they are dead from being doubled before they can hit back with Quick Riposte. If you are running an A skill that does not boost Spd, then you really have to make sure to Spd stack their nature, Weapon Refinement, and Sacred Seal to make up for it.

I also would not give most tanks Solo skills since tanks generally need a lot of buff support from being near allies to function properly.

Solos work best on units that frequently break formation and/or operate independently. For Atk/Res Solo, I would give it to a dual phase unit that either has a Meister effect or can make guaranteed doubles on both phases. Off the top of my head, this narrows down WOT!Reinhardt, Hríd, Keaton, LL!Ephraim, and Yune. WOT!Reinhardt, Keaton, and LL!Ephraim got shit Res and Hríd already comes with Distant Counter, so I would give Atk/Res Solo to Yune if you have her.

13 hours ago, Sasori said:

I've also been sitting on a second legendary Ryoma for centuries. Are there any heroes that would like Kestrel stance?

I would give it to Spd tanks with enough bulk to not need a boost to Def or Res.



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So ive got lots of premium fodder atm but idk what characters utilize the skills the best.

who uses sorcery blade 3 well? Her other skills are amazing as well but thats the most rare. Laegjarn has R duel flying but honestly dont care for the skill so what about distant guard 3? First time ive gotten my hands on the skill. 

Also for my corrin i was thinking of giving her Lightning breath with aether. Thoughts on this? The atk/spd debuff is super amazing but having DC is amazing as well so just wanted others input before i put the feathers into the idea.




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10 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

who uses sorcery blade 3 well? Her other skills are amazing as well but thats the most rare.

Absolutely no one. Like A slot Blades and Defiants, Sorcery Blade is horrible. Not only is an A slot Atk boost often times adequate or more preferable, it also does not have the stupid positioning and team composition requirements as Sorcery Blade.

Spd Tactic is much more useful and valuable.

12 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

Laegjarn has R duel flying but honestly dont care for the skill so what about distant guard 3? First time ive gotten my hands on the skill. 

I would give it to Kaden or M!Corrin, who are the two best buffers in the game right now. A pair of Close Guard and Distant Guard gives Def/Res+4, which is a little more than a pair of Drive Def and Drive Res that gives Def/Res+3.

22 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

Also for my corrin i was thinking of giving her Lightning breath with aether. Thoughts on this? The atk/spd debuff is super amazing but having DC is amazing as well so just wanted others input before i put the feathers into the idea.

If you do not have Steady Breath or Warding Breath to go with it, the only Special I would run is Moonbow. Anything else just takes way too long to charge. For F!Corrin, since she has decent Spd, I still would not recommend Aether even if she has both Lightning Breath and an A slot Breath as she cannot activate Aether against slower foes. Bonfire is a better option in my opinion if you are running Lightning Breath-Steady Breath/Warding Breath.

The goal is to trigger a Special during every round of combat, and if that is not possible, then as frequently as possible. Aether's damage output sucks compared to Luna (higher frequency) and Bonfire (higher frequency and higher damage when triggered), and the healing is often negligible. If you need sustainability, it is better to delegate sustainability to a separate dedicated unit like Eir, Herons, and healers.

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So... Boey. +Atk to patch up his noodle arm or +Def to rely on his special for big damage? He's going to be used as an AA counter but he's getting one merge to fix his asset/flaw.

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7 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

So... Boey. +Atk to patch up his noodle arm or +Def to rely on his special for big damage? He's going to be used as an AA counter but he's getting one merge to fix his asset/flaw.

Depends on what you wanna use him for. +Atk would help him take out Colorless and Blue if he were to take a TA3 Raventome set, and +Def would improve his physical bulk elsewhere, especially Owltome. Mine is being used for TA3 Raventome right now.

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2 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

So... Boey. +Atk to patch up his noodle arm or +Def to rely on his special for big damage? He's going to be used as an AA counter but he's getting one merge to fix his asset/flaw.

I would keep him at 4*+10 rather than 5*+1, as 4*+10 is both cheaper and got higher stats.

If he is running a Gronnraven build, +Atk is not necessary with Glimmer and Triangle Adept, so I would go with +Def, as he is going to need all the Def he can get against SK!Alm.

Against 5*+10+5 (fully merged and Flowered) SK!Alm that Atk stacks and has 6/6/6/6 buffs, Boey will need to be at least 5*+4+0 or 4*+10+1 if Boey has no buffs.

Unless you plan to take him all the way to 5*+10, with his shit Res, he is not going to reliably tank blue mages even with Triangle Adept, so there is no point in raising his Res unless you are fully pimping him out. Tanking Reinhardt does not require much Res as you can simply run Deflect Magic if Distant Def is used elsewhere.

Challenger List:


Boey (4*+10 +def -spd)  
Weapon: Gronnraven+  
Special: Glimmer  
A: Triangle Adept 3  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Distant Def 3  
Boey (5*+1 +def -spd)  
Weapon: Gronnraven+  
Special: Glimmer  
A: Triangle Adept 3  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Distant Def 3  

Enemy List: All enemies are fully Dragonflowered and got 6/6/6/6 buffs.


Reinhardt (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Dire Thunder  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Death Blow 4  
C: Goad Cavalry  
S: Heavy Blade 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Death Blow 4  
B: Null Follow Up 3  
C: Odd Atk Wave 3  
S: Attack 3  
Delthea (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Dark Aura  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 3  
B: Desperation 3  
C: Drive Atk 2  
S: Flashing Blade 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  
Tailtiu (5*+10 +atk)  
Weapon: Tome Of Thoron  
Special: Luna  
A: Swift Sparrow 2  
B: Desperation 3  
C: Drive Spd 2  
S: Flashing Blade 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  


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Wonder how good OG Lyn would be with Flashing Blade 4. Thinking of the following build:

eff. Sol Katti
Flashing Blade 4
Wrath 3
Def Ploy 3
Brazen Atk/Def 3

Or is she better off with Death Blow 4 or Brazen Atk/Spd or Brazen Atk/Def in her A-slot with Moonbow?

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45 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Wonder how good OG Lyn would be with Flashing Blade 4. Thinking of the following build:

eff. Sol Katti
Flashing Blade 4
Wrath 3
Def Ploy 3
Brazen Atk/Def 3

Or is she better off with Death Blow 4 or Brazen Atk/Spd or Brazen Atk/Def in her A-slot with Moonbow?

Even if she goes +Spd with that build, she only has 40 Speed at 0 merge, which is far below what most any unit would want to be running as an offensive Speed-based unit.

She could fix some of the problem with Darting Blow SS and maybe one of the Spd Waves, but she otherwise doesn't quite match up to the speed of other Infantry Swords, even if she does have the advantage of Desperation Assault on Sol Katti.

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4 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Wonder how good OG Lyn would be with Flashing Blade 4. Thinking of the following build:

eff. Sol Katti
Flashing Blade 4
Wrath 3
Def Ploy 3
Brazen Atk/Def 3

Or is she better off with Death Blow 4 or Brazen Atk/Spd or Brazen Atk/Def in her A-slot with Moonbow?

As @Xenomata said, if you run Flashing Blade 4, you pretty much have to run Darting Stance Sacred Seal.

If you want something more reliable once in Desperation range, I would go with Brazen Atk/Spd-Flashing Blade, or skip Flashing Blade entirely and run dual Brazens, which is what I think is best for maximizing kills once Lyn is in Desperation range. If you are running Brazens though, be aware that it might be difficult getting into Desperation range without Bolt Traps outside of Aether Raids.
Sol Katti [special]
Brazen Atk/Spd
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Res — Brazen Atk/Def

Dual Brazens guarantee you an extra 14 damage per hit while Flashing Blade-Darting Stance gives you only an extra 5 damage per hit. The deficit is 9 damage per hit or 18 damage when Lyn doubles. Specials help narrow the damage gap, but the damage gap is still there and pretty significant:
If the average Def is say 30, Luna gives an extra 15 damage when triggered, which averages to about 7.5 damage per hit for a total of 12.5 damage per hit; Moonbow gives an extra 9 damage when triggered, which averages to about 4.5 damage per hit for a total of 18.5 damage per hit. The deficit is 6 damage per hit, or 12 damage when Lyn doubles.
If average Def is 40, Luna gives 20 damage, which averages to 10 damage per hit for a total of 15 damage; Moonbow gives 12 damage, which averages to 6 damage per hit for a total of 20 damage. The deficit is 5 or 10 damage.
If average Def is 50, Luna gives 25 damage, which averages to 12.5 damage per hit for a total of 17.5 damage; Moonbow gives 15 damage, which averages to 7.5 damage per hit for a total of 21.5 damage. The deficit is 4 or 8 damage.
The damage gap basically narrows the higher the foe's Def is, but you also need to keep in mind that the higher the foe's Def, the more likely they would also run Guard as a tank, which basically means you are back to the original massive deficit of 18 damage per hit.

Challenger List: I tested it against Hard Enemies, with boths sides being 5*+10 and running 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Challengers are also at 1 HP. Lyn with Flashing Blade-Darting Stance has 5/0/0/0 in combat buffs to simulate Flashing Blade 4.


Lyn (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Sol Katti  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Spur Spd 3  
S: Brazen Atk Res 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Sol Katti  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Spur Spd 3  
S: Flashing Blade 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Sol Katti  
Special: Luna  
A: Flashing Blade 3  
B: Wrath 3  
C: Spur Spd 3  
S: Darting Blow 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  


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Thanks for the advice, but i'm gonna need to make a quick correction. I meant Julia, rather then Deirdre. They are similar units, but maybe she benefits a bit more with the close counter against dragon refine she has.

On 7-5-2019 at 4:40 AM, Baldrick said:

Sanaki and Soren rely on allies near them, so they wouldn't get much benefit out of it. I'd probably give it to :Diadora: over :Lugh: , she has an effective weapon and he might prefer a speed-boosting A skill like Kestrel Stance, if you happen to have any to spare...


Any unit with a Brave weapon/guaranteed doubles works well enough, though somebody like Cherche or Ephraim could take the opportunity to learn Galeforce as well.

I do have a spare Kestral stance and Lugh might be a good use of it....maybe. His tome gives him the added res bulk and he's +speed so the boost from Kestral stance would bring it up to high levels. Though he would be a bit limited since the skill would only really be usefull against enemy mages.

I actually haven't refined Soren yet which brings me to another question. Is he a good candidate to refine his weapon. A owl effect is cool, but i'm still not sure if its 200 dew cool. He already hits decently hard with decent speed at the moment so i'm wondering just how much he'd benefit.

On 7-5-2019 at 11:32 AM, XRay said:

Sanaki is too slow to double, and you actually want Sanaki to be doubled so she can trigger Iceberg. Deirdre is in the same boat.

If you are building Spd tanks, their A slot should boost Spd and either Def or Res depending on what they are tanking. Skills on the A slot that boost Atk/Res are ill suited for Spd tanks since they need the Spd to avoid doubles. The extra Atk does not really do anything for them if they are dead from being doubled before they can hit back with Quick Riposte. If you are running an A skill that does not boost Spd, then you really have to make sure to Spd stack their nature, Weapon Refinement, and Sacred Seal to make up for it.

I also would not give most tanks Solo skills since tanks generally need a lot of buff support from being near allies to function properly.

Solos work best on units that frequently break formation and/or operate independently. For Atk/Res Solo, I would give it to a dual phase unit that either has a Meister effect or can make guaranteed doubles on both phases. Off the top of my head, this narrows down WOT!Reinhardt, Hríd, Keaton, LL!Ephraim, and Yune. WOT!Reinhardt, Keaton, and LL!Ephraim got shit Res and Hríd already comes with Distant Counter, so I would give Atk/Res Solo to Yune if you have her.

I would give it to Spd tanks with enough bulk to not need a boost to Def or Res.



Oof those are all units I don't have. But essentially high move/flying units who can dubble and want to attack on both phases. I'll keep that in mind and see if I have anything.

As for the spd tanks with enough bulks. I think Mkana comes closest to that with 35def/33 res on enemy phase. His refine gives him 36 speed. Kestral stance would boost that to 40, up his mediocre attack and he'd still have his balanced defensive stats to fall back on. However he does do a good job already with his brazen def/res.

Libra to a lesser extent since he reaches similar speed as Kana with his axe refine, while also having avarage mixed defenses.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Challenger List: I tested it against Hard Enemies, with boths sides being 5*+10 and running 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Challengers are also at 1 HP. Lyn with Flashing Blade-Darting Stance has 5/0/0/0 in combat buffs to simulate Flashing Blade 4.

Note that that will put you 1 damage off per hit against blue and green enemies because Flashing Blade's additional damage is not affected by weapon triangle. And if I'm not mistaken, Flashing Blade's additional damage does not activate if the user doesn't satisfy the Spd check condition.


12 minutes ago, Sasori said:

Thanks for the advice, but i'm gonna need to make a quick correction. I meant Julia, rather then Deirdre. They are similar units, but maybe she benefits a bit more with the close counter against dragon refine she has.

Regular Naga is better for baiting dragons whereas Divine Naga is better against almost everything else (including player phase against dragons).

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5 hours ago, Sasori said:

I actually haven't refined Soren yet which brings me to another question. Is he a good candidate to refine his weapon. A owl effect is cool, but i'm still not sure if its 200 dew cool. He already hits decently hard with decent speed at the moment so i'm wondering just how much he'd benefit.

If you want Player Phase nuking, Spd Refinement is better since he will need to break formation often. If you use him as a tank more, then the Owl Refinement is better. If you do not see yourself using Soren often though, then I would not bother Refining his Weapon.

4 hours ago, Sasori said:

Oof those are all units I don't have. But essentially high move/flying units who can dubble and want to attack on both phases. I'll keep that in mind and see if I have anything.

High movement is not necessary, as regular infantry will work fine too, although I would not recommend armor units since they have a hard time retreating.

As long as the unit can reliably hit twice either via Meister effect or have guaranteed doubles, Atk/Def Solo or Atk/Res Solo will work fine on them.

Atk/Res Solo is best on Yune. WOT!Reinhardt, Keaton, and LL!Ephraim would appreciate Atk/Def Solo more in my opinion. While Hríd could use Atk/Res Solo since he got decent Res, Atk/Res Solo feels like a downgrade compared to his default Distant Counter.

Although DW!Y!Tiki that is coming out is an armor unit, her C slot essentially turns her into an infantry unit, so I think she would also be a decent candidate for Atk/Res Solo if you want her to run the classic dual phase Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte.

5 hours ago, Sasori said:

As for the spd tanks with enough bulks. I think Mkana comes closest to that with 35def/33 res on enemy phase. His refine gives him 36 speed. Kestral stance would boost that to 40, up his mediocre attack and he'd still have his balanced defensive stats to fall back on. However he does do a good job already with his brazen def/res.

I do not recommend Brazens for Enemy Phase units since they need their HP for tanking and keeping other Enemy Phase skills like Guard and Quick Riposte up.

5 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

@Xenomata @XRay

So Death Blow 4 is still basically the best A-skill for Lyn then combined with Moonbow. Alright.

Depends. Brazen Atk/Spd is better over all in my opinion since she still needs the Spd to double opponents that cannot counter attack. If you are only using Lyn against units that can counter attack, then Death Blow 4 would be superior to Brazen Atk/Spd.

If you want ease of use, then I think Fury would be your best bet. Life and Death is also good for dropping her bulk to make sure she takes enough damage and it is more powerful than Fury too, but it is a bit more risky since Fury's increased bulk and recoil damage makes dropping her HP safer.

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5 hours ago, Sasori said:

I actually haven't refined Soren yet which brings me to another question. Is he a good candidate to refine his weapon. A owl effect is cool, but i'm still not sure if its 200 dew cool. He already hits decently hard with decent speed at the moment so i'm wondering just how much he'd benefit.

Non-cavalry ranged units are rather easy to position next to 1 ally during player phase so he could get +2 to all stats during player phase. But he does gain +2 bulk and +3 speed from a speed refine. You lose 2 points of attack for that 1 extra speed while still retaining that +2 bulk. If you ask me speed is more important, but it's up to you really as to what you want. However, owltomes can lend themselves usually 2 allies during enemy phase so he might be able to do some stuff as a situational tank against ranged enemies. He wouldn't be your main for that thing, just an option against someone like say Rein, Julia or Niles.

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39 minutes ago, redlight said:

Non-cavalry ranged units are rather easy to position next to 1 ally during player phase so he could get +2 to all stats during player phase.

That depends on the mode whether you can afford to waste a unit's turn to basically do nothing except babysit Soren to activate his Owl effect.

On difficult content such as Aether Raids and Abyssal maps, this is highly impractical and unviable. You simply cannot afford to have another unit babysit Soren to give him extra stats on Player Phase, as you will be overwhelmed by foes rushing towards you because the other unit is babysitting Soren instead of killing things.

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So with his new weapon, Lukas is packing more raw attack power, and I'm wondering if I should switch my Lukas' Attack boon to a Defense boon in order to regain that tiny bit of lost bulk. Then again, 3 points of attack doesn't grow on trees. Any opinions? 

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4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

So with his new weapon, Lukas is packing more raw attack power, and I'm wondering if I should switch my Lukas' Attack boon to a Defense boon in order to regain that tiny bit of lost bulk. Then again, 3 points of attack doesn't grow on trees. Any opinions? 

Def tanks wants to stack their Def as high as possible. The more Def they have and the less likely they are to die, the more likely they will retaliate with Quick Riposte to kill something. Think of each Atk as worth 1 point in stats, but each Def is worth 1.4 points in stats. Atk just gives you a flat increase in Atk, but Def is worth 1 point in Def AND 0.4 points in damage due to Ignis. Switching to +Def means Lukas is theoretically gaining an extra 1.2 in stats.

Challenger List: Against Hard List, melee and physical enemies only. Both sides 5*+10, both sides with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. I have also tested Lukas without buffs, and Steady Stance does better without buffs, while Steady Breath does better with buffs.


Lukas (5*+10 +def -spd)  
Weapon: Daybreak Lance  
Special: Ignis  
A: Steady Stance 4  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lukas (5*+10 +atk -spd)  
Weapon: Daybreak Lance  
Special: Ignis  
A: Steady Stance 4  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lukas (5*+10 +def -spd)  
Weapon: Daybreak Lance  
Special: Ignis  
A: Steady Breath  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lukas (5*+10 +atk -spd)  
Weapon: Daybreak Lance  
Special: Ignis  
A: Steady Breath  
B: Quick Riposte 3  
S: Close Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  


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What A-skill would be better for Naesala between Atk/Spd Solo and Sturdy Impact? I don't know if I should try to search for another Fallen Corrin or if I should save my orbs for Tibarn, when he'll be a focus unit again. I don't know how important this is to choose the skill, but my Naesala is +9 and will be +10 as soon as possible.

I also have two Fjorms that I want to merge. Which should I use as a base? The neutral one or a +Res one?

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33 minutes ago, Yukiko said:

What A-skill would be better for Naesala between Atk/Spd Solo and Sturdy Impact?

Atk/Spd Solo. Sturdy Impact's defensive properties does nothing for Naesala once he activates Desperation.

38 minutes ago, Yukiko said:

I also have two Fjorms that I want to merge. Which should I use as a base? The neutral one or a +Res one?

I highly recommend keeping them separate. You want to keep the neutral one unmerged to easily follow guides to get all the rewards the game throws at you. In my opinion, it is better to be safe than sorry.

If you already have another neutral Fjorm or do not care about following guides, then I would go with +Res, assuming you are using her primarily as a mage tank. Fjorm has better physical bulk and Atk with neutral though, so if you want her to focus more on the melee side of things, neutral is better in that regard.

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For the sake of future preparation, any thoughts for how I should build Nowi as a future +10? Current is +Atk with two merges, and right now she's just a blue dragon with Fury 3, QR3, and Res forged Lightning Breath and Bonfire.

Just looking at her raw statline, keeping her Atk high would be an alright idea, though there's other blue dragons with higher (COUGH-TIKI-COUGH) and that have other advantages, and I'd prefer keeping my units at least semi-unique. In that sense, I don't want to build on her Defense due to already having numerous Defense-focused Blues, let alone two high-defense Lances at +10. Building on her Res right now wouldn't be that costly either (her Lightning Breath+ is already Res refined). There's the idea of building her Speed up, but... no. Despite Darting Stance being a seal, it's not viable so long as there's not a Darting Breath skill.

So the current paths I'm considering would be to build on her Atk (which is good for an early-game manakete) or her Res (which all things considered, is pretty good for someone with natural access to a DC weapon). Giving her a Breath skill would be ideal, since she has a longer Special charge from Lightning Breath, and both Fierce and Warding Breaths I am more than able to provide.

I don't need either path in particular. Both paths I already own elsewhere in the Blue category, heck I'm not sure she's even going to be my next +10 (probably going to do Odin once the Brides are rerun). But since Nowi is a particular personal favorite character... what's wrong with spoiling her a little?

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34 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

For the sake of future preparation, any thoughts for how I should build Nowi as a future +10? Current is +Atk with two merges, and right now she's just a blue dragon with Fury 3, QR3, and Res forged Lightning Breath and Bonfire.

Just looking at her raw statline, keeping her Atk high would be an alright idea, though there's other blue dragons with higher (COUGH-TIKI-COUGH) and that have other advantages, and I'd prefer keeping my units at least semi-unique. In that sense, I don't want to build on her Defense due to already having numerous Defense-focused Blues, let alone two high-defense Lances at +10. Building on her Res right now wouldn't be that costly either (her Lightning Breath+ is already Res refined). There's the idea of building her Speed up, but... no. Despite Darting Stance being a seal, it's not viable so long as there's not a Darting Breath skill.

So the current paths I'm considering would be to build on her Atk (which is good for an early-game manakete) or her Res (which all things considered, is pretty good for someone with natural access to a DC weapon). Giving her a Breath skill would be ideal, since she has a longer Special charge from Lightning Breath, and both Fierce and Warding Breaths I am more than able to provide.

I don't need either path in particular. Both paths I already own elsewhere in the Blue category, heck I'm not sure she's even going to be my next +10 (probably going to do Odin once the Brides are rerun). But since Nowi is a particular personal favorite character... what's wrong with spoiling her a little?

For tanks in general, +Atk is the worse Asset in my opinion since it contributes the least towards performance. Even +HP or neutral is better in my opinion due to being able to better survive and retaliate with Quick Riposte. I am also not a huge fan of Fierce Breath for the same reason. Unless the tank can emulate infinite or high bulk via Seliph's Miracle or Myrrh's and armor units' Omnibreaker/Wary Fighter, tanks should stick with stacking Def, Res, and/or Spd depending on their type.

For Nowi, I would turn her into a Def/Res tank. If you give her +Res, Def Refinement, and Warding Breath, Nowi at +10 will have perfectly balanced 38/38 Def/Res on Enemy Phase, and you can run whatever you want on the Sacred Seal slot to make those numbers higher and/or unbalance it.


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22 minutes ago, XRay said:

For tanks in general, +Atk is the worse Asset in my opinion since it contributes the least towards performance. Even +HP or neutral is better in my opinion due to being able to better survive and retaliate with Quick Riposte. I am also not a huge fan of Fierce Breath for the same reason. Unless the tank can emulate infinite or high bulk via Seliph's Miracle or have Myrrh's and armor units' Omnibreaker/Wary Fighter, tanks should stick with stacking Def, Res, and/or Spd depending on their type.

For Nowi, I would turn her into a Def/Res tank. If you give her +Res, Def Refinement, and Warding Breath, Nowi at +10 will have perfectly balanced 38/38 Def/Res on Enemy Phase, and you can run whatever you want on the Sacred Seal slot to make those numbers higher and/or unbalance it.


Huh... this is certainly the first I heard that opinion, both about +Atk on tanks and Fierce Breath. (probably should have noted such though, given the lack of... really ever hearing about Fierce Breath since L!Tiki's release)
Though I like the idea of mixed Defenses on her, especially how symmetrical those Def/Res numbers look... and that'd make quite the trio of +10 EP Blues. Lukas the blunt force wall, Oboro the melee armorsbane, and Nowi the Distant Counter adept... Well I'll keep an eye out for +Res. Not much else I can do til then, at least besides prepping her skillset for when the day comes.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Atk/Spd Solo. Sturdy Impact's defensive properties does nothing for Naesala once he activates Desperation.

I highly recommend keeping them separate. You want to keep the neutral one unmerged to easily follow guides to get all the rewards the game throws at you. In my opinion, it is better to be safe than sorry.

If you already have another neutral Fjorm or do not care about following guides, then I would go with +Res, assuming you are using her primarily as a mage tank. Fjorm has better physical bulk and Atk with neutral though, so if you want her to focus more on the melee side of things, neutral is better in that regard.

Ok, I understand. Thank you for the advice!

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On 5/7/2019 at 6:17 PM, Zihark11 said:

who uses sorcery blade 3 well?

Anna, Lloyd, and Takumi due to how their unique refined weapons work. Anna can teleport anywhere basically with unique refined Noatun making it easier for her to position herself for Sorcery Blade's conditions, similarly, unique refined Fujin Yumi allows Takumi to move to any space when he's within 2 spaces of an ally, but has a lowered terrain cost for its base effect instead of Escape Route 3, and unique refined Regal Blade requires Lloyd to be near mage infantry allies for its in combat buff.

That said, other skills like Fury would be cheaper and more practical, especially for Anna and Lloyd who have very low base defense for melee units and don't have as easy of a time buffing their defense like Selkie. Takumi would give up his default Close Counter and Fujin Yumi isn't that great of a weapon to some because of its effects.

Edited by Kaden
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