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Since Spring Inigo is in the limited Manual Exchange this month, and his only really "good" fodder is G Duel Flying 4, it got me thinking.

Would Yune make a good Arena support? Mine is +10 so with GDF4 I'm pretty sure she'd be scoring pretty high, and her supportive ability of inflicting penalties on the enemy en masse PLUS Panic in a game mode where the enemy tends to pack Rallys because they score higher would theoretically make killing them a lot easier with any bonus unit.
The problem I'm thinking of is how many units have the Neutralize Penalties on Unit effect, if not the effects of Unity (ESPECIALLY with LegM!Robin in play) reversing all Penalties into bonuses.

Currently my Arena team is LegAzura (Dancer who also grants Move +1), Summer Leonie (Firesweep + double Poison Strike + Fatal Smoke), and Brave Lucina (Drive all stats). All are +10 and have their respective Duel 4 skills, but the one I'm considering replacing is Lucina because her support just... isn't that amazing anymore if I'm honest. Helpful sometimes, but not doing enough.

I also have R Duel Infantry 4, G Duel Infantry 4, and C Duel Flying 4 on units I've been keeping in my barracks, plus the B Duel Infantry 4 in the normal 4 exchange, if making Arena Supports with them would be a better idea. among the units I have, the following seem like good Arena supports:

  • Nah can grant Def/Res +6 and a Special Charge +1 effect at the start of turn, while using any Assist with Hubert triggers a Ruse that inflicts Atk/Def/Res -7, Guard, and Exposure on the enemies hit.
  • Technically Rafiel is just a regular dancer, but as long as I remember to utilize the Ally Support function he'll be the Quickened Pulse seal for the bonus unit of the week.
  • Spring Triandra grants the currently rare [Foe Penalty Doubler] effect, can inflict some penalties when she dances, and having Firestorm Dance 3 by default means she can grant the Desperation effect to any unit she wants. Heck, she'd technically make an awesome duo with Yune if only I had one more team slot to work with...
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58 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Since Spring Inigo is in the limited Manual Exchange this month, and his only really "good" fodder is G Duel Flying 4, it got me thinking.

Legendary Male Robin is very prevalent in the Arena right now and probably will remain prevalent in future Earth seasons, so I'm not sure how much help Yune would be. Yune also has the disadvantage of being a Mythic Hero, which means she will only contribute blessing points during Dark season, though seeing as you're using Legendary Azura in your core, you don't really care about that. If you're going to use debuff support in the Arena, it's probably best to use a unit where you can choose when to activate the debuff effect.


As far as units that I think can be worth using as Arena support (I don't know what you have, so I'm just recommending from the entire unit pool):

Legendary Male Robin himself is a good support unit since he functionally evens the field against an opposing Legendary Male Robin as well as just being a good offensive unit on top. Duo Chrom is similar, but can only do it once per map in exchange for having other support effects.

Hubert, Thrasir, and Duo Thorr all inflict Exposure, and Thrasir and Thorr are also good offensive units. Thorr's Duo skill can also remove the opponent's Grand Strategy once per map.

Fae grants +5 to all stats to all allies within 2 spaces. Astram grants +6 and is also giant ball of stats (and is already in the 175 stat tier and can probably run a combat A skill instead of Duel). Askr and Duo Askr grant both Resonance buffs and "Joint Drive Time's Pulse". Nah is fine if you find yourself using the Special charge rate boost.

Spring Triandra is solid. Fallen Ninian grants a Special charge rate boost with her dance and also inflicts stat debuffs and Guard. Legendary Ninian is a combat dancer with a limited Sweep effect and a Galeforce effect after dancing.

Legendary Lucina grants a player-phase guaranteed follow-up when using her Assist in addition to debuffs.

Walhart is Walhart and can potentially allow your Leonie to use a stronger weapon (like Arcane Nastrond or Whitecap Bow) in exchange for only being able to target the units hit by Wolf Berg.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Legendary Male Robin is very prevalent in the Arena right now and probably will remain prevalent in future Earth seasons, so I'm not sure how much help Yune would be. Yune also has the disadvantage of being a Mythic Hero, which means she will only contribute blessing points during Dark season, though seeing as you're using Legendary Azura in your core, you don't really care about that. If you're going to use debuff support in the Arena, it's probably best to use a unit where you can choose when to activate the debuff effect.


As far as units that I think can be worth using as Arena support (I don't know what you have, so I'm just recommending from the entire unit pool):

Among those you mentioned, the only ones I outright don't have are LegM!Robin and regular Askr.
I'm not confident that the need of raw stats is quite there anymore, though I have already given regular Fae G Duel Infantry 4 (mainly so she can maximize my Arena Assault score)

I will say I'm leaning more toward Hubert or Spring Triandra, knowing that choosing when to inflict debuffs would be ideal... but then I also have LegLucina to guarantee follow-ups... but I need to keep Leonie around to forcibly remove HP... But Walhart can just delete all counterattacks... ugh, only having 3 open teamslots makes this hard...

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On 3/20/2023 at 1:14 PM, Ice Dragon said:

For example, I only spend Forma Souls on Grail units. When a Grail unit is announced (or datamined) for an upcoming Hall of Forms, I go to the drawing board and immediately figure out what kind of build I want on them. Then, when the Hall of Forms event begins, I focus all of my efforts towards making sure that unit gets that build.

In line with this, my alt account just got Magical Lantern on Veronica. Having a tricked out Vero on one of my accounts is something I would like to do, and this seems like a good opportunity. Could I get some recommendations on what to look for, as well as knowledge on whether that's a good weapon to go for? It sure looks like it and the next best skill I was offered was a Seal 4 so I assumed that was the correct choice.

Also forgot my alt account has three Duo Cordelia, one ATK Boon, one SPD Boon, one Neutral. Do I merge the spares or use them for fodder, and which one do I use as base? For context, alt account currently leads with a +10 OG Cordelia with Galeforce, Darting Blow 4, Sudden Panic(I was trying it out last time I pulled my alt up, I usually use Desperation), and ATK Smoke 3, with Heavy Blade as the Seal. Support Units are three Dancers(Ishtar, Eldigan, Lachesis), so if I were using the two spares for fodder one would probably go to the OG Cordelia.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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19 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

In line with this, my alt account just got Magical Lantern on Veronica. Having a tricked out Vero on one of my accounts is something I would like to do, and this seems like a good opportunity. Could I get some recommendations on what to look for, as well as knowledge on whether that's a good weapon to go for? It sure looks like it and the next best skill I was offered was a Seal 4 so I assumed that was the correct choice.

I feel whatever weapon she gets from the event will feel like a placeholder for the Arcane Blue Tome, whenever that arrives. Magical Lantern+ is a good weapon, however the it's quite easy to get since it's on a Grail unit, either from one of the copies you already got from the TT or spending 100 grails to grab another. That's assuming you're not planning to merge up Desert Soren of course, in which case you'd value him higher.

Alternatively, there's also Drifting Grace+ which normally comes from Scion Lewyn, a little rarer since he's a 4-star seasonal focus, but then he's also available at the first tier of Divine Codes 3. Then there's Flora Guide+ which is from Summer Lute, who was given out as an Ephemera manual last year. So out of the three recommended weapons, there are alternative ways to get all three of them, albeit Soren's is the most readily available.

The rest of the recommended skills for ranged cavalry is very samey these days:

Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Catch or Remote Sparrow
S/R Far Trace
Atk/Spd Menace (or a Tier 4 Smoke skill I guess)

Edited by Humanoid
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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I feel whatever weapon she gets from the event will feel like a placeholder for the Arcane Blue Tome, whenever that arrives. Magical Lantern+ is a good weapon, however the it's quite easy to get since it's on a Grail unit, either from one of the copies you already got from the TT or spending 100 grails to grab another. That's assuming you're not planning to merge up Desert Soren of course, in which case you'd value him higher. There's also Drifting Grace+ which normally comes from Scion Lewyn, a little rarer since he's a 4-star seasonal focus, but then he's also available at the first level of Divine Codes 3. Then there's Flora Guide+ which is from Summer Lute, who was given out as an Ephemera manual last year. So out of the three recommended weapons, there are alternative ways to get all three of them, albeit Soren's is the easiest.

The rest of the recommended skills for ranged cavalry is very samey these days:

Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Catch or Remote Sparrow
S/R Far Trace
Atk/Spd Menace (or a Tier 4 Smoke skill I guess)

I actually didn't do that TT with...either account, I think, actually. I'll keep an eye out for Flora Guide, since I'm 99% certain I missed getting that manual.

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52 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

In line with this, my alt account just got Magical Lantern on Veronica. Having a tricked out Vero on one of my accounts is something I would like to do, and this seems like a good opportunity. Could I get some recommendations on what to look for, as well as knowledge on whether that's a good weapon to go for? It sure looks like it and the next best skill I was offered was a Seal 4 so I assumed that was the correct choice.

Magical Lantern and Drifting Grace are the two best weapons for Veronica. If you can, grab a Spd refine, but don't worry too much if you can't get the right refine.

Magical Lantern is easier to obtain, but costs Grails and can be more expensive if you use Grails for merges. One copy of Drifting Grace is readily available from Divine Codes 3 from the first manual on its track, but additional copies need to be pulled from a 4-star Special Hero.

As far as combat performance, Drifting Grace is generally better due to granting +5 Spd from its base effect (+7 with a Spd refine); however, Magical Lantern grants +1 Special charge rate and better mobility due to its ability to ignore trenches.


Special skills should always be chosen for their rarity first, then for their performance in Hall of Forms since Special skills are either extremely rare or extremely common with nothing in between. Ruptured Sky is therefore the best choice, followed by Blue Flame.

Assist skills don't really matter that much, so just get something that scores well in the Arena in case you ever need something for score. Like Special skills, Assist skills are all either extremely rare or extremely common with nothing in between. I prefer Rally Atk/Spd+ or Harsh Command+ since they're generally useful.

Ranged cavalry don't have many options for A skills. It's basically either Atk/Spd Catch 4 for more stats or Remote Sparrow for damage reduction. Remote Sparrow is rarer, so I'd prioritize it over Atk/Spd Catch.

The best skills for the B slot are S/R Far Trace and Guard 4. Guard 4 is harder to get, but both are still quite rare, so it's your pick. S/R Far Trace grants more mobility and offensive stats, whereas Guard 4 helps survive counterattacks.

The best skills for the C slot are Atk/Spd Menace and Def/Res Smoke 3. Atk/Spd Menace grants more immediate power and is good for picking off units one at a time, whereas Def/Res Smoke is better for a more aggressive playstyle and is harder to get. Alternative options include Fatal Smoke, Panic Smoke 4, and C Feud.



Valentine Veronica
Magical Lantern+ [Spd] / Drifting Grace+ [Spd]
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+ / [any other two-stat Rally+]
Ruptured Sky / Blue Flame
Remote Sparrow / Atk/Spd Catch 4
S/R Far Trace 3 / Guard 4
Atk/Spd Menace / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Fatal Smoke 3 / Panic Smoke 4 / C Feud 3
[Sacred Seal doesn't matter]


52 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Also forgot my alt account has three Duo Cordelia, one ATK Boon, one SPD Boon, one Neutral. Do I merge them or use them for fodder, and if merge which one do I use as base?

Use the Atk or Spd Asset as a base. An Atk Asset is better if you can reliably activate Dual Strike (for example, in Aether Raids defense), whereas a Spd Asset is better if you can't (for example, in Resonant Battles).

Her skills are okay to use as fodder, but there are easier ways to get the important ones:

Atk/Spd Clash 4 is available from the standard pool from Brave Seliph and is only a side-grade compared to other options like Surge Sparrow and Atk/Spd Catch 4.

Flow Guard is a very good skill, but it's available from Thorr, who has predictable reruns due to being a Mythic Hero.

Def/Res Hold is not in particularly high demand because it's only really useful on support units and on units that target the lower defensive stat, and for the latter, it's usually still better to run the Atk/Res or Spd/Res versions instead since most units have lower Res than Def (and the ones that don't often have garbage Def).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Debating who should get Arcane Qiang. My +3 Nephenee or my +2 Phila (who I plan to eventually +10).

I’m slightly leaning towards Phila, since she could also get canto from Alfred.

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1 hour ago, Karuu30 said:

Debating who should get Arcane Qiang. My +3 Nephenee or my +2 Phila (who I plan to eventually +10).

I’m slightly leaning towards Phila, since she could also get canto from Alfred.

I would personally prioritize whoever you expect to use more often since skill inheritance efficiency is only efficient if you actually use the unit afterwards.

As far as stats go, Phila has slightly better offenses than a hypothetical Resplendent Nephenee at equal merges, but that comes at a cost of having pretty bad physical bulk, which can be rather troublesome for a melee unit. Meanwhile, Nephenee has access to infantry skills, which are generally stronger than flier skills and can make up for the difference in stats, but only if you actually have access to them.

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14 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

Debating who should get Arcane Qiang. My +3 Nephenee or my +2 Phila (who I plan to eventually +10).

I’m slightly leaning towards Phila, since she could also get canto from Alfred.

If you use both often enough, I lean towards giving it to Nephenee. Nephenee already got her Refine (which is not great by today's standards), while Phila has not. While it might take a while for Phila to get her Refine, once she gets it, it will probably be around the same power level as Arcane Qiang. Unless they do re-Refines, Nephenee is not getting another chance to bring her Weapon slot up to par with modern units. While there are some really good regular inheritable Weapons, they are not at the same level as Arcane Weapons and exclusive Weapons.

Flow N Trace is rare, but there is an alternative source (Karla: Spring Reveries) for it if you really want it, and it comes back every year and you can plan for it. Arcane Qiang on the other hand only has a single source, and it is much harder to obtain and plan for since their reruns are a lot less predictable.

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By the time Phila's refine rolls around in 2026-27, there's probably be three other Arcane Lances released. And another dozen common-pool lance fliers too. And likely a new Nephenee. 😉

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

If you use both often enough, I lean towards giving it to Nephenee. Nephenee already got her Refine (which is not great by today's standards), while Phila has not. While it might take a while for Phila to get her Refine, once she gets it, it will probably be around the same power level as Arcane Qiang.

Assuming they continue to release 4-star refines at a rate of exactly 1 per month, Phila's refine is 45 months away (46 months if Ricken goes first for some reason). That's January 2027. "Might take a while" is a severe understatement.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Assuming they continue to release 4-star refines at a rate of exactly 1 per month, Phila's refine is 45 months away (46 months if Ricken goes first for some reason). That's January 2027. "Might take a while" is a severe understatement.

Hm... That is true. I guess by that point, an argument could be made that Arcane Weapons would probably be in the regular summoning pool by then.

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6 hours ago, XRay said:

Hm... That is true. I guess by that point, an argument could be made that Arcane Weapons would probably be in the regular summoning pool by then.

If Rearmed Heroes follow Duo Ephraim in getting added to the 4* special rate with the rest of their banners, we should get the first batch (Lif, Robin, Ganglot, Ophelia, and Alfred) around August 2025. Although continuing current patterns would also suggest the 4* special pool will be very big by then.

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Heyo, is me again.

I managed to finally get Spring Camilla after fricking like 7 years. I assume you all can guess the question at this point. I have a spare Arthur so I was contemplating giving her the Vulture Tome and the Menace, only to discover that I don't have Threaten SPD/RES on anyone else. Obviously there are characters who could make better use of the Menace as well, so I'm not really sure what else to do here. There's a Summer Sylvain Manual in the Compile shop that has a weapon that's at least a little better than my current other option, Valentine's Lilina, but Gronnblade also exists I guess? I feel like Spring Camilla's base ATK is bad enough that there's really nothing else I can do, but I wanted to be sure.

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Heyo, is me again.

I managed to finally get Spring Camilla after fricking like 7 years. I assume you all can guess the question at this point. I have a spare Arthur so I was contemplating giving her the Vulture Tome and the Menace, only to discover that I don't have Threaten SPD/RES on anyone else. Obviously there are characters who could make better use of the Menace as well, so I'm not really sure what else to do here. There's a Summer Sylvain Manual in the Compile shop that has a weapon that's at least a little better than my current other option, Valentine's Lilina, but Gronnblade also exists I guess? I feel like Spring Camilla's base ATK is bad enough that there's really nothing else I can do, but I wanted to be sure.

First off, Threaten Spd/Res was invented alongside Spd/Res Menace. It's not available from anyone else.

Second, normally I'd say to skip building Spring Camilla completely, but I'll assume that you're set on building her and point you to another weapon you could give her: Gronndeer from the recently released Bastian, which is a Green Tome copy of Spider Plush (from Halloween Sophia), with Bastian himself being a 3*/4* unit.

It's not the same as Vulture yes, but unlike Vulture you're more likely to get multiple copies of it over time. And while I assume you don't have any copies of Bastian yet, you'll probably run into him at some point, and there isn't a rush to build Camilla. I'd say give her Gronndeer, figure out if you like using her, and then make the choice of giving her Gronnvulture from there. Also remember that Plegian Tharja has a Seasonal variant of Gronnvulture in the Plegian Torch. If you don't like using her, you could always go the placeholder build of Gronnraven/TA3 or, as you observed, Gronnblade.

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Heyo, is me again.

I managed to finally get Spring Camilla after fricking like 7 years. I assume you all can guess the question at this point. I have a spare Arthur so I was contemplating giving her the Vulture Tome and the Menace, only to discover that I don't have Threaten SPD/RES on anyone else. Obviously there are characters who could make better use of the Menace as well, so I'm not really sure what else to do here. There's a Summer Sylvain Manual in the Compile shop that has a weapon that's at least a little better than my current other option, Valentine's Lilina, but Gronnblade also exists I guess? I feel like Spring Camilla's base ATK is bad enough that there's really nothing else I can do, but I wanted to be sure.

Odds are, we'll get a stronger inheritable green tome sometime this year from a Rearmed Hero. I'd suggest waiting for that, at least before going for any big commitments. In the meantime, it's easy enough to just run with stuff like Gronnblade, Gronnraven, or Gronndeer.

I don't think her Atk is bad, per se. She has a base of 35 and can get 20 dragonflower upgrades, for a total of 39, or 42 with +Atk Asset. It's just not quite as high as you'd usually expect out of a unit that tends to be unimpressive otherwise.

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3 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Heyo, is me again.

I managed to finally get Spring Camilla after fricking like 7 years. I assume you all can guess the question at this point. I have a spare Arthur so I was contemplating giving her the Vulture Tome and the Menace, only to discover that I don't have Threaten SPD/RES on anyone else. Obviously there are characters who could make better use of the Menace as well, so I'm not really sure what else to do here. There's a Summer Sylvain Manual in the Compile shop that has a weapon that's at least a little better than my current other option, Valentine's Lilina, but Gronnblade also exists I guess? I feel like Spring Camilla's base ATK is bad enough that there's really nothing else I can do, but I wanted to be sure.

Compared to other Menace skills, Spd/Res Menace is relatively low in priority. Unless the unit already has a source of Atk buffs from their weapon or you don't have the resources to get a better Menace skill, it's generally better to run an Atk/* Menace depending on which secondary stat is more useful to buff or debuff.

It's worth noting specifically for Gronnvulture that its Foe Penalty Doubler effect only applies to Atk/Res, which lends itself more to Atk/Res Menace, especially on slower units.


If you have the resources to give her both Gronnvulture and Atk/Res Menace and there are no other units you'd give them to and you don't want to wait for an Arcane green tome, I'd go with that route. Otherwise, it's probably a better use of resources, particularly in the short-term, to run Gronndeer from Bastian or Gronnblade from Nino as your weapon with whatever C skill you can get your hands on and wait for an Arcane green tome to be released before settling on a build with premium skills in it.

As far as stats are concerned, Spring Camilla's base Atk can be brought up to 39 with Dragonflowers, which is not particularly bad. When running older units, you're kind of expected to be maxing out their Dragonflowers, after all.

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So I always feel a bit overwhelmed when I work on a build. But what do people think of this? Anything I need to be on the hunt for other than the inheritable arcane sword thing?

I keep changing the seal, so any recommendations on that would be helpful too.



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4 hours ago, Dylan Corona said:

So I always feel a bit overwhelmed when I work on a build. But what do people think of this? Anything I need to be on the hunt for other than the inheritable arcane sword thing?

I keep changing the seal, so any recommendations on that would be helpful too.

If you're running Slaying Edge or Arcane Eljudnir with Vital Astra, it's slightly more optimal to run Time's Pulse 4 and a Dodge skill (preferably tier 4) in the B slot, though this isn't too high of a priority. If you're not in a hurry, it's best to wait for better tier-4 Dodge skills (like Spurn or Velocity) to be released. Otherwise, you basically have everything you need at the moment.

As far as the Sacred Seal, anything that boosts Atk/Spd and has a condition that you can work with will do fine.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're running Slaying Edge or Arcane Eljudnir with Vital Astra, it's slightly more optimal to run Time's Pulse 4 and a Dodge skill (preferably tier 4) in the B slot, though this isn't too high of a priority. If you're not in a hurry, it's best to wait for better tier-4 Dodge skills (like Spurn or Velocity) to be released. Otherwise, you basically have everything you need at the moment.

As far as the Sacred Seal, anything that boosts Atk/Spd and has a condition that you can work with will do fine.

Spd Smoke 4 has a dodge effect. Do they stack? Or am I misunderstanding you haha.

And yeah, I only have TP 3 at the moment, otherwise I'd use it.

Thanks for the help!

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5 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

Spd Smoke 4 has a dodge effect. Do they stack?

DR stacks, but multiplicatively. For example, if you have two sources of 50% DR, it reduces the damage you take by 75%.

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1 minute ago, Dylan Corona said:

Spd Smoke 4 has a dodge effect. Do they stack? Or am I misunderstanding you haha.

And yeah, I only have TP 3 at the moment, otherwise I'd use it.

Thanks for the help!

The idea is consistency. While Spiral and Spd Smoke will give you dodge and looping Vital Astra, TP4 and a dodge skill in B do the same thing without the downtime(Lyn doesn't have VA up until she's already started looping it, Spd Smoke doesn't work in her first combat of a phase. In your build, for Lyn's first combat of a map, she has no DR at all). I do think there's a place to run Spiral 4 despite lower consistency, because it has the alternate upside(being cutting through DR), but spiral 3 has no such upside. If you don't have the fodder available I wouldn't worry about it too much, since it's mostly an optimization thing.

Notes on the build itself, I would definitely switch off of the Atk refined Slaying Edge for the Spd refine. And for the seal, as was mentioned earlier, Atk/Spd seals are a good shout, although Blade Session wouldn't be near the top of my list since it's player phase only, and one of the strengths of this sort of build is it's mixed phase potential. I'll also shout out the NFU and Quickened pulse seals. Followup manipulation is ubiquitous and NFU is a very strong effect as a result. It's kind of a trade off, you lose some potential to contest super fast stuff without stats in seal, but you improve all of your low-mid speed matchups heavily with NFU. QP is notable in that it will precharge your Vital Astra t1, helping your loop and giving you DR from the start of a map. 

When you get her an arcane sword, you don't really need NFU anymore since it comes with omnibreaker built in, but QP is still a consideration unless you switch over to Time's Pulse.

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16 minutes ago, Ether said:

The idea is consistency. While Spiral and Spd Smoke will give you dodge and looping Vital Astra, TP4 and a dodge skill in B do the same thing without the downtime(Lyn doesn't have VA up until she's already started looping it, Spd Smoke doesn't work in her first combat of a phase. In your build, for Lyn's first combat of a map, she has no DR at all). I do think there's a place to run Spiral 4 despite lower consistency, because it has the alternate upside(being cutting through DR), but spiral 3 has no such upside. If you don't have the fodder available I wouldn't worry about it too much, since it's mostly an optimization thing.

Notes on the build itself, I would definitely switch off of the Atk refined Slaying Edge for the Spd refine. And for the seal, as was mentioned earlier, Atk/Spd seals are a good shout, although Blade Session wouldn't be near the top of my list since it's player phase only, and one of the strengths of this sort of build is it's mixed phase potential. I'll also shout out the NFU and Quickened pulse seals. Followup manipulation is ubiquitous and NFU is a very strong effect as a result. It's kind of a trade off, you lose some potential to contest super fast stuff without stats in seal, but you improve all of your low-mid speed matchups heavily with NFU. QP is notable in that it will precharge your Vital Astra t1, helping your loop and giving you DR from the start of a map. 

When you get her an arcane sword, you don't really need NFU anymore since it comes with omnibreaker built in, but QP is still a consideration unless you switch over to Time's Pulse.

Okay, I see. Yeah unfortunately I don't have those skills right now, but this definitely gives me units to hunt for besides the arcane weapon. So thanks! 

So as it stands I have two units I really want to try to pull, the Arcane one and Nino with TP4? Which Dodge skill do you recommend?

Edited by Dylan Corona
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4 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

Okay, I see. Yeah unfortunately I don't have those skills right now, but this definitely gives me units to hunt for besides the arcane weapon. So thanks! 

So as it stands I have two units I really want to try to pull, the Arcane one and Nino with TP4? Which Dodge skill do you recommend?

As of right now, Repel 4(Lucia) and Close Call 4(Alear) are the best dodge skills, just because they're the ones with a t4 version. Spurn 3 is more common and still pretty good, while Velocity and Frenzy are more rare. Velocity is usually the call because of it's tempo effect, but with TP4 or Spiral you don't really need it to loop VA. When one of the latter 3 get a t4 version, they should be preferable over Repel of Close Call. 

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