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8 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Moonbow and Draconic Aura are generally reliable options; Moonbow is good if your Kagero can consistently double via LaD/Spd+ boon (or both), though otherwise I'd go with DracAura. My Kagero is HP+ AND has the HP+3 special seal thing for a nice hefty 37 HP but I'm pretty sure Moonbow will still outdamage Reprisal 90% of the time lol so I'm going with that myself, being that I've got a pretty good pool of moonbow fodder haha ;; 

Ah, I wish I'd seen this earlier.

I tossed Chilling Wind and Iceberg onto Kagero because of her high RES and Warding Blow making Iceberg a fairly potent damage-dealing choice for her (not sure if Iceberg outdamages Draconic Aura (I think it does, if I have the way it works right: Draconic Aura just gives 30% of ATK as additional damage like Chilling Wind gives 50% of RES as additional damage, yeah?), but I think it'll outdo Moonbow outside of high-DEF enemies). I can't give anyone Life and Death at the moment, since my only option for that is the Hana I want to keep (and I can't see myself pulling another one in the near future, since I'll be sticking strictly to Grays this banner... I won't be able to put Life and Death on anyone in the near future unless my 5-Star chance gets reset by Jaffar showing up before I can get a Faye, in which case I'll keep this in mind), so I think this is the better option. Plus, I don't have much in the way of Moonbow or Draconic Aura fodder, while I have multiple Shannas so it was easy to mulch one for Iceberg. I might go Glacies instead tho... I'm honestly not 100% sure what I should do with Kagero right now... Fortunately I still have a ways to go before I have to actually decide anything, haha.

Thank you for your suggestions though! I'll keep them in mind if I ever have spare Moonbow/Draconic Aura fodder, and/or pull another Kagero (which I may soon, given that I'll be pulling nothing but Grays this banner unless I get a Faye).

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25 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

A Swordmaster Draug.

The more information, the better!

Now, if you have Literally Everything at your disposal:

Weapon: Wo Dao+
Special: Moonbow
Assist: Some repositioning skill
A slot: Distant Counter
B slot: Quick Riposte 3
C slot: Threaten Defense 3

He should double fairly consistently, which means that he'll be able to charge up Moonbow very quickly - and once that goes off, his target dies.  The +10 from Wo Dao's activation should help to kill off just about everyone.  On on the off-chance that his target doesn't die, Threaten Defense will soften them up.  The only non-blue that will be able to do anything about this is Hana with her default weapon.

But since that's a lot of bling, here's a cheaper build:

Weapon: Brave Sword+
Special: Bonfire
Assist: Some repositioning skill
A slot: Life and Death 3/Fury 3
B slot: Swordbreaker 3
C slot: Threaten Defense 3

Bonfire is used despite Life and Death 3. because Draug's defense is through the roof anyway.  With this build, you'll take out every last green unit, and most reds (the only ones that survive a round of combat are Hinata, Draug, and Henry, with the non-armors escaping by 1 HP).  Don't attack Est, she'll murder you.  If Life and Death 3 is out of the question, Fury 3 can be used instead, but you'll get out of Swordbreaker range faster, and Tharja will survive.

Edited by eclipse
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34 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

A Swordmaster Draug.

@eclipse No, you don't understand, we have, right here, possibly the only unit ever that could use the armor-slayer well.


Draug with +Spd/-Res, Armor-slayer+, Fury 3 || Atk + 3, Moonbow, Quick Riposte, and +1 Atk seal will 1RKO EFFIE ON DEFENSE.


Edit: Kappa.

Edited by DehNutCase
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43 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Henry can't compete with Odin in his niche---his low speed means he gets destroyed due to doubles.

Odin with +Spd/-Atk, Fury 3, +3hp seal only needs a +3 buff to speed in order to survive literally every single ranged character (without B-Tomebreaker). I checked the worst case scenario via L&D 3 with a +8 buff to def and res (to simulate the best cases of L&D and Fury 3 at once).

edit: I even checked brave bows, and not even braves can kill Odin since he's bulky enough to just tank the 40+ damage double hit.


But yeah, his lackluster offenses means he won't be getting any counter kills off that bulk unless you buff him like crazy.

No yeah that's true (Henry's Res is also quite bad unfortunately, poor Henry), I was thinking more along the lines of using Distant Counter to be an EP check to physical threats since that’s all Henry can survive ;; (though he’s pretty good at that much at least...)

21 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Ah, I wish I'd seen this earlier.

I tossed Chilling Wind and Iceberg onto Kagero because of her high RES and Warding Blow making Iceberg a fairly potent damage-dealing choice for her (not sure if Iceberg outdamages Draconic Aura (I think it does, if I have the way it works right: Draconic Aura just gives 30% of ATK as additional damage like Chilling Wind gives 50% of RES as additional damage, yeah?), but I think it'll outdo Moonbow outside of high-DEF enemies). I can't give anyone Life and Death at the moment, since my only option for that is the Hana I want to keep (and I can't see myself pulling another one in the near future, since I'll be sticking strictly to Grays this banner... I won't be able to put Life and Death on anyone in the near future unless my 5-Star chance gets reset by Jaffar showing up before I can get a Faye, in which case I'll keep this in mind), so I think this is the better option. Plus, I don't have much in the way of Moonbow or Draconic Aura fodder, while I have multiple Shannas so it was easy to mulch one for Iceberg. I might go Glacies instead tho... I'm honestly not 100% sure what I should do with Kagero right now... Fortunately I still have a ways to go before I have to actually decide anything, haha.

Thank you for your suggestions though! I'll keep them in mind if I ever have spare Moonbow/Draconic Aura fodder, and/or pull another Kagero (which I may soon, given that I'll be pulling nothing but Grays this banner unless I get a Faye).

Hey don't sweat it too bad, Iceberg can still pack a decent punch with Kagero's Res. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't go with LaD on mine either; Defiant Atk 3 is what I had available so I thought that'd be good to synergize with Reprisal x3 (while I still use it, anyway). Turns out reprisal don't matter all that much but her damage output has been through the freakin' roof. Apart from vanilla skills, mine is HP+/Def- (hardly optimal, but not the worst) with DefAtk3, Hone Spd 2, Reciprocal Aid, and whenever I get around to upgrading a palla or someone, Moonbow. 

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21 minutes ago, eclipse said:

The more information, the better!

Now, if you have Literally Everything at your disposal:

Weapon: Wo Dao+
Special: Moonbow
Assist: Some repositioning skill
A slot: Distant Counter
B slot: Quick Riposte 3
C slot: Threaten Defense 3

He should double fairly consistently, which means that he'll be able to charge up Moonbow very quickly - and once that goes off, his target dies.  The +10 from Wo Dao's activation should help to kill off just about everyone.  On on the off-chance that his target doesn't die, Threaten Defense will soften them up.  The only non-blue that will be able to do anything about this is Hana with her default weapon.

But since that's a lot of bling, here's a cheaper build:

Weapon: Brave Sword+
Special: Bonfire
Assist: Some repositioning skill
A slot: Life and Death 3/Fury 3
B slot: Swordbreaker 3
C slot: Threaten Defense 3

Bonfire is used despite Life and Death 3. because Draug's defense is through the roof anyway.  With this build, you'll take out every last green unit, and most reds (the only ones that survive a round of combat are Hinata, Draug, and Henry, with the non-armors escaping by 1 HP).  Don't attack Est, she'll murder you.  If Life and Death 3 is out of the question, Fury 3 can be used instead, but you'll get out of Swordbreaker range faster, and Tharja will survive.

I do have the units for the latter build, though some are 3* (Though it doesn"t matter for Cherches, since she learns Pivot on 3*)

Swordbreaker is a problem, though. I have a 5* and a 4* Abel, but the 5* is already fully leveled and the 4* is +Atk/-HP. I'll try to summon him again later.

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@BANRYU Glad to hear Iceberg was still a good choice... though I'm still not sure if I should go with that or Glacies.
I wasn't comfortable putting a Defiant skill on Kagero until you brought it up, and I realized that -HP Kagero is probably barely bulky enough to take a single decent physical hit and not die... and +SPD makes her fast enough that she probably won't get doubled by most enemies that would be able to two-shot her. Now I may feed the next Adult Tiki or Ogma that I get to Kagero for Defiant ATK, since that seems like a rather great idea you had there. And maybe I'll give her the ATK +1 Sacred Seal when I get it (SPD +1 is going to my Subaki so his Speed can be way too high for a tank, and I don't think HP +3 would be all that great on Kagero since she'll still have very low HP when she's under the Defiant ATK threshold), since nuking infantry and Player Phase mage removal are the two things Kagero looks to be good for, so I might as well make her excel at this as much as I can, yeah?

I might give Kagero Reciprocal Aid next time I pull a Donnel too, since that seems like a good way to get Kagero to Defiant range without having to let her take a hit.

Thanks, mate.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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My indecisiveness is once again in need of first-world-problem advice.

  1. I just pulled another Linde and my previously easy decision of using [+Spd, -Def] has been thrown into complete turmoil by the arrival of the new [+Spd, -Res] Linde. Now, Linde is never supposed to ever get hit, so her defenses don't really matter all that much, but I can only keep one of of them so I need some opinions.
    1. If it makes any difference, +10 Linde [-Res] barely fails to survive fully buffed +10 Tharja [+Atk] (Life and Death 3), and [-Def] barely fails to survive +10 Lucina [+Atk] (Life and Death 3). I don't think either situation is particularly likely.
  2. Is there any reason (assuming you have the resources) for Linde to not run Life and Death 3 and Desperation 3? A +10 Linde [=HP] has 39 HP, which is still low enough to activate Desperation 3 with Ardent Sacrifice.


In the meantime, I'll be training both of them even if I'm leaning towards [+Spd, -Res].


Also, I assume +Atk is the best positive for Kagero since raising her one-hit kill threshold is more important than raising her double attack threshold.

  1. For her passive A skill, Death Blow 3 or Life and Death 3? (Or something else? Swift Sparrow?)
  2. For her passive B skill... I have no idea. Desperation 3? Windsweep 3? ...hmm, both of those seem to rely on Life and Death 3.
Edited by Ice Dragon
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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

My indecisiveness is once again in need of first-world-problem advice.

  1. I just pulled another Linde and my previously easy decision of using [+Spd, -Def] has been thrown into complete turmoil by the arrival of the new [+Spd, -Res] Linde. Now, Linde is never supposed to ever get hit, so her defenses don't really matter all that much, but I can only keep one of of them so I need some opinions.
    1. If it makes any difference, +10 Linde [-Res] barely fails to survive fully buffed +10 Tharja [+Atk] (Life and Death 3), and [-Def] barely fails to survive +10 Lucina [+Atk] (Life and Death 3). I don't think either situation is particularly likely.
  2. Is there any reason (assuming you have the resources) for Linde to not run Life and Death 3 and Desperation 3? A +10 Linde [=HP] has 39 HP, which is still low enough to activate Desperation 3 with Ardent Sacrifice.


In the meantime, I'll be training both of them even if I'm leaning towards [+Spd, -Res].


Also, I assume +Atk is the best positive for Kagerou since raising her one-hit kill threshold is more important than raising her double attack threshold.

  1. For her passive A skill, Death Blow 3 or Life and Death 3? (Or something else? Swift Sparrow?)
  2. For her passive B skill... I have no idea. Desperation 3? Windsweep 3? ...hmm, both of those seem to rely on Life and Death 3.

In order!

1. Since Linde's job is to never get hit, the number itself doesn't matter.  What DOES matter is that -Res is a 4 point stat drop, as opposed to -Def's 3 point drop.
2. If you're on offense, that sounds wonderful.  If you want a Linde on defense, something like Close Counter/Vantage works better, since the AI doesn't know how to trigger Desperation via Ardent Sacrifice.
3. Kagero has issues with tankier things, but most of those tanks don't have a lot of speed, so you'll get better results with Life and Death 3.  Desperation works against you, weirdly enough - if she deals a hit and eats a counter, she can activate Reprisal on the counterattack, which allows her to kill some of the more obnoxiously tanky units (like Merric).    I'm crazy enough to suggest Escape Route in her B slot - the one thing she wants to double doesn't have a breaker (F!Corrin), and if she eats a hit, she can warp behind your tank and take out the threat.

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31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

My indecisiveness is once again in need of first-world-problem advice.

  1. I just pulled another Linde and my previously easy decision of using [+Spd, -Def] has been thrown into complete turmoil by the arrival of the new [+Spd, -Res] Linde. Now, Linde is never supposed to ever get hit, so her defenses don't really matter all that much, but I can only keep one of of them so I need some opinions.
    1. If it makes any difference, +10 Linde [-Res] barely fails to survive fully buffed +10 Tharja [+Atk] (Life and Death 3), and [-Def] barely fails to survive +10 Lucina [+Atk] (Life and Death 3). I don't think either situation is particularly likely.
  2. Is there any reason (assuming you have the resources) for Linde to not run Life and Death 3 and Desperation 3? A +10 Linde [=HP] has 39 HP, which is still low enough to activate Desperation 3 with Ardent Sacrifice.


In the meantime, I'll be training both of them even if I'm leaning towards [+Spd, -Res].


Also, I assume +Atk is the best positive for Kagero since raising her one-hit kill threshold is more important than raising her double attack threshold.

  1. For her passive A skill, Death Blow 3 or Life and Death 3? (Or something else? Swift Sparrow?)
  2. For her passive B skill... I have no idea. Desperation 3? Windsweep 3? ...hmm, both of those seem to rely on Life and Death 3.

Oh my, I wish I had even a single Linde. 

In any case, I'm of the personal opinion that -Def is preferable because you're more likely going to have Linde tanking an occasional hit from a mage than an archer/thief (and I most certainly hope you're keeping her out of the way of melee units), but I think you'd be fine with either.

Also, a +10 Linde w/ Life and Death 3 that is NOT -Res just barely survives getting OHKO'd by a +10 Julia (if the Julia isn't +Atk). You also survive a +10 Nino if she isn't +Atk (and Nino often runs +Spd) if she's buffed no more than +8 (so up to two non-atk buffs or a single akt buff). Of course, most Ninos run Fury (in which case you'd survive if she had no more than +4 from buffs) or Life and Death (in which case you survive Nino unbuffed).

However, -Def does also get you OHKO'd by neutral +10 Takumi and Jeorge while -Res wouldn't, but I personally find Julia and Nino to be much more common threats than Takumi or Jeorge. (Though if you run into more archers than mages or find them to be bigger threats, then just go with -Res instead).

Kagero deletes you either way.

These are fringe situations, of course, but the difference between taking -Def and -Res isn't huge for Linde to begin with.

*The above calculations assumed Linde was at +10 and running Life and Death 3

Also, I do think Life and Death 3 and Desperation 3 are the best A/B skills for Linde, yes. 


For Kagero, I also do think that +Atk is optimal on her, but I found running Life and Death actually nets her more KOs than Death Blow or Swift Sparrow (calcs were done assuming she and all of her opponents were +10). 

I think Desperation is fine for her B-skill, but I personally like Wings of Mercy on her to improve her mobility since she already secures kills fine. I'm less sure about her B-skills though, so someone else is more than welcome to give input.

I'm not quite familiar enough with Windsweep to say anything about it just yet, but I'm personally not a fan because it stops Kagero from double-attacking, which makes her lose out on a lot of kills she could have secured. 

EDIT: I also like Luna or Moonbow as a special for her over Reprisal, but that's just me. They're nice for securing several kills she wouldn't have gotten otherwise though. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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40 minutes ago, eclipse said:

If you're on offense, that sounds wonderful.  If you want a Linde on defense, something like Close Counter/Vantage works better, since the AI doesn't know how to trigger Desperation via Ardent Sacrifice.

I typically build for offense rather than defense even if I'm going to use a character on my defense team. Alas, if Linde were a bit more common (one can dream), I'd love to build two of her, one for offense and one for defense, but as that's not the case, I'll just settle for an offense build for the time being. Close Counter Vantage does sound rather nice for defense, though. I'll look into calcs for it and see how it holds.


47 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Desperation works against you, weirdly enough - if she deals a hit and eats a counter, she can activate Reprisal on the counterattack, which allows her to kill some of the more obnoxiously tanky units (like Merric).

Her absurdly low HP makes Reprisal risky and weak, though. Merric won't live a round of combat regardless as long as Kagero can double attack (+Spd is too fast to double attack).


53 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I'm crazy enough to suggest Escape Route in her B slot - the one thing she wants to double doesn't have a breaker (F!Corrin), and if she eats a hit, she can warp behind your tank and take out the threat.

50 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I think Desperation is fine for her B-skill, but I personally like Wings of Mercy on her to improve her mobility since she already secures kills fine. I'm less sure about her B-skills though, so someone else is more than welcome to give input.

I'm somewhat amused both of you picked teleportation for her passive B skill (mostly because I tend to overlook them). I'll consider them. With S HP +3, she can reliably survive a hit from quite a few things, so Escape Route might actually work pretty well.


1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

EDIT: I also like Luna or Moonbow as a special for her over Reprisal, but that's just me. They're nice for securing several kills she wouldn't have gotten otherwise though.

I'm considering them, but I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I feel like Kagero lands a few too many one-hit kills to make Luna worth it due to the charge time, but I don't have enough experience using her to be certain. Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm considering them, but I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I feel like Kagero lands a few too many one-hit kills to make Luna worth it due to the charge time, but I don't have enough experience using her to be certain. Thoughts?

Most of her kills on infantry will be OHKOs, but Kagero w/ Life and Death actually doubles and ORKOs quite a lot of non-infantry units, in which case she would charge her special a lot faster. 

Luna nets her more kills, but if you think it charges too slowly then Moonbow is still fine. I would do some experimenting with her in Arena and try to keep track of her special counter throughout matches. 

I'd give more input if I had a Kagero of my own, but alas I do not. 

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So Effie is Faye, but is not Fae?  Harold is Arthur, but not Arthur or Artur?  And Leon is Leo, but not Leo, who is now Leon?

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40 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

So Effie is Faye, but is not Fae?  Harold is Arthur, but not Arthur or Artur?  And Leon is Leo, but not Leo, who is now Leon?

Effie is "Elfie" in JP, Faye is "Efi" in JP, Fae is "Fa" in JP. Idk about the other two. FE4 Arthur is "Asa", and FE8 Artur is "Asurei" I think? Leo is JP Leon, but idk about Echoes Leon.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

Effie is "Elfie" in JP, Faye is "Efi" in JP, Fae is "Fa" in JP. Idk about the other two. FE4 Arthur is "Asa", and FE8 Artur is "Asurei" I think? Leo is JP Leon, but idk about Echoes Leon.

Effie is Elfie. Faye is [efi]; I don't think she has an official Latin-script name yet (or I haven't seen one). Fae is Fa. Arthur is Arthur. Arthur is Harold. Artur is Asseray. Leo is Leon. Leon is Leo.

And this is one of the reasons I dislike NoA's localization team. They keep digging holes for themselves and haven't learned their lesson.

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6 minutes ago, karasu3 said:

Yes. Aren't name changes fun?


Yeah, it's silly.

It's not like we've run out of names to use.

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38 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Proposal for the MC of the new FE game to be Rezzy

That would be funny.  I'm too old, although it would be nice to see a middle-aged parent as the protagonist to an FE game one of these days.

I still would like to get a proper Rachel as a character one of these days, but I guess I'll have to settle for L'Arachel for someone to share my name with.

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