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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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15 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

That would be funny.  I'm too old, although it would be nice to see a middle-aged parent as the protagonist to an FE game one of these days.

I still would like to get a proper Rachel as a character one of these days, but I guess I'll have to settle for L'Arachel for someone to share my name with.

Well, maybe not the protagonist, but surely could be the Jagen/Oifey of the game perhaps? 

Titania v2 :D

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Well, maybe not the protagonist, but surely could be the Jagen/Oifey of the game perhaps? 

Titania v2 :D

That would be cool.

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My 3 unit core team right now is Marth, Effie, and Nino, and I was just wondering if there are any common threats that my team has a bit of trouble handling. If so, could anyone recommend a good last slot that would help balance out my team?

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I have some questions.

-How would a -HP/+Res Olivia do? I still have the two from the hero battle, too.

-I have a +Atk/-Spd Lilina that is almost Lv.20 but haven't spent her SP because I don't know which skills are better for her. Which ones should I get?

-I also have a +Atk/-HP 4* Lv.1 Abel and a +Def/-Res Lv.40 5* Abel. Which one should I use? And what should I do with the other?

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14 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

-I also have a +Atk/-HP 4* Lv.1 Abel and a +Def/-Res Lv.40 5* Abel. Which one should I use?

Do you have feathers to spare? If yes, use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel. If no, wait until you have feathers to spare and use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel.

Abel has the second highest Atk (behind Frederick, tied with Peri) and the third highest Spd of all melee cavalry (behind Sully and Peri), meaning he very much likes to keep his Brave Lance+ and run +Atk (or +Spd) with it.


14 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

And what should I do with the other?

Does any other character want a Brave Lance+? If yes, feel free to have them eat the 5-star Abel. If no, you can save it for merging if you're not closing in on your character limit.

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58 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Do you have feathers to spare? If yes, use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel. If no, wait until you have feathers to spare and use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel.

Abel has the second highest Atk (behind Frederick, tied with Peri) and the third highest Spd of all melee cavalry (behind Sully and Peri), meaning he very much likes to keep his Brave Lance+ and run +Atk (or +Spd) with it.


Does any other character want a Brave Lance+? If yes, feel free to have them eat the 5-star Abel. If no, you can save it for merging if you're not closing in on your character limit.

Hmm, weird that Abel has higher Atk than Cain, didn't Cain have higher Str than Abel in the games?

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58 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Do you have feathers to spare? If yes, use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel. If no, wait until you have feathers to spare and use the [+Atk, -HP] Abel.

I'm halfway there, and I have no other units that I would prioritize getting to 5*

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Does any other character want a Brave Lance+? If yes, feel free to have them eat the 5-star Abel. If no, you can save it for merging if you're not closing in on your character limit.

I have a -Spd/+Res 4* Effie that would appreciate it until I get another with a better boon.

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1 minute ago, Zero1000 said:

I have a -Spd/+Res 4* Effie that would appreciate it until I get another with a better boon.

[-Spd, +Res] is one of Effie's best natures.

Also, I'm not terribly fond of putting Brave weapons on armors; they do so little work on player phase to begin with due to their low movement. If you think it'll work for you, then feel free to do so and don't let me stop you.

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hmm, weird that Abel has higher Atk than Cain, didn't Cain have higher Str than Abel in the games?

Cain definitely had higher strength than Abel in the bible heh heh That's for sure!


Abel, why you have to die :(

In shadow dragon he did for sure, not too sure about the other games.

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19 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hmm, weird that Abel has higher Atk than Cain, didn't Cain have higher Str than Abel in the games?

Abel has a lower Str base, but a higher Str growth in all of their main-series games.

Heroes has the same pattern.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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So I was lucky enough to pull a 5 star Raven from the wyvern banner (and I just got around to training him). Super happy because he was a new character, and now I can stick him on a team with Priscilla just for maximum cute power. Until I can get Lucius to heal him. He's even +SPD. I forget his bane, but it was something like -RES or -HP that didn't really hurt him all that much. (I'm pretty sure it's -RES, so he's not going to be tangoing with mages any time soon.) His speed without the Brave Axe+ penalty is 38 (so 33 with it), and that's not bad at ALL, especially for a brave weapon user. 

I thought I'd ask for some opinions on possible builds. I want to optimize his speed as much as possible without diminishing his kind of "okay" bulk. He won't be a tank, but I'm thinking of doing an Arena defense team with Nino (for glass canon), Michalis (for flying tank), Raven (for middle ground), and maybe Olivia or Bunny!Lucina (for extra mobility, buffs, or variety).  

Weapon: Brave Axe+ (I'm not really in the position to give him a different weapon at the moment.)
Assist: Flexible; I rarely use assists unless I'm kind of in a crunch. I think the one I use the most is Swap.
Special: Sol (maybe Moonbow) - I think Sol might work really well with a Fury build. He comes with it, so it's convenient. Moonbow is just nice in general, but I might not have the character to give it to him. 
A. Fury 3 - I considered Life and Death just to bulk up his ATK and SPD, but Fury with Sol will keep him healed (if I'm not using Priscilla). He gets a nice buff to all of his stats  
B. -breaker something or other. I'm thinking Raven would benefit from a tomebreaker so if he does run into trouble with a mage, he'll be more prepared. Wings of Mercy might also be an interesting skill to play with...
C. Threaten Speed/Threaten Defense - Both are good. The former might help ensure that he can quadruple attack. The latter might help his kind of okay attack deal more damage. (It's 45 with Fury 3 I believe.)
S.  Probably Speed +1, but Attack +1 works too. 

As I see it, Fury 3, Speed +1, and someone with Rally Speed or Hone Speed will get him up to 41 SPD with penalties already factored in. Fury 3 gives him 45 ATK. Am I better off JUST optimizing speed on him or should I try to bulk him up in other places?

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31 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So I was lucky enough to pull a 5 star Raven from the wyvern banner (and I just got around to training him). Super happy because he was a new character, and now I can stick him on a team with Priscilla just for maximum cute power. Until I can get Lucius to heal him. He's even +SPD. I forget his bane, but it was something like -RES or -HP that didn't really hurt him all that much. (I'm pretty sure it's -RES, so he's not going to be tangoing with mages any time soon.) His speed without the Brave Axe+ penalty is 38 (so 33 with it), and that's not bad at ALL, especially for a brave weapon user. 

I thought I'd ask for some opinions on possible builds. I want to optimize his speed as much as possible without diminishing his kind of "okay" bulk. He won't be a tank, but I'm thinking of doing an Arena defense team with Nino (for glass canon), Michalis (for flying tank), Raven (for middle ground), and maybe Olivia or Bunny!Lucina (for extra mobility, buffs, or variety).  

Weapon: Brave Axe+ (I'm not really in the position to give him a different weapon at the moment.)
Assist: Flexible; I rarely use assists unless I'm kind of in a crunch. I think the one I use the most is Swap.
Special: Sol (maybe Moonbow) - I think Sol might work really well with a Fury build. He comes with it, so it's convenient. Moonbow is just nice in general, but I might not have the character to give it to him. 
A. Fury 3 - I considered Life and Death just to bulk up his ATK and SPD, but Fury with Sol will keep him healed (if I'm not using Priscilla). He gets a nice buff to all of his stats  
B. -breaker something or other. I'm thinking Raven would benefit from a tomebreaker so if he does run into trouble with a mage, he'll be more prepared. Wings of Mercy might also be an interesting skill to play with...
C. Threaten Speed/Threaten Defense - Both are good. The former might help ensure that he can quadruple attack. The latter might help his kind of okay attack deal more damage. (It's 45 with Fury 3 I believe.)
S.  Probably Speed +1, but Attack +1 works too. 

As I see it, Fury 3, Speed +1, and someone with Rally Speed or Hone Speed will get him up to 41 SPD with penalties already factored in. Fury 3 gives him 45 ATK. Am I better off JUST optimizing speed on him or should I try to bulk him up in other places?

Optimize speed, and make him have desperation to make a Quadaven build. He isn't meant to take hits really.

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28 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I just pulled my first Tharja, a 4* with +Res, -HP. That's essentially a neutral nature for her, right?  Also probably not worth heavy investment in terms of skills or promotion?

Don't promote unless it's +spd really, don't invest all the resources.

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Since my previous question got lost before, here it is:

My 3 unit core team right now is Marth, Effie, and Nino, and I was just wondering if there are any common threats that my team has a bit of trouble handling. If so, could anyone recommend good last slots that would help balance out my team?

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11 minutes ago, StarBit8 said:

Optimize speed, and make him have desperation to make a Quadaven build. He isn't meant to take hits really.

How does Desperation stack with a Brave Weapon? Does it automatically always give him Attack x4 when his HP is at the right level? I'd have to give him another special if that's the case because Sol would really work against him. Quick Riposte might accomplish the same thing but help him out more on a player phase.  

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

How does Desperation stack with a Brave Weapon? Does it automatically always give him Attack x4 when his HP is at the right level? I'd have to give him another special if that's the case because Sol would really work against him. Quick Riposte might accomplish the same thing but help him out more on a player phase.  

Desperation doesn't guarantee a follow-up attack. If you would perform a follow-up attack normally, Desperation makes your follow-up attack occur before your opponent's counterattack.

Quick Riposte only activates on enemy phase.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

Desperation doesn't guarantee a follow-up attack. If you would perform a follow-up attack normally, Desperation makes your follow-up attack occur before your opponent's counterattack.

Quick Riposte only activates on enemy phase.

So in the case of Raven, if he could quadruple attack, he'd do all 4 attacks before the enemy could attack him?

Oh whoops. That's what I meant. Derped for a second there. That's embarrassing. XD

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So in the case of Raven, if he could quadruple attack, he'd do all 4 attacks before the enemy could attack him?

Oh whoops. That's what I meant. Derped for a second there. That's embarrassing. XD

Yes. All 4 hits would occur before the counterattack.

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Is there a breakdwon on earning hero merit? I thought it was just absed on the levels of the enemies, but I took my arthur squad (three 3 star arthurs and my 5 star level 40 sanaki) into the 8th stratum, facing enemies 10-12 levels higher, with them seeing good action and kills...but they only earned ~2.8 each, which is what they were earning in the 5/6 stratums. Meanwhile i was earning ~3...4 or so, depending with my other maxed out squads.

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So in the case of Raven, if he could quadruple attack, he'd do all 4 attacks before the enemy could attack him?

Oh whoops. That's what I meant. Derped for a second there. That's embarrassing. XD

If you also have someone who can give Death Blow, that could also be an option for the A slot.

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7 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

If you also have someone who can give Death Blow, that could also be an option for the A slot.

Fury and Life and Death are typically better for naturally fast Brave weapon users because it allows them to double attack more enemies. Dropping from 38 Spd to 33 Spd with a Brave weapon is massive due to the density of speed tier, so it's worth the lower Atk to patch up that Spd.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yes. All 4 hits would occur before the counterattack.

Whoa. That's crazy. I think I've starting to understand Desperation a little better. I just always assumed it would let you perform a follow up attack before the enemy got a chance to attack. At the moment, I only have one Shanna to pass it on, and I'd like to give hers to Nino. I'll have to wait anyway to find another special to pass onto Raven. Thanks for the help!

5 minutes ago, Zero1000 said:

If you also have someone who can give Death Blow, that could also be an option for the A slot.

I had considered Death Blow, but at the moment, I don't have any extra units with it. And it wouldn't do much for his speed unfortunately... However, I do appreciate the suggestion. ^^ 

28 minutes ago, StarBit8 said:

Since my previous question got lost before, here it is:

My 3 unit core team right now is Marth, Effie, and Nino, and I was just wondering if there are any common threats that my team has a bit of trouble handling. If so, could anyone recommend good last slots that would help balance out my team?

Well, you've got all of your colors covered. Marth helps with dragons. Effie can effectively take out swords. Nino nukes just about everything that doesn't nuke her first. I'd say your team as a whole has pretty low RES. IDK what the skills and boons/banes are, but Nino would probably have some trouble with red mages. Your team might benefit from a kind of bulky blue mage like M. Robin. With Triangle Adept, he's excellent for taking out Takumis and other archers/ninjas. Eirika is a nice complement to Nino's weapon. A dancer would help with Effie's mobility as well buffs for Nino. Hm...someone like Nowi might even be a good fit. 

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I got three questions:

  1. Is there any characters and locations from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia that did not appeared in Heroes, but that they were mentioned in Heroes besides Zofia, Clive, Deliverance, Mycen, and Ram Village that were mentioned in Clair's and Alm's profile?
  2. What is the fastest way to level up Cecelia (she's at Level 17 in 4 Stars as of right now) so that I can defeat any Level +35 Foes to earn those Orbs?
  3. I was going to get some characters get more skills by Inherting Skill, which characters have Vantage besides Anna?
Edited by King Marth 64
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4 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

I got three questions:

  1. Is there any characters and locations from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia that did not appeared in Heroes, but that they were mentioned in Heroes besides Zofia, Clive, Deliverance, Mycen, and Ram Village that were mentioned in Clair's and Alm's profile?
  2. What is the fastest way to level up Cecelia (she's at Level 17 in 4 Stars as of right now) so that I can defeat any Level +35 Foes to earn those Orbs?
  3. I was going to get some characters get more skills by Inherting Skill, which characters have Vantage?

2: Upgrading the castle (if you wish) and letting Cecilia kill everything. Though you could go against level 35 foes and let her kill weakened enemies (with low Res/triangle disadvantage) while she's still at that level. You still get progress on the quest and she gets more exp.

3: Lon'qu learns Vantage 3 at 4*

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