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21 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What if you're using Lyn's natural bow?

Her natural bow is okay, but only good against bladetome mages. But... brave bow can do a better job as well be good against other types of units.

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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What if you're using Lyn's natural bow?

I highly recommend Brave Bow and Firesweep Bow over Mulagir. Mulagir is not terrible, but it does not stand out. Brave Bow packs a lot more punch and Firesweep Bow shuts down Vantage shenanigans and safely wear out high Def enemies. Firesweep Bow is expensive, but Brave Bow is pretty cheap and common, so there is no reason not to opt for it in my opinion.

BH!Lyn +Spd, -Res
Mulagir, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow, Sacae's Blessing
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 103:12:124
Player Phase [6/6/0/0] 162:11:66

For comparison:

3 hours ago, XRay said:

BH!Lyn +Atk, -Res
Brave Bow, Luna
Swift Sparrow, Sacae's Blessing
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 116:14:109
Player Phase [6/6/0/0] 190:3:46

BH!Lyn +Spd, -HP/Def
Firesweep Bow, Luna
Swift Sparrow, Poison Strike
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 51:0:188
Player Phase [6/6/0/0] 134:0:105

If you plan to use her as a mage counter, you will need to basically rehaul her entire set:

BH!Lyn +Spd, -Def
Mulagir, Moonbow
Fury / Atk/Res Bond, Quick Riposte
Distant Def
Ranged Magical Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 65:2:3
Enemy Phase [Distant Def/Warding Stance] 64:2:4

Edited by XRay
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6 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What if you're using Lyn's natural bow?

If you're sticking with Mulagir, I prefer

[+Atk, -Def]
Draconic Aura / Luna
Life and Death 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
Sacae's Blessing
Attack +3

Stacking Atk actually performs better than stacking Spd if you're running cavalry buffs.

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21 hours ago, XRay said:

I recommend messing with the calculator then and see what common magic threats Felicia can and cannot counter when not using Quick Riposte on Enemy Phase. If you want to a lazy method or quick overview, giving enemy mages merge +5, +Spd, and Fury overwrite should give you a decent idea of who can Felicia reliably counter and who Felicia should avoid.

For Arena Assault, you do not need a full movement team to do well. In fact, you probably would have to change one or more units in the movement team to units of another movement type pretty often. Leaving a movement team half finished is fine. My second/fifth teams are my flier/cavalry teams, and I frequently have to change one or two units on both teams to run a unit that is a different movement type, usually to make my team less vulnerable and/or to hard counter a problematic enemy unit.

Okay, I'll give it a whirl when I have some more time.
And hm, maybe I should have expressed myself more clearly, but I don't just intend to slap my whole horse team unchanged onto Arena Assault. My plan was to use Cecilia mainly for cavalry only quests (as my horse team still lacks a green character) and also during AA when she seems to come in useful.

Well then, last bunch of questions for a while (besides the Lilina stuff I mentioned last time): Are there any good B skills for healers besides Wrathful/Dazzling Staff, Live to Serve or Wings of Mercy? Because I don't have access to the former two and I have multiple people with the latter ones already, so it's getting kind of boring.
Similarly, is there a way to make Absorb+ actually worthwile? Most healers don't have the defenses to really tank with that thing, and utility-wise it's kind of underwhelming as well. Maybe a build with double Breath of Life that lets them chip a little while still healing their team?

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4 hours ago, Sias said:

Similarly, is there a way to make Absorb+ actually worthwile? Most healers don't have the defenses to really tank with that thing, and utility-wise it's kind of underwhelming as well. Maybe a build with double Breath of Life that lets them chip a little while still healing their team?

I'd suggest checking out one of Chaz Aria LLC's video "Lachesis vs The Meta". He has a pretty decent Lachesis with CC and Absorb+.

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4 hours ago, Sias said:

My plan was to use Cecilia mainly for cavalry only quests (as my horse team still lacks a green character)

If it is for the monthly cavalry quests, you can just spam the reset button until only certain types of enemy appears. You also do not need your units to be super powerful either.

For GHB Elite quests, you will probably want to have two different Cecilias. Raven Cecilia plays very differently from a Blade Cecilia, so having a dedicated nature for their different builds helps a lot.

4 hours ago, Sias said:

Are there any good B skills for healers besides Wrathful/Dazzling Staff, Live to Serve or Wings of Mercy? Because I don't have access to the former two and I have multiple people with the latter ones already, so it's getting kind of boring.

Chill Spd is probably the next best thing. It helps protect your units from being doubled by the fastest unit. If your team got units that want to be doubled though, then Chill Atk would be better once it comes out.

4 hours ago, Sias said:

Similarly, is there a way to make Absorb+ actually worthwile? Most healers don't have the defenses to really tank with that thing, and utility-wise it's kind of underwhelming as well. Maybe a build with double Breath of Life that lets them chip a little while still healing their team?

Mass healing should be decent for Tempest Trials and Rival Domains. Not sure about Grand Conquest though.

Absorb [Dazzling Staff], Heavenly Light
Breath of Life
Breath of Life

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I have two Hectors and I'm debating which to build. The first is +ATK / -RES and the other is +DEF / -SPD. Leaning toward +DEF even though it hurts me to give up extra damage, solely because I don't want to lose any points in RES. Also, which weapon would be better for him -- Armads or Berserk Armads? I'm thinking Berserk Armads but, as previously mentioned, I am bad at this. The build I want is this:

â—‰ Armads / Berserk Armads
☗ Swap
â–¶ Aether
A: Distant Counter
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Goad Armor
S: Quick Riposte 3


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18 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

I have two Hectors and I'm debating which to build. The first is +ATK / -RES and the other is +DEF / -SPD. Leaning toward +DEF even though it hurts me to give up extra damage, solely because I don't want to lose any points in RES. Also, which weapon would be better for him -- Armads or Berserk Armads? I'm thinking Berserk Armads but, as previously mentioned, I am bad at this. The build I want is this:

â—‰ Armads / Berserk Armads
☗ Swap
â–¶ Aether
A: Distant Counter
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Goad Armor
S: Quick Riposte 3


The build you’ve listed is something that would more for regular Armads, since it gives him an Omni breaker. Sadly, I don’t know what kind of build would most fit a Berserk Armdas build

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11 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

The build you’ve listed is something that would more for regular Armads, since it gives him an Omni breaker. Sadly, I don’t know what kind of build would most fit a Berserk Armdas build

For Berserk, I run Vantage on the B slot. Wrath stacks with Berserk Armads, but it’s harder to get.

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1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:

I have two Hectors and I'm debating which to build. The first is +ATK / -RES and the other is +DEF / -SPD. Leaning toward +DEF even though it hurts me to give up extra damage, solely because I don't want to lose any points in RES. Also, which weapon would be better for him -- Armads or Berserk Armads? I'm thinking Berserk Armads but, as previously mentioned, I am bad at this. The build I want is this:

â—‰ Armads / Berserk Armads
☗ Swap
â–¶ Aether
A: Distant Counter
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Goad Armor
S: Quick Riposte 3


With Aether


Hector (5★ +def -spd)  
Weapon: Armads  
Special: Aether  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Quick Riposte 3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 146 Losses: 28 Inconclusive: 49
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 165 Losses: 22 Inconclusive: 36

Hector (5★ +def -spd)  
Weapon: Berserk Armads  
Special: Aether  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Attack +3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 138 Losses: 29 Inconclusive: 56
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 147 Losses: 23 Inconclusive: 53

Hector (5★ +atk -res)  
Weapon: Armads  
Special: Aether  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Quick Riposte 3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 145 Losses: 35 Inconclusive: 43
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 175 Losses: 27 Inconclusive: 21

Hector (5★ +atk -res)  
Weapon: Berserk Armads  
Special: Aether
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Attack +3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 153 Losses: 35 Inconclusive: 35
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 168 Losses: 26 Inconclusive: 29

With Moonbow


Hector (5★ +def -spd)  
Weapon: Armads  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Quick Riposte 3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 154 Losses: 28 Inconclusive: 41
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 179 Losses: 17 Inconclusive: 27

Hector (5★ +def -spd)  
Weapon: Berserk Armads  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Attack +3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 169 Losses: 29 Inconclusive: 25
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 206 Losses: 4 Inconclusive: 13

Hector (5★ +atk -res)  
Weapon: Armads  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Quick Riposte 3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 158 Losses: 35 Inconclusive: 30
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 189 Losses: 20 Inconclusive: 14

Hector (5★ +atk -res)  
Weapon: Berserk Armads  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Wary Fighter 3  
C: Goad Armor  
S: Attack +3  
First attack conducted in the player phase followed by the enemy's attack in the enemy phase Wins: 175 Losses: 35 Inconclusive: 13
First attack conducted in the enemy phase followed by the unit's counterattack in the player phase Wins: 212 Losses: 5 Inconclusive: 6

You're better off running Berserk Armads with Moonbow. Or you could do a quickened pulse luna build

Edited by silveraura25
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1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:

I have two Hectors and I'm debating which to build. The first is +ATK / -RES and the other is +DEF / -SPD. Leaning toward +DEF even though it hurts me to give up extra damage, solely because I don't want to lose any points in RES. Also, which weapon would be better for him -- Armads or Berserk Armads? I'm thinking Berserk Armads but, as previously mentioned, I am bad at this. The build I want is this:

â—‰ Armads / Berserk Armads
☗ Swap
â–¶ Aether
A: Distant Counter
B: Wary Fighter 3
C: Goad Armor
S: Quick Riposte 3


Aether is shit for Berserk Armads because the entire point of using Berserk Armads is to activate your Special skill to deal absurd amounts of damage, and Aether is a skill that you're not going to be activating consistently. If you keep Aether, just run him with Armads.

If you're running him with an armor team that stacks Ward Armor, you'll be fine giving up your Res. Omnibreaker is a one-round-of-combat-only build against magic regardless of his Res stat because it's so low to begin with.

If you're running Berserk Armads, the recommended builds are

[+Atk, -anything else]

Berserk Armads
Distant Counter
Wrath 3
Quickened Pulse

or your standard Bold Fighter or Vengeful Fighter/Quick Riposte builds. The Quick Riposte Sacred Seal is wasted if you use Wary Fighter without regular Armads. You'd be better off with Close Def or Distant Def on a Wary Fighter build, and if you're running a Wary Fighter build without Armads, he'd be better off with Slaying Hammer+ or Poleaxe+ to make good on his single hit.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I'm a fairly new player (started on a fresh account a little over a month ago), and as such I've been focusing most of my recent summons on the 4*/5* Heroes banner to try and build up a good stock of inheritance fodder. So far I've managed to pull a couple of Kleins, Hinatas, Tailtius, and a Cain, but that's about it as far as useful stuff goes. Seeing as the banner is ending pretty soon, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile for me to throw a few more orbs at it given my position as a relatively resource-starved newbie. I only hesitate because part of me feels like I should be stockpiling orbs for all the juicy stuff coming up in early May. For what it's worth, I'm sitting on ~50 orbs right now, and I still have most of the Main Story/Paralogues on Lunatic left to plow through.

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36 minutes ago, macro / マクロ said:

I'm a fairly new player (started on a fresh account a little over a month ago), and as such I've been focusing most of my recent summons on the 4*/5* Heroes banner to try and build up a good stock of inheritance fodder. So far I've managed to pull a couple of Kleins, Hinatas, Tailtius, and a Cain, but that's about it as far as useful stuff goes. Seeing as the banner is ending pretty soon, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile for me to throw a few more orbs at it given my position as a relatively resource-starved newbie. I only hesitate because part of me feels like I should be stockpiling orbs for all the juicy stuff coming up in early May. For what it's worth, I'm sitting on ~50 orbs right now, and I still have most of the Main Story/Paralogues on Lunatic left to plow through.

Just save your orbs. You're better off getting fodder from trying to pull on new unit banners. Since you can get different kinds of fodder than the ones you're mostly stuck with on the fodder banner. 200 orbs is a solid number of orbs when trying to pull for a focus since that's what I've experienced as the worst case scenario. 

Also, check out guides on Youtube regarding certain stuff.

One last thing, the weakest link in new non-seasonal banners will get demoted so you don't need to spend your orbs on them

Edited by silveraura25
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40 minutes ago, macro / マクロ said:

I'm a fairly new player (started on a fresh account a little over a month ago), and as such I've been focusing most of my recent summons on the 4*/5* Heroes banner to try and build up a good stock of inheritance fodder. So far I've managed to pull a couple of Kleins, Hinatas, Tailtius, and a Cain, but that's about it as far as useful stuff goes. Seeing as the banner is ending pretty soon, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile for me to throw a few more orbs at it given my position as a relatively resource-starved newbie. I only hesitate because part of me feels like I should be stockpiling orbs for all the juicy stuff coming up in early May. For what it's worth, I'm sitting on ~50 orbs right now, and I still have most of the Main Story/Paralogues on Lunatic left to plow through.

Save up orbs for later. It's good to spend orbs on the 4-star banners to get some useful Skill Inheritance fodder, but there's no need to devote too many resources to it. You'll get more as a byproduct of pulling for other things, just not quite as quickly.

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Quick question: Does Bold Fighter's cooldown charge +1 only work if the player initiates the attack, or does it work on both phases? (I know that the follow-up attack only works on player phase.)

For reference:
Bold Fighter 3: If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Does not stack.)

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1 minute ago, Reddazrael said:

Quick question: Does Bold Fighter's cooldown charge +1 only work if the player initiates the attack, or does it work on both phases? (I know that the follow-up attack only works on player phase.)

For reference:
Bold Fighter 3: If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Does not stack.)

Only if the player initiates the attack.

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2 hours ago, The_antithesis said:

Everyone's talking about how IS is asking for feedback on Grand Conquests, but I can't find it for the life of me! Where do I go to send my thoughts?

Misc. → FAQ/Etc. → Customer Support → Feedback.

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2 hours ago, The_antithesis said:

Everyone's talking about how IS is asking for feedback on Grand Conquests, but I can't find it for the life of me! Where do I go to send my thoughts?

Click on <Misc.>, the gear icon, in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Click on <FAQ/Etc.>, the green button, the last option of the Miscellaneous menu.

Click on <Customer Support>, the second option, in the FAQ/Etc. sub-menu.

Click on <Feedback>, the second option, in the white Customer Support sub-menu.

1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I just pulled an +Atk/-Def Rebecca. My last Rebecca was -Atk so I know I got a much better one, but would +Spd be even BETTER?

Depends on what you use her for.

+Atk is her best offensive nature. Even with Desperation active, she still does better with +Atk. Her low Atk bottlenecks her damage output; there is no point in further increasing her Speed if she cannot even deal enough damage in the first place.

Rebecca +Atk, -Def
Brave Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 97:36:106
Player Phase [HP=27] 99:39:101

Rebecca +Spd, -Def
Brave Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 94:35:110
Player Phase [HP=27] 95:43:101

[+Spd, -Def] is for a mage tank build:

Rebecca +Spd, -Def
Guard Bow [Spd], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte
Speed +3

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Do the Sacred Coins cap out at 999 or can you still stockpile them after 1000?  I've got over 700 now, and don't have any Seals I need to upgrade right now, but I don't want my coins going to waste, so I'll unload some if I'm close to capping.

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Is Moonbow better than Iceberg on the following Eirika?

  • Merges: +10
  • Nature: +Spd -Hp
  • A slot: Distant Counter
  • B slot: Wrath
  • C slot: Hone Spd (may change this for Def Ploy soon)
  • S slot: Def Ploy (may change to Atk Ploy if I change the above)
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2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Is Moonbow better than Iceberg on the following Eirika?

  • Merges: +10
  • Nature: +Spd -Hp
  • A slot: Distant Counter
  • B slot: Wrath
  • C slot: Hone Spd (may change this for Def Ploy soon)
  • S slot: Def Ploy (may change to Atk Ploy if I change the above)

Eirika's performance is abysmal without Quick Riposte; her Atk is way too low. Wrath alone is no where near remotely enough.

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Sieglinde [special]
Distant Counter, Wrath
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Moonbow] 23:23:193
Enemy Phase [Iceberg] 12:23:204

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Slaying Edge [Spd]
Distant Counter, Wrath
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Moonbow] 32:14:193
Enemy Phase [Iceberg] 38:14:187

I would adjust her skill set to one of the following, and I would recommend changing her nature to +Atk if possible:

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Sieglinde [special], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Wrath, Hone Speed
Quick Riposte
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 105:23:111
Enemy Phase [+Atk] 111:64:64
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 145:13:81
Enemy Phase [+Atk, 4/4/0/0] 170:21:48

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Slaying Edge [Spd], Luna
Distant Counter, Wrath
Quick Riposte
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 121:14:104
Enemy Phase [+Atk] 153:21:65

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On 15/4/2018 at 11:04 PM, XRay said:

Eirika's performance is abysmal without Quick Riposte; her Atk is way too low. Wrath alone is no where near remotely enough.

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Sieglinde [special]
Distant Counter, Wrath
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Moonbow] 23:23:193
Enemy Phase [Iceberg] 12:23:204

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Slaying Edge [Spd]
Distant Counter, Wrath
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Moonbow] 32:14:193
Enemy Phase [Iceberg] 38:14:187

I would adjust her skill set to one of the following, and I would recommend changing her nature to +Atk if possible:

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Sieglinde [special], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Wrath, Hone Speed
Quick Riposte
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 105:23:111
Enemy Phase [+Atk] 111:64:64
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 145:13:81
Enemy Phase [+Atk, 4/4/0/0] 170:21:48

Eirika +10, +Spd, -HP
Slaying Edge [Spd], Luna
Distant Counter, Wrath
Quick Riposte
Enemies +10, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 121:14:104
Enemy Phase [+Atk] 153:21:65

I think I should've been more specific here, my bad. 

Eirika by herself has a terrible combat performance but the skillset I planned includes the help of ally Atk/Def Tactic and Hone Spd which should bring her to a minimum of +12/8/12/0 which should put her EP skills in a better spot, while also giving her enough Spd to not need Quick Riposte with the help of Summoner Support.

I'd also like to ask about which simulator you use to calculate the matches, I used Kagero chart to see if my original build performed so badly but the simulator showed that it performed a bit better, for example it shows something like this: 



It's not in the images but every enemy is at +10, Eirika has no buffs nor Summoner Support to ensure it was accurate enough. Maybe this one hasn't been updated in a while and that's why it shows higher numbers.


Edited by Alexmender
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