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I have 2 Odins, one is +Speed/-HP (and trained to 30-something level) and one is +Att/-Speed. Am I right in thinking it's better to feed the -Speed one to Ursula than the +Speed one?

Edited by salinea
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21 minutes ago, salinea said:

I have 2 Odins, one is +Speed/-HP (and trained to 30-something level) and one is +Att/-Speed. Am I right in thinking it's better to feed the -Speed one to Ursula than the +Speed one?

. . .yeah.  Much as Odin likes +Atk, he doesn't want it at the cost of his Speed.  His goal is to make up for his low natural Atk with either doubling or serious -blade abuse.  +Spd will help you with the doubling, at least (39 Spd after buffs is on par with neutral LoD Hana).

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24 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .yeah.  Much as Odin likes +Atk, he doesn't want it at the cost of his Speed.  His goal is to make up for his low natural Atk with either doubling or serious -blade abuse.  +Spd will help you with the doubling, at least (39 Spd after buffs is on par with neutral LoD Hana).


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Will Hana benefit more from inheriting a Silver Sword or a Ruby Sword?

Also, I'm weird and want to use my Olivia moderately offensively. Would Silver Sword + Triangle Adept 3 or Ruby Sword + Death Blow provide her with more attack umph?

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Okay so... maybe this is a better topic for the SI discussion thread, but....

What are the pros/cons of Moonbow VS Luna? Like... Moonbow's low counter is really good but would Luna be worth using over it in any instances? (with Killer weapons a la Catria seems like a pretty good instance tbh). 


(Incidentally I have a spare Fred who I'm trying to decide whether to take Fortify Def 3 from him or if Luna might be worth grabbing haha ;;; )

Edited by BANRYU
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4 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Okay so... maybe this is a better topic for the SI discussion thread, but....

What are the pros/cons of Moonbow VS Luna? Like... Moonbow's low counter is really good but would Luna be worth using over it in any instances? (with Killer weapons a la Catria seems like a pretty good instance tbh). 


(Incidentally I have a spare Fred who I'm trying to decide whether to take Fortify Def 3 from him or if Luna might be worth grabbing haha ;;; )

Four charge+, to me, is better for units who can take a beating/get doubled or double/can take a beating. Because taking hits also counts, slower, tankier units benefit most by big explosive Specials (like how I'm considering Aether, Sol, or Luna for Laslow w/ Brave Sword+ or Killing Edge+).

Three charge- is more viable in Arena, where units are taking too much damage to reap 4 charge+ benefits unless a Killer/Brave weapon is involved. Getting some mileage out of four charge+ could also include a healer... which not too many bring in Arena.

I'd say what I said to someone else: context. If you're using the unit in Arena, count how many attacks they do and take on average in a match. At least three is good for a three charge-. If five+, four charge+ should be okay. Even if the average is four, you might end up in situations you have only three charges and that unit is going to die before they get the Special off. In their example, it was Marth taking Moonbow or Dragon Fang. When I told them to count the attacks and average it out, they said Marth would end up with two or three attacks on average. In my Laslow example, I don't think I'm ever using him for Arena so I can do whatever I want on that front.

Fortify Defense 3 is a good support that anyone can do. Luna requires fighting/tanking investment. Depends on who you're giving it to and how much combat they see.

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Hey guys, i'm trying to build a more offensive Eirika with +Atk -Spd which unfortunately puts her on 32 speed. Which of the following would benefit her as i am trying to patch her speed but also to have some sustainability.. Life or Death 3 with Renewal or Fury 3 with Renewal?

I'm also open for other skill suggestions to help her to become more offensive! :).

Thanks in advance!


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20 minutes ago, peekamoo said:

Hey guys, i'm trying to build a more offensive Eirika with +Atk -Spd which unfortunately puts her on 32 speed. Which of the following would benefit her as i am trying to patch her speed but also to have some sustainability.. Life or Death 3 with Renewal or Fury 3 with Renewal?

I'm also open for other skill suggestions to help her to become more offensive! :).

Thanks in advance!


The question is whether or not you think Eir will die in one round to anything (which she shouldn't, short of a -blade-stacking Linde/Brave Lance).  Thus, I'd go with Life or Death, for a mini-Minerva (she's quite literally 1 MT and 1 Spd off of neutral Minerva with LoD).

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16 minutes ago, Dual Dragons said:

Fortify Defense 3 is a good support that anyone can do. Luna requires fighting/tanking investment. Depends on who you're giving it to and how much combat they see.

It's probably Abel either way TBH. My Nino needs buffers, and that means I need more units with Hones/Fortifies/Rallies haha. My hope was for Kagero to get Fortify Def and Abel to get Hone Speed but Kagero needs the Reciprocal Aid that comes with HS from Matthew, so it's probably Abel getting whatever from Fred. I THINK he could put Luna to pretty good use, and from what I've calc'd having that many buffs on Nino might be a bit overkill (Atk and Spd is all she really needs to kill most things) but who knows maybe she could actually land some red kills with even more buffs lol. I'll have to try some calcs on that front. 

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19 minutes ago, eclipse said:

The question is whether or not you think Eir will die in one round to anything (which she shouldn't, short of a -blade-stacking Linde/Brave Lance).  Thus, I'd go with Life or Death, for a mini-Minerva (she's quite literally 1 MT and 1 Spd off of neutral Minerva with LoD).

Hmm, good point! :)

Do you think that renewal is a good ability to go with Life and Death or are there better options for Eirika's B slot?

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37 minutes ago, peekamoo said:

Hmm, good point! :)

Do you think that renewal is a good ability to go with Life and Death or are there better options for Eirika's B slot?

At most, she'll regenerate 20 health, unless you're stalling.

Desperation is an option, since 51 MT, twice, will hurt.  Her natural B skill is another one, because it'll allow her to attack, then waltz back to where she came from.  There's the usual Wings of Mercy/Escape Route cheese.  Swordbreaker will allow her to duel the many red swords and win.  Bowbreaker is if you really hate Takumi.  Have fun with it~!

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9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

At most, she'll regenerate 20 health, unless you're stalling.

Desperation is an option, since 51 MT, twice, will hurt.  Her natural B skill is another one, because it'll allow her to attack, then waltz back to where she came from.  There's the usual Wings of Mercy/Escape Route cheese.  Swordbreaker will allow her to duel the many red swords and win.  Bowbreaker is if you really hate Takumi.  Have fun with it~!

Thanks for the information, Eclipse! :)

Will definitely have some fun!

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tried to ignore this banner but all the free orbs made me summon a couple of times. My only banner unit is Jaffar though... haven't looked much into these banner units and my jaffar is +spd/-res I know speed is always good, but would attack be better for him?

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Would it be worthwhile to teach Abel Sol or even Aether?  His default Special is Aegis, which I guess is better than nothing, but with his good movement, he can usually swoop in and kill Mages before they even touch him.  Sol would help him recoup a bit of the damage he takes when I use him to bait people out, or he otherwise takes damage.

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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Would it be worthwhile to teach Abel Sol or even Aether?  His default Special is Aegis, which I guess is better than nothing, but with his good movement, he can usually swoop in and kill Mages before they even touch him.  Sol would help him recoup a bit of the damage he takes when I use him to bait people out, or he otherwise takes damage.

Can Abel actually take a hit? Mine is a 4* -def, mind you, so he's mostly a glass canon. I always tought something like iceberg would be best for him, since I'd value more OHKO possibilities over survivability. But maybe if yours got +def, +hp or something it could work out?
Oh, and I'm talking about Sol. In the case of Aether, I've never tested it, but it looks amazing - on paper - on any brave user with a breaker skill.

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1 minute ago, r4v1sh said:

Can Abel actually take a hit? Mine is a 4* -def, mind you, so he's mostly a glass canon. I always tought something like iceberg would be best for him, since I'd value more OHKO possibilities over survivability. But maybe if yours got +def, +hp or something it could work out?
Oh, and I'm talking about Sol. In the case of Aether, I've never tested it, but it looks amazing - on paper - on any brave user with a breaker skill.

My Abel is +1 5*.  He's got 45 HP, 41 Atk, 28 Spd, 22 Def, 29 Res.  Against Swords, he can take a hit just fine, as well as most Mages.  With the Brave Weapon, the Special trigger usually charges pretty well.  I figure Sol might help against other melee units more.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My Abel is +1 5*.  He's got 45 HP, 41 Atk, 28 Spd, 22 Def, 29 Res.  Against Swords, he can take a hit just fine, as well as most Mages.  With the Brave Weapon, the Special trigger usually charges pretty well.  I figure Sol might help against other melee units more.

I'm honestly not sure if Sol is all that good on him. I think it's a pretty mediocre skill in general, mainly because the effect is often not worth the high charge time imo. Other procs with a cooldown of 4 like Ignus/Glacies/Dragon Fang usually power your next move up immensely, while Sol heals only 50% of your usual damage. Combining this with the facts that Abel's base attack isn't all that high, that Brave Weapons have low might and that Sol has the obnoxious tendency to activate just when you want to finish a ~10 HP enemy off, the healing likely is not going to be as high as you'd want it to be.

Personally I'd take a something with a charge time of only 3 (maybe Luna?). This would allow you to activate your skill on the the second turn he's attacking, even when he neither had to eat a counter before (pretty easy to do against swordies) nor was hit by some ranged guy on the enmy's turn (which you obviously also want to avoid anyways).


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28 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My Abel is +1 5*.  He's got 45 HP, 41 Atk, 28 Spd, 22 Def, 29 Res.  Against Swords, he can take a hit just fine, as well as most Mages.  With the Brave Weapon, the Special trigger usually charges pretty well.  I figure Sol might help against other melee units more.


2 minutes ago, Sias said:

I'm honestly not sure if Sol is all that good on him. I think it's a pretty mediocre skill in general, mainly because the effect is often not worth the high charge time imo. Other procs with a cooldown of 4 like Ignus/Glacies/Dragon Fang usually power your next move up immensely, while Sol heals only 50% of your usual damage. Combining this with the facts that Abel's base attack isn't all that high, that Brave Weapons have low might and that Sol has the obnoxious tendency to activate just when you want to finish a ~10 HP enemy off, the healing likely is not going to be as high as you'd want it to be.

Personally I'd take a something with a charge time of only 3 (maybe Luna?). This would allow you to activate your skill on the the second turn he's attacking, even when he neither had to eat a counter before (pretty easy to do against swordies) nor was hit by some ranged guy on the enmy's turn (which you obviously also want to avoid anyways).


I agree with what Sias said. I think Sol works much better (and even then it's not amazing) with very high attack units. Maybe if you plan to give Abel death blow or defiant attack in place of his +HP on A, it could work a little better, but I don't really think it would solve his survivability problems. Attacking skills, on the other hand, could enable him to deal with other blue units or even some green ones (on this front, I prefer skills with fixed damage, like Iceberg/Glacies).

Your idea of giving him Aether, tough, seems nice (and costly). It's a slow trigger, but helps with both attack and survival. I wouldn't say it's the best, but it seems like it would work. If you're adamant on testing these ideas, what I recommend is burning some useless 3* and giving him the lesser form of one of these skills, like daylight, and trying it out. It's costly too, but it's what I've been doing with my units, since I rarely upgrade from 3* unless it's a really nice IV anyway.

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13 hours ago, BANRYU said:

It's probably Abel either way TBH. My Nino needs buffers, and that means I need more units with Hones/Fortifies/Rallies haha. My hope was for Kagero to get Fortify Def and Abel to get Hone Speed but Kagero needs the Reciprocal Aid that comes with HS from Matthew, so it's probably Abel getting whatever from Fred. I THINK he could put Luna to pretty good use, and from what I've calc'd having that many buffs on Nino might be a bit overkill (Atk and Spd is all she really needs to kill most things) but who knows maybe she could actually land some red kills with even more buffs lol. I'll have to try some calcs on that front. 

Abel... Interesting case. While he could make Luna work, you'd have to kill whoever you're killing on the third strike if the enemy can counter, else you're wasting Luna on the fourth strike of his. Unfortunately, Abel's not that fast against other units, so he's not likely to double anyone else other than Swords. I almost don't like it since it's kind of reliant on a Sword presence which, while common in Arena, his actual offense isn't strong enough, in my experience, to kill people on the third strike. He's pretty much a player-phase-sword-delete button. On enemy phase, he's significantly weaker.

I wouldn't even think of Fortify Defense as a Nino buff as is a general good buff. Ninian's Fortify Defense 2 has been pretty helpful at times in Arena. Though it does require positioning so...

If it were me, I'd go with Fortify Defense 3. Doesn't require combat investment and I always love a good buff. Plus Abel has better chances of positioning himself in a good spot if he's not seeing further combat.

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10 hours ago, Chelone said:

tried to ignore this banner but all the free orbs made me summon a couple of times. My only banner unit is Jaffar though... haven't looked much into these banner units and my jaffar is +spd/-res I know speed is always good, but would attack be better for him?

That's a Glimmer every other attack!

Jaffar honestly doesn't care, IMO.  +Spd means that he doubles people in the 34-36 range, which will do far more damage than +Atk in that instance.

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29 minutes ago, Dual Dragons said:

Abel... Interesting case. While he could make Luna work, you'd have to kill whoever you're killing on the third strike if the enemy can counter, else you're wasting Luna on the fourth strike of his. Unfortunately, Abel's not that fast against other units, so he's not likely to double anyone else other than Swords. I almost don't like it since it's kind of reliant on a Sword presence which, while common in Arena, his actual offense isn't strong enough, in my experience, to kill people on the third strike. He's pretty much a player-phase-sword-delete button. On enemy phase, he's significantly weaker.

I wouldn't even think of Fortify Defense as a Nino buff as is a general good buff. Ninian's Fortify Defense 2 has been pretty helpful at times in Arena. Though it does require positioning so...

If it were me, I'd go with Fortify Defense 3. Doesn't require combat investment and I always love a good buff. Plus Abel has better chances of positioning himself in a good spot if he's not seeing further combat.

Yeahhh it's true about FortDef It's definitely a good general-use skill to have haha, certainly come in handy a lot in the GHBs and whatnot. Still, I think Abel benefits more from getting the boosts of that than having the effect on himself, but what can you do. I'll try to find someone else in my main group to put it on, but if not, should be fine anyway. 

I'll run some general arena practice with Abel next time my swords come around to see how stuff works with him as far as number of hits he needs. If that doesn't seem to be working out so much, then I'll probably stick with Fortify Def and give Abel maybe Glimmer or something for the short term. 

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