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Have one forma soul on hand and am going to be using it on the TMS rerun for either Eleonora or Kira. And I doubt i'll be able to get a 2nd since the celestial stone shop reset isn't for another 25 days. And I doubt the HoF will last that long

Who would you say would benefit more from the hard to obtain skills from this mode? I imagine Eleonora would be the right choice due to the limited nature of deadeye and spd/def tempo

Ontop of Eleonora being a more universally useful unit. But your recomendations?

Edited by Faellin
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35 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Have one forma soul on hand and am going to be using it on the TMS rerun for either Eleonora or Kira. And I doubt i'll be able to get a 2nd since the celestial stone shop reset isn't for another 25 days. And I doubt the HoF will last that long

Who would you say would benefit more from the hard to obtain skills from this mode? I imagine Eleonora would be the right choice due to the limited nature of deadeye and spd/def tempo

Ontop of Eleonora being a more universally useful unit. But your recomendations?

Between the two of them, Eleonora definitely has the harder-to-get premium skills. Not only for Deadeye and Spd/Def Tempo, but also for Whitecap Bow.

You're going to want to look for something like this:

Whitecap Bow+ [Spd] / any other refine
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+
Deadeye / Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Ideal 4
Spd/Def Tempo 3 / Chill Def/Res 3
Spd Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Fatal Smoke 3 / Atk/Spd Menace / Time's Pulse 3

If you do end up able to grab another Forma Soul before the Hall of Forms switches (based on the fact that the non-rerun Hall of Forms Forma Soul redemption period goes through the rerun Hall of Forms, the two will probably have redemption periods that are separate from each other), Kiria will probably want something like this:

Unity Blooms+ [Res] / Bridal Orchid+ [Res] / Raudhrvulture+ [Res] / any other refine
Rally Atk/Spd + / Harsh Command+
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Res Finish 4
Atk/Res Tempo 3 / Chill Def/Res 3
Atk Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Fatal Smoke 3 / Atk/Res Menace / Time's Pulse 3

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Dragon's Wrath is the hardest one to get right now, so it should be your highest priority until an easier-to-get source is released.

Special Fighter should be the lowest priority of the three since it's significantly easier to get than the other two.

Perfect, thank you!

10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Not only does Tana have an easier time killing Hector in one round, but even if she fails to do so, she's not at risk of being killed by a counterattack. Robin is more likely to survive, and if she does, Tana is unlikely to survive a counterattack (noting that Tana doesn't have the defensive half of Null Follow-Up to block Robin's guaranteed follow-up).

By this logic, is V!Henriette the better choice to get, or does being colorless give Robin advantages against lesser known threats as well that are more important? Thanks again!

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11 hours ago, Faellin said:

Have one forma soul on hand and am going to be using it on the TMS rerun for either Eleonora or Kira. And I doubt i'll be able to get a 2nd since the celestial stone shop reset isn't for another 25 days. And I doubt the HoF will last that long

Who would you say would benefit more from the hard to obtain skills from this mode? I imagine Eleonora would be the right choice due to the limited nature of deadeye and spd/def tempo

Ontop of Eleonora being a more universally useful unit. But your recomendations?

Typically, HoF runs for two weeks and then has a window of about two more weeks where you can use Forma Souls on the units. I don't know how the availability will work for reruns, but there's still 15 days of availability on the current HoF and that will overlap with the rerun. So I think there's good odds that the rerun will still have its availability open when the next Forma Soul becomes available.

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10 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

By this logic, is V!Henriette the better choice to get, or does being colorless give Robin advantages against lesser known threats as well that are more important? Thanks again!

Robin is better than Henriette in general due to the fact that Robin's exclusive weapon is better than what Henriette has access to.

If Harmonized Tana becomes more popular, then that will be a good reason to use Henriette over Robin since Henriette has zero issue tanking Tana. However, right now, the primary ranged threats in Aether Raids are largely red (Duo Chrom) and colorless (Harmonized Lysithea), so there isn't much of an advantage in using Henriette at the moment, as she's weapon-triangle neutral to them, just like Robin. (Henriette isn't affected by Lysithea's C Feud's stat penalty, but that's not too significant of an issue compared to the fact that you're losing Flayn/Elimine support regardless of who your tank is.)

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Got a Shinon off the TMS banner, +attack -def. So very solid IVs.

I was planning on pulling for him to get deadeye + time pulse fodder for my legendary Chrom at some point.

But not sure if I should go through with this fodder, seeing as this Shinon got good IVs, and my telius roster for limited battles is pretty bad. So having a good powerhouse like him for that seems to good to pass up. Since my lineup for those is more or less just brave Micaiah, my +10 Sothe, and Altina (hopefuly her remix is good, I need it to be)


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I have finally returned...to be met by CYL stuff! That's twice now I've had to miss the freebie from AHR aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anyways, regarding the free CYL pick, does anyone have a knowledge of the optimal fodder for each of the new peeps, as well as what niche each one is trying to fill?

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48 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I have finally returned...to be met by CYL stuff! That's twice now I've had to miss the freebie from AHR aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anyways, regarding the free CYL pick, does anyone have a knowledge of the optimal fodder for each of the new peeps, as well as what niche each one is trying to fill?

Most of their base kits are fine as is, you'll just want to fill in what they don't have already.

Tiki is an omni tanking unit. Her best seal is probably Distant Counter. Or you can give her another defensive seal like Close Defense if you want her to just melee tank.

Byleth is a Vantage Sweeper. So anything to boost her attack and speed in enemy phase like Life and Death or Atk/Spd Solo. Atk/Spd Unity can be a good replacement in her A slot.

Seliph is a tank busting unit. He just wants something to boost his offenses like Atk/Spd Solo or Blade Session. You can run double Mythic Boost on him so he has infinite Miracle. He can work as a Galeforce WoM beacon as well.

Chrom is a tank buster as well, but his unit positional skill makes him pretty versatile. He wants to give an infantry ally Null Follow-Up then copy it with his positional. Other units like Seliph and Byleth here grant themselves the NFU status so that can work as well. For seals typical offense boost. He works great as a Galeforcer since he has special charge in his weapon and doesn't have to rely on Heavy Blade SS.

Edited by LoneStar
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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

Anyways, regarding the free CYL pick, does anyone have a knowledge of the optimal fodder for each of the new peeps, as well as what niche each one is trying to fill?

Seliph is a fast wall breaker and general offensive unit. He has Legendary Sigurd's gimmick of having a nearly permanent +1 movement range as well as his own gimmick of having a non-Special Miracle. He's extremely difficult to kill on counterattack due to having high Spd, Null Follow-Up, Atk/Spd Penalty nullification, and non-Special Miracle and can easily retreat after combat with Canto (2). His base kit is good to go from the start, though you have the option of replacing Atk/Spd Clash with Surge Sparrow for passive healing in exchange for a smaller stat boost (skills learned by default in bold) :

Brave Seliph [+Spd / +Atk]
Holytide Tyrfing
Luna / Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Clash 4 / Surge Sparrow / Atk/Spd Catch 4
Lull Spd/Def 3 / Flow Guard 3 / Flow Refresh 3
Heir to Light
Atk/Spd Solo 3 / Blade Session 3 / etc.

Atk/Spd Clash is the new skill he brings. It's a side-grade to Atk/Spd Catch, Atk/Spd Ideal, and Surge Sparrow, preferably used on units with high movement range or the ability to warp.


Chrom is also a fast wall breaker and general offensive unit. He has his previous gimmick of having Reposition with the ability to move again afterwards, but this time, he also copies all of the buffs that the targeted ally has on them, which gives him a lot of potential when used with teammates with powerful unique buffs, like Claude's Fallen Star. Chrom lacks Null Follow-Up, but is intended to use his default Infantry Spd Tactic to grant the Null Follow-Up status effect to an ally and then copy the buff for himself. Chrom doesn't come with a Special, so you'll have to provide him one yourself:

Brave Chrom [+Spd / +Atk]
A Fate Changed!
Aether / Galeforce / Ruptured Sky / Luna
Surge Sparrow / Atk/Spd Clash 4 / Atk/Spd Catch 4
S/D Near Trace 3
Inf. Spd Tactic / Atk/Spd Menace / Fatal Smoke / etc.
Atk/Spd Solo 3 / Blade Session 3 / etc.

Chrom's Special charge rate boost allows him to activate Aether if the opponent can counterattack and doesn't have Guard or Tempo. Ruptured Sky and Luna are more reliable, but don't grant the additional healing. Galeforce is also usable, though you'd want to switch out his A skill to Clash or Catch.

Infantry Spd Tactic can be swapped out for other C skills depending on the team composition.

Chrom's new skill is Infantry Spd Tactic, which is situational at best and requires team planning, though it is seen in some competitive game modes to create an infantry super tank. Otherwise, Chrom is a new source of Surge Sparrow and S/D Near Trace, both of which are otherwise rare skills.


Tiki is a slow super tank with player-phase presence. Her primary gimmick is her ability to charge 1 point of her own Special and uncharge 1 point of her opponent's Special before combat starts, which prevents the opponent from blocking her Special with Guard and prevents the opponent from using their own Special on their first attack on enemy phase. She also has passive healing, Dragon Wall, a guaranteed follow-up, and follow-up prevention, making it hard to take her down. Her base kit is good to go from the start:

Brave Tiki [+Atk / +Res]
Remote Breath
Glimmer / Moonbow
Atk/Res Finish 4
New Divinity
Def/Res Menace
 / Atk/Res Menace / etc.
Distant Counter (D) / Def/Res Form 3 / etc.

Atk/Res Menace is arguably a slightly better option for her C slot if you can separate the opponent's units so that they only attack one unit per turn or if the opponent only has units that target Res. Distant Counter (D) is the preferred Sacred Seal, but a stat-boosting Sacred Seal can be used if Distant Counter is unnecessary.

Tiki's new skill is Atk/Res Finish, which isn't amazing on its own due to the specific pairing of stats, but introduces the new Finish skill series that is amazing for units that can easily have their Special skills charged from the start of combat, namely units with Shield Pulse (Legendary Corrin, etc.), Time's Pulse (Duo Chrom, etc.), or Specials that charge themselves (Legendary Fae, etc.).


Byleth is a reboot of the Vantage tank archetype combined with a fast wall breaker. Her gimmick is the fact that she automatically fully charges her Special at the start of each turn and after each round of combat, combined with the fact that her Special reduces the damage of opponent's first attack after the Special activates and the fact that she has Vantage, allowing her to use always use her Special before the opponent's first attack. Additionally, her Special boosts the damage of her own next attack in case the opponent can block her Special from activating again. She is designed to be virtually unkillable on player phase or when attacked by a ranged unit on top of being able to safely break walls, but is relatively easily killed by melee units on her enemy phase. She basically has no need for any skills other than her base skills:

Brave Byleth [+Spd / +Atk]
Inner Wellspring
Divine Pulse
Atk/Spd Catch 4
Spd Preempt 3
Spd/Res Hold / Atk/Spd Menace
Atk/Spd Solo 3 / Atk/Spd Form 3 / etc.

Atk/Spd Menace is listed to activate both stacks of Catch without the need for support from teammates, but it's usually better to let teammates handle it.

Byleth's new skill, Spd Preempt, is far too niche to be practical on most units and is for the time being functionally limited to herself. However, she is a new source of Atk/Spd Catch and Spd/Res Hold.

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Hm, this is good to know.

I'm probably not going to use any of these, since I have other Units I like better. I was planning to just pick one and sack it for the new swag, but it sounds like they're all bringing something fairly niche in their new stuff that doesn't really work with older Units that well, if I'm understanding this correctly?

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33 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hm, this is good to know.

I'm probably not going to use any of these, since I have other Units I like better. I was planning to just pick one and sack it for the new swag, but it sounds like they're all bringing something fairly niche in their new stuff that doesn't really work with older Units that well, if I'm understanding this correctly?

It depends on the older units you're using. All four of them have at least one skill worth using for fodder, even if it isn't the new skill:


Atk/Spd Clash is a side-grade for the typical Atk/Spd skills in the A slot. It can be used pretty well on nearly any fast melee cavalry unit, and it's also pretty good on any fast Galeforce infantry that is unable to reliably activate both stacks of Ideal.

Infantry Spd Tactic is specific to Tactic team compositions that include infantry units, ideally given to a unit that isn't infantry. It's pretty good on pretty much any non-infantry support unit that is likely to be used with infantry, like Harmonized Azura.

Even if you don't have any use for Infantry Spd Tactic, Brave Chrom can still hand out both Surge Sparrow and S/D Near Trace with a single copy (typically using Luthier for Surge Sparrow's prerequisite Swift Sparrow 2).

Atk/Res Finish is very specific to certain units. Other than Brave Tiki herself, Legendary Fae is the best unit to give it to. However, pretty much any non-Spd-based infantry unit that wants Res for any reason and can fully charge their Special for their follow-up attack has an argument to use it over other options.

Spd Preempt is the only new skill that is currently worthless (or close enough to it) as fodder, as Brave Byleth is the only unit that can really make use of it at the moment.

However, Brave Byleth still has Spd/Res Hold, which is worth using. Also Atk/Spd Catch, though that's easier to get from other sources.

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Got the Volke manual awhile ago from divine codes, and torn between who I should give lethality to.

While Yuri is definitely the better user of the skill, with my current setup he would only be able to get that skill.

While in the case of my Sothe, i'm not sure how well he'd use it due to the lack of a slaying effect on his pref weapon, but I would be able to grab that time pulse skill with it, which is a drastically more useful skill for him over what I have currently



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7 hours ago, Faellin said:

Got the Volke manual awhile ago from divine codes, and torn between who I should give lethality to.

While Yuri is definitely the better user of the skill, with my current setup he would only be able to get that skill.

While in the case of my Sothe, i'm not sure how well he'd use it due to the lack of a slaying effect on his pref weapon, but I would be able to grab that time pulse skill with it, which is a drastically more useful skill for him over what I have currently

Lethality is significantly harder to get than Time's Pulse, so I think it's more worth it to prioritize who would make better use of Lethality over inheritance efficiency in this case.

Lethality is currently only available from Volke in the standard pool, whereas Time's Pulse is available from 8 different units.

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With the new path of radiance hall of forms being extremely stacked, i'm very tempted to use a forma soul on it. The one i'll be using for this lineup is from the shop reset in 2 weeks. So I technically only have 1 on hand right this moment

So given my current Telius roster, who would you recomend between Jill, Shinon, and Volke? I could technically use 2 forma souls, but that would mean giving up on this Eleonora. Which I feel I shouldn't do because of how perfect she came out.

Jill would easily fill the biggest hole in my lineup. Not just telius units, but roster as a whole since my only other axe flyer in general is Hel. And seeing as my telius roster is all tanky and ranged units. Having a unit like her would be huge for me.

Shinon probably not the best idea, seeing as I already have him. But an updated kit would be nice, and it would free up the one I have for deadeye fodder.

Volke is just way to good to pass up in general due to how absurdly good he is



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7 hours ago, Faellin said:

So given my current Telius roster, who would you recomend between Jill, Shinon, and Volke? I could technically use 2 forma souls, but that would mean giving up on this Eleonora. Which I feel I shouldn't do because of how perfect she came out.

On the one hand, Volke is insanely good. On the other hand, he's recent enough that his base version already has a good set of default skills, and most of his default skills are still up to date, which means there isn't much to gain from Forma Volke other than Volke himself.

Shinon is probably the lowest priority of the three since you already have a copy of him and you have access to a pretty much perfect Forma Eleonora.

Jill has more to gain from Hall of Forms, but Volke is just a comically strong unit, so pick whichever one fits your needs better.


As for suggested Forma skills (and Assets for Trait Fruits and florets),

Jill [+Spd (+Atk)]
Shuriken Cleaver+ / Ninja Masakari+
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Catch 4 / Atk/Spd Clash 4 / Surge Sparrow
S/D Near Trace 3 / Flow Force 3
Spd/Def Hold / Atk/Spd Menace / Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Spd Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3

S/D Near Trace is preferred over Flow Force, though Flow Force is a decent option if you're going to be using her in the Arena.

Spd/Def Hold is the preferred C skill as long as you can offload buffs and debuffs to allies. Atk/Spd Oath is an option to combine with Atk/Spd Clash in the A slot. Menace and Smoke are good overall.

Volke [+Spd / +Atk]
Vicious Dagger+ [Spd] / Courtly Fan+ [Spd]
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Ideal 4
Spd/Def Ruse 3 / Spd Preempt 3 / Disarm Trap 3 / Lull Spd/Def 3
Atk/Spd Menace / Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3

Unfortunately, Atk/Spd Finish isn't in the Hall of Forms pool yet, so you're stuck with Atk/Spd Ideal.

Spd/Def Ruse is an option for Aether Raids defense as well as general use with a dancer. Disarm Trap is an option for Aether Raids offense. Spd Preempt is there because +4 Spd is actually decent, and while Vantage isn't reliable, it can still be useful now and then. Lull Spd/Def is usable in the Arena against Rally balls and is a more reliable source of stats in general if you're running Null Follow-Up in the Sacred Seal slot instead of a stat-boosting skill.

Atk/Spd Oath is notable here for granting its teleportation effect as a Bonus that cannot be nullified in combat, which allows Atk/Spd Ideal to always have at least one stack active.

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7 hours ago, Faellin said:

So given my current Telius roster, who would you recomend between Jill, Shinon, and Volke? I could technically use 2 forma souls, but that would mean giving up on this Eleonora. Which I feel I shouldn't do because of how perfect she came out.

I would go with Volke, and his alternative kit would be something like the following if he is not busting tanks:
Bone Carver
Ruptured Sky
Flashing Blade
Windsweep — Watersweep
Fatal Smoke
Null Follow-Up

For acquiring actual skills from Hall of Forms then something like this:
Bone Carver — Courtly Fan — Broadleaf Fan — Kitty Paddle
(Any high scoring Assist)
Ruptured Sky
Flashing Blade — Life and Death
Spd/Def Tempo — Spd Preempt — Special Spiral
Fatal Smoke — Def/Res Smoke — Atk/Spd Oath

7 hours ago, Faellin said:

Jill would easily fill the biggest hole in my lineup. Not just telius units, but roster as a whole since my only other axe flyer in general is Hel. And seeing as my telius roster is all tanky and ranged units. Having a unit like her would be huge for me.

While Jill is nice, she is the weakest of the bunch. Player phase nukes are a dime a dozen, and being melee does not help either. In PvE content, Ike: Brave Mercenary already covers green and can tank.

7 hours ago, Faellin said:

Shinon probably not the best idea, seeing as I already have him. But an updated kit would be nice, and it would free up the one I have for deadeye fodder.

You already have him, and player phase nukes are pretty cheap to build in general, so I do not recommend going for him.

I am also not thrilled with Deadeye as a Special and I would not prioritize it as a skill for fodder. Piercing damage reduction is good, but the core effect of Deadeye is still based off Glimmer and Astra, so piercing damage reduction will do absolutely nothing for a unit if that unit cannot deal enough damage in the first place. For someone like Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo and Hinoka: Fair Pirate Pair, Deadeye is fine since they are able to overwhelm the Def of their foes with armor effectiveness. On the other hand, for general purpose nukes like Claude: Almyra's King and Dagr: New Year Jötnar, or even Shinon and Ullr who even come with Deadeye by default, the Special does not really help them deal with bulky tanks who can just wall them off with sheer stats alone.

8 hours ago, Faellin said:

Volke is just way to good to pass up in general due to how absurdly good he is

He is good because he is in the right class with access to Lethality, so lack of high damage output is less of an issue when Lethality can basically negate most of the tank's Def. He also comes with effects to nearly guarantee his Lethality trigger.

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I have some more Savior skills, if that's alright with everyone:

  • I'm assuming Hardy Fighter + Aegis is B!Hector's best kit? If so, how does he recharge Aegis on his own after the first proc, or does he only work when paired with someone who can recharge his specials remotely (like B!Lucina)? I was thinking of building him for AR-D Anima Season, if that counts for anything.*
  • Also, I know I asked about H!Myrrh before, but that was with regards to Near Saving. Is she better for Near or Far Saving? I thought I could put her on my Dark team (maybe with Rearmed Grima or Fallen Rhea to pair with her).

* Who would be a good counterpart to go with him as a Near Saver? I have A!Idunn on my AR-O at the moment, and an unused V!Lucina, B!Edelgard and W!Sothis for "recent options". I have an unbuilt W!Ephraim, BK and Arden too, the latter of whom I know became fairly popular after getting a Prf which I completely forgot about until the last time I was asking Savior questions.

Right now I have two Dedues, two A!Fjorms and a V!Henriette for fodder or use instead (along with maybe V!F!Robin), so I do have some limited fodder to burn (less so for Far Saving). For what it's worth (in case it changes anything), I'm still considering building a Catria ball team for both Seasons.

Apologies for the barrage of questions, and thanks again for all the help everyone!

P.S. I don't have Close Def 4, but I have a Gatrie and the recent Dheginsea manual for further fodder as well, as well as some Unity skills (though one of them is B!Marianne). Thanks again!

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27 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I'm assuming Hardy Fighter + Aegis is B!Hector's best kit? If so, how does he recharge Aegis on his own after the first proc, or does he only work when paired with someone who can recharge his specials remotely (like B!Lucina)? I was thinking of building him for AR-D Anima Season, if that counts for anything.*

If you are running him with Far Save, then yes, Hardy Fighter + Aegis is the best set you can give him.

Your options to charge Aegis are to either run a teammate that grants +1 Special charge rate or to run a Breath skill in the Sacred Seal slot. The former leaves you vulnerable to Feud skills, but because C Feud is the only commonly used Feud skill, it's really only a problem if the support unit is colorless. The latter leaves you vulnerable to Brave weapons, as you are unable to run Deflect Magic in the Sacred Seal slot.

Alternatively, you can give up some of the damage reduction to run Sacred Cowl instead.

On Aether Raids defense, you can't really rely on teammates for the +1 Special charge, though it still should be fine if it's mostly just to keep the opponent from attacking into you at the start.


33 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, I know I asked about H!Myrrh before, but that was with regards to Near Saving. Is she better for Near or Far Saving? I thought I could put her on my Dark team (maybe with Rearmed Grima or Fallen Rhea to pair with her).

Far Save is difficult to run on melee units without one of Distant Counter or Svalinn Shield on their weapon because of how many skill effects are actually needed to deal with all of the ranged bullshit that is currently running around. Her damage reduction on follow-up attacks is probably good enough to pass up on Deflect or Def/Res Form in order to run Svalinn Shield + Distant Counter (D), though it's hard for me to judge Far Save units just because of how many setups I've seen that are intended to just obliterate them.


34 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

* Who would be a good counterpart to go with him as a Near Saver? I have A!Idunn on my AR-O at the moment, and an unused V!Lucina, B!Edelgard and W!Sothis for "recent options". I have an unbuilt W!Ephraim, BK and Arden too, the latter of whom I know became fairly popular after getting a Prf which I completely forgot about until the last time I was asking Savior questions.

I currently consider Valentine Lucina and Rearmed Robin to be the best Near Save units in the game. Winter Sothis is right behind them, but she wants Arcane Grima and is vulnerable to the occasional Brave Alm (and kind of just dies to Brave Alm + Harmonized Catria).

Robin might be a bit better than Lucina right now since she has an easier time dealing with Brave Seliph, who is gaining popularity in Aether Raids defense, though Lucina has the advantage of Gerbera Axe being able to grant both herself and your Far Save tank the Dull effect without needing a skill slot or support from another teammate.

For Aether Raids defense, I think Robin is a bit harder for the opponent to take advantage of since she has better player-phase performance, which also allows you to save Lucina for Aether Raids offense without having to change blessings.

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18 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:
  • I'm assuming Hardy Fighter + Aegis is B!Hector's best kit? If so, how does he recharge Aegis on his own after the first proc, or does he only work when paired with someone who can recharge his specials remotely (like B!Lucina)? I was thinking of building him for AR-D Anima Season, if that counts for anything.*

I used Warding Breath Sacred Seal, and he was supported by triple Elimines. He should still work on defense.

23 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:
  • Also, I know I asked about H!Myrrh before, but that was with regards to Near Saving. Is she better for Near or Far Saving? I thought I could put her on my Dark team (maybe with Rearmed Grima or Fallen Rhea to pair with her).

In general, Save tanks are always better at their natural range, as they do not have to waste a slot for Distant Counter on A and can actually run a defensive effect instead.

Fjorm is the only exception I can think of since she got a Distant Counter Weapon (that is not complete shit) and Special specifically designed around Far Save, but everyone else is better at sticking with their natural range. Black Knight, Zelgius, and Robin: Fell Reincarnation got shitty Distant Counter Weapons, so while you can use those units for Far Save, I would not recommend it; they are better off running Arcane Weapons and sticking with Near Save.

Hector: Brave Warrior is better at Near Save since he can run Stance on A for Guard. However, even though he is better at Near Save, there are plenty of good Near Save units already, so he can contribute more as Far Save since there is less competition in that space. The only native Rng 2 unit that is good at Far Save that I can recall is Robin: Tactful Deliverer, and that is about it (Flora: Signature Dish is not horrible, but not great either; Marth Royal Altean Duo could be decent in the future if he gets a good Refine).

For Myrrh: Spooky Monster specifically, I would not use her for Far Save if you have Hector: Brave Warrior. Like Flora Signature Dish, she is not bad per se, but she does not have the tools necessary to deal with the modern PvP meta. If you are just using her for PvE content, she will be more than fine. In PvP on the other hand, she will get wrecked by the likes of Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo and Alm: Saint King.

1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

* Who would be a good counterpart to go with him as a Near Saver? I have A!Idunn on my AR-O at the moment, and an unused V!Lucina, B!Edelgard and W!Sothis for "recent options". I have an unbuilt W!Ephraim, BK and Arden too, the latter of whom I know became fairly popular after getting a Prf which I completely forgot about until the last time I was asking Savior questions.

Like super tanks, the best Save tanks are fast. If it were not for Chrom: Fate Defying Duo, we would not be talking about Hector: Brave Warrior and Fjorm: Ice Ascendant would be the best Far Save tank. But because he exists, you need a unit that has as little weakness as possible, so that will be Hector: Warrior, and he is even blue to help further mitigate that damage. For Near Save, the only unit who is really going to rip you a new anus is Nanna: Beloved Princess, but she is not too common and she is manageable if your Near Save tank is fast. If your Near Save tank can handle Nanna: Beloved Princess, your Near Save can handle anyone else.

Out of all your options, Lucina: Future Fondness would be best as Near Save since she got the Spd.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Your options to charge Aegis are to either run a teammate that grants +1 Special charge rate or to run a Breath skill in the Sacred Seal slot. The former leaves you vulnerable to Feud skills, but because C Feud is the only commonly used Feud skill, it's really only a problem if the support unit is colorless. The latter leaves you vulnerable to Brave weapons, as you are unable to run Deflect Magic in the Sacred Seal slot.

Yeah, I wanted to use Far Save (I assume A/R Far Save is better than A/D Far Save?) This is also what I thought, so thanks for that too! I'll tentatively put B!Lucina in the support spot for that team then.

3 minutes ago, XRay said:

I used Warding Breath Sacred Seal, and he was supported by triple Elimines. He should still work on defense.

I'm afraid I don't have a single Elimine, let alone 3. I have Flayn, Nifl and... that's it unfortunately 😕

7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Far Save is difficult to run on melee units without one of Distant Counter or Svalinn Shield on their weapon because of how many skill effects are actually needed to deal with all of the ranged bullshit that is currently running around. Her damage reduction on follow-up attacks is probably good enough to pass up on Deflect or Def/Res Form in order to run Svalinn Shield + Distant Counter (D), though it's hard for me to judge Far Save units just because of how many setups I've seen that are intended to just obliterate them.

2 minutes ago, XRay said:

In general, Save tanks are always better at their natural range, as they do not have to waste a slot for Distant Counter on A and can actually run a defensive effect instead.

For Myrrh: Spooky Monster specifically, I would not use her for Far Save if you have Hector: Brave Warrior. Like Flora Signature Dish, she is not bad per se, but she does not have the tools necessary to deal with the modern PvP meta. If you are just using her for PvE content, she will be more than fine. In PvP on the other hand, she will get wrecked by the likes of Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo and Alm: Saint King.

Both of you make very good points, and thanks to F!Edelgard (and every Edelgard after her, among others) I doubt we'll ever get a Svalin Seal. I'll keep her as a Near Saver then.

12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Robin might be a bit better than Lucina right now since she has an easier time dealing with Brave Seliph, who is gaining popularity in Aether Raids defense, though Lucina has the advantage of Gerbera Axe being able to grant both herself and your Far Save tank the Dull effect without needing a skill slot or support from another teammate.

For Aether Raids defense, I think Robin is a bit harder for the opponent to take advantage of since she has better player-phase performance, which also allows you to save Lucina for Aether Raids offense without having to change blessings.

I wanted to run Hector in Anima Season and pair him with someone immune to Naga and her Divine Fang. Is Robin still the better choice there, or should I put her in my Dark defence team with Lucina in Anima?

8 minutes ago, XRay said:

Like super tanks, the best Save tanks are fast. If it were not for Chrom: Fate Defying Duo, we would not be talking about Hector: Brave Warrior and Fjorm: Ice Ascendant would be the best Far Save tank. But because he exists, you need a unit that has as little weakness as possible, so that will be Hector: Warrior, and he is even blue to help further mitigate that damage. For Near Save, the only unit who is really going to rip you a new anus is Nanna: Beloved Princess, but she is not too common and she is manageable if your Near Save tank is fast. If your Near Save tank can handle Nanna: Beloved Princess, your Near Save can handle anyone else.

Out of all your options, Lucina: Future Fondness would be best as Near Save since she got the Spd.


So I'm likely going to use Robin on my Dark team as mentioned before, are there any clear options for a Far Saver to go with her out of the options I listed earlier? (Or should I make her a Far Saver and use one of them for Near Saving?)

Thank you both again!

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31 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

So I'm likely going to use Robin on my Dark team as mentioned before, are there any clear options for a Far Saver to go with her out of the options I listed earlier? (Or should I make her a Far Saver and use one of them for Near Saving?)

If you have Fjorm: Ice Ascendant, she is honestly more than fine as a Far Saver on defense. She completely shuts down Sweeps, so there is no way for the offense team to do so safely. While she is vulnerable to Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo, the offense team still have to extract him out, so as long as the rest of the defense team can swoop in and take somebody out, that vulnerability is not a huge deal.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you have Fjorm: Ice Ascendant, she is honestly more than fine as a Far Saver on defense. She completely shuts down Sweeps, so there is no way for the offense team to do so safely. While she is vulnerable to Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo, the offense team still have to extract him out, so as long as the rest of the defense team can swoop in and take somebody out, that vulnerability is not a huge deal.

Okay, thanks!

So right now my two AR-D teams are something along the lines of:


H!Catria, R!Robin, A!Fjorm, Nott, Sothis/ Brammimond (they're my only other Dark Mythics), 2 nukes and a dancer/ third nuke.


H!Catria, B!Hector, V!Lucina, B!Lucina, Mirabilis, Seiros (my only other Anima Mythic), 2 nukes.

Does that look good to anyone, or should one of those be a Save Ball team instead?

Or should I stick a F!Edelgard in the corner of each map and call it a day?

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43 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Yeah, I wanted to use Far Save (I assume A/R Far Save is better than A/D Far Save?) This is also what I thought, so thanks for that too! I'll tentatively put B!Lucina in the support spot for that team then.

Yeah, A/R Far Save is better for Hector since his Res is naturally pretty low. He wants as much Res stacking as he can get.


45 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I wanted to run Hector in Anima Season and pair him with someone immune to Naga and her Divine Fang. Is Robin still the better choice there, or should I put her in my Dark defence team with Lucina in Anima?

I'm not too worried about Divine Fang. Unless the opponent is using it with a unit with a Brave weapon (or Triangle Attack), Robin should have enough damage mitigation to deal with it decently well in combination with the -8 Atk inflicted by Dragonhide.

However, if it does worry you, then swapping Robin and Lucina will work just fine.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm not too worried about Divine Fang. Unless the opponent is using it with a unit with a Brave weapon (or Triangle Attack), Robin should have enough damage mitigation to deal with it decently well in combination with the -8 Atk inflicted by Dragonhide.

However, if it does worry you, then swapping Robin and Lucina will work just fine.

Fair point, thank you again. I may do that, but I'm really bad at remembering which Seasons have which Mythics so can't tell if there's an obvious detriment to moving Robin to Dark either.

But speaking of Lucina, is her base kit good for AR-D? Obviously she won't be using Future Vision to keep the AI in line, but should she still use Savvy Fighter or is Hardy Fighter the de facto skill to use on Saviors these days? If I do give Hector Hardy Fighter and not something like Special Fighter, that'd mean three of the four armors you've helped me narrow in on are being built as pure tanks. I'm just concerned that that may be overdoing it.

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30 minutes ago, XRay said:

While she is vulnerable to Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo, the offense team still have to extract him out, so as long as the rest of the defense team can swoop in and take somebody out, that vulnerability is not a huge deal.

In order to hit a Save unit, you only need to hit the closest unit that is covered by Save, which makes it significantly easier to snipe the unit and get back out.

And since Duo Chrom is able to move after using To Change Fate!, he can be used offensively to get another unit in range to make it easier to sweep all of the threatening units in one turn without even needing to get back out.


2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Fair point, thank you again. I may do that, but I'm really bad at remembering which Seasons have which Mythics so can't tell if there's an obvious detriment to moving Robin to Dark either.

Yeah, there's nothing of note offensively on Light/Dark season other than Mila's Isolation effect, so there's no real risk of putting Robin on Dark season.


2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

But speaking of Lucina, is her base kit good for AR-D? Obviously she won't be using Future Vision to keep the AI in line, but should she still use Savvy Fighter or is Hardy Fighter the de facto skill to use on Saviors these days? If I do give Hector Hardy Fighter and not something like Special Fighter, that'd mean three of the four armors you've helped me narrow in on are being built as pure tanks. I'm just concerned that that may be overdoing it.

Yeah, her base kit is good. Ideally, you'd replace her C skill with A/S Near Save from Rearmed Robin, and depending on your priorities, that might be worth the opportunity cost of losing a copy of Arcane Grima.

Hardy Fighter is strictly better than Savvy Fighter on slow units, but they are side grades on fast units (since Savvy Fighter relies on the unit having enough Spd to avoid a natural double for the damage reduction effect).

Hardy Fighter grants only the defensive half of Null Follow-Up, but has much higher damage reduction. Savvy Fighter grants the full Null Follow-Up and allows the unit to use an offensive Special, but grants less damage reduction. Basically, if you need the extra bulk, run Hardy Fighter, but if not, Savvy Fighter gives you more counterattack damage.

Savvy Fighter also isn't vulnerable to False Start.

My current setup for Lucina is

Valentine Lucina [+Spd]
Gerbera Axe
Future Vision
Kestrel Stance 3
Savvy Fighter 3
A/D Near Save 3
Darting Breath

though I intend to swap out A/D Near Save for A/S Near Save once I get around to actually pulling on the banner. It is worth noting that I'm running her with Valentine Robin, which gives Lucina a reliable source of passive healing.

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