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Hi people,

Playing Fire Emblem Heroes since the release and almost finished the lunatic story mode with a pretty solid no five stars team (4* Chrom, 4* Kagero , 4* Arthur and 4* Nowi).

As you can see it's a pretty balanced team with one character for each color.

As i'm trying to get an optimal team, I wondered if the best team includes one character of each color... or not ?

Thanks for your help, enjoy your day !



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I forget if Dragon breath goes against Def or Res, but it's a good idea to have at least one Magic User.  It can sometimes be better to go against the weapon triangle, if they either have a really low Def or Res.  So hitting a Blue General with a Red Spell can sometimes be better than trying to hit them with a non-Hammer Axe.

I'm using Takumi (Bow/Gray), Camilla (Ax/Green), Maria (Staff/Gray), and Lilina (Tome/Red) as my main 4, with Roy, Nino, and Florina as primary back-ups with Barst, Wrys, and Est not to far behind, if needed.  It's good to be able to not be walled if all the enemies, or even one has really high Def by having at least one magic user.

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6 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Dragon Breath does Magic damage, fortunately.

In that case, it's good coverage.  I like having a healer on my team, but from a meta standpoint, I'm not sure if it's necessary.

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Thanks a bunch for your advice !

I'm currently sticking with 1 of each color (4* Lilina/RED 4* Nino/GREEN 4* Nowi/BLUE 5* Takumi/GREY) and it works out pretty fine since i can't really get walled by high defense due to my massive magic damage output, and Takumi gets rid of fliers while Nowi can tank a few hits allowing the mages to deal damage.

I like healers a lot, but unfortunately i can't manage to exp them properly. Plus, their usefulness shows up only in the long run so i don't know if the energy investement is worth it...

@Jayvee94 If i have luck with my pulls and manage to get a good flier/cav i'll try it out, thanks ! :)

Edited by PowerVZ
bad english
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Which setup has worked best for you so far? I tend to use 2 melee and 2 ranged, mixing magic and physical damage, but I'd like to see what you guys are using.

I'm never sure how to fit Lowi in... but she's definitely squishy and needs protection.

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2 hours ago, PowerVZ said:

Thanks a bunch for your advice !

I'm currently sticking with 1 of each color (4* Lilina/RED 4* Nino/GREEN 4* Nowi/BLUE 5* Takumi/GREY) and it works out pretty fine since i can't really get walled by high defense due to my massive magic damage output, and Takumi gets rid of fliers while Nowi can tank a few hits allowing the mages to deal damage.

I like healers a lot, but unfortunately i can't manage to exp them properly. Plus, their usefulness shows up only in the long run so i don't know if the energy investement is worth it...

@Jayvee94 If i have luck with my pulls and manage to get a good flier/cav i'll try it out, thanks ! :)

Your new team is a bit Magic heavy, I'd have at least 2 Physical Units, so you don't get walled by Mages or High Res characters.

I find Healers are actually pretty easy to level, since they get XP by healing and don't have to worry about taking XP away by attacking enemies.

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Based on my experience with the game so far, you want a good variety of movement types (at least one cavalry and at least one flying) and a few movement-based support skills like pivot and swap. That will help your team move more freely and not get caught up due to the limited movement range in this game. You also want full weapon triangle coverage, and that includes a mage with a raven tome for effective damage against colorless units. And you definitely want a healer.

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48 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Based on my experience with the game so far, you want a good variety of movement types (at least one cavalry and at least one flying) and a few movement-based support skills like pivot and swap. That will help your team move more freely and not get caught up due to the limited movement range in this game. You also want full weapon triangle coverage, and that includes a mage with a raven tome for effective damage against colorless units. And you definitely want a healer.

I've found Healers get worse as you level up.  At low levels, I agree, Healers are quite useful, but Healing does not scale at all.  Physic heals 8HP, whether you are Level 1 or Level 40.  That makes it a lot harder to justify giving a Healer a spot on your 4 man team at higher levels.


I have no idea why they don't make Healing scale with your Atk in some way.  Healers aren't really contributing much with offense.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I've found Healers get worse as you level up.  At low levels, I agree, Healers are quite useful, but Healing does not scale at all.  Physic heals 8HP, whether you are Level 1 or Level 40.  That makes it a lot harder to justify giving a Healer a spot on your 4 man team at higher levels.


I have no idea why they don't make Healing scale with your Atk in some way.  Healers aren't really contributing much with offense.

Ah, see, I have Azama, who has a one turn cooldown special that makes him heal 10 more, and he heals himself, so I've found he's always been useful.

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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Your new team is a bit Magic heavy, I'd have at least 2 Physical Units, so you don't get walled by Mages or High Res characters.

I find Healers are actually pretty easy to level, since they get XP by healing and don't have to worry about taking XP away by attacking enemies.

Ok, I should I replace 4* Lilina/RED for a 4* Chrom/RED. 


49 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Based on my experience with the game so far, you want a good variety of movement types (at least one cavalry and at least one flying) and a few movement-based support skills like pivot and swap. That will help your team move more freely and not get caught up due to the limited movement range in this game. You also want full weapon triangle coverage, and that includes a mage with a raven tome for effective damage against colorless units. And you definitely want a healer.

Healers are squishy, and doesn't deal damage (even with a spell they don't have enough attack), the debuff and the heal is decent though, but is it worth a character slot when you can bring a bulky damage dealer instead (I'm comparing the healer to Takumi since i'll obviously run 1 character of every color) ?

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1 minute ago, PowerVZ said:

Healers are squishy, and doesn't deal damage (even with a spell they don't have enough attack), the debuff and the heal is decent though, but is it worth a character slot when you can bring a bulky damage dealer instead (I'm comparing the healer to Takumi since i'll obviously run 1 character of every color) ?

Looks like I just got a really good one. 4* Azama at least is definitely worth a slot, he heals 7 damage one turn, 17 damage the other, alternating, and he heals himself too when he does this. He also has quite high defense and an attack called pain that inflicts a fixed 10 post-battle damage in case you need some extra muscle or want to train up weaker units.

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15 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Looks like I just got a really good one. 4* Azama at least is definitely worth a slot, he heals 7 damage one turn, 17 damage the other, alternating, and he heals himself too when he does this. He also has quite high defense and an attack called pain that inflicts a fixed 10 post-battle damage in case you need some extra muscle or want to train up weaker units.

If Azama can deal 17 HP, he may be worth it.  Wrys also has a Special that heals the whole team for 10HP, except the unit being actively healed ironically.  But Maria and most other healers I'd imagine are dropping off.

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Wrt healer:

I've been running Ryoma, Takumi, Catria, and Wrys. Started out as something in absence of a good 4th slot unit (Cherche 3* was there but she didn't get enough def to offset her poor spd and wasn't really able to keep up) and I actually ended up liking having a healer there since it just means I can make the powerhouse Hoshibros do more things, considering that both of them can counter all ranges, but only has middling defense.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Current team after completing the store on normal mode, some missions on hard mode, and all the normal and hard mode February quests is:

Chrehe 3* = very useful unit, especially with their movement and attack against infantry

Gauis 4* = also very useful, can buff his own defenses, weaken units, and do a lot of damage

Eliwood 3* = does a lot of damage, also like his movement, and he can take magic incredibly well, also has the ability to reduce damage ranged attacks

Odin 3* = unfortunately, near useless. Only using him because I needed the color blue and a tome user (my other one was Sophia from the day one event, and she lasted me throughout most of the game). He doubles and usually can't get doubled, but has a lot of difficulty dealing damage. Therefore, he's difficult to level up. His attack skill is nice, but he still can only really use it on weakened enemies... Hoping to increase his * rank and get him the spell after Elthunder to make him be more useful...

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Personally, I'm running a Calvary team with Gunther, Jagen, Stahl, and Leo (to be replaced with Cecilia once I get one).  Stacking the Gunther and Jagen buffs gives a nice all stats +6, and overall the team is pretty tanky. 

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Current A-team is:

  • 5* Lucina: The heavy hitter with her ridiculous 44 Attack and 23 Speed. Kind of squishy, but she has enough HP to survive a bit.
  • 5* Merric: Green magic nuke, especially against fliers thanks to Excalibur. Somehow has 25 Defense, so he eats archers too. His skill Growing Wind is insane as well, hitting the target and all 8 surrounding squares with a free attack before he even begins combat. Utterly wrecked the Masked Man.
  • 3* Clarine: Mostly for healing, especially since she's mounted. She can debuff with Fear, and Reconcile+Imbue means she can keep herself alive along with the team. First target for promotion once I get her some more SP.
  • 4* Tiki: Mostly here because I didn't have anything better. Inferior to Merric in every way except having 1 more Defense. I'm raising a 4* Femui to replace her and bring some blue in.
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  • 1 month later...

I'm having issues coming up with a good team, can someone please help?


4* (red melee then magic)---Marth-- Ogma--Fir--Chrom--Lon'qu--Olivia--Hana--Laslow--Draug--Eliwood--Caeda--Lilina--Raigh--Sofia--Tiki (dragon)

4* blue (melee then magic)---Donnel--Oboro--Gwendolyn--Jagen--Est--Florina--Subaki--Robin (male)--Odin--Corrin (dragon)

4* green (melee then magic)---Barst--Bartre--Hawkeye--Arthur--Frederick--Cherche--Camilla--Beruka--Merrick--Nino--Camilia

4* healers---Maria--Wrys--Clarine--Sakura--Serra--Azama--Lissa--

4* ranged---Gordin--Jeorge--Setsuna--Niles--Matthew--Felicia--Saizo

3* Henry--Gaius--Anna--Shanna--Sully--Sharena--Palla--Selena--Hinata--Alfonse--Stahl

most of them are level 20+ please help me wit building a team!

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  • 3 weeks later...

What you usually want (for pvp at least) is a team that can destroy and covers it's weakness.

You should start the build at it's core, that is the unit doing most the damage. Usually these units need good atk and spd but if you can't think of anything go and search up builds for units at the fire emblem wiki. Next, unless the unit doesn't need it, you wanna have a unit to support your core. Eirika is a real good buffer, she has an atk boost on her siegelinde and hone speed, with inheritance you can give her rally def or res (but don't do rally atk or speed buffs don't stack, they just get replaced if another for the same stat gets applied), with 3 buffs, that will probably be enough. (Also Eirika has great synergy with mages with raor/gronn-blade because -blade weapons damage increases by the amount of stats buffed so an Eirika would buff 3 spd I think, 4 atk I think, and 4 def/res so that means the -blade unit gets atk and spd And 11 extra damage) you could also use a dancer as a support so that you can use your core twice. After that you wanna cover your weaknesses or if you don't have weaknesses just get more coverage so you can counter more units. And your weaknesses are your counters to your core. For example if you use quadsuna as your core (look for the quadsuna build in the wiki, it's awesome) the counters could be the units with really high def, units with bowbreaker as a b skill, and effie because of her wary fighter skill. After you got your core built, you can do wahtever but you usually want to cover it's weaknesses and do good on more units. So with your coverage units you wanna counter them you would probably counter the high def with a strong mage or dragon, find what builds have bowbreaker and try to counter them all, or just live with the fact that wary fighter is a damn good skill. Next with your other coverage units you wanna counter as many units as possible, one good example is kagero, her dagger has advantage on infantry units meaning her attacks on infantry units (which are like most units) do 50% more damage and so much of the good units are infantry meaning you'll basically always counter at least half their team. Another example is robin (m) his weapon gives him advantage on gray units and if you're high in the arena you'll probably find gray because they have no color counters and there are so many great red units so you bet they'll be there which means robin also counters a lot.

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Generally one of each type plus a dancer is the best build, but it's not really necessary. Ampharos has a strategy where Nino gets buffed enough to take out literally everyone. Really you are just trying to find your best unit or two and give them enough support to wipe the map.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need help....



I have Marth, Gordin, Priscilla, Jaffar, Seliph, Arthur, Cain, Odin, and Ephraim.

Jaffar can double but he dies in five seconds so it doesn't matter anyway!
Please Help

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