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February Lunatic quests

Dr. Tarrasque

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I thought level 40 stats always ended up identically.  Can a character's bane/boon change when they promote?  Does a 5* unit have a higher stat total over a 4* at level 40, or is the only difference which Skills they have access to?

I don't know yet. That's what I'm looking into with my Clarine.

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I thought level 40 stats always ended up identically.  Can a character's bane/boon change when they promote?  Does a 5* unit have a higher stat total over a 4* at level 40, or is the only difference which Skills they have access to?

Adding to the previous answer, there are 12 stats difference between level 40 4* and 5*.

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6 hours ago, Suichimo said:

Sadly, I don't have any good blue or cavalry units to finish off my quests...

Subaki was a previously featured special map unit, and Stahl's up tomorrow.  The grind's gonna suck, but you should be able to get them high enough to do the quests.  You've still got two weeks!

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43 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Subaki was a previously featured special map unit, and Stahl's up tomorrow.  The grind's gonna suck, but you should be able to get them high enough to do the quests.  You've still got two weeks!

Yeah, I guess I could probably feed them last hits. I've brought a 3* Robin up to 4*, hopefully 5* by the end of the arena promotion, to help with the blue quest. Though he seems annoyingly hard to level. Yeah, I'm throwing him up against stuff ~7 levels higher than him, but Tiki has managed to cope...

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2 hours ago, eclipse said:

Subaki was a previously featured special map unit, and Stahl's up tomorrow.  The grind's gonna suck, but you should be able to get them high enough to do the quests.  You've still got two weeks!

I'm hoping to get Abel high enough to finish off the Cavalry quest before the end of the month.

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16 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

I used the first 20k feathers I got to promote Clarine to 5*. Apparently, it was a mistake to do so until she reaches level 40 again... assuming not all of her stats end up on the negative side of the spectrum which doesn't seem impossible given the past 3 shitty level ups I've seen. 

not sure what you're saying here. why would you need to level her up to level 40? she gets dropped back to level 1 when you promote her to 5*, right?

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56 minutes ago, geozeldadude said:

not sure what you're saying here. why would you need to level her up to level 40? she gets dropped back to level 1 when you promote her to 5*, right?

" Apparently, it was a mistake to do so and use her for Arena until she reaches level 40 again... "

I know there's nothing to gain from leveling past 20. I originally planned to have Anna as my 5* Axe user but then used the feathers to promote Clarine (who was 40/4*) since I ended up getting 5* Raven. Grinding healers to level 40 is such a pain because their ATK is cut in half somewhere in the damage calculation.

Edited by Dr. Tarrasque
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8 minutes ago, Ferozban said:

I have a problem with the lunaic 6-5 mission use 4 infantry units....


i use Tiki, Peri, Raven and Takumi but i didnt get the mission.

Is Tiki not infantry? what about takumi?

Peri is the problem. She's cavalry, not infantry.

There are four movement types: infantry (default), armor (1 move), cavalry (3 move), and flying (2 move, ignores terrain).

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I found a small loophole in 6-5 and how you complete it. you CAN use a lights blessing (or an orb) before any of your units die. i was in a situation where lyn could of died, but i went to settings and used a lights blessing to heal them and make them move again on the same turn, i still got my lunatic reward in the end (and thank goodness. i didnt want to train lissa from 25 to 35) so if anyone is in a spot like that, be it lunatic or even narcian. (unless they specifically disable that to.) try using your orb/lights blessing and not have to worry.

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I lucked out on getting a lance and cavalry in one package (Abel). But since my main team featured two mounts, I had been raising Adult Tiki and Fae, thinking they would be good for Lunatic 6-5.

Just got done with the quest. Overall, the grind was worth it. Adult Tiki and Fae have their uses and now I'm familiar with their shortcomings. I'm glad to have raised basically a good Hector counter. Wouldn't be surprised if either of these became my first upgrade 5* or replace Abel for Arena/main team (if only because Robin fills in the role of slaying Swords and colorless so Abel just doubles the Sword-slaying).

Only need to work on the armor quest now--and surprisingly haven't seen many of them fighting at higher stratums. Perhaps I need to do the Zephiel Lunatic chapter to complete it if I get unlucky.

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On 05/02/2017 at 10:30 AM, Marston said:

Some things, as I am on these:

- Once your characters are high enough, killing level 35 enemies shouldn't be too hard

- You get both Gunther (a mounted unit) and Felicia (required for 6-5) from the daily missions. These will only be 2*, but they should work since you have the whole month to do these quests (we are on day 4 and still have over 20 days left).

- Imo, the hardest one will be to beat 15 hard arena battles, unless you got insane luck with your pulls and get stuff like Hector and Takumi.

I already did 20 advanced arena wins with a 5* Lucina, 4* Anna, 4* Olivia and 4* Oboro. Not amazing pulls, Just Olivia and Lucina. Got another 10 dueling crests from the lunatic arena quests. It's possible.

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Do the Arena quest requirements keep doubling, to the point where you need 80 wins to complete the Lunatic Arena quests? Seems quite demanding in terms of crests to do all that in a month.

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i'm getting close to finishing the lunatic quests except for the cavalry one, ugh. i have a 4* clarine and was training her and the 2* cecilia up, but i think i'm going to stick with clarine since her attack isn't terrible rather than promote cecilia up to 4*.

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44 minutes ago, Othin said:

Do the Arena quest requirements keep doubling, to the point where you need 80 wins to complete the Lunatic Arena quests? Seems quite demanding in terms of crests to do all that in a month.

Finished February Iunatic quests few days ago and just got arena quests unlocked on lunatic difficulty and can confirm that you indeed need 80 wins at the Arena for  1000 feathers. The other missions are of course to win int.+ duels 40 times for another 1000 feathers and to win adv. arena duels 20 times for 10 crests. 

I'll be getting at least the crests and then save them for next months arena missions.

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19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Eighth stratum quest doesn't count higher strata wins (9th and 10th), does it?

Nope. Only the 8th counts. 

I'm almost done with the missions, only have the Felicia one left, which shouldn't be too hard.

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On 2/17/2017 at 6:07 AM, Korath88 said:

Nope. Only the 8th counts. 

I'm almost done with the missions, only have the Felicia one left, which shouldn't be too hard.

The way I did it was to basically have Felicia go hide in the corner, while my level 35-40 characters did all the work.

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5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

The way I did it was to basically have Felicia go hide in the corner, while my level 35-40 characters did all the work.

That's pretty much what I did. Also beat the rest of the lunatic campaign without much difficulty.

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OK, so I just want to ask about which maps will have armoured units which are level 35 or above, as I'd like to get the mission out of the way.

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

OK, so I just want to ask about which maps will have armoured units which are level 35 or above, as I'd like to get the mission out of the way.

The zephiel one has 3 knights, but the stamina cost on lunatic is ridiculous. I suggest doing the training stratums 8-10 instead. You won't consistently come across knights there, but the stamina cost is much lower

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24 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

The zephiel one has 3 knights, but the stamina cost on lunatic is ridiculous. I suggest doing the training stratums 8-10 instead. You won't consistently come across knights there, but the stamina cost is much lower

Actually, I'm tempted to recommend doing the Zephiel map starting in a few days. I've been doing training stratum 8-10 all day (apart from arena duals, where the only knight you're going to find is Hector), and I haven't met a single knight. I'm at 4/15 on quest progress ... and there's only 10 days of the quest left.

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36 minutes ago, Dayni said:

OK, so I just want to ask about which maps will have armoured units which are level 35 or above, as I'd like to get the mission out of the way.


28 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

The zephiel one has 3 knights, but the stamina cost on lunatic is ridiculous. I suggest doing the training stratums 8-10 instead. You won't consistently come across knights there, but the stamina cost is much lower


2 minutes ago, Fly_or_Die said:

Actually, I'm tempted to recommend doing the Zephiel map starting in a few days. I've been doing training stratum 8-10 all day (apart from arena duals, where the only knight you're going to find is Hector), and I haven't met a single knight. I'm at 4/15 on quest progress ... and there's only 10 days of the quest left.

My recommendation from what I do is this.  In the morning, before work, school, what-not play the high-stamina cost missions.  I do this since, I have a few minutes in the morning, and since I can't play long anyway, the stamina cost isn't much of an issue, and by the time I get to my lunch break or am done for the day, the stamina meter's refilled.

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