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Merging and Promoting


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So I haven't committed to either yet, but I wanted to know how the math actually worked. When looking at 2 Lucinas (5*) merge, it gave me +1 lvl and 120 sp. Raising the lvl of the sacrificial Lucina pass lvl 20 didn't change the stats gain by merging. When looking at my pair of Gordins  (4*) merge, it gave me +1 lvl again but only 80 sp. So I'm wondering if the sp amount gained is related to the * lvl of the hero kept or is it related to the sacrificial hero's * lvl? If I promote my Gordon to 5* then merge the 4*, I'm wondering if I would get more sp over a 4* to 4* merge. I'm pretty sure it all depends on the one being sacrificed, so no matter what a 4* will always be 80 sp, I just want to make sure. 


I've only looked at 4 and 5* merges so it would be nice to know what sp the lower ones are worth. I currently have multiple Hanas ranging from 1-4*. I think this is the correct conversion, but let me know if I'm wrong.

5*= 120 sp

4*= 80 sp

3*= 40 sp

2*= 20 sp

1*= 10 sp

Hopefully this is all correct and people can use this to determine if it's worth training certain * lvls to 20 for a merge or just trading them for feathers.

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