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let's make a video game! post 1: pitch an idea!


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i thought it might be fun to try to make a game with the SF community where people submit their ideas, character ideas, artwork, etc. and we all vote at each stage (like mega man legends 3 was supposed to do) with the main caveat being by submitting your ideas, artwork, etc. you agree to waive *all* rights with regard to future use, etc. i doubt this will get to a point where this makes any money anyway even if by some miracle we actually get it to a point where it's a playable game, but if your ideas win then you'll get your name in the credits at least. i'm a software developer so in the worst case i can do all the programming, and i plan on making the game in unity.


to kick things off, post your pitches of ideas, which must include 1) a name, 2) the genre, and 3) the concept. feel free to post multiple pitches. deadline is this sunday night at midnight EDT. note, your ideas do not have to be fire emblem related and must not include any copyrighted content (e.g. no ideas for games using dragonball z characters) depending on the number of submissions i may have to narrow down the pitches to the top 10 or so that i feel are most promising. have fun!

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