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Whats your favorite lvl range gameplay?


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So I just got my first lvl 40 hero (5*/40+1 Lucina) and I'm happy but it did start to get annoying getting there. To me the game is split into 3 sections when lvling a team. Early stage (1-15), Mid stage (15-25), and End stage (25-40). I usually set up at least 3 teams for the respected stages.


Early stage: This is my 2nd favorite part of the game. While most 5* tend to have some decent skills starting out, 4* and below seem to just have basic stuff until they can build up some sp. While combat is enjoyable at this stage, the moderate amount of 1 shotting opponents and lack of unique skills holds it back. On the plus side because of the low stamina cost for early missions you can be in this stage for a hours (most likely get to 2nd stage before running out). When training during this stage I tend to put my high lvl healer in the party as the exp doesn't drop as much for healers.

Mid stage: This stage is my favorite stage of gameplay. Theres not much 1 shotting opponents unless your hero completely counters them, theres a good variety of skills in play (while keeping most "op" ones out), and Stamina cost seem fair for the experience. This also seems to be where the Ai opponents have a lot more classes (offensive healers, armored tanks, horseback mages, etc). For me at least, this is also where I get the most orbs from story quest and learn most Hero skills.

End stage: I do not like this stage. I'm sure it will get better later on if they add more end game events, but right now I tend to only enjoy arena battles. The Stamina is crazy high and doesnt seem worth it for the exp gained. The Ai seem to be devolve to only Tank, Horseback Mage, or Hero class (character actually from FE). Battles seem to be, either 1 shotting opponents or doing 0 damage. This could be more annoying to me since my main was Lucina equipped with Aether, which requires 5 actions to proc, but I miss the "trading of blows" in the early stages. My Gordin could do 100+ damage in 1 action (he was hitting 4 times) to some opponents and 0 to others, which I get is counters, buffs, and defenses, but it seemed very uneven. Attack, Defense, Resistance seemed to jump way up at this stage while Hp seems even across the board. My Lucina (who I consider a glass cannon with some healing) has 46 hp, to my knowledge I haven't seen opponents over 60 hp. The 46 to 60 may seem like a big difference but when you do 47 damage (not counting a speed bonus) it seems irrelevant. Idk but for me I'd rather do some damage vs the current 0, and just buff everyone's hp respectively to their class.


Thats just my opinion on the gameplay, and I'm sure its skewed based off my core team (Lucina, Sheena, Gordin, Serra), but I would be interested in what other players think. All in all its still one of my favorite mobile games.

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After clearing the game's 'story' content, the thing I've been finding rather enjoyable is creating level 1 teams with random 3-4*s and leveling them up in the low level/low stamina training maps. It let's me experiment with strategies and play around with unused characters (the nostalgia might play a factor too). Also I can actually play for more than 3 minutes when I do this, which is nice.

On the opposite end, grinding characters from 30 to 40 is hands down the worst part, as it's mostly positioning and 1-2 shotting enemies (like you said). This whole process is made worse by how little exp you get and how expensive the maps are stamina wise, and this is with the training maps being half off..

Edited by Jimbo
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Favorite Level Range: 10-20

This level range makes some units have some skills available as well as giving some stuff to the AI, but overall the player should be fine with almost any decent team. Playing through Normal Mode and early Hard Mode was a fun experience.

Other Comments
1-10: Normal beginner stuff. I like things to be a little more complex, so I rush past this stage (which is rather easy to do in the Training Tower).
21-30: Late Hard Mode and Early Lunatic. This is my second favorite level range because it is complex enough to make things interesting and actually has the AI teams put up some form of a challenge.
31-40: Endgame. I would love this difficulty with all of the crazy complexities and nonsense given to the AI, but at this stage the game really wants the player to start bringing hard counters instead of their favorite characters. My opinion on this range may change over time, especially as I get more 5* heroes, but with only three 5*s, my options are limited and it is easy to run into a wall when facing some of these teams. [Using leveled 4* heroes is doable, but in terms of efficiency, I rather stick to leveling 5*s past level 20.]

Stamina Usage: Stamina usage sucks at endgame. (Tower is not so bad right now, but it is half off...) While I enjoy the challenges and trying to think my way to victory, losing a match will really hurt because of the insane amount of stamina that needs to be spent. Luckily, story missions are not as difficult as the Training Tower levels (story missions are predictable and one can build teams around them), but not having the right team to counter enemy units is not fun.

Edited by Sire
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Pretty much agree with the TC here. I'd say around level 10-25 is when I have the most fun.

Before level 10, the enemies are pretty much too easy. It's moderately amusing thrashing things, though, and at least you start gaining SP like crazy to get skills with, so there's fun to be had. It also barely takes any stamina to do these levels, so you can have a good time switching around to different low-leveled teams.

Around 10-25, enemies start gaining skills that you have to watch out for, but it doesn't feel like cruelty and enemy stats aren't stupidly high. It takes a lot of mind to positioning, but as long as you play well, you can get through most any stage without losing a unit, so they can all get some decent exp.

It's hard to stay motivated past level 25, though. Enemies start getting crazy skills and weapons, which is okay, but coupled with severely inflated stats, it gets frustrating. Completing a map without losing a character becomes very difficult, only compounding the frustration feature since units that are defeated lose any experience and SP they gained in the fight, which is made even worse by the fact that EXP and SP gains slow to a crawl at that point and stamina costs are hefty. Winning with a weapon triangle disadvantage becomes pretty much impossible at this point, and I noticed that I often end up in a situation in which there will be one enemy that's literally undefeatable by my whole team other than one unit since the weapon triangle effects become so severe, and they'll almost always have either a defense or resistance stat that's so inflated that the character on my team who's neutral against them can't even scratch them. You know you have issues when it's too easy to get screwed by ONE PERSON on the enemy team. Maybe my teams just suck, I don't know...

Edited by Delfino
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