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FE Heroes Speculation Table


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I had a bit too much time on my hands and compiled a table of all Fire Emblem characters featured in the recent poll. (unless I forgot somebody)

Name is self-explanatory, Weapon is the supposed weapon type and colour, Unit type is Infantry/Cavalry/Armoured/Flying, In game? is also self-explanatory, Notes is the unit's supposed max-rank weapons and/or alternative possibilities for their weapon or unit type.

Question marks and “no idea”s are when I have no idea about what to fill in or am not sure about the weapon type, usually tome. This includes shapeshifters, Gaiden villagers due to their customisability and Fates spellcasters because that game is terra incognita to me.

All duplicates have been disregarded unless presented as a different personality. So, for instance, SD Palla and Gaiden Palla are the same and SD Camus and Gaiden Sirius are not.


Edited by Vaximillian
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2 minutes ago, YueLiang said:

What's the 7 in 92 + 7 in game? Is it for characters that are in the game, but can't be summoned (yet)?

Basically, 92 in the game and 7 semi-duplicates. Camus/Zeke/Sirius, young Zephiel/adult Zephiel, Owain/Odin, Inigo/Laslow, Severa/Selena, Lucina/Masked Marth (might remove the latter).

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I guess Merlinus would be a grey unit. Though I don't see him fighting he may use some sort of healing item.

Larum, I guess Sword?

Nils/Elfin, also grey unit, no weapons, buffs instead.

Ninian... Dragonstone or just like her brother.

Tethys is most likely going to get something like Olivia.

Laguz and Taguel => Beast Stone.

But, that's an impressive job.


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While I fear that they'll end as staff units (and Lachesis too), I think that Ethlyn and Nanna should be sword units (their "personnal" weapon are sword and they are from families of sword wielders).

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23 minutes ago, Sartek said:

While I fear that they'll end as staff units (and Lachesis too), I think that Ethlyn and Nanna should be sword units (their "personnal" weapon are sword and they are from families of sword wielders).

Indeed, I'd love them to stay true to the Jugdrali troubadour code.
Maybe they could get a healing skill while still wielding a sword? Linde and Florina have one, sort of.

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Love it, but isnt Awakening Nowi already inthe game? She is a Blue Dragonstone unit?

I've made speculation and theory crafting on my thread, but no one wants to read my giant block of text, lol. I hope beasts get a new movement type, and not just Infantry (like dragons).

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14 minutes ago, Alpha Wolves said:

Love it, but isnt Awakening Nowi already inthe game? She is a Blue Dragonstone unit?

I did mark her as available and blue in one of my earlier versions but then I was overrun by doubts lol.

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So about those two guys, Jake and Beck the FE1/11 ballisticians. How might the two work in Heroes?
Of course, IntSys/Nintendo might go the lazy way and New Mystery both away from their ballistae into a warrior and a horseman respectively.

But that's the uninteresting way. I'm thinking about making ballistae akin to their original incarnations in FE1, also kind of similar to the bow armours of Genealogy. One movement, two range, high defence, mighty physical punch.

Is this the awesome way? And other ideas on Anna's honeycomb and his friend?

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Why would Hisame get Raijinto? He can't use it ever. Shiro is sometimes depicted with Raijinto in alternate art since he does come to inherit it later on, but his main appearances--and likely his heroes one, wouldn't let him do that.

Pure guesswork, but I think Shiro may end up with Emerald Lance--his motivation for going lances is so he can defeat his father, so something that lets him beat swords harder might be something that suits him.

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17 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Why would Hisame get Raijinto? He can't use it ever. Shiro is sometimes depicted with Raijinto in alternate art since he does come to inherit it later on, but his main appearances--and likely his heroes one, wouldn't let him do that.

Because I dun goofed and mixed up Hisame and Shiro. I thought Hisame regal enough to be Ryoma's son, and he's a swordsman. This is what you get by not having played Fates, you see.

Sapphire Lance might work for Shiro indeed unless they devise something entirely new and different.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Hey, that's actually an idea. What if there also were triangle-reversing weapons akin to FE7–8 reavers?

I'm not too sure, mainly because there doesn't seem to be much point. If you had a triangle-reversing Lance, then you'd just be a Red in disguise.

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