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Struggle for a 3* Narcian


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It depends if you want to challange yourself or not. personally. if you dont have an armored unit that can take a magic attack, i say skip on it. or at least train up in the 2-3 days he has left here. if you put your mind to it. your probably gonna get him at somepoint.

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Well.. I mean they cannot just hand you a 5* for free really.


I just beat this 5 mins ago.

NOTE: I do not have any flier. So killing that bowman first is not feasible.

Here's how I did it.

1-A really strong Red user w/ good def. (I dont know if it works for magic. But mine was a sword user) => 5* Roy, lv 37

2-A really high def Blue user w/ 2 movement space (Dont know if it works for General... maybe.) => 4* FCorrin, lv 36

3-A healer (Use mend and their first healing special. Dont use that swift balm special) => 4* Serra, lv 30

4-A Green/Red or Strong range user => Least importance... => 5* Tharja, lv 35.


(2)Blue unit go to the first suicide spot.

(3)Healer: 3 square behind the blue unit. So that when the blue unit moves back. The healer can heal.

(1)Right behind the Blue unit. Acts as the main tank once the blue unit retreats.

(4) In the bottom left. Just make sure to not get in the way. (If you have anyone with -def/-res for nearby allies or buff. you can move him up-keep him safe)


After Turn 1

Move Blue unit out. Healer heal the blue unit (By now your healer should have its special ready)

Move the tanky red unit up - one space and hit/kill the unit... This unit will more or less stay there.. Until the red swordfighter/narcian go yolo.

(Beware the blue mage)


... (honestly since team composition are different... Herre's what happened in my playthrough from here)

Next turn: I believe my Roy attack the green mage ... and didnt kill him... *Dont move Roy up because the blue mage can kill* ... if you do kill him... I suppose you can retreat. (See next step)

Next turn: My Roy unit pretty much retreat. And had to move my healer out of the way. - heal blue unit (Unfortunately. My healer had to tank one hit from the green mage)

Next turn: Tharja kill the green mage. Healer uses special to pretty much fully heal. Move Roy is one step away from the archer. In otherword... that archer deals 18 dmg to him. But it is better to be there than in the blue mage range.

Next turn: Blue mage will move in the path of Roy. So... kill or hit blue mage...(I moved my Blue unit for the blue mage to hit-get in position) Note: My Roy had to tank another hit from the archer.

Next turn: Pull back Roy. Healer heals him. Blue unit push forward kill the blue mage. Archer will move back and hit your blue tank.


Then I use my blue unit to solo that goddamn archer.


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The challenge is fun I guess. Saves a bit of time grinding too. Grinding a 2* is waaaaaaay more annoying than grinding a 3*.

Narcian himself is kinda worth it. He's not as flexible as Camilla is, but he does hard counter to Effie, the second strongest Lance unit in the game, something that Camilla struggles with a little bit.

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How I beat this map:


1 Effie (Lv 40)

1 Sword that can ORKO Narshen (just about anyone will do, really, I use Lucina but that;s way overkill).

1 Healer, ideally ranged, level irrelevant (used Maria)

1 Unit with Draw Back, Level irrelevant (used Fae)


I had Effie enter the enemy aggro range, taking damage from the blue mage (Wary Fighter means she only takes 1 hit, max 20 even if res-screwed), and the red will suicide or nearly suicide on her. Next turn, move effie back, and draw her further back to get her out of narshen;s range. Also heal her. This will force Narshen to attack the only other target in range (your sword) and if the enemy red is alive, it'll suicide now. The green mage will hit effie for a hefty chunk, but she'll live, and your healer should be able to fill her back up.

After this just murder them one by one with effie since only one of them can hit her at a time now while keeping her healed.

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Any tips for me for clearing the hard version of Narcian's map?

My (best available) options are the following (as of 2/10/17):

Lyn 5* (sword infantry)


Lv. 37

38 HP, 43 Atk, 32 Spd, 24 Def, 27 Res

Sol Katti, Astra, Defiant Atk 3, Spur Spd 3

Cordelia 4* (lance flyer)


Lv. 36

33 HP, 35 Atk, 24 Spd, 20 Def, 26 Res

Brave Lance, Astra, Triangle Adept 2, Pass 3

Cecilia 4* (mounted green mage)


Lv. 32

29 HP, 36 Atk, 17 Spd, 15 Def, 23 Res

Gronnraven, Rally Resistance, Atk +2, Escape Route 3

Lissa 4* (staff infantry)


Lv. 29

29 HP, 30 Atk, 16 Spd, 20 Def, 23 Res

Gravity, Rehabilitate, Kindled-Fire Balm (can be swapped for Imbue), Renewal 2

Effie 4* (lance armorknight)


Lv. 34

42 HP, 43 Atk, 17 Spd, 29 Def, 22 Res

Silver Lance, Smite, Death Blow 2, Wary Fighter 3

What team should I roll out with and how would I clear the map?

Edited by Roflolxp54
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