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Are you hoarding your Orbs? And a pulling question.

Herman Bloom

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Hi guys,

I know the nature of these games is that a new set of characters will be just around the corner. So am undecided on that to do currently.


I have 60+ orbs, through the missions etc. I have a pretty decent A team of all 5* Camilla, Raven, Kagero and Lucina (levels 36-38). It is lacking a Blue though, and magic. I pulled Odin at 4* the other day but have him up to level 25 and unimpressed so far.


So I have two options. A) be happy with my team (haven't done Hard Narcian yet, or the last training tower level but everything else cleared on Normal and a bit on Hard) and get them to 40 and then level some lower starred characters or B) try and roll a decent Blue character (from the Pull thread I am not sure my chances are that good with 60 orbs?).


So are you hoarding your orbs, or pulling every time you get to 20? What would you do in my shoes?




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Ephraim might be blue and he's coming soon. Your main team is focus studded, I'm kind of jealous. If you get Ephraim it's definitely going to be worthwhile and if you don't at least you'll get some feathers but since you already have 2 focuses you should definitely wait for a better event. The current focus ends on the fifteenth. so be patient. I summoned until I got a focus Lyn. Then upgraded my castle and then started hoarding now I have 28 orbs.

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Honestly I already have 2 5 star units and 6 4 star units I'm training up so I don't see any reason in spending any orbs until the majority of the Sacred Stones and Tellius casts get added in. I have like 50+ orbs right now anyway with a lot more to come so I think by all means when my favorite casts get added I'll be able to get a good number of characters I like.

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27 minutes ago, Herman Bloom said:

Was their a press release or something on this? I wasn't on much over the weekend and can't see it in game.

On the official Nintendo Twitter account they released some pictures of new characters. They never directly said anything but the focus event ending soon + new pictures more than likely equals new characters/event

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I normally spend all of my Orbs as soon as possible since I have far too many favorite characters and I want to collect them all...

However, as of present I am saving up the last scraps of Orbs I have (I exhausted my Story Mode orbs) for the potential new Focus coming up on the 15th. I'm hoping for some Sacred Stones characters due to the Erika & Ephraim reveal, but I'll need to see who all is available before I go updating my wishlist.

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